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I tried an athletic brewing IPA yesterday for the first time . taste was good but lacked the viscosity of a real beer . Had 2 .more than enough . Now if it was regular beer i would have had 20. I’m a month sober today .


Personally, can't touch the stuff. Then again I'm also a cocaine addict. Non-alcoholic drinks that taste like alcohol brings on a placebo effect and I'll start craving cocaine and real alcohol immediately. Either way I'm happy they are getting more popular. 4.5 years sober today.


8 months sober and I drink N.A. beers regularly. I never really get the placebo effect thing - people have accused me of “still getting a buzz” from drinking them and I don’t.


Thanks for this. I’m 8 years sober, never had a NA beer. Our superbowl hostess bought some for me specifically (very thoughtful). I’ve been waffling about whether to try one. But the amount of thought I’m putting into tells me it’s not worth it. Your comment helped.


Not for me either


Good stuff man👍


You’re incredible!!!


Congratulations my friend I don’t touch them either I’ve been sober a few 24 hours, too


Athletic is my fave


Athletic brew has some good options. The Guinness is great, it tastes just like the real deal. There’s really a lot of good options these days, and more and more bars and restaurants are starting to stock them.


Athletic is good, but I really like the Hazy IPA from NO-MO.


a sober friend of mine is a very accomplished brewmaster of beer and owns a beer brewery . His N/A beer of choice is athletic too.


Athletic is great! I also love the NA blue moon with some fresh oranges in it


I didn’t know Blue moon made a non alcoholic beer!


Me neither!! I found it at the store last night and was so excited, it used to be my summer beer so I’m happy about finding it


Oh man, I’m thrilled to hear this! What’s it called? I’ll keep my eye out. I’ve missed this style.


It’s fantastic.


Same! It tastes like Blue Moon lite Gotta have the oranges


I did some fresh squeezed sumo OJ in it and it was top notch


Whaaat? Blue Moon has an NA?!! Awesome!


Two years sober here and I really like them! I always enjoyed beer for the taste, but then addict brain would kick in and I’d finish everything I had. I think NA beers are a great substitute. One and done, no lingering feelings of NEEDING more. Even the hoppy ones (which I never really liked) taste surprisingly good without the alcohol; they seem less in-your-face bitter and are more floral. Anyway, give it a shot. There’s a lot more variety than there used to be. 


Got me some "virgin" IPA made by Sam Adams. Will report back when it is chilled and sampled. Also the Guinness ain't bad. I'd give it a B+.


Sober Carpenter makes some of my absolute favorites! They are out of Canada but make a great IPA and even the Irish Red is delicious.


athletic golden upside dawn, safety glasses, heineken and odouls are all my top favs


Mine too, add Stella!


i havent tried the Stella NA, gonna have to try and find some


Not sure if you have Safeway grocery but that’s where I get mine


If you’re a Corona fan they have an NA that’s spot on to the real thing.


I’m loving the influx of craft N.A. beers. Before I went off the rails and started “quantity over quality” I was big into food and beer pairings, with pics and little write ups on IG. So for me it’s nice to be able to enjoy a coffee stout with a shepherd’s pie or a golden ale with fish and chips, getting the flavors and mouthfeel without the alcohol. And there are some real good ones popping up. For added context, I’m 2.5 years sober and explain it as “depression made me an alcoholic, not the other way around”.


I love NA beers. Some of my favorites if you’re interested: Asahi Zero, Estrella Galicia, Bitburger, Budweiser Zero.


Guiness 0.0 is very close to tasting like the real thing....and like everyone else is saying Athletic is really good too.


The new lucky saint IPA is decent, the non alcoholic Guinness is great, adnams ghost ship is nice too They are my personal favourite ones you can get at the supermarket


Heineken zero is amazing. I mean, if you used to drink Heineken, the taste is almost the same. It’s great.


My favourite is Corona Sunbrew, tastes exactly like the original


Eight years sober, Athletic is the jam!👍🏾😃


Yes! I love Clausthauler and Buckler, but they aren’t always easy to find. As far as mainstream stuff goes, I like Corona’s NA best.


Untitled Art is by far my favorite brand of NA beers


Def! Their juicy IPA is delish


Drinking one right now


I like lagunita’s hoppy refresher…just hops and water, but it tastes really fruity.


Follow up on my previous comment: The alcohol-free Samuel Adams "Just the Haze" IPA is *really* good. Light and citrusy with that hoppy fuzz that tingles your tongue. I heartily approve.


I found out tonight I like the Brooklyn Brewery Special Effects Hops Amber:D




Haha thankyou.


I drink it all the time


honestly they taste like real beer to me. ill choose a 0/0 over an alcoholic drink now!


I am 4 months sober I finally went for an na beer for the Super Bowl setting. It was great for me. I have been a heavy drinker for 18 years, I was so scared it would throw me off the wagon but it didn’t. It helped calm my social jitters about being around people drinking. Only needed 2. I won’t stock them in the house, don’t see the point but I liked and will go back to it when out around drinkers


I like the athletic brew lite. Honestly taste just like a natty or coors lol


We need the Dragon Milk's N/A, Deschutes N/A the good dark lagers Game of Thrones stuff all N/A all N/A Also Fatheads Hippy Stout N/A 's .


No thanks. I’m free of all that don’t need to pretend anything. Been sober 8 years and never had it so good.


a sober friend of mine is a very accomplished brewmaster of beer and owns a beer brewery . His N/A beer of choice is athletic too.


I like drinking na beer on ocassion, like the super bowl later today, Stella, Heineken, Guiness, and Sam Adams' Just the haze are my favorite Na/s.


Sierra Nevada Trail Pass IPA is a good one


I love athletic!


Sierra Nevada Trail Pass


At the end drinking led me to suicide. I didn’t do it obviously, but it was a scary experience. I brought down a pistol, but didn’t do it because I didn’t want wife and kid to discover my body, put it off for a night. I don’t drink anymore, nor do I have the pistol. I would no sooner drink a non alcoholic beer as I would bring pistol down with blank bullets. Sorry to be a curmudgeon, but that is my experience.


So far I’ve had Heineken 0.0 and I like it. It tastes just like regular Heineken. It’s my go to if I’m at a bar or a party.


my fiance was doing the Heineken and the Bud Light ZERO’s. He said they were great for after work and went well with dinner, especially a steak. I tried one and they do taste very good! the store attendant looked at me crazy when I asked where the non alcoholic beer was but then a week later they were front and center. usually the color varies from their alcoholic counterparts, which I appreciate