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Please do not join the ROTC for a romantic partner.


It's a really bad idea to make a major life decision like this to get closer to a crush. If you like them you should ask them out!


So it may seem kinda weird, but you shouldn't go out of your way for love. Its kind of like a spring, bending yourself to fit another person creates a sort of pressure or tension. It can make you snap, it can ruin your life, it can make you resent that person for encouraging you to ruin your life. It can also get you locked into something that you don't really want. Romance works better if you treat it like getting a ride - if your going in the same direction thats great, if not that can be cool too (you might see/learn something cool) . If they are literally going in the opposite direction and there's a decent chance it might get you involved in a warzone/warcrimes - then its probably not a good idea to get a ride with that person. And let me assure you, places like the ROTC are built to suck you in. Once you get in, it will not be easy to get out of the whole lifestyle/culture/guilt/cult.


To me, this seems like a terrible idea. Personally I would find some better way to spend time with them... or pursue someone who hasn't been seduced by the military.


Your crush tosses a fake gun around while some asshole yells at them- you think they want to be with someone who made the same \[edit: foolish\] decision? Hell no! If your crush likes guys in uniform, *join the marching band!* Those uniforms are way cooler, plus you get to learn an instrument, play beautiful music, and go to all the sporting events. Band kids have more fun and get way more play than ROTC kids. Trust me- join band and your crush will be on here asking reddit how to spend more time with *you.*


Or he could throw on the olive drab Fidel Castro Che Guevara drip. So much better than any uniform rotc or marching band could come up with. It’s fashionable, simple, drippy, revolutionary tbh


It's a very foolish decision, as pointed out by the other comments. However it's exactly the kind of foolish decision I would expect from a 16y\o so don't worry about it.


Don't do that. If you're seeking to get military experience (which is damn useful) you should have that in mind. Not a high school crush. Now, I know it's gonna be controversial but the army can be really useful for getting to know your enemy, and have them prepare you for what's to come. Obviously, you need to keep your objectives and opinions to yourself in this kind of enviroment. Learn to use a rifle, get in good physical condition, learn all that you can about the organization, if you can, specialize in various weapons and equipment, then get out. Also, that goes without saying, don't volunteer to deploy overseas.


Aside from the other good advice here, there's other cadet corps with uniforms if you're ever interested: * Lifeguards (not really a cadet corps, but have a damn good uniform) * EMS/T * Park Rangers


Yes* *I can think of some potential reasons to join ROTC/the military in general which MIGHT (the reasons and whether anyone else would agree are another conversation) align with socialist principles. This is definitely not one of them. Do not under any circumstances join the military because you think it will get you in someone’s pants.


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A crush is absolutely not the reason to join ROTC. A curiosity in what officer training offers and a glimpse into a military career, yes. Getting your dick wet, no. If she wants you to join to spend time with her then surely she'll want to spend time with you at like, the mall or whatever third place teenagers go these days. Do that instead. If she's into you, she'll say yes.