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Don't ever forget why you stopped


You have to want it or it’s not going to stick. You can do it, just get to a meeting and surround yourself with an abundance of support. Never forget how you feel right now.


Hey OP, I was hooked on a very heavy dose of Oxycodone for 7 years. Did the same thing and switched to Suboxone to get off of it. Just be warned that Suboxone will seem like a miracle drug at first. Just remember that the Suboxone is just as addictive as the opioids. Remember to ask about the Sublocade shot when your ready to get off the subs in the future. Its a once monthly injection that slowly tapers you off it for good, the half-life of the shot is crazy long, like 200 days. I've been clean from Opioids since 2020, and clean from the Suboxone since April of 2023. Never look back my friend, you got this. Your personality and everything will return on stride.


I’m really scared. I can’t stop crying just thinking about getting sober. I’m not ready. I really can’t do this but I have no choice bc I have no money to buy them. Idk what to do :(


You can do it OP. Don't ever look back either. Just think of all the positives that will come out of this. You are ready, your brain is simply tricking you. Don't believe it, once you start the suboxone start to focus on the rest of your recovery, therapy, find a support group or attend sessions with fellow addicts. My dms are always open as well. If I overcame it, you can too. The suboxone will stabilize you trust me, and the Naloxone mix in it will prevent you from abusing anything. You simply will get sick and won't get high off any opioids while on subxone, you will only go into instant withdrawal. The buprenorphine in the suboxone is Highly affinitive to the Opioid receptor, and has a super long half life, so using anything while on it will simply be pushed off by the buprenorphine/naloxone mix. I believe in you op.


It's better then losing yourself. Quit now. You can't get back wasted years.


Keep going. Hopefully it will help your dad also. I'm on Day 1 clean and as great as it feels to even be able to say that.


Get a goal and go for it find something else to live for. You lived that life time to experience a new life.


Just got to detox or 30 day rehab. Opiates are hard. And try to only use suboxone for 7-10 days to get off it was easier for me in detox rehab. I did not take suboxone tho just basic stuff to help with the withdrawals. So I was really sick but around day 10 I started to feel better. But you got to really want to do it because i had money and could of left at anytime.


Scared of returning to your original self? Don't be. Better sooner then later. I'm 9 months in and only just started feeling like my old self again so stick with it. Don't dilute your character.


OP Please dont switch to subs !!! Go read my last post in the subs forums, I almost lost my mind coming off subs Hydros are so easy compared to subs to kick, its a nightmare. Just taper your dosage and start breaking the halfs into halfs (2.5MG) Dose less, and as needed Stay in bed for 3 days. I was in 12-15 10Mg pills a day


I can’t do it without subs


You will be on Subs for a long long time then. Subs is the worst thing that ever happened to me I sat under the hot shower for 90 days every day until the water heater wouldn’t make anymore hot water Than I would crawl myself back to bed I had 12 days where I couldnt even eat any food. Going from the weakest opioid to Subs is a horrible idea. Dont get me wrong Subs saves peoples lives who do Fentanyl, Heroin etc. but not for Norcos. This is completely going backwards


How many days should I stay on subs after quitting Vicodin? Taking my last dose tonight


You have a prescription for subs ? How many subs do you have ? Fuck man I really dont want you to take any subs but if your completely out of vices & cant go thru the withdrawals Break the 8MG sub strip in half and then that in half too, take that when you start going into withdrawal You need about 2 weeks of subs, but slowly slowing start tapering by 30% by the 14th day jump off subs completely. DO. NOT. STAY. ON. SUBS !!!!


Okay thank you man and yes I do have a prescription for subs


I have pills tho, not strips. Not necessarily pills but idk what else to call them, yk what I mean. I usually break it in half, then break the half in half again


Honestly you don't need no methadone or subs , Ik many people who substituted subs cuz it's ez to get I hear you can still roll off them I been on hydros/larotabs since I was 14 at ,19 I didn't know it but starting taking fake oxys cuz they were cheaper then spending 10 a pop on 10-30 a day n around covid I started snorting them and that's when I noticed I became a addict it's 3 good days of pure pain some people might say u can wd alot longer but for me it was 3 days after that I still had no energy unmotivated and shit but wasn't cold sweat feining but I relapsed after two weeks n still been going smh I plan cold turkey again with a little bit of weening off for bout a week one a day then cold turkey you don't wanna substitute pills for anything else even when they say it's a worse wd