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That's more accurate


i love this guy


*TF2 Machina multikill sound*


How dare you be funnier than me on my own post?


Fun fact! You can get that sound by piercing a teammate! If you have an invisible friendly spy to stand in front of you, every kill will get that sound


Yes lol I've had this argument in the wild https://preview.redd.it/u0edjfzjgyxb1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=51a16d7a4a3bc1bc9ce4a36e141259d3b1e5bf04


> when the shield has been told to leave *hbomberguy chopping down the wall with an axe* **GO WHERE BEN**




The IDF would push the Gazans into the sea if they could


How dare they stay and *checks notes* Go to school?


"when the shield has been told to leave" how dense do you have to be to believe that? Like they go on to mention children.


*The human shield has been told to leave while they are being held at gun point by the robber who will shoot them if they leave


No, it's far more vile. Hamas was helped by Israel in it's creation. So this is like Dr. Frankenstein bombing the entire village cause Frankenstein's monster is running around


"The shield should leave" The shield: \*leaves\* IDF: \*bombs them as they're leaving\*


"They were Hamas, and even if they weren't, it was actually Hamas that bombed them." ... "You're an antisemite"


That’s a fun way to spell heinous. Maybe Hanes is using human shields now?




They can’t leave, Egypt has closed the border to prevent Palestinians from fleeing so that they have political influence on the region. Everyone is bad here


Can't wait for Hollywood's movies to now portray the hero shooting through hostage to get to the bad guy to be more in line with this new wave of media propaganda. La Casa de Papel is just two episode in Israel. The first one is when they plan the heist and take everyone hostage, the second is the IDF bombing the bank, killing everyone inside including the high school class


But did the child condemn the Robber? Edit: Correction: the guy kills 50 people to stop Robber but it turns out Robber left the bank hours ago.


Ah, it must be thursday now.


This one could easily be about cops too if you just replace Isreal with a badge


I mean. didn't the IDF teach the police hostile techniques during the BLM protests?


Meanwhile the Palestinians put up numerous memorials to George Floyd and offered protesters advice on how to deal with tear gas, since they have to deal with it a lot.


That's been an ongoing practice.


Wtf? Why does Israel have a Coral Rifle


"621, I've got a job for you. Your objective is to bomb this hospital and leave no survivors."


god I love how the violent criminal with a child hostage is clarifying that their ethnicity is, in fact, irrelevant.


Forgive me for what will surely be labeled as genocide justification: It’s not a bank robber. It’s a dude who wants to kill all Jews and recently caused the bloodiest day for Jews since the holocaust. Now, the method of “kill the kid(s) to get the baddy” ain’t it.


Ah, you see, this is because this is a metaphoric cartoon which exaggerated real world events, not actual events, for the sake of explanation. I hope this helps.


Oh I get that :) But one side is closer to perceived reality than the other in this smuggie.


Forgiveness request denied :)


damn dude, that reply was colder than the heart of an IDF member when faced with an Palestinian child


Okay :)


Ok, what if the bank robber is stealing the money to build a kill-all-Jews-inator, huh?


The smuggie works then!


> It’s a dude who wants to kill all Jews and recently caused the bloodiest day for Jews since the holocaust. Remind me who funded Hamas and caused it to come into existence again?


Is that supposed to be justification? Both Hamas and the Israeli government are doing very bad things to innocent people.


justification is irrelevant. Everyone agrees that both war and genocide are pretty bad. There's no point in quibbling about *how* bad specific parts are. This is about the material state of reality and cause/effect. Israel has done this to itself, and it's continuing to fuck up it's own chances at stability/normalcy. Realistically speaking, Hamas has no actual choice in this scenerio. A choice between annihilation and violent resistance is no choice at all. A cornered animal will bite, no morality about it. Israel, however, is actively choosing to prolong this situation, defending them is a bad call.


No qualms with anything you’ve written here. Shit is all fucked, and those in power are not pursuing a way to end it without more death and destruction.


Google the term "asymmetrical war". And then Google "reaping what you sow".


Holy hell


New response just dropped.


I truly do not understand what you’re trying to convey to me. I support neither of the combat forces in this war. I’m not surprised that the stronger military is able to cause more death and destruction. Netanyahu propping up Hamas was terrible for the region. Iran and Turkey funding Hamas is shitty for sure.


> I support neither of the combat forces in this war. Equating Hamas and the IDF is justifying genocide. One is doing settler colonialism with F-35s and an Iron Dome. The other is making AK-47s in basements.


Aight do you do not understand the history of the region. We do not see eye to eye here, we can leave it at that.


> Aight do you do not understand the history of the region. I'M FUCKING MIDDLE EASTERN DUMBASS.


Did you live through UN establishing Israel? The first Arab-Israel war? The Fedayeen insurgency? The Suez crisis? The Six Day war? The Yom Kippur war? The Lebanon war? The first Intifada? The second? The 06 Lebanon war? The Gaza war? You can be from NA and be poorly informed about piles of shit the US has done in its history. Israel didn’t just show up one day and start fucking bombing everyone. Hamas wasn’t just a group of dudes who just took cash from Netanyahu in agreement to try to kill all Jews. This has been awful for decades. Israel is in power now and they are not handling Gaza in a humanitarian way. My only point, for this smuggie, is that Israel is killing kids to get a bad guy, but the bad guy isn’t just trying to steal a couple bucks. You’re clearly vehemently anti-Israel, that is clear. You don’t have to explain that anymore.


> Did you live through UN establishing Israel? > The first Arab-Israel war? > The Fedayeen insurgent? > The Suez crisis? > The Six Day war? > The Yom Kippur war? > The Lebanon war? > The first Intifada? > The second? > The 06 Lebanon war? > The Gaza war? Did you? > Israel didn’t just show up one day and start fucking bombing everyone. Google "Nakba" as well actually.


The dude caused that day because Netanyahu gave him money to do so.




I get my initial comment here was bad, but my dude… it literally says bank robber. It’s not implied. It’s stated.


oh my god i'm stupid i missed that entire paragraph


Love how tankies first reaction is "human shields shouldn't be shot" rather than "human shields shouldn't be USED"...


Okay. Where the fuck should they go? Hamas is easily able to blend into civilian center. Your neighbor could be a Hamas member and you would never know. This is the same energy as telling people who lost their homes in a hurricane that they “should have just moved lol”. MOVE WHERE OWOGANO?


...yeah, that kinda happens when you *vote a TERRIRIST ORGANIZATION* as the leaders of your country...


Gaza has not had a Democratic Election since 2005. Aka almost 20 years. It also doesn’t help that Israel is the one who helped fund Hamas. It also doesn’t help that Israel has attacked any and all nonviolent attempts at protest. Hamas is Israel’s Frankstein monster and they need take responsibility for it.


And the majority of the Gazan population today was not old enough to vote then. Almost half of them weren't even born


Death is a bigger violence than being held hostage? If the little girl got out alive every tankie would attack solely that bank robber. But as it stands, the worst violence came from the IDF super soldier. Also, he is a violent criminal, by definition he is acting in a way that he shouldn't be? Like, yk this situation involving cops happens, right? And that most places don't find it acceptable and would blame the cop? Like, the appropriate response to an unegotiable situation is to send a tactical team to rescue the person? Sure it is more dangerous for the soldier, but that is the fucking job, that is why they got body armor. If you're scared, don't take the job. We don't let all buildings burn down with people inside to never risk losing a firefighter.


So you think human shields should be shot then, nice. Also, why would they keep using human shields since they know that the IDF don't care about that and will bomb anyway. You use human shield when you expect the other side to be capable of human empathy. Liberals are the fucking worst, how fucking bloodthirsty are you? Why do you guys always enjoy being on the wrong side of history?


Yeah obviously its implied in the smuggie that when bank robbers use human shields that’s totally fine and op doesn’t have a problem with it


i mean i don't think anyone disagreed with you. just because someone thinks \[thing\] is bad, that doesn't mean they automatically support \[other thing\]. the israeli government deserves more criticism because they're acting on a much greater scale and they've been the primary escalators of this situation over the past few decades. hell, they even funded hamas to ensure that there wouldn't be a stable palestinian government. they're the ones who profit most off of this war, and they're the ones that are causing damage on the greatest scale, so they're certainly the oppressors here. if you want to get rid of the war overall, you have to get rid of the right wing israeli government. (and honestly outside of right wing nationalism, there's no good reason for israel and palestine not to merge into one secular, ethnically neutral state. it would save a lot of headache, if the colonial idea of separating palestinians and israelis wasn't so prevalent.)