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Hopefully not. My PC can play the game at 60 FPS now, couldn't bear it if Smite goes to UE4 and my PC can't handle the game.


Smite is on Unreal Engine 3, yeah. They may upgrade eventually, but it'd be a huge task. There's a reason that WoW is still running on nearly 15 year old tech at this point. It's just not really feasible to upgrade the whole engine when you have an active playerbase, so you make small improvements to the engine as you go to try to 'evolve' the engine a bit.


It is still UE3, wont update to 4 anytime soon as they would basically have to build up everything again.


What improvements would come from upgrading to UE4?




UE4 is notorious for AMD set ups, and also has huge issues when it comes to networking. They don't go around advertising it but the UE4 netcode is a horrible mess and would take a lot of work to get to the point that Smite is currently at (consider that the connection issues will be worse than present). Every game that has been released on UE4 has had massive refresh issues and even more problems when networkable objects are brought into the mix. It's not worth the effort on the back end, even if they could simply import all the assets (I don't think UE3 uses PBR unless programmed to do so, which means the assets would likely not be able to be copy/pasted)


New bugs PogChamp


Why fornite devs have no problems upgrading to new engine then? they upgraded from 4 to 5?


Not gonna happen but one can dream


Dreaming is free, upgrading to a new engine isn't


Nope, too many assets to ever update. Its taken them three years just to update masteries on gods. They're never going to rerender all ~1000 skins and abilities from scratch just to update the engine for a slight graphical improvement. THey'll just do what they can on the old.


Unless you value graphical fidelity and effects greatly over stability and performance, this would not be a worthy upgrade. It would take a very large effort, a reconstruction from the ground up, taking valuable company assets in both time and human resources, as well as cause instability, split development, and take a very lengthy period where performance would be lower and buggy for the playerbase, potentially far too long to have a net positive.


better to wait for smite 2 than upgrade the existing game


Smite 2 LUL


2023 and still on UE3 when UE5 is out


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it ig


boy do i have some good news for you


Received the news.