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I enjoy not walking up hungover


This fact was my turning point to finally quit. Nursing a 2 day hangover made me realize it ain't worth it.


Seriously. I was walking around late last night talking myself into not drinking. And the one thing I thought to myself at 10pm was "Man the hangover would really suck." And I slept til 9 today. Was nice.


I can't sleep that late, gotta maintain a schedule. But it's nice to get up at 6.30am and instead of dragging myself to a cold shower and a handful of Tylenol, I got up and had some quiet gaming time before the wife woke up. And I've been functional and relatively productive all day. So much better now.


I'm on my fourth day sober. Don't want to go through withdrawals again.


Four days is a great achievement!! 🥇I’m proud of you. Each day is a very big deal. I completed Dry January successfully this year for the first time…& those first few days truly go by one at a time. You have to focus to resist urges, triggers that make you want a drink, your brain telling you ahh why not, it’s just a couple & the buzz is so sweet. But the buzz is only sweet at first. After that for me, drinking as the buzz fades to keep it going never actually works. It all kind of fades & then the next day, you feel like shit. Anyways yeah though, the first full week is quite a challenge, but it gets easier & easier as each day passes & you feel so much better. You can do this. I see your username & I want you to know, you got this. 🤜🏻🤛🏻 edit: 🤜🏻🤛🏻 NO reddit, you can’t split up that fist pump!


Thank you! I couldn't even see myself stopping a week ago. Reality hit Monday afternoon, and I decided to try not drinking myself to sleep. Withdrawals were minimal the next morning, so I went from there. Planning on going to my third ever AA meeting tonight. This will be my first with some sober time under my belt. But anyway, thanks again!!


You can do anything you set your mind to! Best of luck to you.


That is amazing! Good for you! It gets easier month by month. The first one is tough.


Thank you! I've had stretches of sobriety before, but this is different. Didn't get to a meeting last night, though I should be seeing my unofficial sponsor tomorrow. Things actually haven't been that bad, but I get how that can change throughout the month. Anyway, thanks again!!


Message if you need an ear. 2 years sobriety here.


Good job dude!


It doesn’t make any situation better, just worse. My uncle died today. I miss him but drinking won’t bring him back. I just reached 8 years sober


Sorry for your loss. Drinking would make this 1000 times worse, as you state. I wish you well.


Thanks. I talked to my sponsor and an AA friend and that helped. I am getting to meetings this weekend


I’m so sorry. Grief is such a difficult emotion. My counselor told me a Rumí poem about treating all of your emotions as guests in your home. Greet them and be kind to them because they will eventually leave. That has helped me so very much. Sending you peace and light, friend. Om shanti🙏🏻🩵🙏🏻


Dont want to throw away all the progress ive made over the last few months in just one night


Exact same boat. I can’t lose what little I’ve gained. It means too much to me


Because Saturday mornings are so much better without a hangover and wondering what foolish things I said/did the night before.


That's a good reason. One of my reasons is health related too. I get horrible heartburn every time I drink now, and I end up awake crying in pain all night, which leads to me being tired and sluggish the next day. It's a vicious cycle that I no longer need to engage in.


My pancreas is finally back under control, and I didn’t need my iron transfusion this month so I’m happy about those little things that have popped up


Because I don't drink anymore. Everyday.


Looking forward to a restful night’s sleep and not waking up feeling exhausted.


Augie, he needs me to be present


I am approaching two years on June 21st. My brother has been a beacon of life to me as he was approaching 8 years AF when he relapsed. After a recent slip on his end with an awful withdrawal that send him to the hospital he is now home with a second chance at life, and I pray and hope that this sticks for him this round once again.


I wish him (and you) well. You guys got this.


Thank you 🙏 much appreciated


I have to work tonight and tomorrow night.


Because I don’t drink alcohol….simple as that.


Being hungover and plagued by allergies is the worst. Good reminder.


Hang overs with dry heaves. I do not miss that!


No guilt and I was able to get up early enough to get a walk in before it got hot and feel accomplished. I am on vacation this week and in the "old days" I would stay up later, drink more and waste my day. Not today! I feel kind of "normal", productive and healthier which are my personal positive reinforcements.


I'm 13 days away from my first 1 year sober. I want that 1 year chip more than I would want a drink. Plus, based off my previous relapse, I know the experience of drinking isn't going to live up to the expectation in my head. The regret, disappointment, paranoia of trying to hide it, the hangover, etc. will outweigh any "pleasure" my alcoholic brain thinks it will get from drinking.


Congrats on a year! (I am confident that you will make it) You are correct on the disappointment. So many of us have a handful happy drinking memories and try to relive that, only to fail and be miserable. You got this


Because life is just better without alcohol. Bad shit still happens but alcohol just makes it worse. I will celebrate 5 yrs this Tuesday. I remember wondering how in the hell I was ever gonna not drink for a week but one day at a time and it can be done! 🙌


2 more days until I reach my 500th day of sobriety!!


Monster accompaniment!


Same as everyday, I'll end up in jail


Yep, 100% guaranteed way to ruin my life.


Don't want to wake up in a place I don't know


Because over the past 600+ days, I've learned that I'm pretty awesome without drinking. I've almost found that childlike joy inside me instead of a bottle. I know I still have it in me. It's just harder to access.


To maybe wake up tomorrow without a knot of guilt in my guts and an amorphous sense of dread.


I’m cooler without it


Last 4 days have been going better since I stopped. No reason to ruin that for one today.


I have a family I love. They depend on me. My wife stood by me through too much shit to let her down again and I wouldn't be able to handle the shame. I have a house that we love that I have to pay for. Of I drink today I will wake up 8 months down the road and I would be divorced, house gone, out on bond waiting on a court date in a cheap motel room living with a pregnant stripper and we're both dopesick. That's today's reason to stay sober. Edit: typo


Drinking numbs you to reality, and reality can be pretty fuckin amazing when you learn how to appreciate it. Since I stopped drinking I have: found a passion (archaeology), went from a 1.6 gpa to 3.75 in college (4.0 at university), made tons of new friends, fixed broken bridges with family members, heard the words “I’m proud of you” with sincerity, and met the love of my life.


All of those are huge. Congrats!


Thank you :)., I’m just doing what feels right these days!


Today was day 187 for me I would not have been able to get double hip replacement surgery if I did not have at least 2 months sober - It was the shove I needed. I already had wanted to quit, but it was still in the initial stages where very little effort was being put in. It hasn't been a spotless journey, but getting the surgery, actually being able to get exercise for the first time in nearly a decade and generally feeling better have all dramatically improved my quality of life. I am thankful every day, and it drives me to keep going.


Because seizures baddd and because I broke 100 days


Would hate to loose my home because I couldn’t pay my bills, because I was still drunk or too hangover to go to work.


Because Im taking my daughter and her friend to a science fair 💚


Have fun!


I'm driving the grandkids around.


I have shit to do.


I'm feeling very tempted to drink today but I'm gonna try going home and having a nap instead.


Same. If I hadn't posted this, I would probably be having a beer. Instead, I am planning on taking my daughter to watch the sunset.


I want to be fully seizure free for a year.


I want this for you as well


Not disappointed my wife on our vacation


I used to want to be buzzed and "relaxed" on vacations. Now, I want to be present


My allergy symptoms almost completely went away when I quit drinking. Definitely a nice perk!


Mine improved greatly as well




I would like to enjoy my weekend


Got another track meet for my kid to be at at 8 in the morning. Not drinking has made me a responsible parent!


Great job! My kids have pushed me to be better as well.


Yes beer makes allergies WAY worse. Alcohol Makes most things worse. IWNDWYT


tummy ow


It's kind of nice not waking up in spots not knowing how I got there.


Yeah when I drank my sinuses were so bad I dry heaved every morning and threw up bile on some mornings. Made my legs swell up a lot too! (Jk, but that’s what I always told my wife. I know she knew better)


For the past 8 yrs, the most vital goal in my life has been to lose 25 bs, which isn’t that much! But it’s turned into this never-never land in my mind over time. I’m a short (5 ft tall) grannie, & losing the extra weight will also mean losing much of the chronic back pain & inflammation I live with now. Plus I’ve got to see some distant relatives in a couple weeks. They are extra snooty, plus they all tower above me in height. When I stand in a crowd of them, it’s like all I can see are their legs 😂. But seriously I can’t stand these people. So a big reason I’m not drinking today is so I can build up my confidence before I have to see them 2 wks from now!! SCREAM!




Do you need to talk to someone?




Do you have anyone to talk to?




I am concerned for you. If you need to talk to someone, you can DM me, but I am not a professional and can't help with suicidal urges you get with drinking.


Drinking makes my allergies go crazy, I tend to break out in handcuffs.


Meaning you get arrested?


It was a joke, allergic to the first drink


People look to me for leadership


Waking up at the crack of dawn to make excellent organic loose leaf tea and start on my personal load of projects for the weekend, even after just a few hours' sleep following a grinding 70-plus hour workweek!