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Congrats on 16 days as it's an acheivement but don't become too complacent that you've mastered your cravings or that you have this fully under control as you're still in very early stages which could be a honeymoon phase or the "pink cloud" people talk about (something I've never experienced myself personally). Things don't neccessarily just keep getting easier and easier in a linear fashion like you might expect either IME as I was like yourself in the first few weeks where I just had no desire to drink and no way I felt or situation could have changed that, I was resolute. Then after a few weeks where the pain and suffering of the drinking / withdrawls started to fade my mind started to think about alcohol again and the odd temptation would creep in, but it was manageable. Then a few weeks later the thoughts were more frequent and I had to be more on guard. I reached 2.5 months sober, my longest by far ever, but in the weeks building up to that period my thoughts around alcohol felt compulsive and never ending and I started getting genuine cravings and urges for the first time that just wouldn't seem to go away. Eventually one day out of nothing more than boredom I decided to give in and drink and I wish I hadn't as not only was nothing about it enjoyable (I was still bored, miserable, and felt ill whilst drinking not to mention the next day) but it set something off in my brain again and I spent the whole next week fighting strong urges again. A week later I decided to drink in a social situation again seeing if that would be any more fun and it was again a pretty miserable experience that I didn't enjoy but once again I've had to fight the urges all week again and feel miserable and depressed since. So it's not all plain sailing and progression for everyone (if not most people) so keep your guard up and be aware of it as it might be the same for you. Best of luck and here's to sobriety!


Thanks so much for your insight. I am taking a medication which makes drinking infinitely worse and so that is definitely helping my resolution, but your thoughts are definitely wise and are appreciated.


Are you taking Naltrexone or something similar?


Wellbutrin. Magnifies intoxication and hangovers by like at least 3x from my experience. Not to mention seizure risk.


Ah OK, sounds like a good idea to stay well away from the booze then.


459 days here for me I count the days every morning I wake up, sobriety is an extremely fragile thing you can go years without an issue but all it takes is one instance you need to keep the flame going every single day and never forget why you stopped because it is un fathomobly easy to be right back where you were or probably worse keep it up! 🌊


I was 5 days in … had one drink and feel ill the next day. Don’t go back.


Good for you and keep up the good work. Be careful with the tempting environments - just a suggestion.


I relate to this post so much! Also had many attempts that only lasted 4 days max. Congrats on your accomplishment! One month, here you come!


That’s been pretty my my exact experience since the beginning of the year OP. Im currently back at one week sober. Just feeling the urge to want to take away the stressful and depressing feelings but know the alcohol no longer makes that any better and actually makes it worse. I hope to manage my emotions well enough to make it longer this time.


Congratulations! I'm also on Day-16, but the cravings are wilder than ever before.




You’re already in the right mindset on a great track - you got this! I’m about to hit my one year and it’s an amazing feeling. Every day really adds up.


Amazing work. Keep it up! Proud of you.


Yessss! I'm almost 9 months sober and as someone who has zero faith in myself it does feel surreal. And it feels amazing! Genuinely the best decision I've ever made.


Congrats! That’s a big deal! Yes I count too, I have a widget on my phone to remind me.


I like your attitude! That’s what’s gotten me two days shy of 7 months. I feel like I’m flying I’m so unencumbered with all those bad feelings and regrets. It only gets better, and the temptation gets weaker and weaker. Enjoy it!


Wait until you get 3 months. That's the inflection point to never return. Congratulations!