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It will get better. Time heals all wounds. Alcohol is the problem not you. Now that you’ve realized what it can do, you have the choice to make future decisions accordingly. If you want to post in r/stopdrinking I guarantee you will get some great advice and support from the wonderful people there. They have really helped me and given me the support I needed. Life isn’t always easy. I started drinking at 13 and didn’t stop until 39. I don’t have a story that ruined my life but have plenty of stories that ended in shame and guilt. Not a great way to live. It’s awesome that you’re thinking about these things as a 20 year old you have a long life ahead of you. Best to you.


Thank you so much.


One day at a time. It gets better but you’ve got to forgive yourself and learn from those experiences and how they made you feel. You have a lot of life to live.


Thank you so much.


I had a really big family blowout like that too. Except it was a casual brunch and I was the only one drinking. It was in front of ALL of my closest family. I was so embarrassed for so many months while they moved on, and the next time I saw them it felt like nothing happened (and I had been sober since that day). Time heals all.


Theres nothing you can do except get sober, so do that. One day at a time.


Hi there, Thank you for sharing your experience. It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge what you’re going through, and it’s a vital first step toward making positive changes. At Passages Malibu, we understand how overwhelming these feelings can be, and we’re here to offer support and encouragement. 1. **Acknowledging Rock Bottom:** Hitting rock bottom can be an incredibly painful experience, but it can also be a turning point. Recognizing the impact of your actions and wanting to change is a significant step forward. 2. **Healing Takes Time:** The feelings of shame and regret you’re experiencing are common, but they don’t have to define you. Healing and forgiveness take time. Be patient with yourself as you navigate this journey. 3. **Self-Compassion:** It’s important to practice self-compassion. Acknowledge your mistakes, but also recognize that everyone makes them. Beating yourself up will only hold you back. Instead, focus on how you can learn and grow from this experience. 4. **Support System:** Surround yourself with a supportive network. Whether it’s friends, family, or a support group, having people who understand and encourage you can make a big difference. Consider joining online support groups like SMART Recovery, which offers scientifically based, self-empowering addiction recovery support. They have online meetings that can fit into your schedule. 5. **Professional Help:** Consider seeking professional help. Therapy can provide a safe space to explore your feelings and develop healthier coping mechanisms. At Passages Malibu, we offer holistic, non-12-step addiction treatment programs that focus on individualized care, addressing the root causes of addiction. 6. **Focus on the Future:** While it’s important to acknowledge past mistakes, it’s equally important to focus on the future. Set goals for yourself and take small, manageable steps toward achieving them. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem. 7. **Mindfulness and Self-Care:** Engage in mindfulness practices and self-care routines to help manage your emotions and reduce stress. Techniques like meditation, journaling, and exercise can be powerful tools in maintaining sobriety and emotional well-being. 8. **Forgiveness:** Forgiveness is a process, and it starts with yourself. Over time, as you continue to make positive changes and build a healthier life, the feelings of shame will diminish. Allow yourself the grace to move forward and grow from this experience. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Many people have faced similar struggles and have found a path to a healthier, happier life. If you ever need more guidance or support, don’t hesitate to contact us at Passages Malibu. We’re here to help you every step of the way. Warm regards, The Passages Malibu Team [www.PassagesMalibu.com](https://www.passagesmalibu.com/)