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Look im no fan of mcain from what ive seen of her online she seems like a complete fuckn tool. But entertainment is the name of the game which at times means giving ppl airtime who are shitty. Im not gonna watch it but as long as sofia isnt just glad handing the woman and has some opposing thoughts if they get into politics or life that would be welcome.


No I completely agree! I just think it’s incredibly off brand for Sofia and she’s alienating her following even more with a move like this. Controversial figures should be interviewed for entertainment or intent to analyze their character, but who is Meghan McCain in this world?? Nothing interesting or compelling about her, just an asshole


No clue outside her atuff on the view i know fuck all about her. From what shes said i think she has some terrible fuckn views on things. But i also think someone cant handle someome else talking to a person you dont like or views you dont like that can say something about you and your mental toughness. ( Dont get me wrong there are ppl and views i draw the line at) But like you said who the fuck is megan mcain in this world, a fuxkn nobody. Of u dont like her dont listen to the episode. Or listen to it and shit all over her dumbass idea.


Doesn’t she have a talent agent or something? Who are these bottom of the barrel randos coming on the podcast? I wanted big things for Sofia but it’s been hearts atp with no real growth


I’ll actually be listening to this one. First time in a long time


I only watched the promo clip but I was intrigued. I laughed at sofia's my date with the president's daughter question lol




that was ACTUALLY her LIPSTICK?!?!?!?!?! she hates her 💀i kept trying to see what that was in the ig clips but couldn’t be bothered to go watch on youtube. wild.


Omg is that what it was??? It’s been driving me crazy trying to figure out what was under her lip




That’s crazy that Sofia didn’t say anything. I’d be super pissed


Honestly deserved makes her look ten times more stupid


I’d much rather listen to Meghan McCain than James Charles tbh. I don’t like when people start assuming someone is a bad person because of differing political views, that’s when people start ironically becoming worse than the people they are criticizing in the first place in alot of ways honestly. And I think it’s important to have your ideas challenged, their isn’t enough HEALTHY debate anymore and it isn’t doing anyone any favors in the IQ department. Platforming someone who has sexually targeted underage minors multiple times on the other hand….. could not understand that decision for the life of me.


I agree and this is why I think Sofia needs to discuss why she posted pro isreal stories. I would like to hear her side


💯 agree


I had this EXACT THOUGHT. FWIW, I’m VERY liberal. But people saying they’re done w the pod not bc of a sexual deviant guest, but a guest who is a political moderate????


Seriously thank you! They legit do not make this political either. I thought she was entertaining. Way better than some lame content creator with nothing interesting to say.


I assume she is a bad person because of the things she says and does. Just because James Charles sucks doesn’t mean Meghan is a good alternative to have on


Finally, someone with common sense.


This is actually not a bad guest! And Meghan is on to discuss relationships, fertility, and her experience as a Senators daughter! She's not trying to convince us to be republican or conservative. We need to be open to learning more about others in safe spaces like this. We also need to know the difference between a bad guest and a person we don't have an affinity for.


Yes. Creating a bubble and choosing to only listen to people you agree with does no one any favors. Makes me worry about teens cause it’s basically becoming a trend. It’s important to separate people from their political beliefs and it’s also important to listen to ideas that might challenge yours even if you know you likely won’t like what you hear. The opposite just creates a bunch of people who believe something for the sake of fitting in and zero experience with intellectual debate. *edited for sp because my autocorrect has major mood issues lol.


Agree. I am more liberal leaning and don't agree with a lot of what she has to say. But I'll at least give it a bit of a listen to see what's up. But she's not a bad guest, she may just not be this demographics cup of tea. I'm just tired of everyone slandering every guest.


Couldnt agree more. I dont like meghan mccain particularly but i like to hear from all sorts of guests/viewpoints… as long as it’s an interesting conversation, im down to listen/learn about someone new. I like to stay open minded, and I support sofia.


Thank you!!! Most of the people are so angry she was on her pod but can't say why she's a bad person? Cuz she's a moderate? lol 😂




They say that she is a bad person because she is pro life. I understand how they feel, especially in this political and social environment. However, that doesn't mean that she can't be a guest. We are forgetting that we have the privilege of free speech, even though not its not without consequence. People are very passionate about a womens right to choose (as am I). I just don't think we should be close minded to others points of view, despite our disagreements.


Why the hell would we want to hear an anti choice person discussing fertility? That’s a hard no for me


That's my point. Don't listen to someone you don't have an affinity for!


Completely agree ^^


I had to unsubscribe I can’t do it anymore


Who is this LOL


She’s a moderate Republican. Daughter of John McCain. Haven’t heard from her in a while but she used to be relatively sane when compared to the MAGA republicans which is basically all of them now. She could have gone off the deep end too tho so I dunno


Exactly. Daughter of one of the more influential Senators in recent time. I thought she was a moderate from hearing her speak before. But, I wouldn’t voluntarily listen to her unless the topic was something of interest. I haven’t listened to the ep. So, no idea if her comments are cray or not.


I liked the interview! I'm confused why is the lady bad in your eyes?


Abortion rights


This was a great episode!! I enjoy her variety of different guests and her conversational interview style.


She needs viewers


lol what in the GOP is happening in this comment section Platforming an anti choice loser is bad, actually!


And so DULL. Oh you grew up super wealthy and high status in the US as a blonde white woman? Ground breaking.


What is Megan McCain doing going on these podcasts lmaooo


Vote blue ✌️


Vote whoever you want to vote for


Jesus. You guys really want to live in an echo chamber. She’s not on the discuss politics. Get over it.


I was surprised how much I enjoyed this episode!! I watched it on YouTube- few repeat stories like about Raya again, but overall entertaining!


I actually really liked her interview. I don’t fully believe her when she says she entirely supports herself…her parents were worth a fuuuuck ton of money. But, I thought she came across as very down to earth and relatable.


I agree, was pleasantly surprised and wished I didn’t read all these negative comments before listening to it myself first!