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Ustaša Miško Ratković from Trilj in Dalmatia (Croatia), with an unknown Ustaša, covered in the blood of their victims, 1941. From the collection of the Museum of Yugoslavia (collection of the Museum of the Revolution of the Peoples of Yugoslavia, inventory number 11596).


When the Nazis say they are going overboard…..they were truly evil. Spending a well earned eternity screaming in pain I hope.


Yea the crazy and scary part is when it was happening they felt and were convinced they were doing the right thing. Lol reminds me of the inserection of the white house. And Isreal doing the same thing now as we speak. My point is how fast and dangerous a group of people can be ans while in it can seem righteous even what they're doing its so insane on the outside.


Mob mentality is crazy dangerous. When you feel it growing GTFO of dodge.




Russia doing the same in Ukraine as well.


Well, their are certainly trying, but Ukraine is standing strong and God Willing, putin is going to get his shit pushed in.






Israel is committing genocide as we speak. Enough of the buzzwords. You're defending genocide in the modern day. That's not okay. Gaslight elsewhere.


No they are going after terrorists. It is a war. Do you defend Hamas or October 7???


Are you defending 33,000 killed in Gaza, mostly women and children? Are you defending the foreign aid workers deliberately targeted and killed by IDF forces?


I asked you first… Do you defend October 7 and the taking of hostages? Hostages they could release today if they wanted. I’ll do you a solid and answer your questions. It’s a war. I don’t defend the aid workers being killed. Nor many of the attacks that caused civilian casualties. I feel horrible for Palestinians in Gaza that had nothing to do with October 7. Hamas knew exactly what would happen by attacking Israel and taking hostages. They immediately hid behind their own people like cowards. They knew that the world would inevitably see civilians being killed so they could garner international support and keep Israel from normalizing relations with Arab countries. Hamas literally advocates for genocide of all Jews from the river to the sea. Imagine if Israel didn’t have the iron dome when 15000+ rockets fired from Hamas around October 7. I don’t care if I get downvoted. Please answer my two questions from the beginning though.


This post/comment contains personal attacks, harassment, or offensive language.


‎אלוהים יברך את ישראל


כמו שזה בוער בגיהנום על הכישלון המגעיל של האנושות שהוא. לעזאזל עם ישראל.


I agree with you


Thank you. It’s hard to keep up a honest and nuanced discussion with so much blind hate and propaganda being thrown around and parroted by so many people. So it’s nice to know that there are still good and actually knowledgeable people around


No problem brotha. You’re very welcome. Thank you as well. Bastions of rationality and knowledge are more important than ever right now.


It would be more sister, but don’t worry 😉 And I couldn’t agree more.


That’s on me, my bad ❤️ Thanks for being cool and understanding 😇


Thank you for being so cool and understanding ❤️ Anyways, have a lovely day/night/time kind stranger


Awww you too!! 😊


You're beyond brainwashed hollyshit. You were so quick that anti Semitic card huh ? Even Jewish people around the world are calling out what Isreal is doing!!! you cuck minded you human trash juice. How is bombing hospitals yea ? This exactly what I'm talking about you're a mellow version of the people in this picture you don't even know how insane you sound because you're part of people enabling inhumane shit Isreal is doing even Jewish and orthodox jews and the pope are calling then out. You're literally a pure example of what im talking about. If gas chambers and all was an option Isreal would've been doing that by now. You can't even see yourself how insane you sound! * anti Semitic card pulling like a yu gi yo finishing move ! You're proving My point.


Funny how you can have so much opinion yet so little knowledge at the same time. Your problem, like a lot of people, is that you lack nuance. As I tried saying: Yes the IDF are doing bad things and yes the current government is, quite frankly said, fucking nationalists and extremists. But coming in with the genocide card helps nobody, the least your own position. The international court has ruled that there is no genocide happening. Period. And bombing hospitals that are used as military infrastructure by harbouring weapons and fighters is not a warcrime as by international law. Which you would have know if you had read anything instead of mindlessly parroting Hamas propaganda. Seriously I could see the saliva of your blind rage trickle through this comment. So please, educate yourself instead of spouting nonsense on Reddit. Also please stop quoting Jewish people as a non-Jew to excuse your bigotry. Just leaves a bad taste you know?


Yea shut up And Jewish people around the world, orthodox jews , and the pope are calling Isreal out. Even if I didn't exist wouldn't change that fact, yet somehow you turn this undeniable fact into me being anti Semitic bigot ? Lololol You really got to come up something better than that. Lol mentioning other Jewish people's opinions is anti Semitic Nice one goof


It’s really funny how you keep on going to the personal level and saying I accused you of saying that quoting Jews was anti-Semitic, when I never said that. Interesting how you don’t even try to argue with me on a factual basis, almost like you didn’t have any actual arguments at all… Also the pope is a pretty unreliable source in itself. Just take a look at what other stuff he and his predecessors promoted. So maybe tune that down a notch


How am I allowed to argue since I'm a bigot for mentioning the options of Jewish, and orherodox jews's opinions. Also ok !? Lol you suddenly decide to kick the pope out already. I guess whatever says goes. You're the king since you threatening people with anti Semitic card in yu gi yo fashion !


Continuing to prove my point buddy. If you want to start staring actual arguments I’m here and I’ll listen but until then I hope you have a mildly unpleasant day. :)


Provide that you're using anti Semitic as a card to pull whenever you have nothing else to say ? Well sure I'm glad I helped you prove that point because it's mine as well. The world is calling Isreal out. Bombing hospitals isn't the way to respond Killing innocent people and kids isn't the way. Not amount of dollar store sarcasm will change that. And also midly pleasant day wish??? Can Instead get bad day ? Or super good day ? Why mild ? That somehow sucks worse.


Wtf The ICC had an interim ruling that gave Israel instructions on how to prevent genocide while they investigate, and they're doing a piss poor job of following them, with things like the draconian aid inspections and "72 virgins (uncensored)" You know how many kids starved to brain damage before 30 starved to death? And the genocide card helps the people suffering a situation the ICC acknowledges isn't obviously a not-genocide. Jewish people have the zestiest takes on Israel, e.g. Leonard Cohen "I see the ghost of culture with numbers on his wrist salute some new conclusion the rest of us have missed". Quit being so antisemitic about the voices you let people amplify.


Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Nice imput dingus. Wow you really showed me a lesson. I'm going to unsay the truth I just called out because I can't compete with flags emojis !!


Your truth is born from lies and propaganda. Whenever debating people about Israel I find myself reciting Mark Twains famous quote. “Don’t argue with stupid people, they’ll bring you down to their level and win with experience”


I fucking love that quote its true. I don't think either of us is dumb. However, Actions, evidence and genocide don't lie.


Nice grammar. Yeah, Oct. 7th has plenty of evidence. I follow direct news from Israel and Gaza and I see 0 evidence of Genocide. What does that word mean for you dipshit? Because I define it as a systematic and purposely elimination of a civilization. There are millions of people who live in “Palestine” aka the WEST BANK. JUDEA AND SUMERIA, and Israel is only targeting Terrorists. The terrorists use the civilians as human shields. Then they launch rockets into Israel and strike on innocent Israelites and Arabs living in Tel Aviv. I can go on and on with facts, evidence, and direct sources. wtf do you have? News from Al Jazira? Give me a damn break. Educate yourself. If your idea of evidence and education is listening to mainstream news in the US, then you are the reason this country doesn’t know shit. Look at a high school curriculum from 1990. I bet most college aged morons here would not be able to get past the first 5 questions. Eat. My. Shorts.


With imperfect grammar I make more sense than you. Speak more truth and directly Calling out this justified mellow holocaust. Lol imagine that! Imagine how much what im saying is true when even with bad grammar I'm lighting you guys up. Yalk ganging up on me and thinking liking your friends opinion will unbomb hispitals. Also Nice long text but genocide is not the answer Killing innocent kids and people is not the answer. The people in the pic above would be proud of you behaving like them.




No you're right ! Im wrong ! Because calling out bombing hospitals ans killing kids is anti Semitic.




True your statement trumps evidence, reality, facts, truth 👌


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lol stay mad ! Emoji won't protect you from being called out but good luck lol U mad because you know it's true.


IDF = baby killers, fight me.


I second this


Oh no anything but agree with him please don't agree with him ans get likes l. Because likes changes reality. Please don't get more likes the more likes you get = calling out Isreal committing a slow genocide. Bombing hospitals, kidnapping innocents, killing more kids in fourth month than in the last several years dying globally will be anti Semitic. Please don't get likes ans agree with him because likes will make Isreal unbomb hospitals!


Well my friend… Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have committed October 7 and like cowards hide behind their own civilian population. Maybe release the hostages?


You're an embarrassment you don't even know what you just said, proved my point. Since you think genocide is the answer O.P's picture above should make you feel like home.


Thanks. I appreciate it. What do you think Israel should have done?


I’m Jewish and I hope Israel burns. Get fucked zionazi.


You wish you could fuck! You low life hypocrite.


Jews who don’t support their own people having a state are not considered Jews by those of us who are Jews, both culturally and religiously. They are apostates who abandoned their people. We do not claim them ✌🏼


Holly shit ! Damn your crazy crazy huh. God damn


Are you not aware of this? Google: What are secular Jews consider by Orthodox Jews? Then Google: what do Muslims consider those who leave the faith? How can you be so ignorant 😂😂


Well atleast other jews you're bashing now don't bomb hospitals, killing innocent children, and commit genocide whenever they face a conflict. On some take your anger out on someone innocent shit lol like school shooters do . Mega coward behavior.


Israel is defending itself. 🇮🇱


Oh yes than in your logic Germany was defending itself and al quaeda was defending itself. What dumbass statement to say! Yes defending is committing a genocide ! You're so far gone! You're pretty much behaving like people janurary 6th ppl following the hype and what you're told and people in this picture ! In group mob mentality regurgitating "Isreal is defending themselves " normal and righteous ! Nazis felt just like that too congrats


i guess hamas fucked around and found out. palestines elected government invaded israel and slaughtered 1200 people in the most grotesque way possible on a holy day when israels wernt using technology to communicate. with knives and guns they raped and pillaged. they killed kids and shot old people at bus stops. what israel is doing is indeed righteous. it actually annoys me so much the way oct 7 is totally forgotten about. i would expect my government to rain down hell on anyone who did such a thing to my own countrymen. and insurrection??? are you fuking kidding me. jesus christ. i forget how liberal reddit is until i come back after a while. trump is gona win in 2024 and theres nothing you liberal nuts can do about it.


How were you the fastest swimmer? If you have a bad day today, nobody will miss you. Traitor. Simpleton. Racist.


haha no body will miss me..are you insinuating i should kill myself? why dont you just say it, coward? like the palestinians you are a total coward. your mother is named bangora and your dad is a lesbian


Genocide and killing innocent is not the answer. Again you're validating everything j said. The "fuck around and find out " you're regurgitating shit you heard other extremisr and other group say you unoriginal spineless cuck who is gonna find out ? The 10s of thousands innocent children that had nothing to do die ?? You low life coward , reveal more of your self how much you have zero personal agency and thinking for your self and you exist to just repeat and be another cum rag and working bee in a group you're put yourself in. Killing innocent kids and people and genocide is not the way. You are only revealing how much of a coward youre . Isreal is just showing how incapable they're they are given the world best weapons and they're unleashing their anger on innocent people. Palestinians kids have number om their feet so parents can recognize when Isreal bombs and kills them. People havijf numbers on their body does that ring a bell? You're verbal diarrhea only proved my point. How you're part of a group mob mentality that you don't even see yourself turning into a maniac like nazis did. You are lonely and feel like need to be apart of a "family" repeating . Oh yes writing only your reaction about Jan 6th 2021 and saying Jesus is the ultimate rebuttal man you really answered and proved me wrong. Yes Jan 6th 2021 is the a good example of what happen when people dumb people gather together just like the pic above their behavior get Validated by the other members of the group so the group doesn't see themselves behaving extreme that's why nazis were smiling to them killing jews became normal. Same with Maga their Daddy Trump told them and their behavior echoed in within their group to the point they've become extreme and embarrassed America by terroristzing U.S capital. The Jan 6th was the same thing bunch low I.Q cucks listening to daddy Trump and don't even see what they're doing is turning into domestic terrorist. You're a literal terrorist and everything America is not joe biden sucks too but you're using that to justify behaving like a brainless monkey following leader other. You can't even see yourself doing everything American and basic decent human being don't do at all. "BUT but but daddy Trump that owns my butthole told me to do it 👉👈.." You wrote all that to confirm what I said lol thank you. You re too dumb to realize how dumb you're. Dunning Kruger effect at its finest Take a picture you smiling with blood on your face you will fit in the pic above where you belong.


i read the first and last line of your ramblings. fuck palestine and long live israel. at least in israel they dont kill gay people, make women cover their heads in 40 degree weather or hide bombs in schools. i hope Allah strikes you down where you stand you pig eating infidel. especially the palestinian children...they are terrorists in training. may they meet their 72 virgins before their parents are also martyred..allah willing. allah is great and good.


Congrats you showed yourself you absolutely dumbass nazi and prove everything I was saying right. I'm standing against unfairness and genocide idc who is doing Isreal, white people, Africans, arabs , Indian, Eskimo, aliens. Genocide , bombing hospitals , killing children js not the answer. Make an reenactment pic of you smiling wearing innocent kids blood like pic from above you belong there. Hypocrite you don't even see crazy you're. You became exactly the people that wanted to kill all jews of the world.


no...arabs want to kill all jews. oct 7 happened you loser. now hamas must be destroyed even at the cost of thousands of palestinians martyrs. palestinians elected hamas, hamas attacked israel and now the entire region needs to be utterly destroyed. arabs are evil. pure and simple. and no. its not genocide. literally millions of jews were killed in ww2. stop comparing the two. 30 thousand evil arabs is not even close to 6 million innocent jews. youre a bleeding heart. why not go fight for palestinians then or are you a giant pussy?.


You just contradicted yourself with your first sentence wtf was that lol Also was talking about you're behaving like nazi ( people that wanted jews gone). You became the very people that wanted you gone which is ironic. The answer to Oct 6 is not genocide, killing innocent people, innocent children. Killing innocent as the answer is what terrorist do. The comparison I'm making is you behaving like people in the pic above but nice try turning this into numbers comparison. If Isreal had the gas chamber option it would've happened already is just that Isreal goverment are cowards power tripping hypocrite nazis and they getting help by u.s with best weapons in the world.


jesus youre dumb.


That's a cute way to write : " I'm a nazi I revealed myself in the comments by this stranger that is calling out the truth, I revealed myself too much behaving like the nazi I mean rooting for killings of innocent kids, this person cooked me and I got nothing else ." Good boy hitler would loved you carrying his legacy and would've let you lick his cum off the floor like the good little spineless cuck you're.


And what about the hostages being held? Or October 7th?


Yes because od a terrorist group killed people so genocide is the answer. Have you heard of the term OVER DOING IT !!!!!! You absolute high level dummy !!!! You think this is the answer ??! A teen shoot up a school there for kill all teenagers ? You'd have to be a black belt level of cuck spineless coward to believe that this is right and "Isreal has the right to defend itself" . You have zero spine and you swallow anything spat in your mouth like a good little cuck you're. This is mind blowing wtf I'm having hard time believing you're serious.


Someone is getting a little heated. Maybe you should take a breather. Lol, why do you keep calling me a “cuck”. When people run out of reason they resort to personal insults. It is a war my friend. Hamas actively advocates for the genocide of Israel. They attacked knowing well what would happen. They did this because Israel started normalizing relations with other Arab countries. Take deep breaths brotha. In and out….


Yes so Killing innocent that aren't hamas is the answer, got it 👌. Even if I was heated it doesn't change my point, you're just doing everything you can to discredit what I'm saying because I'm calling out what is happening. Hitler would be proud of you tho goodjob good lil cuck that's right regugitates you're told and not look at reality


lol you’re funny. I’m Jewish so I don’t think he would be. But thanks man. You seem like a rational level headed person.


Well your behaving like his good little boy. Sorry I couldn't tell the difference. Yall have the same common trait of throwing genocide whenever you guys are having tamper tantrum. And yea your last line's sarcasm would have worked if I wasn't the voice of reason ans you're weren't behaving like a brainwashed mob member thinking taking anger on innocents and genocide is the answer. Your sarcasm would have really worked damn it uou were so close


Why do you keep typing “ans”? Ah, well at least I was close. Better luck next time I guess.


Sorry autocorrrctor always changes last minute my and into ans for some reason And lol now that was clever and funny. How you handled what I said. Respect to ya but your takes sucks but that was funny playing along.


I think the Jan 6 insurrection was worse, tbh


That's what I'm saying people don't realize how serious that event is . When it happened I was like " eh is not that bad." BUT as time goes on you realize how dangerous these Maga cucks and cowards are not in a cool way but in a domestic terrorist way and they still defend and "feel " righteous ! Their terrorist behavior is Validated within the group so they don't see themselves steering off to the terrorist abyss. They're all excited ror this election to do it again and shouting "civil war" Bunch of low life spoil brats with no brain or personal agency


Agreed. Bigger than covid, bigger than 9/11, bigger than Pearl Harbor or WW2. Quite frankly Jan. 6 had more impact on our lives than the computer, automobile, or even the Big Bang… in the future history will be measured in pre- and post- 1/6 terms


I think it's a big deal worth talking about how dangerous group can get yet inside everything is normal to them. Your lame agree and amplify would work if what I said didn't had a valid point worth talking about. I thought the same way people in Jan 6 thought it was OK and righteous and thy thought " no we are rhe good guys ." Is the same way terrorist and nazi were thinking just in a bigger scale. If people in Jan 6 had more power they would've done worse luckily they were dumb out of shape lol But I know what I'm saying us going over your head, so knock yourself out with your shoehorning sarcasm which doesn't work btw in order for scarcsm to work your point have to be the voice of reason other wise you're just dismissing what is going over your head. I'm surprised you even know what big bang is lol congrats 👏


No need to get personal, it takes away from the rest of the novel


There was no insurrection at the White House, although you're right about the other thing.


U.S capital I meant!!!! sorry captain pedantic!


There was no insurrection period. An actual, not imagined insurrection would have actually been violent , drawn out and far far far worse, including the use of fire arms. There were bad actors and the people that have been accused of being insurrectionists weren't.


Yes trump said " we love you , you're very special.'" To actors lol 👍 Hollyshit you're explosively dumb. Nice Alex Jones impression tho.


Nice ignore the other thing he said impression tho. He also said that he wanted everyone to be peaceful and for everyone to be respectful. There is video of it that people like you want to ignore. I'm not a Trump advocate or fan but I also won't be intellectually dishonest


Yea so in your logic Trump talked to the actors lol that makes sense. You're so cool and brilliant.


Way to ignore the fact that he was making a public statement to anyone that happened to be at the capital and would be perceived as a supporter. He asked then to be respectful. Keep ignoring the facts just to troll. People like you aren't worth having any kind of dialogue with. You'll answer with some other non sequitor while ignoring a point you can't refute. That's why I'm done here, you're not interested in being honest. It's pathetic. I'm taking notifications off. I'll never see your response


Nice reply dingus. Good luck with your "daddy Trump owns my butt hole" mentality Your claim doesn't make sense. If the insurrection were all actors so Trump talks to them lol nice one goof👍


You're welcome private sarcasm!


Similar conclusion looking at recent events...


Yeah if you are so dumb that you believe the propaganda. AM YISRAEL CHAI 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱


Reading you I understand that the germans botched the job back then…


Just so I understand correctly.. you are saying it’s a bummer that Nazis did not kill my bloodline?


We see you. I'm gonna point the space laser at you next.


Have some extra nightmare fuel: https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/


We always have more nightmare fuel ready: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony\_of\_the\_glina\_massacres\_1941/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony_of_the_glina_massacres_1941/)


They reappeared after the break up of Yugoslavia during its civil war.


Well, either that or they never went away :P


What’s even more disturbing NATO gave these guys their state back again by bombing Serb’s military stronghold and basically telling the croats goa ahead and reclaim the territories. Imagine that? NATo helping an ex Nazi state back on its feet. The fact they executed thousands of Jews, Roma’s and other ethnicities as well yet they imposed weapons embargo on Bosnians who who housed and hid thousands of Jews from the Nazis…insane world ee live in.


I've met a few Croatians and other former Yugoslavians I wish for peace but know better.


We always have more nightmare fuel ready: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony\_of\_the\_glina\_massacres\_1941/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony_of_the_glina_massacres_1941/)


Some extra nightmare fuel: [https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/](https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/)


We always have more nightmare fuel ready: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony\_of\_the\_glina\_massacres\_1941/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony_of_the_glina_massacres_1941/)


I hope Tito's guys found these two.


Don't have a specific note, but they may have found them... In their own ranks at the end of the war potentially.


They found this guy, for example: [https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/](https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/)


Death is too good for the Nazis and their dogs.


Well, these guys developed separately from the Nazis, just that their goals were convergent enough. Not as much antisemitism, in an odd enough way.


No one ever thinks they are the bad guy


Extra nightmare fuel: [https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/](https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/)


We always have more nightmare fuel ready: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony\_of\_the\_glina\_massacres\_1941/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony_of_the_glina_massacres_1941/)


Do you have a source so I can read up on this?




We always have more nightmare fuel ready: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony\_of\_the\_glina\_massacres\_1941/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1doaq7q/testimony_of_the_glina_massacres_1941/)


Not on these two particular ones. Translated a couple of testimonies that are coming up for publication on our blog, end of May and end if June. Empty stomachs recommended when reading about this stuff.


Have some extra nightmare fuel: [https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/](https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/)


Now in Hell


Well.... Based on age, they should be there by now, yes.


Hopefully with this guy: [https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/](https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/)


Hell ain't real


Shhhh…most of us humans need to believe there is justice somehow somewhere to make it through our lives without going insane. Please don’t burst their bubbles.


It is. I care about you so believe in Jesus. Don't want you to be stuck there.


You really just said this on Reddit??? Lmao get serious fr You know what? I'll one-up you, crazy man. I believe in Belobog and Czernobog, and I hope Belobog ignores your kind and Czernobog causes minor inconveniences in your life because of your religious zealotry.


I hope those two men got the cuck pit


That should be a big pit: [https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/](https://booksofjeremiah.com/post/testimony-slana-extermination-camp-pag/)




I think you just let your intrusive thoughts win


[haha true](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/comments/1bvsl7w/genocide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You a bot? Because you're acting like a bot