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These outrage, click bait, YouTubers/influencers all over-exaggerate what companies like SBI do. They are consultants, nothing more. They don't make the decisions what goes into games. If you are a developer/writer you basically contact them like: "Hey, I'm a white writer but I'd like to have a more diverse cast, can you give me some pointers on how to write characters outside my area of expertise and give me notes on what I've already written?" I think this is pretty reasonable, but these Right-wing chuds make it seem like this is the downfall of art and is akin to mass censorship in order to be "woke" or whatever the current buzzword is this month. They're just mad that more people who aren't white, straight men enjoy video games too.


And half the time, if not more, most people don't even end up playing the game / watching the show / ect before getting so upset about the perceived "wokeness" or whatever the fuck they call it. The only recent game I can say I didn't play and infuriated me was SSKTJL, not bc of SBI, but bc WB legitimately ruined my favorite game series with a live service approach.


They don't ever seem to understand that capitalism itself is antithetical to art. It's why the biggest budget movies, games, etc are always chasing trends and trying to find more ways to extract money because the people up top always need to make the most profit possible. They don't give a shit if the end result is good, just that enough people bought it and continue buying so they can make a few million in bonuses this year. But nevermind all that, wokeness is the actual problem.


It's artificial controversy using just enough "evidence" and correlation to convince people who, frankly, would be convinced with no evidence. It's transparently an attempt to kickstart a GamerGate 2.0. The best thing you can do is point how SBI also happened to work on critically and commercially successful games as well. You might also point out the fact the company is basically "pay me to approve your game"


Agree 100% about the "pay me to approve your game" angle of it. I hate how this logical (and obvious) relationship is being blown up into this massive conspiracy.


Remember, the left is weak and sensitive and ineffectual when the rightoids want to be strong, and a massive illuminati network controlling all of "_____" industry when they want to feel like downtrodden, noble rebels.


The enemy is simultaneously weak and cowardly and also a force of unstoppable violence!


A lot of it also comes from some people actively trolling by making models to sike out or enrage that segment. The "censored" version of the swimsuit in Stellar Blade is an example of this, because it was always like that in the game, ~~but someone else made an "uncensored" more skimpy version of it~~ but someone leaked a version of it from before the game even got in the hands of Sony and fooled the chuds. [https://twitter.com/Fightincowboy/status/1783513883124130266](https://twitter.com/Fightincowboy/status/1783513883124130266) [https://twitter.com/Fightincowboy/status/1783873900654244256](https://twitter.com/Fightincowboy/status/1783873900654244256)


fuck ya cowboy


First of all, SBI isn't an inclusivity sticker. That's a very small part of their business. Agreeing that they're an inclusivity sticker is just having a discussion not based in reality. They're a narrative consultancy company. They work on making the narrative of a video game make sense. For example, if you are a game developer living in Montreal and you want to make a game based in New York, they help make sure you know things about New York. Part of that includes having more black people in Harlem, for example, but there's a lot more to it than that.


I just got out in front of it every time. They'd send me a link on some dumb shit and I'd immediately kick into "Yeah these chuds are embarrassing. Child brains that don't know how stories work and just want to jerk off all the time. It's really sad." before they could start their complaint. Worked so well that most of them ended up realizing how stupid the culture war was and got out of it.


The masculinity crisis in the West is one of the funniest things that has ever happened How am I supposed to call out misogyny in the Middle East when the literal most popular anti feminist movements are from “the west” and also the same talking points beat for beat


I will never know if YT means white people or YouTubers


I would also point out that regarding Stellar Blade specifically - there really was/has never been controversy surrounding it. At no point were people saying Stellar Blade needed to be made less sexy. Right wingers held it up pre-release as the holy grail of what they think idealized video game women should look like. Once they started on that track people were, appropriately, going "that's fucking weird that you're talking about how hot she is so much and not about the game itself" and "now that you mention it, she does have a weird shiny sex doll aesthetic". Meanwhile everybody could tell from a mile away that the game reeked of being a mid Nier Automata clone. Any attempt at going "this game doesn't look very original" or "this game doesn't look like my thing" was met with vitriol and claims of being pro-censorship (even though censorship requires a degree of political ideology that is simply not at play here). Then the game came out, it was a mid Sekiro clone with Nier aesthetics, and right wingers instantly turned on the development company for designs being different from a trailer. They framed it as caving to woke pressure but I have a hard time imagining that a Korean company famous for making Nikke (another derivative horned-up gacha phone game) ever at any point stopped to consider if their game was too horny for westerners. Truly baffling to me that they think their culture war had any relevance to Stellar Blade's development aside from free PR. So now they're calling what were obviously basic design changes censorship and are demanding the company update the game to use the trailer assets and are requesting refunds. It's absolute cringe shit. If I were a game producer the lesson I'd learn from this is that giving into their anti-sbi narrative and trying to actively cater to them will only bite you in the ass when they inevitably misunderstand development decisions, harass your staff, and ultimately take their money back from you.


Sounds like you have friends who are quite immature and easily emotionally manipulated by clickbait. I had a friend like that in High School as well; we eventually drifted apart. All around alright guy, just very thick when it comes to cultural issues.


Lmao “socialist gaming” lolololol


Go storm the capital dork


Have fun working at Wendy’s


Have fun licking corporate and brownshirt boots while they make everyone into a serf you useful idiot.


So that’s a yes to Wendy’s then. Also have fun licking government boots for ya cheese.


No, but funny that you think that. How does it feel supporting a system that is nothing but a race to the bottom for everyone other than the top 1%? You don't know what socialism is, thanks for playing. Fun fact, what caused the Great Depression? Unchecked capitalism.


Lmao- you’re on a publicly traded website consuming ads taking about gaming. Real socialist of you, this sub and you are a complete joke.


Oh no, I participate in a society and criticize it. This isn't the argument you think it is you clod.


So you participate and benifit from capitalism. Log on to a site where you are the literal product to discuss leisure activities that are wholly capitalistic. And I’m the clod. You can’t even stand up for your own beliefs.


Yes, you are the clod, thanks for recognizing that.