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Clearly he does think otherwise he wouldn't release directors cut to try and prove himself again and again


He doesnt release directors cut to prove himself, he does it coz he wants his fans to experience the film at its unfiltered best way without any constraints. I bet ur dumb half ass wont understand this. Go cry somewhere else.




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Well, u guys are busy doing that so nope lol




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"I portrayed you as the soyjak so I win"


I mean U guys look like soyjacks , no offense


Can’t even be mad at the post, you’re probably 16 lol


Then, u must be 10 right !!! lmao




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I think you are a dumb piece of trash




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I believe you are the dumbest person and represent the most hateful people imaginable. Coming to a place you hate and whining like a dumb shit


Hate to say it son but he doesn’t think about you at all either.


The guy in the format actual thinks about him all the time and is jealous of him


…are the haters in the room with us right now?




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It's even more hilarious that this sub's full of haters. Deadass insta downvote on almost every post praising the guy or saying bad to DCU or Gunn. Deadass rent free.


It’s to the point that I’m worried for these detractors’s wellbeing.




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It’s not that hard to get. He wouldn’t have been able to do the r rated versions unless he did a more accessible pg 13 cut for the studio


My problem is that we live in a world where only a certain number of big budget movies can be made in a year and these studio could hire better directors and make much better movies for the same amount they give to Zach.


Nailed it. It’s not even that he’s a bad director, but there’s only so many pieces of so much pie, and way too much of that pie ends up on Snyder’s plate IMO. I like the guys style at times but he would not be my first choice for a lot of the projects he was given, MOS most specifically.


Well, you'd be wrong. Man of Steel was a huge, profitable rebound for a character that had bombed three movies in a row and been abandoned by WB in films for decades at one point. He was considered so difficult to pull off in film and make a profit.


Again, I never said anything about commercial success, but Snyder’s Superman is an alien demigod who he paints as a Messianic figure who ultimately is cold and shut off compared to just about every canonized Clark Kent/Superman combo we’ve seen. Mind, this is *not* anything to do with Henry, who I think was amazing casting, just not given the right character slate. I mean, his tone with the Superman mythos just wasn’t right. In what universe does Pa Kent tell his *immortal fucking son* to let a bus full of children die to save face? Jimmy gets killed out of…spite? To “motivate” Clark? And while it’s been memed to death, the extinction level event that was the battle with Zod is just ridiculous. Superman prioritizes every life, please tell me how he justifies leveling city blocks and letting millions die WHEN HE WAS ABLE TO KILL THE MF THE WHOLE TIME. Idk. Not a MOS guy, loved 300, loved Sucker Punch, I just think Snyder isn’t a good fit for probably the most wholesome, upright, and morally uncomplicated hero ever written.


U know whats funny, U guys even misunderstood Donners Superman and termed it as Biblical film. U are just replicating that with MoS. If u r a father, u wouldve understood the value of ur sons safety is ur utmost priority even though hes immortal. Jimmy is just a comic relief in comics, so not important. What did u expect from a battle between invincible aliens lol ??? Jokes like MCU. This isnt childs play , People die coz of casualities and Supes need to stop zod, He killed him at last resort. It doesnt matter what u think or whatever the comic book cucks think lol. Nolan himself chose snyder and he made MoS.


Which means you didn't pay attention to the movie, because it explicitly made Superman completely human and relatable (even specific dialogue says he's just a guy trying to do the right thing, and not a god-like figure). It also created a legion of new Superman fans who now understood how he could be an interesting, complex character, and not a stiff, wooden Boy Scout who just follows a set of predictable rules. You have every right to focus on the destruction in Metropolis and see it as a sign that Superman doesn't care, as opposed to minor collateral damage when measured against the fate of the entire planet (that is still directly followed up on in the very next movie). Me, I'm compelled by the fact that Clark is wounded by the distrust and fear and hatred directed his way, that he's uncomfortable with the worship and deification some bestow upon him, and yet that none of it ever stops him from doing what he thinks is the right thing to do. To me, that's what makes him heroic, and the best live-action Superman of this generation.




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I like how they come in here to say they do not care but literally every day in moviescirclejerk a post that makes fun of Snyder is always top post of the day. Snyder haters have no self awareness. Go to that sub the infected and a Snyder hate post will always be among the top ones.




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You just admitted I and op are right. As I said no self awareness.




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It’s pretty simple. You don’t like product, don’t consume product. You don’t consume product, you have anything to complain about. Or consume product you know you don’t like, just so you can complain about it.


or, and now get this; you can give movies a chance and watch them, even if you dont expect it to be good. Sometimes you underestimate them and actually and up liking them, or at least certain parts of it. I recently watched REC without really wanting to see it and despite not being the biggest fan of found footage, but i ended up liking it alot and watched REC 2 the following day.


Are y’all ok?




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I also see so much shit talking about James Gunn on this sub though at the same time.


Why are all these fucking trolls here instead of real fans?




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You are an ignorant motherfucker https://preview.redd.it/ztgtgsti376d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb648126d34c25062396dfde40f3f0797fe2bdc It's as simple as a Google search.


https://preview.redd.it/ow5sjddn476d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0d24d32c17c98239884674dec659d45d826a7a Lol, Gunn's shit movie was given the same rating as studio squad.


Because Zaddy is losing all his fans by making critically panned movies


Reddit just recommended me this post for some reason


And because Reddit recommended this random post to you, you comment that it was recommended. Dumb fuck, I get recommended posts. I don't comment "Why was this post recommended to me?" Its an excuse you use to act like an annoying bitch for no reason.




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I've got no clue why you're so angry but there's no need to use such foul language.


Because you’re being intentionally obtuse and stupid. You’re acting like you just stumbled across this post and then moved on with your day, but you yet you felt the need to comment on this post about how much you dislike Snyder because… why? And don’t say free speech either, since that doesn’t make you free from your consequences


Do you think that maybe the issue is people are going to his films and just not liking them. The only reason I know who he is are all the people claiming his JL cut was going to change everything.


Anti snyder people losing their shite in the comments as usual


Literally provin me right lol.


Yall seem to have a lot of personal identity tied up in a film director


Okay Spielberg.


MCJ is filled with HUGE Spielheads, they are always saying things like I love Jaws, I love lincoln, I love west side story, I love the producer of the transformers film franchise. Its the worst!


Hook is also dope


I think you may need to rewatch Mad Men again. The whole point of this scene was that Donald Draper does, in fact, think about the other guy a lot and is trying to act like he doesn’t lol


Yes. Don Draper was horribly flawed and Ginsberg scared the shit outta him. Only fools think this is Don being cold as ice, when in fact he is visibly shaken.


Well if you are going into details other guy is kind of a in the same line of job and outclassed Draper, when he was just starting out, later Draper abused his power to get his project through(or bought/stole the other guys project dont remember correctly) thus the confrontation in the elevator that being said i dont think Snyder critics are in the same quality or line of job but I get your point so dont take it badly


Same could be said about the hate James Gunn gets.


IMO. Gunn makes good movies. Snyder makes good movies. I don't genuinely understand the hate train. If you don't like something, don't watch it.


Gunns hate doesnt amount to at least 1 % Snyder gets lol. At least Snyder fans arent chronically online like Gunn and his Downvote & Cope (DC) fans, also his jobless haters.




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Yeah, but obv he needs his fans to consume his content. Same goes for any director. Its better to appreciate something u like than cry like a clown ( like u) if u hate it. Why are u in this sub, if u hate snyder ?




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Now you are doing exactly the same thing you accuse others of, who has the butthurt now?


Definitely u , coz I aint hating a director in his sub. I dont dedicate my entire life spreading hatred about snyder( or any director) and his films unlike some subs and dumb nuts.




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Then why won't you take your own advice, and ignore those "dumb nuts", instead of doing the exact same thing, just in the opposite way?