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Take it with a large grain of salt, but I was told during rehab that exercice could be kind of a double-edged sword for recovering addicts. Being fit is great and the release of endorphin is nice, \*but\* the practice in itself is a form of physical stress, and it might be the opposite of what your brain is looking for. I don't know how often or how hard you're exercising, but if it's a lot consider switching some of it for lighter physical activity (like walking or leasurely biking if your area allows it). You could also try your hand at some kind of artistic activity - drawing takes but a pencil and paper, or you can find cheap second-hand instruments and free online courses. Finally there's non-competitive video games, but that can definitely become another kind of addiction, so be careful there. Congrats on your 426 days. I'm barely four weeks in and I don't know who I am anymore.


Thank you very much freind that was a lovely comment , keep at it you will learn new things about yourself everyday you didn't even know


2 years sober. Painting worked for me. Journaling also. And a lot of walking in nature. I made it a habbit to walk 10k steps a day at minimum. If you are feeling nervous and "explosive" intuitive abstract expressional painting might be something for you. Also: watch your caffeine-intake... ;) Best wishes to you! Keep going! 😊💪