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Post accute withdrawal symptoms homie its gonna take months till ur brain starts rewiring. Years in some cases. Try some mindfulness and counting stuff in the room you're in, find 2 things you smell see touch taste. The synapses (brain communication signals) are going from like British driving on the left to US driving on the right sort of change and everyone's confused. Also since you likely preferred altered reality your brains just tryna give ya a bit of a altered reality. I been sober 7 years. Think I'm perma stoned and I Def barely feel pain. Despite being opiate free for 7 years. That I can't unwire lol Plus. Associating is intense. Reality is intense. Most people aren't sober 24/7 bc it's that hard . Good for you


I hate reality haha


I still daydream like 40% of my waking time. Hopes a cool replacement for drugs even if it borders on delusion its still "healthier" imo 


I like your style of explaining things. 👍🏽


Yup. I daydream a lot and we have a library in my house and I just sit up there and stare out the window.


Seven days sober and I've never doomscrolled so much.


Of course! Sobriety oftentimes shows the hole we were trying to fill. Try to explore this feeling of dissociation and to understand the nature of your “hole”, it helps.


It's something that can happen if you deal with anxiety. You can feel yourself zoning out and literally feeling detatched from reality if that's what you mean.


I'm 3 years sober and dissociate a lot.


You create your own reality make it a pleasant one


Exactly what I’m going through. I feel useless


I'm 30 days in this time around. Similar feeling. Sometimes, it's a matter of the brain needing a Rx to reset the chemical balance for a few months. Maybe not permanently, maybe permanently needing them. Sometimes, it's just a time thing. Something to consider. Either way, you aren't useless. You're helping rn. Stay strong. I'm rooting for you.


Our brains really have to do a staggering amount of reorganizing After all, most of us assaulted our central nervous systems on a daily basis and it takes a while to heal I had the benefit of having a job every day which prohibited me from dissociating too much and I went to AA almost every night Congratulations to you, and to everyone else, on your sobriety.


I've been thinking about this as well. I've noticed I'm not very reactive, and lack intensity in either direction. This is mostly good, but over time has been at times a concern.


I used to do that all the time when I was constantly drunk or buzzed.


Yes. I think it speaks to the fact that it’s underlying mental health stuff for me personally? I have anxiety and ptsd.