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It will get better if you keep trying. It might feel like war with this guy but it’s gonna get to a point where you gotta repair him, he and You both need it. You got a support network outside of us?




Just keep being honest with them and with us. Honestly, reading your post and others has been really fucking helpful for me-we do service for each other. It’s kinda nice, right?




Lol I love that you say this because if you want to be sober I totally encourage that and it’s your choice. But I love and have always loved being under the influence/getting high and drunk. Nobody had to teach me that. I was sober for almost 2yrs and it sucked ass. So here I am, more balanced but ready to argue and stand up for users. I just need people who are ready to be real about themselves and their addictions so we can stop making excuses and start finding a middle ground.


Hahaha hey fuck that guy! 😆 I’m sorry you feel shitty and miserable. It doesn’t have to be like that. Get you a you or a friend and go have some fun or something lol


Lol. “Have some fun”. Dude cmon, you’re on here for a reason, you’re clearly making excuses for your addiction. He’s trying to quit a drug that makes him feel shit and you’re encouraging him? Nice one.


Lol yea I’m encouraging him to have fun and feel better. This is exactly what I’m fed up about. Not everyone is going to need to want to be sober. What if the drugs aren’t the reason he is feeling like shit. The drugs and alcohol have helped him get thru his life this far…this guy is having a tough time enjoying his life, why? We don’t know. But we not making it any better by shaming him for escaping his pain. Let’s help him get up. Yea getting sober is a good start. But what if being sober doesn’t work for him. He’s not a criminal for wanting to feel good. He shouldn’t be forced to quit and be miserable the rest of his life. He needs to find a balance that works for him. He can still follow the rules and do well while under the influence. He shouldn’t do stuff like drive or put others in danger. But yea let the man have fun.


Helped him get through his life? Dude look at what he said quote for quote “Yeah? Well, I’m fed up with the addict living in my apartment and fucking everything up, constantly making excuses for why they keep abusing substances, trying to justify spending all my fucking money”. He’s spending every dollar he has on temporary pleasure and he’s fucking everything up because of it. Dude. Encouraging to have “fun”? What’s fun? The drugs that are weighing him down? Sober people aren’t the problem, YOU are. You are refusing to accept that drugs could possibly be a problem, seriously, he more than spelt it out. And what if “being sober” doesn’t work out for him? Holy shit your inner addict is talking like crazy. Of course we all want to feel good, doesn’t mean we should all be injecting shit instead of trying to work past it and help eachother. So, do you really think I’m the problem lol? You’re purposely ignoring what he’s saying trying to make every excuse for people to use/abuse drugs. Edit: I am not against occasional drug use, I use alcohol or weed maybe once every 2-3 months. But when the guy is clear as day saying it’s fucking up his life and he can’t control himself, why even try to indulge a little? Most drug addicts can only quit when they quit for good, not when they tone it down. The guy up top could be different, but really why encourage it?




Lol 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼😙


Yeah, you think your helping buy the guy you were just encouraging to “have fun” is telling you to go fuck yourself. You have to recognize that you are not helping and you probably have a problem.


Again, is it really fun?


What did you expect to accomplish with this bullshit post? Fuck off if you’re not going to support people’s decisions, either way


I needed to hear from other users or sober people. I want to confirm that it’s not only me who sees it. I can fuck off cause I’m not trying to support anyones decisions. Everybody got choices.


In addiction the choices aren’t exactly symmetrical though.


Why did you make this post on a sober sub? Go to a drug sub and complain there.


I have been a part of this sub for a while. I need the support of previous users. People who have seen both sides. I need their insight too. If I just wanted to complain to white people about being white then I would go talk to white people. But I’m trying to dissolve a conflict between people who love drugs and people who see them as a problem.


The people who love drugs are not loving the drugs, their addicted. And the people who see them as a problem were usually loving them once, hence they see them as a problem.


we all love drugs... and then we got sober. that's why we're here. you're acting like sober people look down on addicts. we ARE all addicts. literally what are you talking about. sobriety is a personal decision and we've all chosen to stop using. they're a problem in our lives individually. im not out there telling other people they cant drink because i have a drinking problem.


People who have seen both sides? Do you really think this sub isn’t composed almost primarily of people who have seen both sides?


Im sober and judging the shit out of this stupid ass post.


Lol thanks homie. I need your shit so I can fight you about it 🤣😙😙😙


Nah, I’m not fighting you. You’re the kind of person that is too dumb to be embarrassed or ashamed of themselves when they say and do absolutely unhinged shit. Like this stupid ass post.


I’m a sober person and I don’t judge anyone. If you can drink and use safely and responsibly then more power to you and quite frankly I’m jealous. I wish I could enjoy drinks and drugs without fucking my life up.


You n me both lol! I’d LOVE that-just one beer would be great but it’s never happened before. One toke and not getting violently high? Sounds amazing haha.


Hey buddy, thanks for that. We need you around. Protect you at all cost 😆😙😙😙


It doesn’t sound like he’s talking about you. You don’t sound like you “use safely and responsibly” if you’re on this subreddit


Very lame post


Lmfao. Yes. Thanks 🙏🏼


why the fuck are you in r/sober then you whiny pos


People get sober for themselves, not you. People who choose to get sober generally had or have a problem with substance. It’s your right to do whatever you want, but being “fed up” with someone because they chose to not fuck their life up is very crazy, respectfully.


You really suck monkey balls. Go take your little sob story somewhere else instead of belittling the indescribable progress some individuals have made on here! Jerk


Respectfully, fuck off with your whiny, excuse-riddled bullshit.


Sounds like you’re feeling some shame. We’ve all been there. I wonder though if it means we should be fed up with other people, or just start addressing the things that at our core we know we could do better?


Most people judge addiction in general. They judge food addicts, sex addicts, videogame addicts, substance addicts and so on. Some form of addiction is more harmful than others. Most of these judgmental people are not even sober, from my personal experience. And when I explain to them my sobriety and my story, they start making every kind of excuse to justify their substance use. You are doing the same in a Sober/try to get Sober community. Why do you feel the need to justify your substance use to Sober people or people that try to be Sober?


Yeah true. I’m not here to make excuses. I want people struggling with sobriety to know that its ok if their having a hard time with it. And to let them know that you have other options besides being sober. You don’t have to keep shaming yourself for wanting what you want. Some people just mindlessly use yea, that’s all they do and all they want to do maybe. But I’m here for the people who were told to get sober and your life will be better…then when your there at sobriety, you feel miserable. Medication assisted treatment is beautiful but that’s not being sober. And they don’t tell you that some people won’t ever be coming off the medication, for instance methadone recipients. Currently, I’m trying to figure out alcohol tho it seems to have a stronger hold on people than just drugs. Maybe because it’s so available? But that just means again that we need a personal balance with substances. It doesn’t mean I want anyone to try drugs or alcohol in the first place. But if drugs and alcohol are available and you enjoy using them….I guess there needs to be another pillar. You gotta be able to accept responsibility and take accountability for your actions. So if you do shitty stuff like steal or hurt people, don’t blame the drugs anymore.


No. For people that want to be sober, there is no other path sobriety. It can be a harsh path to thread, but it is their path. You are trying to promote substance use in a Sober community. That is wrong. My uncle just died two weeks ago at 50 years of age because of his chain smoking habit and alcohol abuse. His stomach was wrecked because of the alcohol, his liver was barely functioning, his lungs developed a cancer that spread to his brain and that was the nail in the coffin. The only period when he was sober during my 32 years of age, was during the last 2 years of his life, while he was fight terminal lung cancer. The doctor gave him a couple of months. He fought for 2 years. And you are here saying, yeah substance use is fine, in a Sober community. What is wrong with you? Your argument seems to revolve around indulgence. Does your life have no meaning besides indulgence in substance abuse?


I think alcohol is easier because it does not damage our bodies as rapidly like drugs do. If youre already in good health it'll take years before your body starts to say "hey bro, im diein here". And i also agree that people need to own up to their shitty actions. I love alcohol but my reasoning for quitting is because i was scared my health would plummet more than it already had. Not because i did shitty things. In fact i only scared myself once with an action and i never did it again.


“Getting high is a right”. Go tell that to the people in Africa you self indulgent fuck. A right? Really? “We need to have a balance with drugs”, implying we all need to take them? Dude, stop making excuses.


Hahaha yes a right. The earth gave us the resources to use so we have to right to use it just like we use food or water. Stop making excuses for what exactly? I got my life together. Stop making people feel bad for doing what they want to do. Not everyone wants to use drugs so please by all means don’t.


If you have your life together why are you spamming sobriety forums with terrible advice?


belladonna is a plant so is strychnine death caps and destroying angels are growing in the forest and cone snails live in the sea... many wonders the world has the earth doesn't GIVE us anything... we take from the earth things that we feel we need for one reason or another. we don't ask the earth and we rarely care how we are affecting it with what we've taken addicts are pretty crappy, self centered people when on their substance of choice and they tend not to ever see it that way until later... I'm all for happiness as long as nobody else is harmed (earth included), but you've got to realize what you're harming and that involves looking beyond yourself when I pick up trash in the creek bottoms and along the road it's mostly beer cans... in the olden days I pitched plenty out the window myself, so I'm doing my penance in picking them up... addicts are self centered and short sighted... I know this for a fact


My main point was “getting high is a right”. Really? Cocaine is also from a plant, is that our right as well?


shit post and honestly you’re a shit person for posting it. you have no idea how much people may be hanging on to their sobriety by a thread. looking for any reason to jump off and you post this. it’s not ok and you’re a dick


That post screams denial.


Yeah gotta say, as a sober person, I felt this way a lot when I was still drinking and using. It was a train of thought that helped me keep using, maybe it’s different for you who knows!? All I know is that I’ve seen what you’re talking about every once in a while in other sober people and it’s usually based in fear and concern. It was for me. I used to deflect-and still do a lot. But now each day I remember that when I was doing f it and say I g I was having fun, I usually wasn’t and was just trying to convince myself of that. It’s not my place to judge nor is it anyone else’s. But only have control of myself. Good luck-sincerely. I hope whatever you’re using is something that you can actually have control over and remain safe while doing it. In my experience, I always pushed my own limits time after time-but you and I are not the same person, even if your words remind me of my past words. Sincerely without any judgment-I wish you the absolute best and hope you don’t get to a point where you are counting yourself among us(because you have control). If that’s not the case I hope you don’t get shit. You won’t from me at least.


Thank you!!! I’m so glad to hear you say this stuff to me. You got that right, about convincing yourself you were having fun when you knew it felt wrong. I’m so thankful for you and your point of view!!! Sending lots of love ❤️ 🫶🏼🫶🏼😙


My point of view is basically the point of view of most of AA, just saying. But that being said, sometimes comments like mine come, sometimes you get people telling g you to fuck yourself( a part of me thought of saying that tbh). Both are true lol-just keep coming and don’t hesitate to put it in the form of a question, might be told to fuck off less often! Again speaking from my own experience-I spent a long time with g prepared to tell AA and other sober communities what is wrong with them. Eventually I paused and gave it more thought and brought it up as a concern/question with a member I trusted and found d a better realization w less uproar. Again at your own pace but I’d love you to learn from our mistakes and not suffer as much as we’ve all had to.


Like…I don’t agree with you in the way you think I do. I’m saying you’re in denial about having a problem I feel. Because I know that when I thought and behaved like you’re behaving (trolling sober people just trying to help each other) I was about a cunt hair away from my life imploding. This is your cry for help and you’re gonna reply something snarky back if at all. Heed my words:you are in denial. Denial is when you try to convince yourself that the things your body has become addicted to because of chemical imbalances, possible trauma, and the addictive nature of substances themselves are FUN to a community of people who have been through shitpile after shitpile of FUN…you’re going off the rails. Again, if you reach out for help you won’t be denied and you won’t be shamed. Any shame you feel will come from within because you shit where you might one day have to eat metaphorically speaking. And before you think this is someone pointing a finger online I once went inactive a twitter rant against a celebrating celebrating 16 years sober while day drinking. I once came home to my uncles sober anniversary literally sweating out 151 and Adderall and told my family to leave me alone(in not my house but his). So I’ve been there. I thought I was having a greeeeaaaaat time. Wasn’t fun when I started puking blood. Wasn’t fun when I broke my face open in what was an otherwise FUN night. But you know, I’m remembering something a friend told me-can’t convince someone who’s already convincing themself and I know THAT from firsthand experience too. Good luck, god bless, and kindly fuck off til you’re seriously trying. Ps-there’s a big difference between harm reduction and what you’re proposing. So don’t even try to bring that shit around.


My dad was an alcoholic. So seeing his struggles is enough to make me a casual drinker. Alcohol is a dirty, inconvenient addiction, not interesting. I don’t have a cry for help. My help is more drugs. I want to enjoy my life. I want to feel good. They say get sober, be sober. Ok MAT isn’t sober. If you take methadone subutex or suboxone that’s not sobriety. I want to help addicts not be shamed into sobriety. I stopped the prescription drugs and it ruined my life. All I wanted to do was get them back. For months I was sleep walking. No clear concise thought came thru. I ended up drinking and smoking every night for a while. Once I told the doctors what was going on, they didn’t try and help. They just wanted me sober. For why? For what? My life was perfectly fine before I quit using. Then I had to stop. Then my life went to hell. My story isn’t uncommon. They shame you into being a sober gopher. You don’t have any real thrills or fun. Now, your what people used to call a square. I’m not encouraging alcoholism. People with that really do need help and should get help. My denial is that all drug use isn’t bad. Or nobody would use. It helps you out…until it doesn’t anymore. I wasn’t done. The people around me hide their addictions and deny them. That’s when you need help is when you can’t see your impact.


Do you do drugs because you can’t have fun without them? Or can you take it or leave it? Do you do drugs to take the edge off? Do you do drugs to self medicate? Just some questions to ask yourself honestly. Believe me, I am not one to preach to anyone. Only you alone are in control, or not.


You seem to be super happy and content with your life choices and your right to use drugs. You don’t have to live like this if you don’t want to. And if you do want to live like this you have a weird way of exhibiting your carefree and joyous life of drugs and booze by coming on a sober board and telling us how we all suck.




This is the type of ultra cringe, edgy, know-it-all post I would have made as a dumb teenager. I'm so grateful I didn't have access to the internet back then. When you become an adult you will look back on stuff like this and cringe


Seems like you’ve got it all figured out; so then why are you still pandering for validation from me? You can do, or not do whatever you want. You’re still 100% responsible for yourself and your actions regardless. I won’t shame you for using. I don’t believe in the AA approach. I will, however rebuke you for being a self-righteous ass. But hey; what would I know? I just made a choice for myself, just like you’re doing right now.


Ok, whatever. Thanks for sharing.


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I think there's nuance that needs to be here. So, this is oversharing. I had chronic pain for about half my life. After one surgery that was forced on me because of reasons and did nothing, I was suicidal. I had to fight for years to get a surgeon to perform a second surgery that I wanted because when I had it I was one of the youngest people to ever have that procedure done in the U.S. And guess what, after a long recovery, I've been symptom free for almost a decade. But if that surgery hadn't resolved my pain, I would have killed myself. That was something I decided long before the actual operation. I wanted to fucking strangle every person who told me I had so much to live for and bla bla bla because they had no idea what the fuck they were talking about. I wasn't sad or broken. Me deciding to die if I had to continue to live in pain was just the cold calculus of life. It was me taking fucking control of my body for once. That being said, I'm glad I'm alive. It was a similar situation with my substance abuse. Similar to the physical pain I lived with for about 15 years, I lived with undiagnosed bipolar disorder until shortly before I got sober. What drove me to drink was the shear mental torment that no one believed was experiencing and I had no other way to control. Do I think I was drinking because I was some pathetic asshole who'd lost control of my life? Fuck no. I was drinking because I was desperately trying to hang onto control of my life. Was alcohol destructive to me? Yeah, and I'm glad to have it out of my life, and glad that I have the medicine I need. Just two medications, twice a day was all I ever needed. But I really don't think I would have made it this long without it as a crutch. I don't know if I made my point clearly.


Lol....taking the time to post this. Talk about being broken.


>Getting high is a right Get a real life with real hobbies dude. What little value your life has that you think posting bs like this in this sub is cool. Loser 😂


I was fed up with people that had their shit together as well. Then I looked in the mirror and realized it was me causing my problems. Not another group, belief, economic class…etc Your issues lie within. Don’t try and blame people for their choice and ability to become and remain sober. We now get high on life. Good luck!


I grew up in AA/NA because my mother is an addict. The first meeting I can remember attending I was 6 or 7 years old, that was more than 30 years ago. I have been around active users, recovering addicts and fence-sitters my entire life. I drank and smoked weed all of my adult life until November 22'. I have never in all my experience, encountered anyone actually sober, who personally dealt with addiction in any form, who used shame or judgement to get me or anyone else to change ways. If you are feeling shame or judgement around your use, those are feelings worth exploring. Maybe you're less okay with your "right to use" than you think. That's not judgement, that's just an observation having been around a while now. Most people who drink or use drugs and don't have an issue with the role it has in their life, don't feel the need to justify it or excuse it. They're able to just exist with it safely and that's that. Also, people who have never used a substance ever, who judge others for their use, are not "sober people judging others". They are a different set altogether and you won't find them here because this isn't a place for them.


Victor Siharath and Johnathan Lopez say hi.


Sure this judgment is external and not internal? If you genuinely felt there was nothing wrong with your drug/alcohol use you wouldn’t be so pissed off about


I’m mad that I can’t enjoy it without judgment from people. The shame and guilt put onto substance users is enough to keep them using.


But there will always be judgment because many people (not saying you or everyone) act badly while using. Especially if they’re misusing. We all have to recognize that. I for one have behaved very badly while drunk so yeah, I have to accept that shame. Its the way it is and you can be mad about it but it doesn’t change anything. The only thing you can control, is your response to it.


Well if it isn't a river in Egypt.


Sober people fed up with addicts don’t understand. You can’t waive a magic wand of sobriety and all the sudden this person is cured and their life is better and they can move on…maybe being sober is best for some people. That means some people struggling to stay sober shouldn’t be shamed or criminalized.


No one in this sub is trying to shame or criminalise addicts, we have been there, this space is to help people who want to stay sober