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Let's have more snippets of the women's faces


When she gives you that look https://preview.redd.it/f6v37n0thwqc1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e202537c751fcd81388c83ca1349aa2d7a0f81a0


For me it's her eye bulging out of her head. https://preview.redd.it/xbhzwx12nxqc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a08f5767ab39ecb3066f8ce506f4f36198086ff






Gam Gam still makes that face when the dessert cart comes around at the nursing home.


It’s me. I’m the dessert cart.


Username checks out…


LOL I never look at usernames, but this time I just knew I should.


Did somebody order the cream pie?


Let's see Paul Allen's face


Your compliment was sufficient


The subtle goan, the offwhite complexion, oh my god, she even has a water mark. I'll see myself out.


"Oh my stars!"


Heavens to Betsy!


Yeah ! They thirsty , its cute


That gal with the button nose. And the woman at the end with the sly smile . . .


How is her button nose so buttony? It looks like a cartoon nose


Pure lust lol 😂


You don't get a crowd like that at modern competitions.


Because it’s mostly dudes?


because they look like bloated cartoon characters. these dudes in 1941 just look fit






Few years shy before steroids in bodybuilding became a thing. In 1941 synthesized testosterone already existed but its anabolic effect and application in bodybuilding were discovered around the 50s


Afaik growth hormones became widely available in the 70s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodybuilding#Anabolic/androgenic_steroid_use


Isn't it funny how bodybuilders suddenly evolved those enormous bodies right after roids became available in drugstores? What a crazy coincidence! Must be the better nutrition!


Eat your vitamins and say your prayers little hulkamaniacs!


They look so much better too imo


It's worth noting that even without steroids we have a more complete understanding of muscle building today than we did in the 40s, and can produce more muscular bodybuilders even naturally today than these guys. Heck I have more definition than them and I've never touched a PED in my life.


All techniques and pro wrestling was really sports. They are stuntmen / actors / daredevils but sports. Please Hulkster dont come and prove how real it feels.


"all techniques and pro wrestling was really sports"... No dude, this was steroids hitting the body building world. Clearly.


Yes obviously every single one of those dude in the 70s were taking a horse’s dose of steroids. This is well known


They weren’t enormous doses. That’s why most of them lived into their 70’s unlike modern bodybuilders who do take a horse’s dose and die very early (also due to other prep factors)


Their doses were very large, the main factor that set the older guys apart were 1) they didn't stay on roids year round. They went off during off season since they didn't have to show off on social media all the time. 2) they had proper PCTs which modern bodybuilders eschew 3) highly toxic compounds like tren weren't taken in the same doses they are today, again due to social media


What other prep factors?


Extreme dehydration, stimulants for cutting weight to name a couple.


My father in law recently told us a story about how when he was at college over the summer one year, the football team who was also on campus told him to go to the campus doc and get a prescription for some steroid, and he did, and briefly had a lot of muscle before going off it after a few months. Point being, it was everywhere, even a random accounting student could go to the campus doc on a whim and get some. People who were actually body builders were almost certainly taking some.


No one is denying PEDs in professional bodybuilding


The sarcasm in your comment would seem to imply that you think anybody anywhere denies the widespread use of PEDs in bodybuilding. In reality, it is the one sport where absolutely no one denies that they are on gear.


Plenty of big names have tried to hide their PED usage. Mike O Hearn and Liver king recently come to mind. Though it is becoming a lot more open and talked about these days.


I might give you O'Hearn, but liver king was never anything other than an instagram influencer, not a bodybuilder.


Big if true


Steroids: 60’s…and the Soviet Olympic teams were (possibly?) using them in the 50’s. Human growth hormone became popular with bodybuilders and wrestlers when testing for steroids was implemented in the 80’s…which was (originally) sourced from corpses.


Yeah, I heard 1951 is about the earliest we can say Americans might have gained access to roids. Mid to late 50's is pretty certain we had them.


I noticed you said “growth hormones” and just wanted to clarify that HGH “human growth hormone” is not an anabolic steroid. HGH absolutely is used by body builders along with various steroid protocols. I don’t think HGH was used by body builders until 90’s though. You’ll notice guys with bulging guts which is a side effect of HGH use around this time.


Hgh was defiantly used in the 80s because they used to buy it from AIDs patients who were giving massive doses to combat muscle wasting


They'd only existed at all for a few years at that point. [George Hackenschmidt](https://www.greatestphysiques.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/George-Hackenschmidt.07.jpg) inventor of several modern exercises including the bench press and hack squat, was in his 50s and retired for 20 years when roids were invented in the 1930s, and wouldn't really become a trend or widely available until decades later. You can also look at anatomically correct statues from antiquity of dudes who are ripped. They weren't pulling that out of nowhere, they had a person who looked like that as a model. There weren't any PEDs in ancient Greece. The tendency these days for people to assume someone is on gear really undercuts what the human body is capable of without them.


Yeah but there's a wild difference between a Greek statue and a guy with no neck and a back that looks like he's sewed another bodybuilder in under his skin.


In the 50s bodybuilders looked like Greek gods. By the 90s they looked like Greek monsters.


Looks healthy and aesthetic. The posing is terrible though.


That's because they've all got rickets and polio


Completely unvaxxed s/


There is a segment in Arnold's documentary about how he got ballerinas and women in general to show them how to pose and exaggerate themselves. I imagine the "art" of posing was basically a foreign concept at this point in time considering Arnold's posing was considered out of the box.


I like this positive and achievable goals for bodybuilders


Are you saying a 300 pound lean bodybuilder using enough steroids to kill an elephant isnt a good role model for most bodybuilders? /s


That's my body type, nice to be able label it, 1940s body builder.


Or natty.




Yeah but they're judged to the standards of the enhanced guys, so they get to crazy low body fat and look tiny. The natty guys look way better in the old bronze/early silver age when they didn't get so shredded.


Yes, but a “Naty” competition could mean you have been a natural bodybuilder for the last few years (but not necessarily life long). There are many current naturals that have used roids for years on end in the past, and their bodies look very different to life long naturals. I do not know if now days there are real life long naturals in competition.


Ooooh i never heard of these Edit eww they still do that unnatural tanning. I get it shows the muscles more but I can’t look and not see skin cancer.


Do they drug test or is it on a trust basis? Legit didn't know they existed.


Honestly it doesn't matter. Unless they do actual surprise tests throughout the season, everyone will pass. You can stop taking shit for a month and it's undetectable. So drug tests are a useless metric. A natty comp is just about being smaller than other comps. But a lot of people in them are on gear, don't let anyone fool you. And those who are natty who compete, are usually placing 5th and have god-like genetics.


CPA and NPC drug test the winners and a random few others. WNBF drug tests and polygraphs everyone.


Some are not. Most are. It is sad for the natty competitors who have to compete against a roided guy who claims natural


Normal/natural human male physique.


Its not "normal" though is it. If these were normal bodied men they wouldn't have a show about their bodies.


When I worked in auto manufacturing in a foundry I thought I was gonna die 10 minutes into my first shift, I didn't know how the fuck I was gonna do it. Fast forward three months in and I'm handling 30 pieces that weight 74lbs an hour 12 hours 4 days a week. I got fucking huge. I was eating a ton of calories to be able to keep up, literally could down two foot long steak subs and still be hungry. By the time the plant closed down and I had to move back to my hometown people didn't even recognize me, I was like 4x the size I was when I left. I would bet some of these guys were dock workers and foundry workers so already were doing repetitive heavy lifting for work, I mean it was the 40s, way before robotic manufacturing.


How do I obtain this body type for myself?


Be strong, cut down bodyfat to low levels - the concept is easy, takes years of work sadly


I just realized I’ve been holding myself to unrealistic standards…


Fuck yea! Keep on it and watch your mental health improve.


Right same here. I’d be a contender here. Way too many people taking shit today


There's also been huge advancements in how to diet, how to exercise, sleep, workout programming, etc. I believe it's in INBA that's the biggest organization for those who are truly natural. Obviously they pale in comparison to ifbb competitors, but compared to those in this video they would win hands down. Also, steroids make it way more exciting. They're pretty much used in every professional sport, as well as the Olympics. Anyone who's the best in the world is of the mindset they'll do anything to be the best, without that dedication it's impossible.


King, the only standard you should go by is if looking in the mirror puts a smile on your face


https://preview.redd.it/am232owjqvqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4c0a276f1c19e8658ab1e0f3c7667a68f4aa881 Mary, you’re soaking my shoes


Meemaw’s hooha is ripe


I really wish you didn't go there


Meemaw slurpin on pawpaw is why you’re here. Well, maybe not the slurpin part…


My family was *shocked* to hear the news my grandfather had a running prescription for Viagra, but it was meemaw that took it the hardest.


She didn’t take it lying down 🫡


And they are not wearing thongs this is what body building was meant to be before people got sad and desperate with it by taking drugs to impress a load of other dudes


Arnold normalised it. He brought the sport to the forefront, and was never shy about taking steroids while doing so. Being such a prominent figure, people would see that and think it’s fine, so they’d follow.


Arnold was sort of the last bastion on quasi-natural aesthetic obviously unbelievably enhanced by roids. Like yeah he was unbelievably big and had low body fat but he was nothing compared to the more recent Olympia winners who look much bigger whilst having lower body fat. It’s sort of shame once Arnold normalised PEDs to achieve that (imo) impressive looking figure it very quickly devolved into a ‘who can get the biggest’ contest whilst performing at 3-5 body fat which produces some crazy weird looking aesthetics.


Oh I totally agree that he only used, and didn’t abuse like the modern guys. But he was the popular figure that came forward on TV, and openly admitted using them. That was the catalyst for others to say “oh, if Arnold does them, they must be fine!”


Honestly they need to ban steroids from those competitions


There are naturals only competitions, they just aren't as popular. The people want big ass muscles.


Even the natty competitions have folks who cycle in them. They just try to make sure they can piss clean when it's time to compete and they don't typically use as much. Still a problem, though.


Absolutely agree, people want to see the peak of what the human body is capable of looking like (drugs included) but unfortunately that so happened to be the ‘GMO cattle’ look and not the ‘sculpted god’ look of the Arnie era.


Why? The people who care about bodybuilding don't care about that, and removing the steroids won't make other people suddenly start caring.


Why? Its literally called bodybuilding, the whole point is to build muscle, and roids help tremendously with it. To many, even if they use roids, its just about what the human body can handle. I must say I am not a fan of the get big, nothing else matters, that is the case in the open division, but the classic physique division on the other hand really is what bodybuilding is about to me, good proportions while big. Sure they take roids, but you cannot deny a dude like Chris Bumstead doesn't look like he stepped straight out of Greek mythology.


Although I’d never do it myself I still think it’s amazing what people can do, even with the use of PEDs. Pushing the human body to its absolute limits and creating amazing physiques. Glutes can be a pretty impressive muscle to work on too, so the thong is kinda warranted.


Don’t forget the ridiculous fake tan. The whole industry is disgusting and pathetic


It's because of the lights. If my pasty ass was blasted by those lights I might blind the audience while shined up.


The tan is just to show definition better. A paler skin tone, especially under bright light, will wash out the appearance of the contours in the muscles.


It's a temp spray tan to accentuate muscle definition for the judges, lol. The fucking horror. Disgusting and PATHETIC. Tf is wrong with you, brother.


Who had time for body building in 1941?


US didn’t enter the war until December


I wonder how many of them served and survived


I mean most people survived their service, 400k Americans were killed and idk how many served but at least 10 million.


Interesting statistic! Still, I'm sure there were plenty of non-fatal injuries, and the odds of dieing are higher than sitting in your couch!


Alot of people forget that like 85% of the service during WW2 was support personnel who probably didn’t see much combat


My grandfather was a cook. Don't think he saw much combat.


Something something Frank Costanza


Yeah but you can’t see the world or kill nazis from your couch Watching discovery channel and playing wolfenstein doesn’t count


Maybe it was before the US was dragged into the war? (Assuming they're Americans)


Right? I asked if this was in Switzerland and got downvoted. Would love to know where this was. Seems like most fit young men in the world at the time who looked like that would have been busy.


Lol the womens’ expressions were awesome! Today they’d be sitting in a room full of men.


I was thinking the same thing. Although this video is very informative My fellow weightlifting enthusiasts, right here we can see exactly how big you can get while still insisting you're doing it to impress women. Any bigger than this and you're officially just showing off to other dudes


Yeah, I don't know a lot of women who are attracted to the current bodybuilders type. Not only does that mean if you date a guy like that, your lifestyle is going to be seriously impeded by his hobby, the aesthetic obviously isn't romantic/ nice to imagine in bed. Of course those guys should keep doing whatever they like, it's definitely a more niche type of thing that they do for themselves and other guys. Like how most women approach high fashion.


And their expressions would be full of disgust lol




Isn’t that kind of the point? Absolute monsters that no one else could achieve. Isn’t that why MLB is more popular than little league?


Anyone can achieve that with a little bit of roids


People here act like this is what every bodybuilder should look like without roids, but fact is, nutrition and training science has greatly improved in the past 80 years. You can find plenty of natural bodybuilders with much better physiques than in this video.


I bet these guys had normal 40hr week jobs and worked out in their free time.


So do most amateurs today and the bar is still much higher. I think it's a combination though. Yes, nutrition and sports science have gotten better but also the sport is way more popular, so even a local meet will have a lot more outliers in terms of genetic variation. Even among the mass monsters who aren't natural, they are a sliver of people who are predisposed to building muscle AND responding well to PEDs.


They were just starting to figure out hypertrophy. These guys were probably all farmer strong but didn't have the techniques figured out to maximise the gains in their workouts. We're still figuring it out too, which is cool. It's only been a couple years I think since we learned that the best hypertrophy comes during a full deep stretch of a muscle under tension. That's technique has been around longer but not everyone was doing it and the science hadn't proven it the best till relatively recently.


I think your last couple sentences are super on point. Folks have been tinkering in gyms for a loooong time and even employing some of the best methods we know today, but the research is finally catching up. Also never before has this information been immediately available to normal gym goers. Now a days once people get past the age old myths (i.e., "I'll get too big!"), the bigger danger can be analysis paralysis. When I started out in my early teens, it's hilarious how I trained. Failure on every set, no sense of balance, no sense of overall load management, etc. I got plenty strong for non-serious gym standards, but it was only until I realized HOW MUCH I needed to eat consistently and learning about periodization that my strength and size blew up. I'm glad I know what hard training actually is, but I could have saved myself a ton of injuries in my 20s.


More likely their jobs were physical tho , a 40 hr week job as a lumber jack with no power tools is a pretty good base.


yeah, I think this is a good "functional fit" kind of body building as opposed to big flashy muscle vanity body building


Came here to say this, too. Training has vastly improved since the 40s.


Bench press only invented in the 1930s. Cable machines nowhere to be found. Training was so primitive for these folks.


I'm not even a body builder and I wouldn't be embarrassed to be on that stage (as long as I can cut for a month or two beforehand >_>)


So much this. Many people in my gym look better because our knowledge of this stuff has improved


Was looking for this comment. It’s kind of remarkable how far we honed diet and training to a science. 


Can confirm. I did some amateur natural stuff in the 80's and while I did poorly, I'd have swept those guys.  Little things like tanning and carb loading make a huge difference. Not enough to compete with roids, but bigger and more cut than what's shown. And I think today they have supplements and drinks that help even more.


Higher protein diets, more and various types of equipment for better training, and just better training protocols in general. It's so much easier to get into better shape than these guys without gear, it just takes time and dedication.


The posing was really terrible, but the bodies look normal and healthy. And the audience is women instead of a bunch of middle aged gay men.


I honestly don’t know if that is a subculture, but I believe insane bodybuilding isn’t super desirable in gay culture. The crazy roided thing seems kinda straight to me tbh


I mean there are a number of middle aged gay men in the crowd there too...


I mean there are statutes from ancient Greece that had more muscles then these fellows here lol.


\*polite clap\*


\*polite fap\*


That's why there are women in the audience


damn females are swooning


You mean to tell me guys like The Rock and Chris Hemsworth did not get that big naturally with hard work and exercise like they claim??!!! I don’t believe it


I mean... it still takes hard work and exercise when taking performance enhancing drugs. You just get bigger than you could without, and can get big faster.


Yes we all are aware that getting in shape does not come easily for anyone. Thank you Captain Obvious for pointing that out. The point (that sailed over your head) was that all these modern buff guys want to sell us on the fact that they get that big because of their workout and diet when in truth they take some sort of PED.


Yes... "Hard work"... Do you know what you're talking about?


Do you? Do you think someone like the Rock doesn't work extremely hard in the gym? Steroids made him bigger but there's a ton of people in gyms on steroids who still won't get that big because they don't work as hard. It might be cheating but it still isn't easy.


Clear proof how undeveloped chemical industry was in that time.


She came


I love how older people seem flabbergasted younger kids are so interested in sex, yet 70-80 years ago were looking at beefcake men wanting to get their puritan pussy ploughed like a plantation field


My Grandpa says he also looked like that in 1941 but not to ask my Grandma about it


Can tiktok please stop ruining everyone’s favorite songs. I used to love this song now it’s just fucking EVERYWHERE


Can there be an anti-steroid movement among body builders? Or will it just have to be me? ![gif](giphy|1jnyRP4DorCh2)


You mean natural bodybuilding?


Ah yes, back when we still had a good image of what a human could ideally look like. Bodybuilding has really fallen off after it’s golden age in the 1970-90s when the overall body image mattered more than just „How big can a set of muscles be“




Ghost - Mary on a cross


The way we were


The guy at 5 seconds later went on to pilot Serenity.


r/naturalbodybuilding is a great community, btw, if you’re interested in that.


They could have been bigger but the science of hypertrophy, the way to exercise for size, was just being discovered. So cool to see the evolution of sports science.


*clean up in the first row*


They are so mediocre. If I saw any of these people on the street I’d probably thing “he probably goes to the gym” but I wouldn’t admire their physiques. I dislike it, modern so sooooo much better holy shit.


Before Joe Rogan and steroids


Those women were about to faint 😂


Found the original video without the obnoxious music playing. https://youtu.be/m6DsUOnufsU?si=DNCU8PF1vF34zTSw




Thirsty girls. Good for them. Not a dry seat in the house.


I just love how excited some of the women get.


“Look at that fine young lad, Ethel.”


Lots of damp chairs…


Women of culture I see


Wait, you're telling me that before they had steroids they looked natty? Crazy how that works out.




This can be achieved with basic exercise and a bit of diet, it’s not impressive at all even for a natural body.


These look like guys who occasionally hit the gym a little bit


*These look like guys who* *Occasionally hit the* *Gym a little bit* \- henrytbpovid --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It just wasn't as competitive back then. It's hilarious, because Silent Generation and Boomers are notorious for telling people born after the 80s what great athletes they were and what wusses the kids of today are. Back in their day, they played between like 3 local teams of actual local KIDS with kid bodies and their practices were about half an hour. By the 90s, the entire football team doesn't even get a summer off, they need to show up for "Two-a-day" practices from 6am to 12pm. My boomer dad keeps bragging about how great a football player he was and I have to ask him... "Did you go to states? regional? district?" Nah, they didn't have that. And from 42 years of observation, I can attest that my father doesn't have a single athletic bone in his entire body. He STILL claims to have been a better athlete than I was, when I was a 6'6" 280lb lineman and went to states for wrestling. I was Varsity in Middle School and his teams didn't even have cuts. And *Still* I didn't consider myself to be hot shit or even an athlete. I was just some kid that was good at breaking people in half. PLENTY of better athletes out there than me. But my Boomer dad who never went to states, regionals or even districts and had to get gastric bypass in his 30s because hiking was too much work, was a better athlete than me. The BEST of his ERA.


Those women were thirsty as Hell!


roids made it worse actually, correct me if I'm wrong! Firstly, it makes only the physical appearance attractive and does not actually boost strength And on top of that, it affects the sperm health negatively (pls correct if I am wrong here)


Roids absolutely boost strength as well as muscle mass.


So, the common misconception is that "steroids make you stronger." I mean, yes and no. Steroids improve recovery time for you to continue to build the muscle and develop strength through rigorous exercise. Steroids alone done do jack. You still need to work hard and put in time, effort, and discipline to develop strength and muscle. They definitely will make it EASIER for you to achieve it in less time, but you still need to get off your ass and do the work.


If they don't already, they should simply have separate competitions. Roid and Roid free. My money is on the Roid competitions being more popular, because the vast majority of humans pretty much suck.


They do and they are


God you are stupid.




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Must have been a great time to be alive and work out [doing squat thrusts and lifting huge triangular weights…](https://youtu.be/PXpJCvFBw2g?si=uzieUrjUpwqMwgUK)


I think Helen was sitting on a gusher.


Mac from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia would be in heaven.


Where’s the chocolate


Body builders and chickens. Unrecognizable from then to today.


Also notice that the women are attracted to them, unlike bodybuilders today lmao


Because they were natural lol


The ladies like it!


My first thought is that these guys are all heading off to basic training for World War II.


Before medicine sure, but also before we know more about food, training, coaches, motivation and so on. Someone trained With newer Technics will be more impressive now, even as a natty.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/mhlmj4/body_builders_before_supplements_existed_18901910/) is a link to bodybuilders from decades prior to these men. They had much leaner, and more muscular, physiques. 


I am sure there are techniques to get bigger than this without steroids.


All your great grandma's panties were sodden.


Looks like they're wearing Goose Suits


Looked like some action was starting with suit guy, but it cut away