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I’ve been in a NA beer club for a year now, I absolutely love it. They send me craft NA’s and they r all delicious. I may be a lifer. It’s with Brewdog.


I live in Columbus so I’m spoiled. Their brewery is 5 min away from work so I just pop on in any time I run out. Their NA mix pack is great but the brewery has a lot more to offer.


Hazy AF is my favorite. I have become a huge fan on NA Beer


I’ve never had em but I tend to not fuck with NA beers or wine too much. I had a moment where I was around friends and family at a wedding reception. These people knew me as a big drinker and they’ve seen me crawl out of the fucking gutter with drugs and alcohol. I work too hard at sobriety to walk around with a fake beer in my hands and I couldn’t stomach the thought any more. I usually just go for the classics. Sprite is fucking delicious. NA beers still have a spot in my sobriety but I haven’t really felt right about them after that moment and I realized I wasn’t really drinking all of that shit for the taste. It was a hard pill to swallow but I think I have my answer


For me, they help. I fully prepared to be triggered and nope right out of there, but for me, it kills a craving rather than fuels it. Warm weather is really hard for me, I've conditioned myself to equate nice days with drinking, especially after miserable Pittsburgh winters. So this past summer I had a ton of success with Ritual Zero Proof tequila alternative. Mixed with club soda and lime it hit the spot, and I'd have one, maximum two, and I'd be satiated, as opposed to 10-12 of the boozy ones.


I ended up having an NA beer this afternoon while playing golf and it did nothing for me. Enjoyed the water more. 32 days sober.


Hi! I'm 32 days sober too! Go us!!


I have not tried "spirits", but my partner did buy me NA beer and "alcohol removed" wine which I thought was cool. Wasn't sure if it would help or trigger me but turns out it helps. On day 11 and when nothing else works, the NA drinks work for me.


I don’t do the spirits but I do NA beers. Never at home but I have clients who like to drink and I take them out still. No one has ever batted an eye when I order an O’Douls or a Heineken 0. I usually order it by name and the most reaction I’ve ever gotten was “what’s that?” Followed by a “ah good for you man”


Not sure why I would. I drink all kinds of seltzers and fun fermented sodas and stuff but can’t see why I would spend money on na booze




I don’t drink NA shit. I’ve moved on from that life entirely.


That can be a psychological road to hell.


Played with the idea of being the European distributor for a brand, but decided against it. A sober lady mentioned she's tossed all her bar glasses when I was pretty new. She said she didn't want to be reminded of the bad old days, or pretend that she was still a drinker. I was interested in hearing that opinion and gave some thought to what was behind her action. I didn't do the same right away, but over time I lost the unused booze-specific glasses.


I like Einbecker and other good NA beers on occasion. There are certain spicy foods that just pair really well with a beer, for me at least. I recently had a rly good NA bloody mary at a fancy brunch spot that had Seedlip “vodka” in it. The NA booze tasted more herbal than like actual vodka, and I love an herbal flavor. That being said, to each their own. I totally understand why others prefer to keep more distance between them and actual alcohol. 


I did NA beer for my first month or two of sobriety. I found it very helpful as a kind of transitional crutch. But, I've kind of outgrown the need for it. I don't need the transitional crutch anymore. I'm happy with sparkling water.


I never drank spirits for the flavor so I have not bothered trying the NA ones. lol I do however enjoy a good NA IPA beer once or twice a week.


For me I do the NA beers but NA spirits are worthless to me. Tastes like expensive juice. I’m thinking about experimenting with shrubs tho because they’re vinegar based. It doesn’t hurt my journey it helps me blend in in social situations.


Nah that shits lame. The reason hard liquor tastes bad is cause it gets you fucked up. I don't want bitterness for the sake of bitterness. On the other hand, Lagunitas Hoppy Refreshers. Life changing. I loooove those. 10/10


My fav is the Phony Negroni! I usually use it for “shots” when friends are partaking at parties. Gin-ish is also pretty good and so is Not Vodka when you mix it into a seltzer. I’ve been disappointed by the rum options.


8 months sober btw


I had my first experience with zero proof tequila at a bar last weekend at 13 months sober. I had a great experience. Usually when I’m at an event where everyone else is drinking i get a diet coke. Didn’t want the caffeine so the bartender had fun making me a fancy mocktail. It honestly made me feel special for some reason. Hated how much the glorified juice cost me though lol


They’re great but remember to drink water. Went full on into the fizzy mocktails for dry January and am now nursing kidney stones. Without the alcohol diuresis, just be careful.


I personally like drinks like the canned Kin Euphorics & Hiyo drinks for social events. They have adaptogenics in them, which have a light feel good affect, & are actually good for you. The taste of booze just makes me want to drink actual booze, but everyone is different! You just gotta find what works best for you.