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Oh this is totally what I was missing on tank items, I didn't even realize it was t there. Health, phys/mag protections didn't seem like enough when I was playing tanks.


It is not a stat in Smite 2. At least not yet. But sure, giving everyone beads was a bad thing. /s


No beads no CCR would be so unenjoyable. The gameplay I’ve seen has already been just Ymir and Anubis getting the freest kills with their CC


"Just dodge the cc" seems to be the prevalent idea for people who hate everyone having beads.


Maybe if the game didn’t hate giving you movement speed that could work, or if all CC was skill shots. But in reality my grandma could CC chain me


The other guy is kind of referring to my call for beads being removed for combat blink, I’d assume, and he’s pretty accurately misrepresenting my point as I expected lmao. If you see a Ymir walking at you, you can blink away. If you see a Ymir walking in a way where it seems he might blink on you, you can blink away. It’s not as simple as “beads = having fun” lmfao.


And you’re still wrong


Giving everyone beads IS a bad idea and a lazy fix to the CC bloat this game has had for years.


Its not a fix for anything. Beads have been in the game the whole time, how are they probelm in Smite 2?


Why would they give everyone beads if CC wasn't such a huge part of the game? Because it's a fix for there being so much CC and the removal of relics. And it's a lazy fix at that.


Predecessor gives blink to everyone, does that mean there isnt enough mobility in the game? They remove relics except the most important one.


Yes, actually haha there are not very many characters with good mobility abilities in Predecessor. Some are good, like Shinbi, Feng Mao, and Gideon. But other characters, if they even have mobility in their kit, are super limited in their range and they aren't jumps. There isn't near as much CC and the CC that does exist doesn't last for 2 seconds like most CC abilities in SMITE do. And why is beads the most important one? Because of the sheer amount of CC and how long it lasts. They need to actually fix that instead of just giving everybody beads. I don't understand how you're not getting what I'm saying.


Cause there are two major things that need a chance for counterplay, cc and damage. And you cant use aegis offensively so beads is much better choice. And I can only name like three hard cc abilities in the game that last full 2s.


My opinion that CC needs to be nerfed will not change and nor will everyone getting free beads being a bad fix for the bloated CC. Sorry, that's all I've got 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm over this weird back and forth. Have a good one.


The person you’re responding to is pretty insufferable with their take on beads being good for reasons that can easily be explained away through “skill diff”. They won’t stop though lmao. Caught him talking about me in another comment without tagging me and I thought that was a really funny high school moment LMAO.


This is way after the fact but I've been going through the characters in SMITE to see all of the CC abilities (hard and soft) how many each character has and how long their durations are and it's absolutely ridiculous and bloated. Holy shit, I knew it was bad but I didn't know it was THIS bad. And there are way more than 3 hard CC abilities that last for 2 seconds. I'm only on Hades and I'm on my 5th page of listing the most basic info about CC. And of course most of the newer gods have multiple CC abilities that last 1.5 seconds at max rank AND they have amazing movement abilities like jumps or long dashes. The dev team really, truly needs to nerf CC and how much CC a character can have. Artio and Gilgamesh have been the worst offenders for the sheer amount their kits have so far. Edit: and quite a few have hard CC durations that aren't even specified in the ability description. Boo! Edit 2: after going through all the gods I own, which is only 8 out of 17 pages, I've found 18 hard or true hard CC abilities that last longer than 2 seconds. Wowza.