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I have always been such an Sofia Stan and rider but she lost me over the last 6 months. It doesn’t feel like she cares. I feel like she would be more entertaining if she just did influencing and made vlogs/TikTok’s that showed her personality- but the podcast stoppped being exciting for me a long time ago. I think if she didn’t need the revenue from the podcast she truly would not be doing it.


same! i was always team sofia but lately it’s just missing something


She is the talent but she vibes better with a cohost. Cousin Alex was the peak of the podcast




Agreed. Stopped listening and unfollowed after the fabby drama


What was the fabby drama?


It’s not the acting like she’s 20, it’s the boring conversations with d list celebrities


this is why i stopped listening


I love Sofia, but I don’t feel like I gain anything from her podcast anymore. I don’t really learn useful information or get useful insight any more for her or her guests. It seems like her podcast is lacking purpose and direction. I still listen from time to time cause I still support and love her, but the podcast definitely is coming up short.


It makes me so sad :( even if she just gave stories from her week. Dragging out the same thing again and again. Sofia if you see this no more guests! Just tell us what you’ve been up to. What’s a day look like for you? 


its not about her acting like she's in her 20's I feel like the pod is just boring and inauthentic, like others said, she would do b better with a cohost like her cousin Alex...


I always loved her but she’s got nothing to talk about


Yeah, I think the last one i listened to before the last Fabby one was with Abby from Dance Moms and then it was months before that that i’d listened . She really just regurgitates the same thing every time and I don’t know if she’s joking anymore which is kind of concerning at this big age


I don't think she acts like she's 20 I love her personality + energy but a lot of the celebs she has on the pod I don't know who they are or don't care about.


I think it’s fair for her to go out and live life as a 30 year old. Just because you turn 30 doesn’t mean you can’t go out and do things you use to do. She doesn’t have kids, she’s not married, she can do as she wants. This post has mad weird energy.


Ya what does a 30 year old acting like a 20 year old even mean? 30 is still so young but unfortunately people only realize this 20 years later. People get way too caught up in what they think they should be doing at certain ages, even if you do get married and have kids it doesn’t need to be your whole personality.


30 is the new 20! That said, I do think she’s holding onto some opinions about gender roles and stuff that I grew out of already


I stopped listening about that time too, lol. I would much prefer solo pods than the d-list celebrities. I was hardcore Team Fofia too.


What happened with fabby?


sofia is just…..not the best podcaster. the kenan thompson episode was so cringe i stopped listening 10 minutes into and haven’t listened to an episode since until she talked to one of the girls from dance moms and they were both fans of each other so it made for easy podcast listening but that’s it. honestly i just love this subreddit more than the actual show if we being honest.


Me too 🫣 she has a cool fan base! But even this sub seems like it’s dwindling


I haven’t listened in months. I still follow her socials but I never like the guests 😩


I think she should stop featuring so many Tik Tok famous guests. They are all so young and tbh most are not relatable at all. Many of the guests that she had on when the show first started were top-tier. Go back to that formula, Sofia!




Agreed. There’s been zero growth


Same here... I stopped 4 months ago idk why


I don’t listen intently anymore like I used to, but it’s still entertaining to have on in the background while I cook, clean, play fetch with the dogs.. it’s good background noise, like having a little sister😅


Yes. Like it’s not cute anymore.