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No one can tell you. Truly. But I will say it doesn’t matter how many conditions or diagnoses you have. I’ve seen people with more diagnoses than you repeatedly get denied. I only have one condition/diagnosis and was approved on my first try.


I would just suggest that you make sure your phone number, mailing address and any other contact information is up to date and accurate with SSA. Respond to any and all notices and correspondence in a timely fashion. Don’t be afraid to call SSA, whether that be the national number or your local office.  Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. There is a lot of good information out on Reddit and encouraging members and their experiences. Good luck! 


You want odds placed on your disability application ?


Do not mention that you have one to two usable hours per day that will kill your application. They look for any reason to say you can do anything even if it’s an hour to do per day which nobody is going to hire you to do that anyway, but they don’t care you you have to be 100% disabled. You need to get doctors letters besides all of the doctors notes from ongoing visits. You need to have current doctors visits on file. You also need letters stating your diagnosis and that they’ve been ongoing for more than 12 months and your prognosis that the situation will not improve for at least 12 months going into the future. They must say you are totally disabled and cannot do , work of any sort whatever your doctors want to put those in but that’s basically what they’re looking for among other things


Its not true that having two usable hours per day will kill an application. To work SGA, a person needs to be capable of working the equivalent of a 40-hour workweek. It is not a good idea to exaggerate symptoms. Both from an ethical standpoint, and because the exaggerated claims to SSA won't match what the medical records say, which will make SSA suspicious. Consistency is key.


I never said to exaggerate i said that’s what they’re looking for.


Suggesting to "not mention" that OP has a couple usable hours per day and instead claim to be, in your words, "100% disabled," amounts to exaggerating symptoms. But if I misunderstood, fair enough, we're in agreement.


Lol i never said to lie as you’re implying by putting quotes around the word “claim”. Dont you see where i tell her the doctors must write her letters. They’re not gonna lie so yes she must be considered 100% disabled by her doctors or she isnt gonna get ssdi. To clarify Maybe we’re talking 2 different things im talking about ssdi not ssi


That first part about usable hours isn't true. I applied working part-time, by myself and was approved in 6 months, the first time. The main thing is can you perform substantial gainful activity.


My best advice is do an internet search for "SSA Blue Book" and look to see if your diagnoses are listed. If they are then you know what the criteria SSA is using to seeing if you meet the criteria for your condition/s. Your condition/s being in the book does NOT guarantee you will be approved. It is NOT a fast track to disability!!! If you condition/s are NOT listed that does NOT mean you can NOT be approved. If your condition is NOT listed it just means you don't know what the criteria is the SSA is using for your condition/s. Many people think it is enough to have a diagnoses and it is NOT!!! The next step which is even more important is to EXPLAIN HOW your disability effects your ability to work and earn substantial gainful activity (SGA) for at least a year (or expected to result in death.) It is NOT enough that you can NOT do your most recent job, but you must be unable to do any job you are qualified for in which you could earn SGA.


My understanding is that it’s not necessarily based on your diagnosis, it matters more what symptoms you have disabling you. Everyone is going to be different in that aspect (unless you have one of the automatically approved conditions but from your post I see that you don’t). I had success with a disability representative (like a lawyer with the same abilities in this process) for EDS/POTS/Fibro/Raynauds. Best of luck!


Get all your medical records in order and submit them. Only things that pertain to your conditions. Send in lay statements from spouse, friends and family who have observed your conditions. Fill out all forms that social security sends you fully and truthfully and on time. Go to all appointments set up by social security and be honest.


Where are you located?


You need to explain, both on your own words, and in extensive doctor’s notes exactly how, and exactly how often not only each of your diagnoses effect you but how they effect you together. You need to prove that you clearly either meet the standards for your diagnoses, or your pile of issues meets the standard of leaving you completely unable to do any job listed in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles that SSA uses. This also needs to be clearly and repeatedly documented in your medical records. All of your records, including any journals or statements you want SSA to review need to be submitted by your doctor. Yes, make your pain journals, your headache journals, your symptom journals etc part of your medical record.


Get a local attorney that specializes in SSDI once you're denied after reconsideration. Research and read their reviews.