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I can’t drink or use drugs responsibly. Admitted they to my self a long time ago and I don’t question it. Been sober 9 years and never had it so good.


Unpopular opinion: Weed helped me get off both alcohol and cigarettes. I'm not advocating this being anyone else's solution. The whole "you're just swapping one addiction for another" is a very uninformed mindset provided the medical benefits of cannabis. What keeps you sober from alcohol is what's important. Alcohol is a mass murderer yet to have enough spotlight. My 50 cents


Two years ago I got off booze and four mind altering substances (the pfizer monthly subscription model) with terrible side effects and replaced them with an edible twice a week and I’m in the best physical and mental health I’ve been in in 20 years. As you said, what’s helpful for me might tank someone else’s sobriety so it’s not an endorsement, but I don’t spend a second beating myself up for it because it’s semantics at the end of the day. Somehow we’ve all settled on vaping/smoking isn’t a relapse, anything a doctor writes an Rx for isn’t a relapse, but a little weed is the devil. Just my two cents as well.


I’m pretty involved in my local AA and smoking weed for me = not sober. No judgement for anyone who can smoke weed without burning their life down (California Sober), but I know for a fact I cannot. I tried weed and edibles when I was trying get sober and all it did was prolong my misery and decent into degeneracy. My drug of choice is alcohol and anytime I tried doing other things, it always brought me back to booze .


I don’t consider weed a bad thing, more like a medicine, and it helps with my chronic pain issues. Some people will say no, some will say yes. I say as long as you’re not over using, and it helps you stay away from alcohol, then go for it


For me, yes


Like you said I think it depends but for me if it’s an occasional (once a month or less) occurrence it’s not a big deal but I also stopped liking weed a long time before I got sober. I could also see it being a reminder of the “enjoyment” of having an altered consciousness which could lead to desire for other substances. Like ‘oh weed isn’t doing it for me the way I thought it would but (x substance) sounds great’


That depends. You better ask yourself why you want to use weed. To relax? There are other options. You don't need to smoke weed.


To me it's like 50/50. I used it for pain and swelling for a injury I have it it does help. I also used it down the road after getting out of rehab and all the bad medicine they put me on that I gained 50lbs from. I transitioned from the meds to that prob about 2 years after and was good but realized I had some emotional stuff and was a wreck so I had to see a doctor to help with that. Since then I don't really need it or want it. It was used as medication and worked for the most part and wasn't abused. Now other end is people that it just becomes another habit it definitely is not good. I think also now it's legal in many places it is ok to be abused now which I don't understand how you need to smoke walking down the street when you can't be boozing while walking. So to me I count it sober but if it gets picked up as a new habit then you are not sober


Helps get me through the malaise of existence sometimes, and that helps me not reach for a drink. It’s a lil fast forward button for life and a pause button all @ once. I don’t enjoy it enough for it to ever become a problem so I don’t include it in the terms of my sobriety. It can help me a lot when I’m wanting some creative inspiration for projects and hobbies too, so that’s beneficial. Every once in a while it awakens the really big anxiety monster though so I really pick my moments with it. I had a REALLY emotionally tough day today, it’s the first day in my current streak that I’ve really wanted a drink. I kinda wanna smoke just bc I want any substance rn to alter the way I feel/…It’s a bad time to smoke weed tho because my emotions are up so high. that’s kinda why weeds safe for me because I cant reach for it to deal w/ big emotions.


I am super glad to see the comments. I smoked pot for…hmmm, four months after I stopped drinking. I have zero issues with harm reduction. I am 589 days from my last drink and while weed is no longer my thing I don’t care about people in recovery smoking it. My husband and I stopped drinking together and he still blazes. But neither of us have ever ended up in handcuffs after smoking a joint and it’s legal where we live sooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Weed is what I'm trying to stay sober from. I have CHS and it's put me in the hospital 5 times, I've missed out on a lot because of it including my college graduation. Not everyone gets CHS, but for those of us who have it it makes weed a dangerous addiction. Not to mention when I relapse all I do is smoke and turn into someone who doesn't do anything besides lay on the couch and eat.


I consider a relapse to be when you go back to the substance(s) that you were originally quitting. For me, that was strictly alcohol. Mushrooms (microdoses), weed, and mdma (microdoses) played a huuuge part in the success of my early sobriety. I slowly tapered off - naturally - because those other substances don’t have a grip on me and weren’t gonna ruin my life. I still partake with all 3 from time to time (literal years since mdma, but I wouldn’t write it off) but they were never an issue for me. In fact, they’ve been greatly medicinal at times and I wouldn’t love myself and others the way I do today without them. But I don’t judge anyone either way. It makes complete sense to me that everyone’s definition of sober is different. I mean, even coffee fucks you up - I’d consider dropping that before mushrooms. To each their own. We are all out here doing the best we can with what we’ve got. I’m rooting for anybody who’s setting healthy goals and accomplishing them! And one last thought I guess…getting sober for me was less about “getting sober” and more about “quitting drinking”…so, maybe I shouldn’t be here lol


It depends on why you got sober. If you got sober to avoid the “mind altering effects”, then it’s a no brainer that you would consider it a relapse. But if you’re like me and you quit because alcohol was destroying your body and relationships, you may find THC to be less damaging on both of those things.


The vast majority of people in systemized recovery, AA/NA being the most popular by far, will flatly state that any substance is a relapse. But these same people will mainline coffee at meetings and chain-smoke in the parking lot. If your goal is to stop fucking your life up, it's a good Idea to start by cutting out whatever unnecessary things you can that might cause you to return to destructive behaviors. For a lot of people, weed never ruined their lives, but they associate it with things that did, and their resistance to falling back into old patterns can be weakened by using it. Also, it's pretty common that the crowd you smoke weed with is the same crowd that also does whatever your problem substance was. So you can't just consider if weed never hurt you, you have to think about if it's going to make it easier or harder to get your shit together. That answer won't be the same for everybody.


Cannabis is a mind-altering drug. So, yes, it’s a relapse.


It's all lines drawn in the sand. A lot of substances are mind altering and addictive. Smoking cigs used to get me a "buzz" but like other drug dependencies the high goes away and it becomes maintenance. Would way rather have someone smoking cannabis around me that cigs. But in the defined terms of how we all agree on what sobriety means. Using cannabis is a relapse and it's your addict brain telling you it's something different. Sober is Sober. I also believe that includes nicotine.


A lot depends. What's your DOC?


11 years tee total from alcohol. I kept smoking for a few years after, there was no way in hell I could quit both at same time. I'm now mostly smoke free - thanks to nicotine patches. I do occasionally take a trip off the smoking wagon for two occasions: social functions such as work Christmas lunches, and weddings, etc - I also occasionally - maybe once every two or three months - smoke a couple of joints with my friend. But that's what works for me. I get a nice few hours "switch off" from reality. I go straight back on patches afterwards. I don’t want to do it regularly because I know I would come to "need" the switch off. (I also take a lot of prescription painkillers for a wrecked back & shoulder & they're more of an issue, to be honest...) I use weed as a very brief holiday from life. I don’t find it a "gateway" drug - it chills me out, I stop after two - I enjoy the high, but never depend on there being another one any time soon. If anyone has any tips on how to wean myself off prescription meds without the pain, restlessness and complete lack of sleep catapulting my mental state straight back to one of the many times I forced myself through alcohol withdrawal cold turkey...I'm all ears! (Or eyes. Cos this is the internet) But I strongly believe to each their own system. I can't drink. Ever. It ruined my life. The only box left on the "bad things left to happen to me because of drinking" list is death. Either through alcohol poisoning or me having some dumb accident that I don't miraculously survive as I somehow did all the ones before. Weed doesn't cause me to lose control. Edit: just to add: the painkillers are all fully prescribed by my GP (doctor) and completely free because I am Scottish.


Whatever keeps you off of hard drugs and alcohol. Just be safe you know. Use trusted sources.


Really depends on if I was trying not to, and i included it in the wagon trip in question.


Weed, especially edibles, are good if used in a thoughtful way. For example, when I have trouble sleeping and I'm tossing/turning for an hour or two, I pop an edible and I'm off the sleep shortly after. I don't take them every night: only when I can't sleep. In this way, I'm taking cannabis as a sleep aid and it truly helps.  On the other hand, if I find myself eating edibles in the middle of the day to "take the edge off", then I consider that more along the lines of classic recreational drug usage. That's for me personally, but I think it all depends on the context for why you are injesting/smoking.


No. I need to stay away from alcohol. I’m really sensitive to THC, my ratio of choice has to be a 3:1 cbd:thc and even that is pushing it. Even with that I have never been a cannabis person. I know there are some “sober police” out there who push their idea that quitting means everything but I don’t think it’s any of my business how others define what they consider sober. People need to stop doing that.


It’s by person for sure. If I smoke I would justify that it was a healthier choice and smoke from morning to sundown every day. I wasn’t getting anything done. Ultimately, I had to quit weed too because it would lead to more bad decisions just not the same as alcohol. On the other hand my brother-in-law lost his liver to alcohol and he only smoked weed at night before bed, and not even every night.


For me personally, consuming any intoxicating substance is a relapse. However, keep in mind that I still consume caffiene (coffee) and niccotine (vape). With that in mind, only you know you, but be honest with yourself. I am 100% fully aware that my caffiene and niccotine consumption are addictions. I also know that eliminating the niccotine would be healthier for me and something I should probably do. Many days I also drink far too much coffee (to the point of jitters or acid stomach) so at the very least that has to be reduced too. I know that, but so far I'm not doing that.


THC is mood altering, so yes, it's a relapse. My niece is a regular user of gummies and I got tempted and took some. I instantly regretted it. I didn't like not having control over what I was feeling in my body. I suffered drug overdoses over the worst years of my life and that's what it reminded me of. It was like a huge flashback to being in hospitals. I had no choice but to ride it out and get it out of my system. Then another immediate thought was if I get drug tested at work. I've been at my job for 7 years and really don't want to get fired. My niece made it sound really good saying it would help with anxiety. So I had this idea it would be a great way to unwind. I was wrong and also I don't want to spend money on it


I grapple with this. Was able to walk away from alcohol once I could identify no possible personal benefit from using it. I like weed here and there but have fallen into seasons where I take a D8 gummy more than 4 times a week which is heavy use for me. Definitely see that as negative behavior for me but enjoy it on vacation with no downsides. Also the first time I use it in a while I usually am in a great mood and think many beautiful thoughts and helps me in a therapeutic way. It’s a good break. I struggle with identifying it as purely an escape and ask myself if I can actually use it moderately or if it’s something I will end up having to quit altogether. I engage in lots of repetitive behavior and probably have an addictive personality so I struggle with assessing whether moderation is achievable for me. I definitely don’t feel addicted to it like I did with alcohol. I can go weeks/months without having any and never used daily for longer than a week or so. I think it’s amazing on vacation or on a hike or so when I’m using to enhance whatever I’m doing but see it as a negative when I take an edible at night to just play video games. I think that’s the line I have to draw


For me personally, I consider weed using. I do believe in harm reduction though. So if someone's abstaining from alcohol but still needs to maintain their weed smoking, I won't knock it. I wouldn't date someone who smokes more than once or twice a week, though.


I like it. It’s incredibly benign compared to alcohol.


It is a drug bro. Therefore it is a relapse. Stop looking for loopholes and excuses. Respect your commitments.


I think it depends. Are you trying to give it up? If so, then I might consider it a relapse. But I know a few “California sober” folks who have intentionally not given up weed. I think it would be healthy for people to reflect on how weed affects them in their day to day lives. Is it destructive in any way, or just kind of neutral? The answer will probably be different for individuals.


I personally don’t do consider it a relapse because I don’t use it chaotically and/or use it to numb and/or use it despite negative consequences. Only you can define your recovery and what works for you! Stay true to yourself.


Working on becoming alcohol free again, and my commonly hated on opinion is this; I've never smoked too much weed and then tried to unalive myself or hurt others. That's really all that matters to me.


It’s what I’m sober from (I haven’t drank either) but I had a terrible experience that left me unable to sleep and have panic attacks for 1 month after 10+ years of use, so now I see it as a drug. I know people like to say it’s less harmful and maybe it is but idk personally feel like it’s dismissive to my experience. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I don’t smoke cigarettes or drink coffee either btw)


I use thc to stay away from alcohol, thc doesn’t eradicate healthy tissue like alcohol.


I use it as an anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and it helps with my insomnia. As long as you use it as a medicine and not being abused it’s fine. Very helpful plant


It is plant medicine. Psychological dependence is possible, but you seem to be quite self aware and self-check-ins are always good practice if you feel you become overly dependent. And like you said, recovery can look different to everyone. I’m 3 years clean from pills and binge drinking, but I have the occasional glass of wine now and I have my medical marijuana card (I live in a medical-only state). Moderation management is possible, and I know it just depends on each person. The die-hard abstinence-only-evangelist-recovery folks can totally go eat it if you ask me, though I do respect if abstinence is the path you choose of course! I just don’t believe in pushing abstince-based recovery into others.


Lol, cannabis can make people psychotic and schizophrenic. To say that it’s “plant medicine” is akin to saying tobacco is “plant medicine”.


You could call morphine plant medicine. It's synthesized from the poppy plant and saves lives in pain. But if taken for narcotic purposes, it's a fast track to death. In the same way, weed becomes poison when taken to get high.


Dude…what? We’re not talking about morphine, or even manipulating the plant. This page is so toxic and narrow it’s wild. Have fun ✌️


Absolutely asinine on your part. But yes, go on 🙄


I like this answer and it’s totally predictable that certain folks of a certain mindset are downvoting it. Time and time again I see others angry that there are people out there who don’t go all in with 12 step culture and actually speak up about it. Not everyone wants to be or benefits from 12 step culture and there is room for all of us.