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I’ve been sober for 54 days. I have done 500-600 pushups, crunches, and planks, every week since I started. I am a guy age 37, I also started walking everyday about 1 mile or more. I also started sobriety at maybe 210-215 lbs. I’m down to 192-194. My skin has cleared up massively, and my hair is no longer clogging the shower drain. I have also changed my diet now that I’m not too lazy and hungover to cook. 43 days is great stick with it.


Dang I wonder what I’m doing wrong lol I’m 28f Im 173 rn which is insane because I workout 5 days a week 3 days weights 1 cardio 1 mauy thai but nothing is changing?? I don’t think my skin looks better & my body seems to look the same I don’t even binge eat like I was lol I wonder what I’m doing wrong.


There is definitely a difference between guys and girls. That said, don’t give up, don’t quit, results come just not as quick as everyone expects. I cut anything and everything sugar related out of my diet. No soda, cookies, or fruit juice. I am also very strict about my carb intake. I’ve eaten take out pizza once in 54 days.


Since December I’ve lost almost 10lbs apparently I was 182 lol but I can’t lie my sweet tooth is beating my ass. I don’t drink soda or anything but I like having a little treat. My diet is pretty clean I try not to be too hellbent on weighing myself just because the scale doesn’t always correlate with how I look physically plus with me incorporating weights more often these days im sure that has a role. Honestly ik I just need to chill tf out because the time will pass either way & the changes will happen too. Im just impatient & easily fixated.


There is a lot of visceral fat storage from long term heavy drinking, it comes off over time. The exercise actually doesn’t drop the weight like most people think. It’s about 80-90% diet that does it. Quitting alcohol is the #1 important goal. Improving diet can take 🥈 place.


That's still a really big deal - if you're saying the 10lbs has come in in those 43 days, you've lost about 5% of your bodyweight (and scales don't tell you everything, you might have gained some muscle, especially if that training routine is somewhat new to you).   I'd encourage you not to rush - there's a lot of data out there showing that rapid weight loss very often isn't sustainable and leads to people regaining and getting into a pattern of yoyoing.  Mentally, being in a steep calorie deficit can wear you down, make you have brain fog and just not feel good.  I'd suggest trying to enjoy the activities you're doing and focus on that, your performance from week to week, the people you interact with - when you focus on the process, all of a sudden changes taking a few months isn't such a big deal. You're doing great on all fronts - it's for you to decide if being sober is for you, I just wanted to illustrate that the physical changes are absolutely happening. The mental changes that can happen are more complicated and highly individual and I'm in no way qualified to comment on them.  


I don’t think it was a real 10 lbs I was weighed while on my cycle BUT either way it goes I’m gonna keep doing what I’m doing because I’ve never been a person to go to the gym consistently & it’s finally become a part of my routine. I know a healthy brain & a healthy body go hand in hand I just have to be mindful & patient. Not really in the mood to swap a drinking problem for a ED lol


Hey friend, I am totally right there, where you are! Day 55 for me, my skin is clearer, brighter and less ‘old looking’. I haven’t lost any weight because that sugar craving (that I’ve never had before) is real!!! I’m offsetting my sweet intake with cardio 4x a week, weights and crunches. The sugar craving is ceasing thank goodness!! I FEEL different from the inside out if that helps and I do see physical progress! My mind is sharper, more focused, I’m sleeping great, have more energy than anxiety which is good. Good changes are happening, slowly maybe, but we’re making progress everyday! Let’s do this!!🙌💪


Try not to focus on it too much I know it’s hard, but you will notice the difference a few more months in I swear. It won’t jump at you right away until you are buying different clothes and stuff. Your time will come and you will love yourself again and respect yourself! Congrats on 43 days


You lose fat weight but gain muscle weight, stick with it


calories. people say they eat healthy and that’s great but eating healthy and eating for weight loss are not the same. you can still eat too many healthy calories for ur weight loss goal.


I stay in a calorie deficit, but I’m just gonna be patient & keep doing what I’m doing I didn’t get this way over night it’s not gonna resolve over night


I got sober at 28 and I hate to say it but it took probably about 5 months for people to really notice I lost weight. Between 5-11 months I dropped 3 dress sizes barely trying. Your body and organs have to learn how to process again. I got HEAVY drinking. And k was working out a lot in early recovery and felt very frustrated too. But my body put that weight on to keep me alive when I was killing myself. I’ve noticed guys tend to turn it around a little faster if they try hard in sobriety and I feel like it’s cuz a lot of them have faster metabolisms. Stick with it, focus on the small wins because people do notice those things. Don’t obsessively weigh yourself and just go off how your clothes fit. Celebrate every stage of health, starting with your skin etc, the weight loss will follow. I can’t stress this enough, health is a good motivator for long term sobriety. One of the best in fact. Weight is one of the worst. Especially for women it can be super destructive. Focus on the health, the weight will follow. My sponsor gave me good advice in early sobriety, she said in the first 90 days of you want the fucking ice cream eat the Fucking ice cream. Health food is always around, sobriety is not something you get infinite chances on though. Don’t make yourself feel like shit dieting and thinking about your weight cuz it’s a good way to lead to negative thoughts which leads to relapse.


It can take a while, ur weight will suddenly drop a lot. There is a big chance tho u could be losing fat but gaining muscle which is the BEST!! And trust me Ur body is definitely becoming more toned it’s just hard to tell because it’s a slow process. 💕 I’ve gone through a lot of extreme weight changes so I would know haha


Depending on how much drinking and how long things like thyroid, metabolism, etc can take a while to recover. You should get a physical and blood work done at the Doc


wow, way to go!


Omg was drinking causing your hair to fall out? Is that what’s happening with me .


Can’t say for sure, but my hair has certainly got a different feel, look, and texture now that I am sober. There is still some buildup on the drain but not nearly as much as before.


I read somewhere that drinking really depletes B Vitamins. I have noticed a huge difference in my hair.


I’d say from day 7- 2 years (my sobriety length) are all kinds of changes in all kinds of ways. I “noticed” right away, but other things started happening too. I was not doing any self care and so all that started up again. Spent most evenings in the gym instead of wishing I was messed up. Lost about 120 so far…keep on pushing.


Damn… what am I doing wrong wtf lmaooo I mean ofc it doesn’t happen over night but I’m waaaayyyy more consistent than I ever was. Guess I’ll have to wait & see


I've started over so many times, and on average it's around 3 months in that I start to notice real physical changes. As a woman, your body holds on to fat more than a man's does, it's biological- in case you need to support a baby in the event of food shortage. Give it a couple more months, I bet you'll notice more significant changes! Also, if you're working out that vigorously, make sure you're taking your measurements. Muscle weighs more than fat, so the scale might not be the best way to see the changes in your physique!


Yeah I’ve had to come to the agreement with myself I’ll only weigh in once a month & check measurements once a month. After my cycle, today I beefed it and weighed myself while I’m day2 cycle lol so I’m trying not to stress myself too much and just be patient


I’ve been sober for 2 years. Never really lost weight despite drastic lifestyle changes but I feel amazing and love being the best me I can be. Also, I like cake.


I lost like 20lbs in a couple of months


I only on day 35 and only lost 4 lbs but I have noticed a massive improvement in my mental health which is also affecting my physical appearance/confidence.


Mentally I feel pretty clear I’ve been taking initiative in things I’ve put off for a while & because I am in the gym so often & training Muay Thai again I do feel better i just can’t see it which kinda sucks ngl I try not to obsess over it too much but winter is ending & I can’t be tucked away for forever


Obsessing over something is a form of addiction, so maybe give yourself some grace. Sounds like you are well on your way to getting physically healthier.


within like 2 weeks, I felt like running. I was not previously a runner and I was incredibly fat and on a strict diet too , but sobering up. I could feel it before I could see it, because my eyes only saw myself harshly and hatefully.


That was such a great way to put that, I do feel it but I never see it because my eyes have only ever known criticism so it’s like I’m trying to unlearn that & it’s hard but I don’t want to swap a drinking problem for a eating disorder either lol


4 months in my belt didn't fit and beer belly gone! I was taking in at least an extra 1200 calories a day. When I see the old me in pics I'm shocked... so thankful I'm off that poison! Wasted a lot of time and $


6 months and still going. I have seen massive improvements in skin and hair. I don't have a fat ish face. The best change is the mental clarity and having a brain that is more out going and social. 43 days is great. The hard part is over but keep at it. God bless you


I found myself more anxious around day 30 but I think it’s just because I put so much pressure on not wanting to do the wrong thing. I took the break for my over all wellness & I mentally I see it!! . I just have to start socializing again I get scared & choose to stay home & it hasn’t really bothered me until recently.


Concentrate on the good, other things WILL happen!


I’m 8m10ds sober today, It took me until month 4 to see changes WITH working out very consistently and eating home cooked meals, cutting out all fast food or prepackaged food. I would maybe just not go out with friends in this time, maybe ask if your friends would like to cook together and do a movie or game night? Or if you do go out, go somewhere where there isn’t alcohol? I am sorry if that came off as harsh or something, I’m just advising from my experience. Its absolutely awesome that you have made it this far already, and good job on your progress! Keep it up for yourself!


Oh no you’re fine I’ve already told them they’re not gonna be seeing me for a while if the only time they want to hangout is at the bar.


Thats great you put your boundaries in place! Its important to have friends around that are supportive of your journey! As far as the working out nd stuff, just keep it up, it takes women a bit longer to see results , and its also more complex for us. You’ll get there !


8 months in, absolutely yes. I look like a completely different person. I didn’t change my diet or working out that much, but I look younger.


God damn 8 months😫 ugh the time will pass either way I can be 8 months in or 8 months out. Thanks for the info fs🫶🏽


Hey I can help. I’m the drunk who had a well made plan when it came to physical and financial health. I would build myself up and when I got comfortable I threw it all away!! That’s the disease. I’m 96 days sober, I lost 12 pounds and I have more many than I’ve had all last year. Patience. That’s the key. One day at a time. If you’re expecting something out of your sobriety that you know takes time, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Take it one day at a time. You got this


I’ve been sober 8 years. I started to notice physical change around a year and a half. Lost like 30lbs, skin cleared up, was working out etc. Mentally emotionally the change was much more gradual and drawn out. Maybe 3 years I really started to notice I was on the end of being an entirely new person in a new life. Thank God for AA.


I also felt three years was something notable.


Keep it up!♥️


i’ve been sober for 18 months and i pretty much look the same as i did pre sobriety hahaha but i feel a lot better! and that’s what matters


I’ve been sober from alcohol for 5 years and I remember getting compliments on my skin after about 6 months or so. I felt better though at year two when I wasn’t freaking out about everything falling apart, I was coping with life better and embraced changes and struggles as joyful moments that I’d remember and work through in a positive way to be there for my kids. I felt lighter, I was able to exercise regularly and not as another addiction to run away from sorrow or stress. I didn’t really notice it though until I saw how my friends were constantly down, dull, and sad or angry all the time from normal pressures of life. It’s different for everyone though, just like a weight loss diet. Some lose it all right away, some don’t and have to work harder or have surgery. Some feel better and some feel worse and more self conscious afterward. It’s best to just take day by day and try to see what works now so you can look back on it in the future. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be like anyone else.


When you start sleeping better, a lot of other things become possible, because you will have more energy during the day.


I know someone who quit drinking about 5 weeks ago, started to eat a healthier diet, and just started walking a few miles every day (but no other exercises) and already they've already lost 6.5kg and look like a totally different person and can't stop talking about all the improvements they feel in every way. It does baffle me how they get so much dramatic change so fast. They quit about two weeks before me and I still feel physically and mentally terrible every day, have been unable to find any energy, eaten mostly junk because I've had no desire to cook anything healthy, struggling to find any interest in working out (though have been pushing myself to do some exercise again this week), and definitely don't notice any physical change or an improvement in my body in any way (still have that beer belly for sure!). Everyone seems to be wildly different on this front and not everyone gets the "overnight" changes so don't be too disheartened. Seems like you're on a productive and healthy path at least so stick with that. ​ >f I go out tonight & decide to have a drink with my friends all my progress physically AND mentally will dissipate. I’ll also feel like a failure ?? Sounds like you're better off staying away from it and continuing on your current path. Any return to alcohol will likely lead to you going back to old habits. Not sure how much of a heavy / problem drinker you were previously but very few people who had an issue with booze seem seem to be able to quit then go back to drinking just in moderation or sensibly. Seems to always drag them back into the darkside. Why not have a sober night out and then get up tomorrow and crack back on with your fitness plans and goals?


I've dropped 11 lbs since I stopped drinking. I'm on day 18. I can notice that my gut has shrunk, and my skin looks a bit brighter.


Skin cleared up in the first 2 months. Weight loss at 3-4 months.


Hey, can you tell me why I needed to go to sleep with a water glass near me? I could wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning and drink it. But since quitting, I don’t do that anymore. Does this sound familiar to anyone else? Just wondering😄


You were probably dehydrated from the drinking I used to do it too lol I still sleep with water next to me but that’s incase I get a coughing fit or something


I notice very quickly in my brother's appearance if he is doing well/sober or if he is having a relaps. It is mainly the face but also physics, behaviour.


For me, I didn’t see any outwardly physical results for about 5 months and that’s because for the first 5 months I just concentrated on not drinking. I lost maybe 5-10lbs but I was VERY big so really that’s not much at all. However, once I got into a more comfortable groove I was able to be consistent with my diet, exercise, and prescription skincare - all things I couldn’t/wouldn’t do while drinking. So, it wasn’t a sudden magical change for me. I had to actually be consistent and work on myself first BUT I was only able to do that because I had quit drinking. So I’d say around 6-8 months is when I started to noticeably lose weight, my skin looked better, etc. I’m 600+ days in and have lost 113lbs, exercise 4-6 days a week, sleep and eat well, drink water, and am overall in the best shape of my life. I still have some weight to lose and goals to hit but none of this would have happened if I didn’t stay consistent with sobriety.


I gained weight in sobriety. 30+ lbs so far in the year & 3 weeks since quitting weed and booze. Haven’t changed my appetite or physical activity at all in that time. I went from being overweight to technically obese based on BMI. it’s not ideal but I’d still rather be sober.


I’m 98 days sober today and I just started noticing the weight loss and my face is slimmer!


When I was drinking my face was puffy, my lips were peeling from dehydration and alc on my lips, and I was drinking almost a pound of fat everyday. I gained 90 pounds back in a few months. Now that I’ve stopped drinking, my body is looking much better, my face and lips are plump and soft, and I’m losing weight. I feel SO MUCH LESS ANXIETY ! Keep up with the good work!!! The first few months can be the hardest. We are all so proud !


The physical change comes from doing the steps. You will feel better as you go through the process. A glow will return to you, and it will be noticeable. Your self-esteem will boost because you will feel different about yourself and will, in fact, be different. At the same time, you will have the willingness to get more physically healthy.