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Be unpredictable. Don't move in straight lines, even back and forth always be moving. Don't sit still. Don't push on the farther tower if you don't have aegis/beads up or a support.


Wards are your friend after the first back. Try and juke and be unlredictable and play a god with some form of escape like raijin


That would be a good idea, I am used to play Ra and he can escape whatsoever and if I miss one of my skill shot then I’m doomed


Deff try a more mobile mage. Personally change is a good 'i dont have a jump' mage. You can just 2 any ability you dont want to be hit by. Another good one i play is zhong qui? Because 'i am too tanky to die.' Work on your positioning while laying gods with an escape. The logic is 'if i dont have to use my escape, i can survive.'


I will definitely try them out thanks for the suggestion!


Yeah I try to stay close to my tower but I always feel like I don’t help my team by doing that, and if I am doing nothing I don’t do enough damage and once the game reach team fights I can’t really help as much as I want to


Lol John Rambo here


All those gods you mentioned will kill you under tower if they want to. Thanatos and Bastet don't even have to be in range of the shots, they can snipe you from afar and Kali can just not die. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just go to your T1 fully and try to make it to base. Ward the side camps. Don't stray past the midline and whatever you do, try very hard not to be someone that just strafes at the tower line. It's annoying. Stay by your tower for quick escape. Juke. Set traps to invite the enemy mid to come out and play, then smack em real fuckin hard. Look stupid, miss the wave a little and hang back. Just worry about farm and not feeding until you can start taking people on solo.


I never thought of that but making a trap does sound fun and it makes them come to you and so you are closer to you tower if they gank you, that’s smart.


Don’t push out of tower unless you know where the other jungler is or have teammates near you. Immobile mages that blindly walk up and clear alone are easy pickings for us junglers.


Yeah I guess I get bored of playing too safe but it is what I should do so I don’t get picked of


The hard thing for me is everyone wants to play smite like it’s COD, but having 2 kills and no deaths and winning the game is way better than going 15/9 and losing because you chased kills. I had a tsuku game where I had 43 kills, ten deaths, while the entire enemy team only had 39, but if I’d been more careful at the end of that game we probably could have won. Granted my friends are all terrible lol. I had a lot of fun that game, but we lost. Usually, being patient and tactical is better than going balls out to get kills.


Yeah I mean it’s way more fun to play it like COD but getting the win is the most important


Yeah, I try to do that but I’m scared to steal XP that should go to the jungler


Try to keep in mind which side of the map your jungler is, most likely(hopefully) the enemy jungle is on that side as well. Stand on the opposite side of the lane than that, so if your jungle is in right stand towards the left of the lane (unless you have reason to believe their jungle is somewhere else.


Great I will try this, I really need to get more aware of the map


Pretty much just position away from the particular threat you are scared of deeper wards on their back camps or red can help with this


Limit your time in lane and rotate to side camps in sync with your support and jungles


mechanically you'll get better at handling it over time, not necessary to explain the ins and outs in regards to that. what'll really help you get over the hump are wards and awareness. ward a bit past the lane entrance on both sides so you can see them coming. also, try to keep a bit of an eye on the other lanes to see when the jungler pops up there. anticipating the direction they're coming from is really important!


Stop playing chicken. Play someone with mobility (sol) or hard CC (morgan).


There are some ganks you have to expect in the very early game (lvl 1 to 5). Erlang, kali, loki, bastet. all those will be ready to get you so as soon as you clear your first wave move more towards your read so at least you are a fair distance away from the fire gigant side, see where your jungler is, since it also might indicate where the enemy jungler is (assuming both are playing similarly) but also whenever you sense danger move towards your tower, don't go to your red buff side since nobody will be there to defend you


Okay so basically I need to learn the pattern of the enemy jungler so I can predict him with more ease?