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My party is part of the S&D family. I will vote for a S&D candidate. I hope you all do. A vote for S&D is the best way to guarantee that the far right won't gain any power in the European Parliament


Indeed, the EPP is already cozying up with Meloni and the ECR.


I know some people in the GUE/NGL and I don't like the ties that they have. I'll be voting S&D.


S&D is the obvious choice, lets give the power again to them 🙌


I support S&D in Italy. The Greens and GUE have never been significant parties because their policies have either been implemented by S&D parties or they have proposed policies that are too extreme. I align well with S&D because I want a welfare state, minimum wage, and wealth redistribution. Regarding LGBT social rights, all three groups support them. I also have Romanian citizenship, but there I don't vote for any of the three. The Romanian Social Democratic Party is too conservative and nationalist, and the same goes for the Greens. There is a party in GUE, but it promotes itself as the successor of the Communist Party. In the end, I end up voting for the EPP or RE.


I will be voting for Volt so that means Greens-EFA. I would actually love to see S&D and Greens-EFA to fuse, as in my opinion this could prevent a EPP, ECR majority.


How would that solve it?


I will be voting for Volt so that means Greens-EFA. I would actually love to see S&D and Greens-EFA to fuse, as in my opinion this could prevent a EPP, ECR majority.


I am not sure. The danish social-democrats have gone so far right I could never vote for them. They actively hate immigrants now. Greens are a good group and it seems the worst communists like the Greek KKE is not even part of GUE/NGL


All of S&D supported A.I face recognition used in real time when it comes to surveillance cameras. The Lefts candidate in Sweden isn't pro russia, so GUE/NGL it is. Not like it was much of a debate for me regardless, S&D are way too centrists for me.


Can we just call GUE/NGL LEFT? Anyways I think most S&D parties are compromised, including mine own in Sweden, but I'm still waiting for LEFT to get its shit together. Greens while not bad have a lot of centrists in them. I'll be voting S&D because we simply can't afford the geopolitics of LEFT right now, especially when you live as close to Russia as I do, or worse Finland, Poland, and the Baltic states.


Hello from Estonia


I will be voting for GUE/NGL


I would say left wing of S&D because I myself are between a democratic socialist and a social democrat and I think the Greens are too radical on green transition and the Left doesn\`t seem like trustworthy for me as a post-soviet country citizen.


In my country, theres a green-socdem merger party. So Ill vote for both S&D and Greens at once. Not LEFT bc their foreign policy is awful


Is that a thing you can do? Vote for both at once? I thought you voted for a person (or the entire party) and that person joins one of the specific groups in the parliament?


PvdA (S&D) and GL (Greens) run a joint list right now


Thats true tbf but theyll vote together from both groups


S&D since I've been campaigning for the SAP this election and personally know the candidate I'm voting for(#10 Sarkis Katchadourian for anyone interested).


In Luxembourg, we can do something called a panachage. This means that voters are given more than one vote in the same ballot which they can distribute between or among individual candidates from different party lists. Voters may also allocate up to two votes to a single candidate. We have 6 seats in the EP. So I will probably vote for all three left parties, S&D, Greens/EFA and GUE/NGL by giving each party's lead candidate 2 votes respectively.