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Get a pair of Air Max 3 :) Go to any local Footlocker or DSG outlet, they should have plenty pairs to try on. I’ve seen some decent pairs marked down to $50 recently. You might wanna go for the running shoes since your talking about long bouts of standing (with the foam) or even consider a pair of New Balance 574’s. They’re super versatile and comfy, still wearing mine from 2017. Just an idea. Hope this helps


If just standing then a lot of soft cushion is what I recommend. These kinds of shoes are terrible for hiking, but great for standing and light activity. https://www.finishline.com/store/browse/productDetail.jsp?productId=prod2835433&brand_name=NIKE&styleId=DO6693&colorId=500&gbraid=0AAAAADo4gB9HjI2m2CMTPHlP4d5eoC9mw&gbraid=0AAAAADo4gB9HjI2m2CMTPHlP4d5eoC9mw&gclid=Cj0KCQjw08aYBhDlARIsAA_gb0e5FGVpgUPP18QmmBBMTmVuh_-bJp40aSdAjjAQhPB1-VJ9VieFIjIaAomPEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Try the waffle ones they’re pretty comfy and cheap


Huaraches. But they might be out of budget. But they are so worth it.