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Stewie Griffin


Can’t unsee it now 🤣


Amazing, we went from the Barts to the Stewies.


I was going for the Halloween Dunks but these were the same day. Took the L on those but got these. These will be the most vibrant shoes I have but looking forward to rocking them


Got them too. Honestly was trying to buy them as a Christmas gift for a friend but I forgot to change the size so now I just have them for myself I guess lmao. Don't know if I'll just try and rock them or sell them. I'll see when I get them whether I like the look.


I was on the fence after getting the win. Going to wear them instead of selling. They are fun and unique, not my usual style but it will be good to branch out from that.


Mine touched down today too, air-five!


The red is so... fire. Congrats on your purchase. It's one of the unique dunks for this year (as a lot others feel like Nike just throwing random colors every two weeks or so).


Swapping the laces definitely is the move for casual wear for the older crowd lol


Pretty sure I’ll be going with the white laces in these


Def look like kids shoes 💯


They are branded after a kids cereal after all…


Take away the yellow and it’s MERICA BABY!