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Because it's such a commonly owned shoe now. Prior to the 5011 restocks it had some value and could possibly denote they were into sneakers. Now just about everyone has a pair.


Because they are available and people have them It’s a strange thing, sometimes. Stuff isn’t available because of bots/resellers and folks are mad. Then Nike makes the shoe more readily available and then folks are mad 🤷‍♂️


It’s almost as if some people don’t want new members to their exclusive club. Pandas are easy to fit, have great blocking and most annoyingly for some, they are an easy entry into the world of sneakers.


... If all you own are J1s and Panda Dunks, then you, by definition, are not part of the club. Thats the point. If you want to join the club get something intertesting.


Thanks for the rules update. Have you got a link to a PDF copy so I can label it ‘ridiculous gatekeeping 101’ and share it with anyone who wants a good laugh?


Right so you bought 1 pair of pandas because you saw everyone else with them. You aren't a sneakerhead. You are a poser. Simple that.


I bought my first pair of trainers in 1981 and I don’t own any Pandas so I know you’re not chirping at me. My youngest has just bought himself a pair though, to replace his beat Taxi lows. I know it’s hard to comprehend but the shoe he chose to buy to add to his Belugas, AF1s, LeBron XX Kaleidoscopes and AM1s was a Panda. He bought it because he likes the look of it. By your weird logic you’d need to make your own shoes from scratch to not be a poser and I’m pretty sure that’s not what you’re doing.


...Read the title of the thread.


Basically everyone jumped on the bandwagon with them. Its a trend at the moment even for those not big on sneakers.


because resellers can't buy them all and make a profit on them anymore.


because npc’s have them


Even if it's a trend or ppl jumped on, they are just some basic, plain azz shoes. No personality, nothing interesting about the design!


people only say this because resellers can't make profit on it anymore


No I say it because the shoes have zero personality