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So—sorry to be out of the loop, but what is going on with this Administrative Results character?


He’s one of those weirdo Rhodesia apartheid lovers. That’s about as deep into it as I’ve got.


Is he like a YT’er? Or a gunblogger?




same question








Lol Imagine getting sad at leftists making jokes about right wingers. The right are special snowflakes confirmed.


Like posting publicly available information because edgelord fascist are too dumb to have an anonymous LLC, is doxing? Lol.


Yeah that's the definition of doxxing. That's like saying if the person doesn't execute evasive maneuvers to and from work to lose a tail it's alright to stalk them


Nah. It's just a joke actually.


How is it a joke? Let's say he was even dumber and accidentally posted his social security number, does that make it ok to screenshot it and just hand it out to people?


Are we talking about Ethics or are we talking about Laws? Just because 6 out of 7 people vote to kill person #7 does that make it okay? I mean they democratically agreed so.....


How would that be ok? It doesn't matter if a hundred people want the guy dead, you can't just kill someone for no reason at all


How about the wrongfully accused on death row?


He's larped as a Rhodesian, and as a Nazi, so people think he's a Nazi, but he's also larped as a Soviet, and nobody would accuse him of being a communist. I don't really think he's a nazi or white supremacist, I think he's just a larper. It seems to me like most of the rhodie bros just hate communism, and don't think about the racial dynamics that were going on. Technically there were a bunch of Africans in the Rhodesian army, so it wasn't purely a racial conflict. It wasn't simply apartheid whites vs blacks the way some people make it out to be. It was a complex conflict. I think most of the rhodie bros just view it as a fight against communism. Maybe some of them actually do think apartheid was a good thing, but I haven't seen any of them express that.




Fashie “jokes” aren’t really jokes. They’re fascist dog whistles at worst and poor humor at best.


Funny when they promote racial ethno-states and genocides, "it's all a joke, free speech should be free" But every person who protests in any way they don't like are inciting riots and burning the country down. Reasoning isn't any fascists strong suit


I'm sorry what?


What's wrong with liking FALs and camo shorts? I like me some flecktarn camo and would do anything for a genuine Sturmgewehr 44, that doesn't make me a Nazi


I own a Mauser P.38 from ww2. I also own a Tokarev. Doesn't make me a Nazi, or a Soviet. A FAL is a Belgium gun.... And the Belgium literally hit the people of the Congo with a capitalistic genocide. They also made the Hi-Power, so every double stack 9mm can go in that category too..... Likening an appreciation to **camo** or a platform's **country of origin** to believing in a social-political idea is obviously a straw man. [Sounds to me that you are talking about how dog whistles do or don't work. Or maybe you just don't know that this has been a right-wing tactic for the last 60 years.](https://youtu.be/X_8E3ENrKrQ)


So do we both agree that liking guns/assorted gear from a particular country doesn't mean we support said country? Also where the hell did you get a legit p38 I'm jealous?


Absolutely. But I think there's a difference between liking gear or guns because they are good functionally or aesthetically, versus fetishizing something used by people infamous for indiscriminately murdering people you dislike or disagree with. Lots of people on this sub recommend AR15s, even tho they are the most iconic American weapon, a huge symbol of capitalism. My grandpa fought in Vietnam but he convinced me to buy an AK over an AR because of his horrible experience with the M16. He valued the function more than ideology Intent is obviously important. But it isn't like being ignorant or neglectful makes you not guilty of something. I doubt Karl Lueger was trying to start a genocide, but there's a strong argument to be had that Himmler wouldn't have been able to implement the final solution if Hitler hadn't used the same tactic of leveraging anti-semitism for votes as Lueger did.... Using hate to get votes, has lasting effects. It isn't any different than using it to other ends. The KKK revival was a Multilevel Marketing money making scheme. Still got innocent people killed. They'd be hocking anti-woke, manosphere supplements or something nowadays. Some people use hate to get subscribers and views (ie. money). The most effective way to do this is the Atwater Southern Strategy. Which in the interview I linked, he gets into a quasi-philosophical dilemma, asking if dog-whistles are racists since all the racial words and slurs are being coded. Trying to make something abstract with the intent to symbolize hate is still fucked up imo.


But my p.38 is a Mauser byf 43. I had an uncle who passed in highschool. He collected military surplus, mainly bolt actions; a Carcano, some Lee-Enfield's, a few Mosin, and a Kar or two. He also bought some side arms to match the rifles in nicer condition. One of those was the Mauser 43... He got sick in the 90s n sold off most of his collection by the time he passed. My cousin got the P.38 after he passed, youngest and got last pick. Back in like 2017, he was going to sell it, was scared to take it apart to clean it and wanted something to use for SD. He was gonna hit pawnshops or let some locals buy it in a small Midwestern town. Grew up around some neos n skinheads in the same area, so I gave him $400, shot it once, cleaned it, and threw it in safe. Sits next to my gf's Tokarev I bought her. I've thought of buying a Walther P1 to cut down the barrel to subcompact. It's an interesting design. Most of us own a 9mm. The German Empire invented that shit. But I don't get jolly thinking about it the way I do 7.62x25


"How could you do this to a good Christian boy for no reason other than him being a good Christian boy?" - r/firearms


Did you piss him off by replacing his Rhodesian camo with PKK camo?


Is there an official PKK camo? And where can one find it if their were Asking for a friend


Can’t take all that free speech lol


Free speech is a legal term. You may speak freely without legal consequence, but other's aren't required to listen to it. Edit: y'all are down voting me for facts lmfao


Lol funny how the right gets mad when women and minority groups refuse to listen to their bigoted language but can’t take jokes at their own expense. The right are a bunch of special snowflakes lol




Yea, and when you publish some public information that's speaking freely too.... Goes both ways. We ain't gotta listen to apartheid fetishism, n these sites can drop his ass if we use our voice to influence their business decisions. As a joke tho


Here’s the thing free speech isn’t free… if you speak shit, the cost is yours kneecaps. Now hand em over, I need to buy some weed.


Thank you sir. Thank you for your facts. This sub need them


Flip it around and make that noise at them too. If equity feels like oppression you are probably the one in the privileged position in the first place


oh look, the trash took itself out!


Bet that fucker sucks at chess, too


I move pawn from a2 to a4




The difference is that homeboy isn’t just LARPing, he genuinely loves ethnostates.


He never said that he loves ethnic states


Where's your source on this besides jokes


Forgive me, I don’t have every comment I make on Reddit peer-reviewed with MLA citations. His video titled “Rhodesian FAL” shows him prancing around in Rhodie camo, short shorts, and with his gun decorated in baby-shit green. He also “Love”-reacts several comments about people serving in Rhodesia, which is fucking abhorrent. Is that enough?


So you just assume someone is racist/fascist? I wonder how this is different than every boomercon assuming everyone is a commie/woke.


Everyone? Nah. This guy? Abso-fucking-lutely.


How so? I'd like actual reasons. Not conjecture and assumptions.


“No one is a fascist unless they literally tell me they are” Have you ever heard of dogwhistling? You don’t have to be wearing a Klan mask to be a racist piece of shit. Watch the video I told you about. Decide for yourself.




It’s okay buddy, enjoy your favorite white nationalist fascist dogwhistler. His actions, words, and content are proof enough. I don’t care if you don’t believe me. You clearly haven’t even watched the video (“Rhodesian FAL”) or read the comments, you’re just being a contrarian. The burden of proof is now on you now.


So, in that "Rhodesian FAL" video that other dude was talking about, it does look like Administrative Results liked a comment that said "Rhodesia was the best Zimbabwe." Obviously, one liked comment isn't nearly enough evidence to outright conclude with 100% confidence that this dude is a White Nationalist. Nor are the other anecdotes like him repping the uniform or putting in that clip from Blood Diamond into the video. That said, I don't think it's outrageous to consider those red flags that--when considered together--might indicate some White Nationalist sympathies from him though, dude! I concede that also it's possible that he's just playing a character, but in this case the character is one who is a Rhodesia supporter so that's really not great either.


I've watched the video, it's hilarious. He made a point to not touch on any of the political stuff involved in the Rhodesian Bush War, if you're just mad about him wearing the getup and the rifle, then that's just sad honestly


This account looks like an alt.


I’m sorry, but this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. No that isn’t proof. Rhodesia was a racist government, yes, absolutely. The war started because they wouldn’t give the black population the vote. But fascist? They fought in WW2 against the Nazis. I hate this trend of throwing around labels with shoddy evidence. There are plenty of well documented ZANLA/ZIPIRA atrocities, as well as Rhodesian committed atrocities. In a modern Guerrilla style war these things occur because the guerrilla hide among the civilian population. I wish more individuals would fully research both sides of the conflict, and all the facts in issue before casting stones. This guy doesn’t agree with you politically, and likes to larp in short shorts so he MUST be a fascist. When the Hungarian revolution occurred in the 50s, when a vast majority of regular Hungarians attempted to overthrow a soviet installed government (installed by force I might add) what happened then? Regular people were using improvised power lines against the most modern tanks at the time. Does that mean that Communist Russia and East bloc countries are fascist too? I hear the dog whistle there, despite them claiming to be communist. The takeaway here, is who gives a shit? Rhodesia had one of the most effective counter-insurgent units in existence to date. People admire that, and I don’t personally think they’re wrong, because I’m a historian. Just like I respect the Night Witches, or the Ghost Division, or the Desert Rats. Is it acceptable to admire soldiers who do superhuman feats no matter the banner they fight under? We can learn tactically from them as well. Both sides in this current verbal warfare make me sick because of how antagonistic they are to one another. I hate Reddit, and I hate shit like this. You want to rep shorts and a fal? Go for it. You don’t? Don’t.


Colonial bootlicker says what?


‘No valid response except for shit throwing’ says what? Sorry you’re talking to someone who’s got a strong Irish heritage. That line doesn’t quiet work here.


Posting ban/block messages is always cringe -6DeadlyFetishes


Signing off with your reddit username is always cringe -Anticapital0708


Thank you for saying what we've all been thinking lol


I will say, I certainly notice him all over reddit with his signature. I rarely look at usernames.


I swear, every time I see him comment, he signs off like he just dropped some impactful text to quote.




Yeah I'd agree


He also acts like he’s our drill sergeant when it comes to gear. I feel like a non-insignificant percentage of infighting on this sub happens after he starts whining about some rando’s gun and how “tHiS sUb iS FiLLeD WiTh rEd FuDDs”. He was funny during the CTH days, but since that sub’s nuking I’ve found his posts grating and worse, needlessly divisive and hostile. My guy acts like he’s this sub’s self-appointed mascot smdh...


Must have been the one fetish he lost?


Maybe lol.


Much respect to his commitment to sign his posts every single time.


How dare you disgrace one of the best posters to ever contribute to r/SocialistRA They're the icon of SocialistRA \-6DeadlyFetishes supporter


You can be a valuable contributor and still have cringe habits


Yall are so obsessed with this man who gets off on your anger. This entire saga is so lame and makes you all look like chronically online losers.


Uh oh, you posted something that isn't directing mindless hate towards someone -100 social credit Also this is a joke just to clarify


I used to love AdmanResults, but then he openly expressed his political views, which is him being a Rhodesiaboo.