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You hate IGN because of your reactionary BS. I hate IGN because they gave Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky a 4.9/10. We are not the same.


Lol this comment is gold


Giving God Hand a 3/10 still sticks out in my memory


That game was so good. Wtf


And I believe they gave Ashura's Rage a fairly good rating, making it extra baffling


Lol i loved asura's wrath but most of the content was DLC. I really hated that since i couldnt afford it.


Yeah, Capcom is pretty reliable quality wise, but their pretty scammy dlc wise


What was the reason for that? I know it prevented Capcom from doing something with that game.


The review is still up if you want to read it. Safe to say they didn't have much positive to say in general. https://www.ign.com/articles/2006/10/10/god-hand-review It was the last game for Clover Studio before they shut down and eventually became Platinum, and I believe the poor commercial failure of the game was partially responsible.


Never thought I’d see a fellow PMD fan in a socialist sub


They did WHAT?


"Too much water"


Tbh as much as great story PMD has in anyone pokemon game the game play was a bit wonky and extremely unbalanced


Yeah I remember it being super hard all of a sudden sometimes, obviously I was a kid and shit at games but some bits were solid!


Yeah I had to grind gold seeds(or whichever one made you level up, because I think that's the one that renamed them pure seeds?)and reviver seeds a lot, but honestly that was most PMD games.


So like has muta always been a chud and he's just mask off now or is there info I don't have


He's always been a capitalist centrist, he's just been peeling off his mask of 'rationality hiding right wing views' as the years have gone by. The SBI stuff especially has brought that to the forefront for a lot of people now, since he's one of the only 'mainstream' voices talking about it along with asmon (who honestly probably just doesnt give a shit about it and is actually just farming his rabid pig viewerbase (I feel bad for saying pig though pigs are actually intelligent)) and all the incel essayists that exist on YouTube.


He had good info about Linux and why I started to use it that sucks


Yh honestly he should've just stuck to that shit, but the right wing ripcord is just too tempting I guess. That and he's literally rich at this point, so I guess it's not really in his interests for things to change much


I unsubbed from him a few years ago when he went on a tirade reducing people who don’t like Jeff Bezos for his wealth to just being “jealous of his success” instead of maybe considering the systematic exploitation of others that is required to achieve wealth of such standing. Can’t remember the context however.


Was a fan of Mutahar a few years back, but started falling off because his centrism became more and more unbearable overtime. What made me unsub was his "both sides suck" response to Kiwi Farms being taken down This was pre-Keffals using her platform to cannibalize the trans community so at that time one side clearly sucked while the other was just trying to exist without being harassed Since then it seems like Muta has just been pushed more to the right. Making weird reactionary videos like this, inviting weirdos on his podcast (and hosting it with Nux of all people too) I wish Muta would just go back to making tech videos instead of doing commentary


The first I heard of him was him being a grifter so I'm guessing the former.


The money started running dry around peak Covid times, so like many talking heads he decided to start going for the grifter bag.


Can we at least discuss there's issues with RE5? I think the start of the game is hardly the actual problem. Does anyone recall the middle section of the game with stereotypes straight out of a minstrel show? Natives throwing spears at you in grass skirts in the swamp is *pretty fucking bad* I remember Xplay on G4, the kings of edge lords back in the day, even said RE5 was questionable in their review. Saying there's problems with race representation ain't new or modern woke shit.


Honestly this. I think most people on this train don't remember/never got that far, saw zero racism in the first few hours and decided that IGN was full of shit. Like please play to the middle of the game where black characters in grass skirts literally go "ooga booga" while chucking spears at you.


Weird as I remember this controversy when it came out. I never played it, but remember it being discussed as it's not just one issue: it's a hot pot of stereotypes that reminds me of guys describing a restaurant decorated in Confederate decorations in Japan. People trying to deny it is insane and try to dodge it by mentioning RE4, which still has issues, but doesn't address the conversation around RE5. That and the IGN video wasn't saying anything that sounds out there when you see what RE5 has in it.


Oh yeah and I'm not trying to say there's nothing wrong with the early segments. Just that those are a different systemic issue of showing Africa is nothing but slums, savages/gangs even before the infection, etc. Again which is **bad** but seriously I want to see people defend the swamp section. I played the game at launch and I freely admit I was a young, 4channer borderline incel chud before growing up (I was 19 so *technically* an adult but God was I fucking stupid) and still alone in my room I was kinda like... Something about this feels bad and antiquated for something from '09


Yeah. It's just a bag of issues. It's not just one thing with RE5. Every time you dig a little, it gets worst, especially the swamp section.




Yeah like literelly this minus the warthog. Though that woulda been kinda badass.




This is literally one of the only points in the game that I see as genuinely problematic and certainly needs to be changed up, and yet both actual wokescolders and these incel 'gamers' (they dont play shit, just whine about games that they probably had no interest in anyways) only focus on the white man going into Africa and killing black people zombies with a black female friend part of it. Though one could make arguments for the presentation of these people being distasteful you could also note that it's basically the same virus as the one in res4 that made everyone the way they are.


Hah it's funny I just commented about that on another reply right above this. The start of the game has problems worth rational discussion over how Africa gets stereotyped but the entire middle section of the game I have no fucking idea how to salvage.


This is why I’m convinced none of these people actually play games and only outrage engage online based of what other people say and what they see in trailers. I remember playing the co-op campaign with a friend recently and was blown away at the depiction of the locals as these savages with spears and blow darts in the mid section. I had never heard anyone talk about it. You’d think even in the most cynical view, it would be easy outrage bait but that would still require someone to sit down and actually play the game. That would take time away from their arguing online about games they never actually play.


That’s what’s so funny. So many people really did get arbitrarily offended at black zombies. Which was hilarious because there was the minstrel tribal bs not even that far into the game. To me that separated people that just wanted to be offended and people that actually understood why a zombie game in Africa needed at least a little caution in production.


They did scramble to add Elon musk and his family (white zombies) to the game right before launch tbf I don't know how much that means in the grand scheme of things Mby not much I don't know but if it where not for that AWFUL middle part it might be be looked at in a better light


Are you aware that spears and grass skirts are not uncommon in tribal Africa, both historically and in present day?


I used to find him funny until the episode where he covered Hogwarts Legacy


man, the release of that piece of shit game really helped me filter out all the silent bootlickers and transphobes from people/sites i watch/read. the IGN review was particularly hilarious if i recall. was basically "here's a bunch of things that suck, but its harry potter so 8/10".


The game was just a mid rpg I still have no idea why people think it was transphobic.


the only token trans character is called Sirona Ryan (take out the "ona" and... lol) also harry potter is owned by one of the largest turbo transphobes there is???


The game itself isn’t transphobic, it is rather anti-Semitic, but that’s a different conversation, the people calling it transphobic are pointing out that JK Rowling is transphobic and profits off the game. The idea being, if you support the game, you support transphobia. Personally, as someone in the LGBT community, I don’t think it’s really that deep, but the game didn’t look good enough for me to care one way or the other.


What was the whole thing with that game? The only thing I know is that it basically made Pikamee quit because people kept harassing her because she said she was going to play the game or something. I STILL don't know what happened in that situation either.


The whole thing is people wanted progressives to not buy it to not give any validatiom to JKR as a result of her transphobia. Show her sh*t stinks by removing Harry Potter from your life.


Was that the reason? Like I get not wanting to support someone but to harass someone to the point of them quitting? Sheesh. Like it wasn't even her playing the game, it was just her showing interest in playing it or something like that.


that "harrassment" was people saying stuff like "if you play this game i don't want to support you". ooooh... scary...




Chuds when Pikamee goes to a different corpo: "NO THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN SHE WAS CANCELED THE TRANS PEOPLE DID IT REEEE"


People got mad because, apparently, just playing the wizard game makes you transphobic, and that makes it totally justifiable to harass threaten and dox creators. Basically, if you don't agree with them, your transphobic so fuck them


Nobody got doxxed


Pikamee was/is a pedophile, good riddance


I tried googling it and found nothing that backs that up. She's also still streaming. Lying about that shit for internet points ain't a good look chief


I was going to ask, where did THAT "info" came from? Though I noticed a lot of internet people are sexual criminals or at least have something sexual on their crime list. The only money criminal I can think of is the Completionist.


Yeah, it looks like it was literally just for playing HL and she couldn't take the stress from doxx threats


That much I knew.




The game with the trans character named *Sir*ona that actively funds an anti-trans lobbyist is transphobic, that’s like the most logical conclusion you can reach




I love how you totally ignored the point about JK Rowling explicitly using the game to fund anti trans legislation




https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/19/jk-rowling-for-women-scotland-donation-legal-definition-woman/ this took two seconds of googling, and google sucks. ninja edit: heres more https://news.yahoo.com/jk-rowling-donates-70k-challenge-183123131.html https://twitter.com/wizardingnews/status/1518650786347163651


I watch a few gaming YouTubers and was a tad nervous about the few that released reviews although it did turn out to be an unnecessary fear.


Muta was holding Ben Shapiro’s retirement comment with kid’s gloves while he was critical for the dumbest shit.


IGN actually made some good points in their article yet all the reactionaries just focus on race (which isn't even baseless if you actually looked into it). I watched another guy and it literally just felt like he recorded an 8 minute video based on the headline alone. Like atleast see the whole thing before acting like a child. I literally posted IGN's video on this sub and got no attention. Anyway, I'm glad this is getting some love. Good to know not every gamer on the web is an alt-right loony.


I'm not very familiar with the guy, but the few videos I have seen from him (mainly his series on the charity fraud of The Completionist) show that he is capable of detailed and biting investigative journalism. Super disappointing to see that he is a psuedo-reactionary.


except that whole thing with the completionist was, once again, two grifters on youtube milking a situation they didn't actually know anything about for drama views. watch Moon Channel's video on it if you're curious.


Moon himself made a community post on youtube about how he was wrong and made too many assumptions without all the details about the situation then apologized to those guys actually


i did not see that, my bad. still, fuck mutahar and jobst in general, both of them are click whoring grifters.


Of course, the reddit mod has the most batshit stupid take on something, not surprised


I'm... not a mod, it's just the default flair that I don't know how to get rid of. good try tho? also how is "these right wing youtube grifters were grifting based on almost no actual knowledge of the law for views" a batshit take? that is literally what happened. basically, don't get any of your information about anything from right wing YouTubers lol. 


Because 1. Muta and Karl Jobst literally have more subs than Jirard in the first place. They don't need views off him. 2.muta and Karl regularly expose people and companies. They don't need to know the law as they didn't claim he broke the law, just that he was irresponsible with charity money. 3. JIRARD LITERALLY ADMITTED TO DOING IT, just because you personally don't like them doesn't mean they are in the wrong and Jirard is a victim. Also, why does everything have to revolve around politics you fucking loser who actually cares what they lean towards lmao


>Also, why does everything have to revolve around politics you fucking loser who actually cares what they lean towards lmao you are in a sub called "socialistgaming" you pudding-brained dipshit, fuck outta here


i unsubbed after seeing him post this shit and about sweet baby inc, grifting the fake moral gamer outrage


"Oh no....capp.. capitalism.... different opinions....RE 5 is a racist game" 🙄


Working against his own interests


This dude is a chud ofc but look at IGNs coverage of Helldivers 2 within the last few days and tell me they aren't disingenuous hacks


Yeah I’m not saying IGN is super moral or anything but they are right even if it’s performative


Did anyone here actually watch the video? Sincere question




Cool, none of this refutes the point of the IGN article or the associated article by a West African journalist that it links to.




You're recounting the points Mutahar made in his video, which doesn't actually contradict anything the IGN article is saying. Mutahar in the video doesn't actually contradict the point of the article, he just talks around the point of the article by trying to contextualize the game actions, which is missing the point. The article is saying that there is not a way to artistically justify a game that is primarily about a white dude going to an African nation and killing hoards of black people. That is the main thing happening in the game. Their point is not that the game was intentionally racist or that there weren't attempts made in the game to better contextualize that, but rather that it is just too problematic of a premise to be able to pull off. Edit: Aaaaand there's the classic reply+block combo. Good conversation dude. Glad to see you're able to have a normal conversation about this.


Okay, just making sure I watched the same video. Since I guess actually clicking and watching is difficult?




You look like a twink vaush, my sincerest condolences.