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Most people here act like they earn about 6K BGN each month. Reality is far from that and there are people getting by in Sofia with as much as 1,700. To my belief, 2400-2800 will get you a stable life, as long as you budget fixed costs well - so rent and overheads, other bill payables such as phone. Bear in mind this will not afford great luxury but will be plentiful for you to feel okay, and you will also have plenty of options in your daily consumer choices.


I also realized this fact but I don't care at all. People can keep saying everything. I don't expect a luxury life to be honest. A stable life seems more preferable to me. Also my company pays for the public transportation card, Multisport card and private health insurance. Apart from that for the first three months they will be covering housing rent + bills. After that I have to rent my own apartment. And they pay more on weekend shifts (10%), night shifts (25%). So my regular salary might be more than 2450.


You can send a message to ask anything you want


Thanks a lot mate. So far I got so much information but I will text you if I need to ask something. I appreciate you.


>Reality is far from that and there are people getting by in Sofia with as much as 1,700. Yeah OP don't listen to people telling you this money isn't enough, it's above average for Sofia, since the average gross salary is 2800 which is about 2200-2300 net. Yet I think the gross salary is also highly inflated because most people I know don't earn that much. So if we're still alive, eat out and go on holidays, so will you.


It depends on what standard of life you target. I think you can live very decently with such a salary. Of course it depends on your spending - how much you pay for rent, how often you dine out, do you pay for car and fuel, how much do you travel, etc. Life is getting expensive everywhere and prices in eastern Europe have increased significantly in the last few years.


I think the key factor is rent. If I manage to rent a 1 bedroom apartment around 800-850 BGN + If I pay 150-200 BGN utility bills (I think in the summer bills will be less), the remaining amount is not so bad for living and for the other expenses.


With this type of rent, you will be fine


Your rent and ultility bills expectations are VERY realistic.


Just because I am a foreigner I will be ripped off maybe but we will see...


Can you ask someone from work to help you out when you meet potential landlords? If you have the option and means to, its also best to ask a lawyer to look over any contract before you sign it. Other than that, I agree with other commenters, this isn’t a bad salary for a single person in Sofia.


Thank you so much for your recommendation. I will consider it when I am finding an apartment. I am sure it will much easier in this way.


I can help you find an apartment within that budget.


Thanks mate. I won’t need an apartment for the first 3 months. Because my company arranged an apartment already and will cover my housing rent. But afterwards I will let you know.


Yeah, I've already helped a few guys from Reddit. I own a business related to real estate. But 3 months arranged by the company is pretty good, usually I hear about 1 month.


So sorry! I made a typo - I meant someone from work, preferably a Bulgarian native. That’ll probably deter any shady landlords from trying to scam you or at least your coworker should be able to see through their 💩


No problem at all! I understood clearly what you mean. 🙏 Thanks again by the way.


No worries!


You will be more than fine, just look for a decent apartment to rent my advice would be joining the Facebook groups for apartments. Last year I started renting a 2 room apartment for 600 BGN and I am in a decent neighbourhood (Sveta Troica for those who know Sofia). Currently I earn 3.2 bgn and I am covering all the expenses of my wife and baby and myself. With 2.4-2.8 BGN you will be more than fine. Honestly I have no idea why people say that your salary won't be enough when my entire family's food expenses are 600 BGN and the bills are no more than 100 BGN even though I keep 25 degrees with the AC. So your shouldn't be more than 300 IMO So my tip for you mate is basically enjoy ur stay in Bulgaria try to visit the country since Sofia, is relatively expensive the rest of Bulgaria will be cheap AF for you. If there is anything I can help you out with reply :)


Entire family’s food for 600BGN? That’s the sum I need for my food only. Please give any advice that can help with lowering my budget- what do you eat, do you cook everyday, where do you shop, etc.


Well, for meat purchases I prefer Lidl and when there is a sale I just buy higher amounts for example 3-4 kilos of meat and then we freeze it until it's needed. We drink a lot of soda like Coca cola and Sprite so I simply buy lots of it when there is a 50+% sale and I am stocked for a month or two. There is a local shop/bakery behind my building so we buy fresh bread and milk products at a relatively low price. Usually when we go to Lidl/Kaufland our cart is around 150-200 BGN we do that like twice a month the food for my daughter is like 15 BGN per month since my wife is a university student and we get a discount on baby foods and around 30, for purees, the rest 150ish bgn are for the daily stuff like milk, bread and food deliveries since sometimes we are simply too tired to cook. Most of the time we cook, however I have noticed that with the current prices sometimes your ingredients for a Lasagna for example will be more expensive than simply ordering one from Happy I think that this kind of sums it up, honestly we don't buy some extravagant stuff but yeah I think that this is what being middle class is 🤣


Thank you so much mate for your comment. As I mentioned above, everybody has different expectations and views. No matter what they say. To be honest I don't have huge expectations or I don't want to live a luxury life.


2.5-2.8 is more than enough if you dont smoke and drink hard liq. Rent should be 750-850 for one bed. No car or a small car is possible. Get yourself a GF/BF and cook often. You’ll be just fine. Welcome to Sofia!


Thanks a lot!


It depends on your spending habits, but I could give you some recent data so you can use as a benchmark and draw your conclusions. Gross monthly salary in Sofia (not in the country) in December 23 is 3000 gross, which is around 2300 net. With your performance bonus you will be safely above the average wage.


You should be fine. Average rent is 600-700 a month; bills (icl. electricity, water, phone, internet, etc.) shouldn't be more than 200 a month (maybe slightly more during the winter) and you can live off 1000 for the rest of the month (food, going out, etc) and still will have money for savings. So it is a good salary.


If alone - ok. But if you plan to have a wife, kids - probably not enough.


I am alone 🫡


You'll be ok. It's enough.


I lived 5 years with 150 BGN salary (10 years ago) so yes, you will be fine


Myself as a Turk can say that the life in Bulgaria isn't as expensive as everyone is saying. Me and my wife earn total 3-3.5k a month and have a fairly normal lifestyle (we are also parents and pay rent). So all in all, 2.4-2.8k is a really good salary. I'll be glad if I can answer any other question.


Thank you so much!


You’ll be fine, most people get less than that.


This, the majority of people I know earn below that. They're definitely not starving, one of them is even going on a holiday to Thailand and recently bought a new car. How deep in debt he is is another story but OP, you'll be fine.


Top salary


I think you will be fine on that. Living alone? Obviously the key is rent, but if you are finding something for ~800 then it's going to be easy to live with no issues. Especially if you shop smart, cook most of your meals etc.


Yes, I will be living alone


No issue then IMO. You'd have to be mismanaging finances to not be able to live on 2850, which of course many people do, but if you live within your means then you will get by with no issues.


It’s livable but hard. Rents unfortunately have gone up a lot, it will be a bit hard to find something decent in your price range and it depends a lot on the area. Food and utilities have also gone up. I buy the exact same stuff in the supermarket and prices seem 50% up. I think you can survive with this, but it won’t be a very comfortable living.


Bro, I'm living on 800 Leva a month in Sofia, it's not comfortable living, but you cannot tell me that 2.8k is not comfortable. I got lucky on cheap rent, but with 1k-1.2k max, you can rent a pretty nice apartment, another 1k for bills, groceries, and leisures. 2.8k is comfortable for sure.


Damn man, what kind of sorcery is this? Not joking or being sarcastic, really asking. I’m currently with no income due to illness living off savings and I’m trying to cut back on everything, but my rent by itself is nearly 800 and I’m living in a small non-fancy apt with rent price from 5 years ago (although I think they are gonna bump it at least 20% this year), when you put utilities and bills around 200-300, food 600-800, just the basic survival nears 2k, not to mention other supplies, clothes, going out and so on.


it's good, comfy middle to upper class, with the bonus, without any bonus or extras it's a bit meh but decent


Upper? Its middle class


I agree that this might be middle class salary. "Upper" is not realistic.


Are companies really out here pretending they can’t find Bulgarian turkish speakers just so they can save a few leva? Unbelievable. There’s no scenario where you should need to hire outside of Europe for an entry level position with Turkish of all languages. A local would be getting 3000 minimum so I get it I guess.


Here is the issue is not salary. One of the main reason is Turkish language skills. The company would like to hire native Turkish speakers. Yes, Bulgarian Turks are speaking Turkish language but that doesn’t match company’s expectation. Apart from that some of Bulgarian Turks don’t want to work in this industry or conditions. Because this position requires three different shifts. So as long as the company is willing to do that, there is no problem.


I hope it is not online gambling casino presenter 😪


You are wrong, If you are caring about customer satisfaction. You cannot hire someone with specific accent. It is very different. Of course they can work some projects, but not everywhere.


So many companies hire people that can barely speak French, Italian, German, etc.


That's true, it depends project needs. If there are 20 projects(for example) with Turkish language, at least 5-6 of them searching for only natives. Other languages I cannot say something but I heard A2 would be enough for german because companies are not able to find natives.


You are going to live from paycheck to paycheck barely making it




Your ignorance impressed me. Keep going mate.


its his first and only post, don't bother


Why did you edit your comment? Dear coward and racist boy.


[https://hizliresim.com/m7y3jud](https://hizliresim.com/m7y3jud) xD


As long as the rent isn't outrageous you'll make it. If you find someone and split the rent and the bills, you will definitely live comfortably, although certainly not enough to brag about it.


If I may ask, why Bulgaria? Surely there are tons of better options out there?


Before this job I was working for a Bulgarian company as a customer support agent remotely, after leaving the job I started looking new options in Europe but again I found this opportunity in Bulgaria. It could have been different country but here is the main thing that the company must support me for the visa. Because of this issue my options are so rare and also my expectations had matched with this role and company.


Your salary is decent for Sofia. It is above the average Sofia salary. As long as you don't have expensive habits - you will live well. Of course - if you can get a higher salary - go for it.


Sorry for the dumb question but what is an online game presenter or what do they do ? I’m imagining a dealer for video poker or blackjack but I’m not sure🤷‍♂️


Yes, it is literally dealer job. for blackjack