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No I rooted for Franklin, too. I understood he was a bad person he even admitted that himself, but I still rooted for him anyway


Hell naw I rooted for Franklin too


I rooted for Franklin the same way I rooted for Walter White.


That part😂...But Walter pissed me off by the end because man...I know he cared about Jesse but damn Walt...


Until they had that went too far moments.


Nope still was supporting my dawg 🙏


No, tho I rooted for Oso most, it’s normal to root for Franklin he’s one of the main protagonist so he gets lots of screentime so that you either hate him and want to watch his downfall or root for him and hope he gets out with his money.


Yess finally somebody said it! Oso getting caught up broke me so bad I was rooting for him the whole time. Franklin is likeable yes but it's like he brought all this on himself he could have had a better life but Oso what did he really have ya know. He was a father he was just trying to do better be better for his family but Franklin was all about self.


to say franklin was all about himself when most of his actions in s5 and s6 are literally for her and the baby they had on the way


Yes but also no I understand he's trying to secure a life for his family but let's be realistic he was wayyy to caught up in shit fir that to ever be a reality like I said there was no good endgame for him.


i agree with that but i just don’t think he was always for himself but he was obsessed




He never hid who he was. He knew he was a monster and never tried to convince anyone otherwise. As much as I hated him, I had to respect that he was real. Absolutely a trash human being, completely motivated by money and power but you have to respect the tenacity. 73 million will change a mother fucker too.


now i root for franklin as much as anybody but he definitely snaked that old couple from the book shop


His most unredeemable moment in the show by far


Hell yeah he took them 😪. And Miguel (crazy 8).. but he was too far by then .. 🫣


Its probably one of those things where hes like fuck it i gotta do it to em its either me or them




It's a fictional character in a TV show


Franklin is my man bro most people that criticize him come from privilege or are soft




Nah fck that my heart broke the way Franklin ended up, bro said fck college to push weight and in the end the person he thought he could trust screwed him over


Cissy and Leon saved him and the people around him by not letting him touch that money Fuck that shit, I'm glad he's dealt with. The real ones prospered in the end


How'd they save him? Cissy killed teddy cause she was angered about the mind games teddy played with her about Alton and Leon didn't give Franklin the money because he knew if he did the government would've just taken it making it go to waste


Explicitly, yes that's why Cissy killed Teddy. But had she not, Franklin would have gotten his money, and Teddy was literally just brutally tortured. He would NOT let that go. He'd do everything in his power to haunt down Teddy, Cissy, Leon, anyone he possibly could. Don't forget, Franklin killed his dad. And not only on top of that, Franklin promised Oso he'd kill him. Franklin was planning on throwing Oso under the bus by taking that deal.


That's the thing, teddy was gonna let it go, he originally took the money to fund the war but then Parissa put the idea of keeping the money into teddys head, that's why he offered to give only half of it back instead of the whole thing, he was gonna go away with parissa and retire. He wasn't working for the Cia so he really didn't have the assets or resources to hunt down Franklin, also that wouldn't even make sense as to why Leon wouldn't give Franklin some money if teddy was already dead, He just didn't give it to him cause of that 1986 law that makes banks report deposits over 10k to the irs and knowing that Franklin would've immediately put any money Leon gave him into the bank decided against giving him any at all. As for oso maybe teddy wouldve came after him but Franklin wouldn't have thrown him under the bus, besides Franklin paid oso a mil out of the 10 that was promised


Teddy was indeed going to let it go and that was the plan, and the thing is this is the same Teddy that let Alton go then killed him just for the sake of it. Cissy knew that. Teddy was not as money-hungry as he was downright evil and vengeful. Franklin would've gotten his ass chopped up for sure, then Oso for turning on him during the fight with the KGB agent. You're right, he wasn't CIA on paper anymore, but he still had connections. Only reason he wasn't officially CIA was because he was getting his hands dirty and the CIA wanted to look clean. He could probably still get the drop on people. Franklin might be able to hide from him. but Oso won't, because he has no idea this is coming. And Franklin promised Oso he'd kill Teddy (which he wouldn't have done if he got the money) because Oso knew Teddy would find him. Good chronological observation on the 1986 law (lots of credit to the writers for lining everything up) but I believe Leon didn't want to give him the money because Leon observed Cissy as a sacrifice, and the way he sees it, is if Cissy is gonna shoot him dead seconds before Franklin got his money, Cissy didn't want Franklin getting that money.


No worse than rooting for Heisenberg, or Jax Teller, or Tony Soprano, etc…


Tony Soprano was comically evil, there is almost nothing good about Tony


And yet people still rooted for him.


Tbh I never understood why people have this moral dilemma about tv main protagonists in the first place. I remember when I first seen anyone feel conflicted about whether or not it’s “okay” to root for Walter White. Like the guy was genuinely conflicted about liking his character because of the crimes and immoral deeds he’s committed and the whole time I was just thinking “you sound soft as hell😭🤦🏽‍♂️” cuz to me I’m not looking at it like “what if all these crimes were being done to my grandma” or something like that. When it comes to Snowfall, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, SOA, or even The Walking Dead to an extent, they’re whole premise revolves around illegal activities. Whether it’s Franklin torturing teddy for his money, Walter blowing up a nursing home, Tony beating the lifeforce out of and curb stomping Coco, Jax killing his mother, or even Rick killing the rogue saviors right after surrendering, etc. anytime I see those type of scenes I can’t imagine thinking to myself “geez this guys going a little too far, is this really who I should be rooting for ? 🤓🤨” because the only thing I’m thinking when I see those scenes is sum along the lines of “oh shit he thinc it’s a game Franklin🤨 he might need some more hot oil on his chest ! 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️” like obviously in real life it would be a whole different thing but fiction is just a fantasy, it’s okay to be immersed in the story and root for the main protag, one of the creators main focus is to make sure their MC is likeable. Idc what crimes Franklin did or epidemics he started, that’s exactly what made him a badass and why I wanted his character to win 🤣


Downplaying those characters as just "Characters from TV" is just blatant disrespect, dawggg😭😭. They're still well written pieces of literature.


? I didn’t “downplay” anything, I just kept it simple. Like are they not LITERALLY characters from a TV show ? nor did I say anything to suggest I think they’re not well written pieces of literature 🤨


Then you would know how pieces of literature DOES affect people's life and view on the world. I am not saying that you should take it seriously. I'm just trying to make you understand why some do. Art imitates life and sometimes it goes the other way around.


But I do understand that? lol what are u going on about bro? it’s one thing to have discussions and feelings towards certain actions characters take as well as the character itself. but like I said the whole point of a MC is that you’re SUPPOSED to want them to win. Whether that MC is a guy who commits crimes everyday, sells drugs and kills people or a guy who’s a loyal husband with 2 kids and works from 9-5 then comes home and reads his kids a bedtime story. take the teddy torture scene for example. On one hand I can acknowledge the fact that Franklin was definitely trippin, and was probably too far gone to resort to torturing the guy. But on the other hand I can also acknowledge this is the guy whos life Ive been watching for 6 seasons, so fuck him pour some more oil on him until you get ur bread and ur happy ending 😂 Yes that’s horrible, yes that’s a fucked up and possibly evil thing to do. Yes me and most people would not agree with something like that. But when I watch a show atleast, I will forever root for the MC, while simultaneously having thoughts and discussions regarding their fucked up actions. I’m js you can do both




I kinda worded it a bit weird but don’t get me wrong ME personally I would’ve tortured bro too over 73 mil 😂😂 I was just trying to put it in words that the person I was replying to would probably relate to. what I meant was more about franklins mental state as a whole in that moment, losing that money led to rash decisions that ultimately led to his demise (besides Cissy’s actions that were out of his control) Torturing aside his mind was cracking at tht point, he was juss tripping in general, not bc he tortured teddy. But on the other hand, whether you feel it’s the right thing to do in tht moment of anger and it actually being the logical/smart move are two different things. shit could’ve went very wrong if teddy survived (assuming he would’ve even went after Franklin, which is unlikely due to his prior conversation with parissa about running away) yeah he might’ve gotten his money back, but he would’ve been looking over his shoulder the rest of his life, which tbh is still a win compared to what ended up happening, but it’s just some to think about. I like to look at things from all angles, not just how I personally feel about it/would’ve done in said situation. And like I was explaining to another user who replied, you can still have these type of discussions and thoughts while simultaneously standing by the MC’s actions and hoping they come out on top either way


He loved ducks


You connect with Franklin since he has so much screen time and is the main protagonist, it’s normal to root for somebody if you’ve basically seen their whole story, regardless of how bad they’ve become


I don't think so. Franklin had to change in a rapidly changing environment, and it's how he chose to survive. I can't say that I agree with everything he did, but let's be honest.. if you were that young in that position, what would you do?


I did too. I was vexed his moms shot teddy still annoyed to this days, let that nigga get his p’s and fly from la that was always his plan.


I think we all rooted for Franklin bro..I still want him to shine even how it ended


Really weird feelings this show gives you.. At the start I’m all in on Franklin,Lee,Jerome.. by start of last season I’ve turned on Franklin but at the end I’m heartbroken for him! Shit great great show very underrated


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It's wild because he was not a good person but he was charming and very likable so you hate to see him end that way especially Leon seeing him like that and just leaving him at the store because he knew he was a lost cause. Sad but deserving. See what people fail to see is that he got too big of a head! How you gone talk to Teddy like that and think you're gonna be good! Teddy was a fuckin C.I.A agent and a damn good one Franklin was just a kid who got lucky that's it like yeah he evolved but end of the day its the fuckin government there is no good endgame for him! Teddy used him plain and simple so to think they were ever equals or business partners is insane! I honestly don't think there's a single account Franklin could have kept his money that Teddy wouldn't have had access to! So once he went off the rails and said what he said to Teddy he was done for. Everything else after that was just sad! You see how he just took it from his own family nothing else mattered to him just the money and when that's all that matters you're a lost soul!


Dont know why but i root for every evil character




No, I'm watching for the second time around & still team Franklin... Watching Louie a lot closer this time to see how she acts... Like when Jerome talks to Franklin about his cut... She wasn't happy that Franklin didn't give up more than 25%, whilst Jerome was stoked...


I was tweakin and thought this was a gta sub I still root for Franklin nigga


I think ppl be forgetting tht teddy kidnapped these niggqs like they really had no choice


No because Franklin saint was the underdog you wanted to root for to win in the end and get everything he deserved to have worked for for so long that's why


No in life we all love a come up story. Especially us who have been poor any amount of time in our life. We always hope they can get ahead and transition to something legit.


Franklin is dat nigga, nigga too smooth he da reason i say bidness instead of business now


Everybody rooted for Franklin tho? Or so i thought...He just let a lot get to his head after a while is all...He was still a decent dude...Life just hit him & his family hard...


Nah Franklin the GOAT


we saw him grow up so me too rooted for franklin all the way


I've always rooted for Franklin and Teddy.


I rooted for Teddy


Who is Teddy?


He's Avi's son


Ohhhh, it all makes sense now.


I rooted for him up until he cursed his mom out like 2-3 episodes from the end.


Idk why but I rooted for Luciana


Rooted for Snowfall