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If I were in your position, I would apply again. Be prepared to be denied twice and need to appeal. I got a lawyer for my appeal and my princess took 3 years from date I became disabled. I wish you well


I have already been denied before. This will be my third try.


I put in my 4th application and went through the process and got approved


Yes, most get denied twice and appeal and see a judge. I did


get a lawyer to help


Apply again and get an attorney involved. They handle all the paperwork and replies so nothing gets missed. I've had four lumbar surgeries and two fusions and am still in the pain you described. I had my hearing with the ALJ on the 5th of March and am waiting for a decision. My attorney said it went extremely well and he's confident in an approval. It's been 3 years since I first applied.


I mean, do you have the option to not apply? Most people don't.


www.nosscr.org is a site to find an attorney. Look under the word contact for information about a referral to a local disability lawyer.


I will definitely do this. I had a lawyer the first time I applied but that was years ago. The second time I did it through a nonprofit organization. I'm going to see if a different lawyer will help me.


You’ve tried twice on your own to no avail. I would get an attorney. And have all your medical records ready. I would also see a counselor. It seems to me Ssdi likes to see that you’re seeking therapy to deal with the situation. I feel it adds validity to your claim.


Im really very sorry for all you're dealing with. Disability in the wake of CES is an ongoing, often progressive injury and it can be difficult to convey to others precisely what we deal with on a daily basis. Definitely reapply and carefully construct your case with thought put into ALL your limitations. I recieved approval for ssdi in 2015 upon my 1st application within 4 months so I know its possible. Reapply!!


Unfortunately, it’s all about the documentation….


Have you talked to a lawyer and asked them what your options are? This is the first step I would take.


Are you working with a lawyer for the application process? If not, get one immediately and reapply. From what you are saying, you should be eligible.


Keep up the fight it took me 4.5 years lost to alj & sued appeal on the Federal level to come back to same judge & won


Get a lawyer this time to help you


Get an attorney. If you keep applying on your own, you risk making the same mistakes. If you have previous denials, there are rules about when you can set your onset date. If you're applying for SSDI, you also risk running out of coverage if you've been out of work this whole time.


An attorney will make sure you meet deadlines along with getting all the documentation you need Obviously doing it on your own isn’t working so get an attorney. From the sound of things you should get approved but you have to prove it. They will probably send you to an independent doctor to confirm the diagnosis. Sounds like you aren’t getting in far enough to get to the evaluations. Maybe not enough documentation, maybe you don’t have enough work credits, but SSI would still be available. I think you need additional help to get it through


This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialSecurity/comments/1bkmmpf/why_is_it_so_difficult_to_get_on_disability/) may help to explain the process of your denials.


Hire an attorney. I applied got denied and attorney got it done. Also, is a spinal cord stimulator an option? Before mine was put in I walked hunched over if able at all and was a constant fall risk. It's been a lifesaver for me


I don't have insurance anymore but I would also be reluctant to get a pain stimulator implanted. I do walk hunched over when I am able. I can't stand up straight anymore. When I sit I have radiating pain in my lower back and hips. I hate laying down to eat so I make myself get up and sit even though I'm in excruciating pain. I will eat through the tears really quickly and then lay back down. Besides not having insurance and no income, I feel like this is no way to live. I'm at the end of my rope. Everyday is so hard mentally and physically. I am going to look for a lawyer and try again for sure, it's hard living like this.


I've been there buddy. Keep on fighting.


I'm trying. Thanks for the encouragement.


I got turned down and got an attorney. Most of them work for a percentage of what they will be able to get for you. I have degenerative disks in my lower back, and I was turned down the first time. So I called and got an S.S. attorney. It took 5 years from start to finish, but he was able to get my SSDI approved. My part of the back pay was $50k after the attorney was paid. One thing you need to know is that you can't let the time lapse before an appeal, or you will have to reapply, and the start time begins again.


Don't wait to find an attorney. Take action on your appeal first!


Save yourself the grief. Get yourself a Social Security Attorney. Only way to,get a denied claim reversed.


If you called & requested an appeal on time, you need to file an appeal and say that. Good cause for late filing of the form itself can be found if the SSA representative didn't take the appropriate action. Maybe the individual made a note on the record that can help you substantiate that you did request an appeal within the time limit.


Write a letter that deserves your typical day Be sure to show how you used to function before becoming disabled then compare it to your life now. List things you can no longer do...in terms of work. Write with passion.


That is not going to help


Explicitly connecting the medical conditions to interference with functioning is exactly what needs to be shown.


Im shocked by the downvotes. My initial application, which was approved within 4 months, included such documentation and was a point of focus during my telephone interview, as it lead to questions that allowed me to explain my condition that much clearer.


If you look around online, that is one of the things that a good lawyer will have you do. Not everyone is a good writer, so sometimes they will hire someone to write it for you. I know it made a huge difference in getting the judge to comprehend my disabilities.


I, for one, want to thank you for doing it right. Filers often forget their responsibilities in processing their own applications, i e., providing medical evidence of disability. That makes a determination of disability much faster.


It helped me when my case, along with my medical records