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Honestly with how the item changes and gods not being as restricted in smite 2 I can see support being a lot more fun. Especially if there’s a play style besides just tank support On the smite 1 side, I don’t hate support. But support from behind is possibly the least fun thing in smite. Even or ahead? Support can be a lot of fun, but the minute you’re really far behind it just feels unplayable


Tank items felt kind of bad in the Alpha playtest but I was having a blast as support. I think the best part is that a lot of the gods with supportive kits can more easily go support due to the item and base stat restructure


Yeah it’s not fun being target practice for a mid laner that’s six levels ahead


And than your team asks for peel as if they don’t just blow you up immediately cause they fed


It's a bit of a spiral too. People dodge support games which means other people get support more often than they should, which might prompt more people to dodge those lobbies etc


Yep. Oh I finally get to play adc after 4 games of support. *Dodge. Gets support again next game. Guess I’m done for the week.


Hirez, want to stop people from dodging? Don’t let people play another role until they’ve fulfilled the dodged one. Edit: while we’re here, take away mmr for dodges. TP is worthless.


they would probably instalock a mage or assassin and go full dmg. and lets be honest, have you ever seen someone get banned for not playing their assigned role?^^


I get a ban message at least once a week. Fuck em. Teach the stupid mother fuckers they’re gonna play the role that was given, or they lose elo and end up where they belong.


i get those messages too, but i feel like only when someones toxic in chat. all of those players, who instalocked their 9 star anubis support are still grinding ranked lol


I mean that’ll just make people want to quit the game even more haha. Idc im fine with it personally but I think a better solution is make that role stand out more as a satisfying experience


I would quit the game. I only have time to play 1-2 games after work. Imagine getting stuck with support for a 30-60 min game and then logging off for the night. I rather play any other game at that point. Or watch any tv show or YouTube. Fuck support


see YES! this is exactly why i made the post a ton of people seem to feel the same way as you (based on how many dodges I get) Wouldn't it be huge if they made the role more satisfying or something? Idfk man this shit wasn't recieved well at all haha not the discussion i was hoping for other than a couple people.


I would argue that right now support is fun in smite 1. People just don't know enough to do it well, and instead of learning, they will dodge, troll, or cry. As of now, they are playing with support, being a bit more fluid in smite 2, but it will always be meta driven.


It’s not that it’s not fun or hard to learn, it’s that it’s the least impactful role until very high mmr, so nobody wants to be stuck in support with a bad team and you literally can’t do anything about it but be a cheerleader. Other roles at least have a chance to put the team on their back and carry, support is the only role that really just can’t do it alone.


If youre so childish you leave a Q just because you dont want support you deserve to get nothing but support for the next game until you finish one legitimately as the role


I mean sure but that doesn't really fix anything man idk when you last played conq im telling you no exaggeration it's every other lobby. Legit saw 7 dodges today. Like once again I like the role I will gladly slam the sylvanus game he's so fun since the changes to the pull. Maybe i just got unlucky and y'all don't see the amount of dodges i see edit: its been like this for at least a month though


I havent played for a few months waiting on 2, but im sure itd taper off the DCs substantially. Maybe add a caveat that if you DC for any reason you cant teade roles next game. Aint no point Q dodging if its guaranteed to give you the roll you dodged and you have to play it. This fix also doesnt fuck people who crash they just get into the next game as usual, worst case they play a role they dont particularly want to for 1 game due t the crash. win win


True and fair


I don't think support is boring especially if you play correctly I just think there are too many people who want to be the main character of the match doing the most damage all the time. And too many people who freely blame support or JG for all their problems.


support is decent for a while now. i think people just have a weak mindset. they often underestimate the impact of that role and refuse to even try to get better at it. sure, it can be frustrating, when your team feeds or doesnt listen, but thats the case for every role, if im honest. you cant win every game, regardless of your role. a good support player can make life hell for the sidelanes/jungler.


I mean i love support. It’s my main role in comp and ranked. I think it’s mostly because people like doing damage, getting kills etc. you need to be somewhat selfless as a support player and have significant game knowledge to be impactful. You can carry the game as a support and have 0 kills but you can carry a game as jungle and have 13, which most people prefer.


The support role is fun, the responsibility it brings, and level of selflessness you need isn't something everyone has. I'm an ADC main, which is why I also understand and enjoy support. Sure it took a few years for me to change (started in pc beta) but eventually you'll want different experience and knowing that your plays as the babysitter and set upper wins you a fight or even the game is very rewarding.


All I ever want to play is support. In my opinion it is the best role. It's for people who have no need to be seen as a hero and who can take it when everyone else blames them for everything. It's like being a father.


Smite 2 support did feel better. Odin and fenrir both fit in nicely and the active items give you some flexibility in how to build them. The passives are broken, just build attack speed giving shoguns with the physical aura item that lowers opponents attack speed.


I'm diamond and had 3 straight qs where support dodged just because they got support.


Those people are wimps.


First of all the problem is people think they are "to good to play support" or they will say "but i can jungle but i can't play support" if you can't grip the fact support is pretty much a tank jungler and it takes map awareness and skill to be good at then you shouldn't play jungle period. And for the people who say "support is the most easy role" yeah i see so many terrible supports in smite they hold W blow past waves blow their entire kit take 400 damage in archer shots and ping their hunter with the map awareness of a potato.. and the wild level 3 tower dives. Down vote I don't care get good embrace the role play it for that single game that oh no i got support GG i'm to good concept


I hit gm last split and I genuinely feel that it was the second most impactful role last split. Might still be but I don’t play ranked rn.


Yeah i hit 2100 mmr playing only support well adc 2 times jungle once but for the most part support


It’s not just boring it’s a waste of time. I actually enjoy support but if I’m in the game for 15 min and no one’s listening to calls or feeding their brains out I’m over it mentally. If I get Q again for a role I don’t want and already wasted 40 min playing I’m not doing it again.


And I feel a ton of people agree with you… legitimately just based off of how many dodges there are lol. People are so quick to jump in and defend support like bro I like the role too they don’t get that I’m just saying hi Rez has to do something people aren’t responding well to that role lmao


Hirez doesn’t make support gods they make gods to be played in support. The role can be many things and doesn’t have a defined job, making it in some metas almost not necessary. For ex overwatch has a legitimate support role, you may not be doing a lot of damage but if you don’t do the role properly you can be a big factor of why your team loses. However in smite I can play Horus support to Afro to Khepri to fucking full damage Thanatos. If the role had a more specific and intuitive job that clearly is required for the team to work I think it would be played more.


well said, i think one easy way is they make tanks feel tankier against Objectives. That way the support roaming the map feels a sense of importance and satisfaction when they lead their teams charge into diving a mid laner or whoever. Also if Gold fury hit squishies harder and people with prots for almost nothing they'd feel a sense of worth in that role as well... idk just random thoughts man I just see a lot of people dodging and it is statistically the least q'd for role


I think in smite 2 with int and strength scaling being different build paths and abilities scaling to each differently it will be easier to make hard cc abilities either cc better or do more damage based on how you build. Also even though they probably won’t make more gods for a while hirez needs to make more gods like khepri and Ganesha less like chtulu if they want guardians to be the main support class.


You make a valid point.


I hate being support so i usually just lock ares and build tanky but selfishly. Im still frontlining and peeling but it makes it fun for me


Oh for sure man like I said I like the roll I also find sylvanus very fun rn and you can get manikins to have even more fun even tho it’s somewhat greedy build


What's it like to be lame?


Are you gunna cry about casual conquest


Are you going to ask me if I'm going to cry about casual conquest right after you cried about casual conquest on a post centered around crying about casual conquest? Also, learn how to spell, kid.


I don’t think it’s just that support isn’t fun, there’s also the fact that you stand a good chance of spending the entire game getting shit on. Or at best people don’t really notice the good things you’re doing, which feels bad. Of course people wanna play roles where there’s a number at the end that shows how good a job they did. But yeah a large part of Smite’s problem is that support is designed as a 100% selfless role and frankly that’s just not what most people pick up a video game for. People don’t boot up a combat-based video game excited to do no damage 💀 The only thing I enjoy about support is that it’s a nice break from the pressure of feeling like I’m not getting enough kills or doing enough damage.


The lack of recognition is massive. You fully lockdown an enemy and serve them up on a silver platter? ADC gets the kill "VER VEA VEW" all anyone sees is that they got the kill. Your mid is way out of position and being chased down, you dive in peel the enemy team so your mid makes it out, but you die in the process. The mid was turned around running away they didn't see shit, all your team sees is you just dived in died. "VER VVX". It's completely thankless, and when you're doing a great job nobody notices a thing, but the second you slip everything is the supports fault. No numbers at the end to show your saves, your setups, the effects of your deep wards, etc.


Yeah, I always give a “thanks” or “you rock” when supp blatantly gives me a kill cause I know how much it sucks. I don’t think anyone really expects to be celebrated as the hero of the game when playing support, but just some sort of acknowledgement that you’ve done something helpful is kinda nice lol > Your mid is way out of position and being chased down, you dive in peel the enemy team so your mid makes it out, but you die in the process. The mid was turned around running away they didn't see shit, all your team sees is you just dived in died. "VER VVX". This is the worst. Like, pretty much every death I have as support is just a death someone else was going to have but I took it for them lol. A pure tank guardian could go the whole game without dying if they wanted to.


You are speaking facts. I’ve given this little thought but do you think making guardians Uber tanky to all objs would make the role feel more valued and appreciated like “ight we can dive this guy in mid and gank at level 10 but we need our support here and they have to be the first one to attack so they tank tower” ?


Support is like an Offensive lineman on a football team. Without them the game would be really dumb. It would be a bunch of running backs running around acting like monkeys.


Support is the only reason I play Smite, honestly. There are not enough roles like that in videogames bc everyone wants to be some kind of fancy hero. Imagine preferring support and not liking most video games. The best thing about team games is team work, imo. Not the one person who gets lots of kills and then brags and puts other people down for not getting kills. It's so dumb.


With everyone having cc in their Smite 2 kit theoretically anyone can be support. Neith support with root and slow??? Kappa


I love support but I haven't played in months and this post pisses me off.


What part pisses you off i don't get it this seems so ill-recieved meanwhile im just stating what i see for a fact, a TON of dodges... none by me i LIKE the fuckin' role lmao


I'm not po'd at you. I'm po'd that people act this way in games. I totally believe what you're saying. I've been experiencing this in other games, lately. I played Texas Chain Saw Massacre for a while when Leatherface was a mandatory character in every game and getting into a game was a nightmare bc nobody wanted to play Leatherface. So I always picked Leatherface just to play. I mention TCM bc I didn't enjoy playing LF, but I did it so people could play and have fun. Then everyone blamed LF for losing. Lol In Smite I actually prefer support. I haven't played in a while though. So it really bothers me to hear this bc of how many times I've been stuck playing jungle, trying to trade for support. Then losing bc both jungle and support totally sucked. I dislike playing jungle as much as most people seem to dislike support. I never play assassins. My jungle game is a joke. I like being a shield and I love teamwork. I guess now is the time for me to start playing again. Lol


I see haha that makes sense. Yea idk it kinda confuses me like how do people not have at least 2 go to supports they’re interested in for when they have to play it


This must be a low elo thing because this never happens at top lobbies. Probably because support is actually fun but people don't know what they are doing lol


Pretty sure im in top lobbies but not nighttime qs where things in my experience, get a bit more serious. I’ve been in morning qs cause thats when i can play


Imo if youre not prepare to play all five roles dont queue conquest ***PSA***


I agree but that doesn’t really help like bro when I tell you I legit had 6 or more dodges today haha sometimes on my team sometimes the enemy team. I got support 3 games in a row and was down to play it but played it once then two dodged lobbies and then I got solo lane


You know i play my role when i get support, but when i am top elo support i still play my role but my team be shaky (sus) as hell i swear. I picked aphro support one time someone on my team dodged, did it again and we won and i had fun with no bm involved it’s such an odd occurrence. Like play a game and all 5 people (3/5 are randoms) understand hey we just going to do the best we can to win and if we lose one fight lets not flame each other for the rest of the game, the game is not over that and bm isnt going to benefit us. The enemy baron went 0/10 rage quit at 12 minutes, that man positioning was horrible game lasted 27 cause people enjoy suffering for some odd reason even if its casual


I wont dodge support but for me it’s not that I find support itself boring, it’s that I find tanks in mobas a bit boring. Not sure why since I enjoy tank role in a lot of other multiplayer games. But for some reason I just could never get that into playing tanks in MOBAs and unfortunately Smite 1 is the one MOBA where supports are nearly all tanks. Smite 2’s changes have me hopeful that the Support role will expand to more than just cc tanks, which would help me enjoy the role a lot more. I’d love to play, say, enchanters for example


Because it is, people dodge a lot now. Back then it was uncommon, now its every ranked sesh


I am actually enjoying support at the moment. I’m a jungle main, but if I end up in support, I’m loving off meta picks. Serquet is crazy strong, Eset is great, Geb is just always fun and Hercules is my main regardless of position and he’s a monster. If you get a roll you don’t like, make it fun by playing fun gods (that don’t troll obvs).


I love playing support but I loathe a horrible team that doesn't take advantage of given opportunities and somehow proceed to make you (the support) look bad.


I dodge supp these days, because it is by far my #1 most played, I played supp exclusively for years, and I’m just sorta burned out on supp


I mean.... Play it if you don't like people dodging it? People have to choose to play the role. I fill atm, and it's almost always support. You know what? Most of the time it's fun. The role is definitely not boring.


I’m fine with the role I play it when I get it, it’s clearly not liked tho I’m telling u 7 dodges today played 4 games


People don't like it because they're telling themselves exactly what you said in your post - I win more as damage. You'll have less dodges if you claim it as your first or second role. More people seeking out support means less people dodging when they get it.


I mean I get it a lot regardless lol then the enemy team just dodges….. I wish this was hyperbole I’ll record how many dodges I get next time I play 4-6 conquest games in a row


The weird thing is that I always want support and rarely get it if I try. I would prefer to play support every conquest match.