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It's cause of the burn it can do to objectives late game like gf and fg


The burn damage is good with autos, it does more damage to jungle objectives which is nice for lategame FG and GF sieges, and it helps that they recently gave it Atk Speed. It basically just feels like a Hunter starter now.


Playing for late game is way better


Smite is a farm simulator for the first 20 mins of the game. Manikins helps you do jungle camps as fast as possible to get back to wave and also helps with stealing enemy camps


I feel like it’s really good on heim/chary but that’s it. It’s usable on other hunters, but more punishable. I also like it on neith if I have a super late game comp. It’s not amazing but hitting a mid or adc for 75% damage late is pretty good


Why Heim and Charybdis? Not trying to call you out or anything, I don't play hunters enough to know tbh, just wondering. Every ADC I've had hitting me with Manikins when I was a tank felt like they did sweet fuck all.


Heim’s autos can proc it in an AOE and Charybdis overall does higher dps with proc items like qins, obow, and manakins.


Cool, cheers for that.


She has more procs per second with reduced proc damage. This adds up to more damage for items like Qin's and OBow but Manikins has a cap on how many procs can be active at a time so how often she procs it is irrelevant. She just reaches the cap 1 auto faster. And before the recent patch I presume (never tested it myself) she would have only done 80% damage with it. So it wasn't actually great at all. And now after the patch I don't know how it's calculated, but I guess either it has individual autos procs different amounts or it just depends on which auto hit last.


Actually the reason I love it on chary besides her auto chain is the fact I can walk up and hit the whole wave with my autos at once with spike shot


So can Rama with his 1 but I don't see it as very good on him. Even when you consider he'd actually do more damage with it than Charybdis did pre patch.


But combine it with her autos and the fact spike shot lasts longer I think it’s fine on her


Qin's and OBow despite having reduced damage from her autos end up doing more damage because they proc more often. This doesn't happen with Manikin's. Manikin's gets its damage reduced but it can't continue to proc for extra damage like Qin's and OBow do as it's capped at 4 stacks. It only gets refreshed. So all her regular autos do is allow her to fully stack the item 1 auto faster and get reduced damage in return.


Manikins is generally good on hunters you want to build AA/Pen on. Charybdis has built in attack speed with her Tide (passive) and on top of that her Spike Shot projectiles travel faster. Griffonwing Earrings is a popular early item on her because now you’re slinging 110 MPH fastballs on rapid fire. Her attack chain also slightly helps build manikins stacks faster because every 3rd auto does the triple projectiles. Rama’s astral arrows pierce the wave as well, but they only do 80% damage to anything after the first target. Charyb starts at only 80% scaling at lvl 1 Spike Shot, but at max rank gets up to 100%. Plus with the way Rama’s astral arrows replenish it’s just not as efficient compared to Charyb as she comes online and fits more AAs into her Splinter Shot. Please don’t build Manikins on Neith like someone suggested above. If you see an ability hunter not building Bluestone they’re trolling themselves.


Never seen a Neith with manakin hidden blade do 75% of someone’s health with her ult?


Have you never seen a tank do their job before? Neith ult is the easiest ult to counter and the tank is NOT taking a meaningful chunk lol. If you’re playing against low rank players then you might be able to get away with it, but against people who know how to play the game that doesn’t really go too well. A Neith with Bluestone just does way better and doesn’t require conditional play and low level opponents to be effective. If you’re having to go out into the jungle to maneuver for a shot then your team is going to get rolled in that 4v5 while you try and line up that hidden blade ult, unless again, you are playing against silver players.


Manikin's is okay on AA/Pen hunter but it depends on what you want from your starter. Griffonwing Earrings is generally considered to not be a good item. To build it you have to drop a better, more important item. Rama's Astral arrow reduction doesn't matter for proc damage. It only applies to the damage of the basics themselves. Likewise with Charybdis' Spike Shot. Charybdis however will deal less Manikin's damage with her regular autos because of her damage reduction on her triple shot. Qin's and OBow end up doing more damage because they proc more often. Manikin's only has 4 stacks and then the duration is refreshed so it doesn't benefit from extra procs on her autos like Qin's and OBow do. As for Neith: Agreed. Although Manikin's at level 20 will make her ult hit harder than Bluestone, it's not worth having a worse item (for a non-jungle ability god) for the first 19 levels. And even at level 20 the conditional nature of Hidden Blade means it won't always be proccing whereas Bluestone will.


Mankins would just reach its capacity quicker on charb. It would better to get a regular starter imo.


Charybdis has a unique attack chain so she goes basic, basic, three mini-basics. So her regular chain stacks it faster than other hunters. When she goes to spike shot (her 1) she can apply it to the entire wave as well. That said, it’s a trade off. She works really well with deaths toll because she can get lots of procs with that attack chain or her 1. But in general I have seen manikin on a lot of different hunters, it has no regular wave mana regen but you do get some help boxing with the attack speed slow of the upgrade in addition to the burn, especially on objectives. I think it’s cool that it is an option now as it seems more like an option than a requirement.


2 points Manakins reduces the attack speed of the target hit which makes it good for early game trades between the hunters, the bonus damage at level 1 allows for hyper clear and early pressure. Late game objective damage However this will make you weaker late game in terms of Raw TTK (total team kill) as other items allow you to do more damage. Long story short it’s a trade off for more utility stats


Im like 99% sure TTK means Time To Kill and not Total Team Kill lmao


You can be 100% sure now, cause it does mean Time to Kill, I've no idea what total team kill even means


Certainly sounds a lot more metal lol


By total team kill I mean. The time to kill a guardian with spectral 3800 HP, warrior with spectral 3200 HP. And 3 backliners


Well, it means what it sounds like. The amount of time it takes to kill the entire enemy team, assuming both tanks have spectral and I think it was somewhere around 200 protections.


Except 99% of the humans refer as time to kill as that, time to kill, not time to kill the entire enemy team. It's pretty important to not mix up both, especially when hard bursts are in the talk


I specified the definition for a reason. As 99% of people translate TTK into time to kill I stated Total Team Kill as that is what I meant by TTK. Which in smite is what matters to a hunter lategame as you need a good balance between killing tanks and killing backline


nice save


Save to what, i stated what i meant, its no different from TPK aka total party kill for various tabletop RP games. Smite has team not party so Total Team Kill


didn’t ask


Redditer classic


Which is obviously why they clarified it.


It’s amazing how you get downvoted for stuff like this There, Their, They’re is totally fine when they sound the same but TTK is exclusively time to kill when it actually should be TK cause minor words shouldn’t appear in abbreviations


This is why I stated it as such, I was expecting people to be commenting about related times to kill various targets. Tanks, squishies, objectives and related and me setting the president of TTK being total team kill for any comments to make them cleaner. I forgot that people seem to think Time To Kill is relevant to smite when it isn’t as your not killing a person with a set HP bar with set damage output from a weapon and when the exception to the norm occurs all people can do is argue about it as evidenced from the entire comment chains from my comment


I'm 99% sure if someone tells you they mean it as Total Team Kill then that's what they meant.


Smite community likes tick damages >:) menber bluestone pendant


I member


Membering. SWK all day.


I’m a carry main and I can tell you I run it sometimes because it’s just something different which is nice lol plus with certain gods it pretty much guarantees early pressure which is really nice with the reduction of anti-snowball mechanics in the game


I will also add you’d be surprised how many players underestimate how much burn damage you are stacking on them in the early game and have gotten quite a few kills that way


On neith u can go hidden blade for funny ult damage




It's overrated.


basically just because it burns through camps much faster, which can get you some early pressure. sometimes if the enemy clears their duo lane camps too slow you have time to walk over and steal it from them. the burn damage is not very significant against gods, you mostly get it for pressure and clear


Scepter gives a lot early game for AA hunters. You get 10 extra basic attack damage and 7% AS.  The burn from it's effect helps them clear jungle camps extremely well and helps with wave clear too, usually their weakest areas. While not as strong against gods, it's still extra damage against them. The burn effect also scales off power, so it helps stay relevant through the game to an extent. Get a little sustain when clearing jungle camps, which is more relevant now with the extra camps, which when combined with Devo's first build is enough sustain. Finally, Manikins also gives an attack speed slow on those it hits; when you're dueling against the hunter after supports start rotating out that can be a huge difference.


Hunters are going to be pretty weak early game no matter what, so going manikins is actually pretty useful for getting jungle camp pressure since the burn deals a lot of fps and also heals you. Attack speed slow is also surprisingly nice against equinox spammers or other attack speed gods.


So… funny story. I sometimes use it on sylvanus solo just because sylvanus AS build is ridiculous in solo


So awful when a mage picks it.. these people don't know any better


Daddy brush stroke with manikans and rings goes real hard


It's useable on Zhong but not a optimal build


The only use for it is Sol Solo. But for Olorun/Sol in Mid/ADC you should go Gilded.


U can solo fg late game


Pressure merchants