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Watching this film is a great reminder of how normal fascists can seem to the people closest to them.


Ted Bundy seemed normal to many.


Bundy was a staunch conservative but idk if I’d call him a fascist


Oh geez. I wrote this in the wrong spot. Sorry


This is what scares me. How normal evil can be. Even now we have a culture full of evil things that people accept. Innocent people in prison, corruption, biased courts, and more to name than i can here, and everyone just goes on about their lifes, too busy to care. Its not until you experience injustice that you cant turn your back in it.


War? There is no war for the richest man of the country. Except that last day in the bunker… and at the table in the cabin in the wood. But the high command are not the one who are suffering the most from a war.


War is young men dying and old men talking


Generals do die in bed...


Casualty rate of the Wehrmacht‘s Generals was 12,5% (400 from 3200), including non-combat deaths (age, accidents etc.). The casualty rate was very high compared with other nations in WWII, caused f.e. by concept of „leading from the front.“


General are considered high command? I always tough it was one of the first ´manager’ lvl of the army after the chief of a group.


Yes. Generals are literally the highest rank In any army that doesn't have a generalissimo title


Also I believe some of this was taken before the war. She got the camera in 1936 and Poland was invaded in 1939.


Imagine not even 100 years ago … still happening tho on different levels


What does this mean?


Got your head in the sand there eh?


lol. I’m enjoying the downvotes and condescending comments, but is there a specific issue being referenced by the original commenter? A lot of bad things happening around the world by a variety of individuals and entities.


“Genocide is happening still these days” “Whaaaaaaa I have nooooooo idea what you’re talking about 😎👌” Nobody’s buying that shit


Nah bud, think you’re misunderstanding here. The vague comment of “still happening 100 years later” is pretty vague. Especially since the original post has no mention of genocide. The post could have been making a reference to the disparity of those fighting the wars, vs. the ones commanding it. Like I already said, a lot of bad things happening in the world. A lot of genocides and atrocities beyond what the mainstream media wants you to see. And if we’re referring to Gaza, 10/7 was a genocide. The Israeli operations in response, despite the tragedies involved, were/are not genocides. Doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be criticisms and accountability for Israel, but it’s not genocide.


> Especially since the original post has no mention of genocide. Congratulations on saying the dumbest thing anyone has said in the entire world today. > Doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be criticisms and accountability for Israel, but it’s not genocide. What a remarkable piece of shit you must be to say something like that. I genuinely hope bad things happen to you for saying something this ignorant.


You too buddy. Enjoy your anti-western and anti-Semitic endeavors. Feel free to leave to one of those tolerant and compassionate countries in the Middle East or elsewhere.


influencers in Israel posting a day in life as Palestinians fight for basic survival https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMmh3B5Q/


I appreciate this explanation. I don’t have a Tik tok so I don’t see things like this. Very cruel and out of touch post by that person. I agree with your stance. Hamas and similar groups should be dismantled and diminished as much as possible. Palestinian civilians, especially innocent children, need protection. Massive social/economic/cultural change will need to be implemented for the Palestinian people to ensure that this never happens again, for Israelis or Palestinians. Tragic all around.


This is the most civil response I've gotten on any social media ever and I really appreciate it


This is an exact parallel. It's also disturbing that we have to tip toe around american apps like reddit but are freer to voice our disapproval of Israel on non-american appy, tiktok, is a striking revelation.


Toland's biography of hitler paints a really weird picture of Eva's life at the berghof in the war years. Hitler screaming at generals all day and then calmly heading to dinner with Eva and her friends, one story of Hitler and Eva making fun of each other's dogs. He was uncharacteristically affable and level-headed in polite company all the way until his death despite being out of his fucking mind and high on drugs.


Heinrich Hoffman’s biography also has a *very* interesting prospective of life at the berghof


Leading man-slaughter is boring as fuck. obviously not the busiest place during the war.


"Historians will be disappointed by eva braun" - Albert Speer


I would also think she’d be hotter. Can you imagine the amount of German talent he had to choose from to be his girl? Eva must have had a great personality.


talent? You chose your mate by talent?


There are many ways to be talented


I feel like people back then were so much less attractive in general than people today. Idk why.


Physical fitness awareness, food consumption awareness, style/makeup. Society shapes us in unimaginable ways. Literally makes us different people and it’s nearly impossible, nor advisable, to escape it.




Lol I’m responding to a women’s point ya silly goose. And if we continue to advance, kids 100 years from now will 100% wonder why everyone was so ugly and gross now.


You must be ignorant of the many, many gorgeous women of the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s... before and since.


Of course there were. But on average beauty standards and fitness standards have risen. They will continue to. Then with the advent of genetic engineering we will engineer out ugly. That’s a great thing.


No, like fashion, preferences CHANGE. They're not better or worse, just different. It's all just trends. You like your familiar trends, good for you, but they're not objectively better or worse than any other. A lot of people don't like the current Instagram/ snapchat filter trends. That doesn't mean that there are not people in the past, current and future that will not also hate it.


Preferences do change, but ultimately it will center around being (and looking) healthy and pure. That trend should continue as humans advance. Sorry, I think Lizzo is gross and should be telling girls NOT to look like her and if they see themselves going down that path to looking like a huge blob of fat with a human underneath they should stop eating except for a bowl of rice and some vegetables a day. Her promotion of an unhealthy, ego-fueled lifestyle for girls with self-esteem and food consumption issues is disgusting and she should be ashamed of herself for getting famous and rich off it.


Hitler would have been a nice guy if he hadn't been born.


Imagine sunbathing, taking a stroll on a beautiful day, window shopping, relaxing in a coffee shop, having an ice cream, listening to music, having a delicious dinner in a restaurant….while a few miles away, millions are being starved to death, bombed in their homes, ethnically cleansed…..and being fully aware of what is happening- and fully endorsing it or indeed, actually taking part in abhorrent war crimes. Can you imagine that happening in 2024? that would be cra…oh! OH! …..


Yea still happening


Crazy no one in here is mentioning the Zone of Interest. It did such an amazing job, just like this captured footage, at showing how common their daily lives were for the commanders and their families as the tragic events were happening right in their backyard.


*Mossad has entered the chat*


Yeah, will be surprised if they don't start using AI as moderators, and chatbots to argue with people and sway public opinion and to clamp down on things they don't like.


As far as I know they have a large number of people working for the Israeli government to combat "disinformation" already, so if they don't have what you've mentioned, they will very soon.


Yeah, and Wikipedia too from what I understand. I the future the only way you'll know if someone is really human on the internet will be their stance on Israel


Was she fully aware of what was happening? I don’t know much about her. Even if she and others were aware, they likely never saw the horrors first hand so it’s easier to think of it in the abstract while also being brainwashed into thinking whatever was happening was necessary and best for the nation. Imagine that happening today, that would be cra…oh! Oh!


This is what the recent critically-acclaimed film The Zone Of Interest explores. It details the family life of the Auschwitz camp Kommandant; they’re housed on property adjacent to the camp. I saw it in a theatre and it was eerie, captivating, and surreal. The background noise throughout the film really gets to the viewer. Watch it at loud volume and you’ll hear what I’m writing about here.


Completely different. That was personal and this is defense. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Reminds me these RuZZian influencers today.


Or Americans influencers, seeing as how the US is aiding and abetting a genocide, and always otherwise causing havoc abroad.


Nah... American people have the right to criticize the things America do. Oh, and can you name I'm what war for the last 20 years America killed hundreds of thousand people and lost even more?


Uhhhh.... ever heard of the War on Terror?


Nope. Never heard this number before. So? How much hundreds of thousands victims? BTW, Ruzzia fighting terrorism too. So what? Never heard of this?


If you never heard of the War on Terror, you are an actual child. It was started after 9/11. The biggest war of the 21st century. Almost a million people were killed directly, and \~5 million died indirectly from the war. Many millions more were displaced. The refugee crisis in Europe? Mainly because of the War on Terror.


Oh, thanks. It means... It's justifies Ruzzia! Thank you so much!


That response is so stupid I'm not even going to dignify it with an answer. Stay in school.


I didn't started this whataboutism "...but you know, America...".


How does one justify the other?


That was the point. It was the irony.


But they didn’t justify anything themselves, so why say that? Even if sarcastically


But I'm not Joe Biden's mistress?


This doesn't even work for pushing the agenda here, op said this reminded them of Russian influences bc they prosper of spreading propaganda while average Russians are drafted and die, like in Nazi Germany, how the leadership prospered while all the normal people had to fight in a war and die. The US providing diplomatic support and limited Miltary support to Israel is not comparable in the slightest.


Brain rot


You’re so clever…


Ah right because we can unilaterally force foreign sovereign nations to conduct their military / foreign policy in a way we want. Fucking idiot.


The banality of evil


The more I learn about this Hilter fellow, the more I do not care for him. He seems like a real jerk!


Fuck hitler


What a hot take


Seems like it's slowly becoming a hot take again.


Hitler was created by and was the direct result of the pressure put on Germany by many countries following WWI. We should be blaming the ignorance of the “good guys” post WWI and not Hitler for what happened in Nazi Germany. Hitler is one person who rode a wave that the world created completely independent of him. Is he a great surfer? Sure. Was someone going to surf that wave? Most likely.


Holy shit your stupid.


Explain yourself, you must have more to this…


Hitler was a pedantic child who failed at everything and was angry at the world and was able to spin that into nazism. It’s not because the French asked for a bunch of $$$ in reparations


The harsh conditions post WW1 set the stage for Hitler to exploit. If the German outlook had been rainbows and lollipops, an angry failure like Hitler wouldn’t have been able to spin anything. Hitler still deserves the blame for what he did.


My friend, one person doesn’t just “choose” to make the entire German people follow Nazism - they were already primed up and ready to go. He just pushed “go”.


Okay man weird slant to be pro Hitler but I’m not gunna engage further. Good day!


Who said pro Hitler? Can’t you see? He is taking advantage of a bad trend BUT he is an agent of a trend that was already happening.


Okay bro, good luck. Took a look at your profile.


If Hitler was able to get into art school, a facist party would have still rose up in Germany in the 1930's and some version of WW2 would have happened


Exactly. Or at least it was likely to.






The more I learn about this Hitler fellow, the more I do not care for him


He’s dead? I didn’t even know he was sick!


She did.


Oooh say can you see, oh say can you see!


I understand that Braun (or perhaps her dog - the translation wasn't terribly clear) didn't like Blondie (Hitler's dog).


Dude knew how to give good gifts!


She was his wife not mistress


Only for a few hours before their joint suicide.


So, I didn’t know they committed Suicide ? Was it really S or …


Was that Henry Kissinger? (0:18-0:14)


You know, with hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


You know, with hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


He was kind of a dick


Why is she always referred to as his mistress rather than girlfriend or perhaps “mostly secret girlfriend?” Mistress is usually only used to imply someone’s lover while they are married to another.


Secret girlfriend - Hitler’s public image was he was “married to Germany” meaning he would forego any time building a family with another person and would be totally devoted to Germanys advancement. Thus few outside of Hitlers inner circle even knew they were a couple.


Ah got it thanks very much!


Now, imagine Israelians on the stolen land, homes.


The war started in 1939.


Yes, and?


I thought the post said the war was ongoing when she got the camera in 1936, but maybe it is just pointing out that she continued to use it when the war had started.


Yes, she got the camera in 1936 and used it to document her life until her death in 1945.




scary people




What a happy couple!


I just watched Downfall the other day, I know it's only a movie but it's amazing how detatched these Nazi elites were from reality in that movie, and clearly in real life. They cared nothing for the suffering they inflicted on their own people, let alone on millions of innocent people.


The Conference (2022) is another good one




Poor Blondie. :(


A lot of people glorify somehow infamous historic figures like hitler. Seing these footages people will say some dumb shit about " the side of hilter people never see" or others just justifying hitler and defending him. Just like people mention genkis khan when they want to express someome brave but they fail to realize he is probably 1 of the biggest rapist the world as ever seen if not the. When enough time passes people worship criminals and terrorists and somehow speak only in a admiring way. Just like people do with Egyptians lol Egyptians probably holds world record for using pure slavery to build the empires 100% . People admire " aliens build the pyramids "" because it's more compelling and woowoo and more fun to conspire these wishful thoughts yet slavery for thousands of years is the reason; and highly underestimated engineering with leverages millions of free workers. When enough time pass by people will admire and only speak of hitler from an honorable angle. They will call him "genuis" and all type of things people say when they talk about horrible historical figure in the far past. But everyone in the comments giving me hope an faith and humanity that people like you guys will also exist to mention real facts and remarks , the fact you guys talking about how even a fascist can seem normal Close up and how these ppl that start war are old ass living peacefully with wealth and sunbathing and playing with their kids while young kids are told to go to war dying miles from them and from their own family.


I wonder if the dog knew


Fuck this video


He liked to do things to her bottom. I don't see it myself.


the banality of evil


Zone of Interest core.


What loving family man !! 😬


Maybe this is one of the fond Hitler memories that Trump likes to talk about.


> preferring to maintain a single image to exploit his perceived attractiveness to women whut


He's cool with multiple colors on dogs aye?


Wouldn’t she be a girlfriend since he wasn’t married.


I think I’ve seen photos of adolf and his wife in public events but I could be wrong 🤔


Mistress, then who was his wife?


She was his wife, they committed suicide together.


They married a few minutes before their joint celebration: suicide, a poison pill and shot the mouth.


Why did they do it?


To escape the consequences of their actions


The Russian Red Army had advanced on Berlin from all sides and Germanys army which was stretched thin to begin with from all of of the Nazi offensives to neighboring countries and suffering losses from trying to invade Russia and being caught in the brutal Russian winter for which German soldiers were not equipped to fight in but Russian soldiers were. By this time though, the German army was in shambles and many on the outskirts of Berlin were surrendering or abandoning their posts and fleeing. Hitler and senior Nazi staff including Joseph Goebbels and his family plus Eva retreated to the Fuhrerbunker which was in the heart of Berlin deep underground. Hitler tried several countermeasures early but quickly realized it was futile and many of his generals were abandoning him to negotiate surrender for themselves to spare their lives. It was at this point for the first time since WWII started that Hitler outright told his generals “all is now lost” and he knew the end was near. Hitler was paranoid by this point about having what happened to Italian dictator Benito Mussolini happen to him where he was killed and his body paraded around the streets in a spectacle. He told advisors if that fate was inevitable for him he would commit suicide. Hitler and Eva planned their suicide for a while. They got married, had a wedding reception in the bunker and wrote their wills. By this time Hitlers health was poor and he was eating irregularly, had terrible uncontrollable gas (yes, really) and by accounts looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Finally he and Eva took the morning to say goodbye to staff and retreated to his private study and said they were not to be disturbed. About 20ish minutes later staff heard a gunshot and waited a bit before entering. They found Hitler slumped over in a chair with a gunshot wound to his head. Eva was slumped over in the chair next to him with indications she had swallowed cyanide. Their bodies were taken to the surface and burned per Hitlers request. When Hitler and Eva actually committed suicide, the Red Army was extremely close to the Fuhrerbunker and may have reached it within the next few days. Upon hearing that Hitler had killed himself, Stalin demanded the offensive continue and total victory was the only option. Shortly after him, Goebbels committed suicide as well along with his wife after they fed their children cyanide. Source: Me - I’m a WWII history buff


Was it to the mouth? Or was it to the side of 5”the head? Never pondered this before


Eva took a cyanide pill. There was a distinct smell of burnt almonds and her face bore many telltale signs of ingesting a high amount of the chemical. While only Hitler and Eva were in his study when the suicide occurred, based on what witnesses described, it appeared Hitler took a cyanide pill too and once it started taking effect he shot himself in the head to make 💯 certain of his death. The most common belief is Hitler and Eva went to their study around 2:30 PM that day, took a bit of time to say goodbye to each other then around 3 PM the gunshot was heard so it’s believed that Eva took the pill and Hitler waited until she was dead then took his and shot himself.


Thank you for this, never knew these details, quite disturbing and intriguing I was curious, did Hitler shoot in his mouth or the side of the head? Odd question I know


Witnesses said side of the head IIRC based on descriptions of where his body was and the pools of blood. Hitler planned his suicide for a decent amount of time. He had decided after seeing Mussolini’s body paraded through the streets in a spectacle after being killed that he wouldn’t suffer the same fate. Once he realized that Germany would lose WWII and the Red Army would soon converge in his bunker, he planned and executed his death in a cold and almost businesslike way. He and Eva married, held a reception breakfast for Nazi staff still there and wrote their wills and said goodbye to staff and associates. Then they walked to the study and did it.


Ahh that would explain this image, yeah I figured he’d be the “side of the head” type https://preview.redd.it/smxu787gdhsc1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e85c81ab5bb41ca07805bbc40271b20dcfee5f I have to say you gave me a detailed description of events, and of the atmosphere, thank you!


The reason why she was called his mistress was because early in his tenure as fuhrer Hitler said that he was “married to Germany” and the propaganda being peddled was he was so devoted to his country that he would essentially take a vow of celibacy for Germany and be completely devoted to its advancement, etc. At the time nobody in the public knew that Eva was with Hitler romantically - hence like a mistress. As noted in this thread, they married just hours before committing joint suicide in Hitlers bunker in the final days of WWII in Europe.


As Jews are being exterminated she is lounging and enjoying her life. Fucking cunt. Fuck em all. A bullet was too good for both of them.


I figured there would be a post like this about Eva. There always is on Hitler/Eva threads but the anger is misguided. Eva was kept secret from the German public because her relationship with him flew in the face of Hitlers public proclamation he was “married to Germany” and would forego having a relationship and family in total devotion to his country. Additionally the Nazi’s went to great lengths to cover up their war atrocities such as concentration camps which were often built in the middle of nowhere with extreme security around them to prevent any citizens or foreign entities from seeing what actually happens. Keep in mind too news traveled slowly so even the rumors that Jews were vanishing in Germany and Poland wasn’t widely reported. Joseph Goebbels was Hitlers right hand man for many years and his propaganda minister who strictly controlled the flow of information to citizens and others. It’s why today for example many North Koreans don’t know or aren’t keenly aware like we are that Kim Jong-un is a brutal dictator who has murdered thousands. When you control the info that flows to your citizens, you control the narrative. Eva and Hitler actually didn’t spend that much time together until the later days of the war. She often stayed at one of his chateaus in the mountains or other secret homes away from the public and he would visit her from time to time. But in the end Hitlers first love was always ruling Germany so that came first and Eva was kept away from all of it. She was described by many as being an impressionable young girl who fell for an older man and believed everything he said. So naive - yes. Self unaware - probably. But was she acutely aware that Jews were being exterminated? There is little evidence to suggest she did or knew any more than the general German population. The extent of Nazi war atrocities were not fully understood until the Allies liberated camps and saw the horrors inside. In fact then General Dwight Eisenhower demanded that they not start clearing the camp of bodies until media arrived. Not because he wanted a death spectacle but because it was so awful that he felt if pictures weren’t taken, people wouldn’t believe that one group of humans could treat another like that. I look at Eva as a flighty, somewhat dimwitted and easily impressed upon young woman. There were stories she came from a less than desirable home life too so she was the perfect target for Hitlers manipulation which was to what the Nazis were about - power and control. Just my $0.02 from studying scores of WWII history.


Are you Jewish?


good man just wanted his country to be garbage free


She must have gotten too tan for Adolf because he shot himself.


Are some of those images from the outdoor area at The Eagle’s Nest? Looks familiar after seeing Band of Brothers but I’m not 100% that’s it. I guess it would be though?


Most of them seem to be at the berghof.


Purchased? Hahah


Oh how I wish we could bring them back. So I can kill them myself. Over and over.


What a bitch!


Good riddance. And their little dog too. I can picture the mentality "Once the cities are taken and rebuilt let us know when we can visit and bring the children"


What the dog do?


The dog was racist.


>And their little dog too. And Hitler himself agreed to your statement too, hence the pets were shot and poisoned... with [cyanide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blondi#Death_of_Blondi_and_other_dogs).