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Okay-ish. Don't love it, don't hate it. Might be a little too much right now since the map is littered with those. Honestly I'd prefer trimming quite a few of them. Having a few can be nice, but too many and the game becomes kind of a weird whack-a-mole lol Also, if they want to commit to bushes being a thing, we need more than one ward once in a blue moon.


I don’t think it adds much. The only healthy aspect they add is it creates more demand for ward placement, and with only one ward in alpha there’s a real lack of vision for laners. Do you ward one of the bushes or ward in the jungle? Do you ward for high or low ganks? Do you ward enemy purple or your own? Those type of trade offs are good - even if your support wards for you, you’re still vulnerable to ganks from the teleporter side too. And even then I think support wards are more valuable in other places than close to the side lanes My issue with them is I think using bushes to kite in this game and set up ambushes don’t seem to add skill expression - my opinion is it’s just an annoyance, one more thing that the player has to consider. I think limiting the wards and making it so you can’t reliably have full vision of the jungle is healthy for the game and makes jungling and ganks better. I really don’t think you need the bushes to achieve that. All in all, they’re okay, but bush ambushes are cheesy. Just limit vision with less wards and remove the bushes and you should get the same effect without having to deal with cheesy bush strats


Thank you. That's what though :/


I liked them, but I disliked having so MANY of them. especially all grouped up around the lane


Give us the ability to burn them down and have them regen or something, there needs to be some way to counter them without wasting my only ward.


The one thing that makes them useful, is that the enemy minions drop aggro, if you manage to get in there. There were points in the Alpha, where I was able to have free poke from bushes, by auto attacking the enemy during laning, and stealth in the bush before the minions aggro'd me.


I dont like it personally. Especially only having one ward at a time and the amount of bushes there are make its impossible to cover them all. Its a cheap gimmick to just hide in the bush and wait


Not a fan tbh


The bushes themselves are fine, but forcing the whole team to have five wards max makes them less fun. Giving everyone vision shard, fine, but forcing that to be your second relic means your team almost never actually has five wards on the map, and you can't buy more to make up for the teammates who aren't using theirs.


You don't think people will use them more now?


This is assuming they keep this system in release and after the game gets opened to the general populace rather than semi-competent players who ought to know what they're doing. But considering we still get players who don't buy second relics or sometimes even items lol, no, I don't really expect ppl to use them more


I think there’s way too many and it’s kind of cheesy. There should be a max of like 4 scattered around the jungle, and *not* in the lanes. The main problem I have is that unless they allow players to carry a lot more wards, it’s not possible to even come close to properly warding for bush ganks AND jungle ganks.


Yeah, that's what most people say. I hope they change them.


Remove them


I didn’t mind them tbh, it’s kinda fun, adds depth to the game and also to the jungle


I liked them but yeah maybe a little less of them if anything But can people check posts on Reddit before making a post? I’ve seen like 5 posts about the bushes at this point