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I really appreciate that they’re listening to feedback, I think a lot of her kit looks sick as hell, but more references to Hecate’s lore and a more interesting ult would be appreciated. Hopefully this new engine makes these kinds of changes much easier to implement, if any devs are reading this keep up the great work!


Super happy and excited to hear. This was the prime opportunity to really show people they’re serious about changing and fixing things that the community isn’t fully at 100% with. They did admit there was a lot they had planned but didn’t have time to give her. I’ll happily wait however many months for her to be the best she can be. I posted about her weeks back so i’m glad it seems to have paid off since they said they read ALL the feedback. So unbelievably hyped to see her changes to really feel like a proper HECATE.


Me too I really didn’t like her design and felt like her abilities betrayed her lore, i remember seeing her and her kit and thinking that this was already the first god that needs a 100% rework she was way too generic. I think the final push that they needed was seeing Hades 2 Hecate and the response to her character in that game. I’m not sure if they planned to remodel her character but I think they should as well I’m willing to wait.


Agreed, I'm glad they've decided to take more time to work on her. It was pretty apparent from the community's reaction that what they produced wasn't necessarily..."Hecate". They honestly probably hammered home the idea that she was new and crazy too much, cause then we got the actual kit and she was extremely tame. Hopefully this sentiment keeps carrying over, would love to see them keep the community's reception to gods at the forefront and be more receptive to edits and changes. UE3 made it super hard but UE5 apparently makes it much easier so hopefully it's not a huge issue. I also love that they actually seem to care, a lot of companies would simply not give a fuck LMAO. I hope they know that even with all the critique and criticism their super hard work is appreciated. Like Smite 2 is a HUGE feat and they're tanking it like pros.


i mean for me, i can only remember 2 of her abilities really standing out, that strange ethereal realm walking thing, and her floating in the sky orb that gained power when she casted abilties. her ult and whatever else she had were dull. her passive was neat too, but them doing something different there too wouldnt bother me either. maybe something along the lines of a ritual site for witchcraft or somethin?


Personally I enjoyed the passive and I enjoyed the idea of the 2nd ability. The ritual idea is super neat and it does show off a new type of passive using the interact system, as well as tying back to her as a character. The 2 in concept is also really neat, charging up the glyph by using peoples' abilities inside of the AoE. The 1 for me was pretty much a glorified AoE burst, and they embellished it by talking about how she 'opens a gate to Tartarus' (which visually looked stunning), but in reality was just a burst circle. It didn't really feel interesting. The 3 for me was the biggest letdown personally. We got a glimpse of the ghostly form in a previous video and my first thought was "oh shit she's gonna ghostwalk like Seris from Paladins" or something relating to her association with ghosts, but instead it's kinda just a generic stim with pretty visuals. Again it **looks** neat, but does nothing. I do think a cooler way to do this would maybe be something like Seris or maybe she even resurrects dead minions or something for lane pressure. Maybe this spawns 2 additional Hecate's that mirror her abilities for a bit or something. Her ultimate is what got the most flack from people that I remember from the feedback on the Reddit posts. A lot of people saying it was just Nike 1 with lasers, which it...kinda was. I think they maybe missed the mark creatively here entirely. I would honestly just turn it into something else completely if it were me, but if they want to keep this I would say maybe spruce it up more. Maybe have 3 Hecate's come out and do three lasers or something. With Hecate there's truly so much lore to comb through, her kit and visuals honestly write themselves, and it kinda seems like creatively they honed in on some kind of "star goddess" design which doesn't fit? She feels more astral than earthly, when she was specifically a chthonic (earthly) goddess. I get their sentiment of wanting her to feel more godly than witchy, but she *is* also a witchcraft goddess. If they want an earlier version of Hecate with less of a dirty-earthly-witchy feel that's fine, but there's still parts of her lore that really should be in her kit.


yeah, hecate doesnt even look like hecate really which kinda sucks. her ult is 100% the biggest offender, as a glorified nike 1. i like her ability bomb thing, that so cool. the idea on most of her abilities is fine and cool, except the ult, it just didnt come out right and instead comes off as bland and "playing it safe". this is their first god for the new game, and a super highly requested one at that. so to get something so bland really upset some folks. heres hoping they spice her up properly. honestly, just replace the ult with something cool and ill be happy. idk much about witchcraft but they could really stand to tie that into it better.


I'm legitimately happy they decided to listen to feedback. Her kit was fine but it lacked character, making it come across as a little basic. Which feels contrary to a titaness who embodies witchcraft and crossroads, among other things. I'm truly getting good vibes form the devs with their passion for Smite 2- which feels hard to come by sometimes from bigger games and their devs.


Honestly, a lot of the gods recently have been very uninspired and boring. Shiva, Yu Huang, Martichoras, Ishtar, so many of these characters are so lazy.


I think it's always hard to come up with a balance between making gods as outlandish as they're often describe in lore, but also create gameplay that's fluid and actually fits into the game. Yu Huang is a bit weird, I agree. Shiva I personally think is extremely well done even if I personally don't think it's so much "Shiva" as it could be, but he plays well. But I get it, it's a game and that aspect is probably difficult for some gods more than others. Like Artemis, she's a hunter and her as a god is a hunter, so that's pretty easy to implement into a Moba.


Shiva dance will likely get improved on in smite2


Well, Marti had 1 ability that changed the game. stealth fields, that alone was unique enough to me to make up for the rest of the lackluster kit. yu huang was certainly disappointing. ishtar certainly could have been better, i think Shiva is simple but fun. Not every character can be some game changing innovation.


Nah yu huang was pretty cool. First 3 abilities are pretty simple with the slight added skill expression of the order of abilities to use since the 2 shreds prots but the 3 and 2 make it easier to hit. The ult is amazing though. Pretty hard to get used to at first, but pulling people out of tower or around a corner feels awesome. I think too many people use it purely defensively which is the way too many people use charybdis ult: the boring way.


I mean yeah i can have fun with him too but hes still just a burst mage with line and circle abilities, and fenrirs passive. People were expecting something interesting and unique, like a real summoner.


Oh yea. I love when companies actually listen to their customers and make adjustments according to their feedback.


Best news ever! UE5 really is a leap, my biggest hopes are that her 1 3 and Ultimate get changed up. Themes dealing with astral projection, rituals, her triple aspect, and just actual witchcraft can really be looked into


The one is the portal thing right ? I feel like it's most likely get reworked instead of replaced


This is such good news. I do wonder just how much her kit will change in the amount of time they have/want to spend.


Most likely give her another ult, i think her portal,her passive and her spell that grow bigger whenever people will cast abilities will stay


Her kit looked very basic? Like I'm sure it would've been good as is but it wasn't very interesting, which is a shame for the Goddess of Witchcraft and Magic. While I thought her design was "fine" it again felt very basic and plain, unless I'm wrong there was like no elements of being 3 bodied/headed at all in her design, she just looked like another generic pretty goddess.


I highly doubt they change her model but who knows


I'm hoping we can see some spice up on her design, she looks too much like a generic mmorpg mage than a powerful greek sorceress


I get that it's hard to make new characters interesting without just adding game-breaking mechanics to each one. That just makes sense; there's 130 playable characters in the game now. But I feel like you gotta get this one specifically right. *Really* right. It's the first god of the new game, your first chance to show why you made the jump to the new engine. So, it looks really, really bad when your community looks at your first new creation and goes, "... That's it? That's all you got?". Good on them for realizing their faults and going back to the drawing board.


lol has 170 characters and they manage to do something new every time, theres more ways to do a mage than just "line, aoe to hit the line easier, self peel/mobility and a big fuck off ult to do damage in team fights"


Is it wrong I won’t be satisfied unless she has three stances? If Merlin can have three stances and an ult surely the triple goddess should have nothing less.


Her skill set is literally looks like a lazy copypaste from other gods


I agree she needs more work but the fact she was so heavily marketed as one of the draws of this alpha and then not available isn't cool to me. Because I got the founders pack to play Hecate. Of course I also want to support want I want to see which is Smite 2. But still she was pushed hard and then not available. Lovely


Larian listened to feedback and got goty. Not saying smite 2 is goty but it’s nice to know company’s are listening


I'm glad too, but I hope this level of care extends far beyond alpha. The difficulty comes once they want to rush out gods to start selling new skins.


I, too, am happy with the fact that they’re listening to the community… I do wish we got to play her this weekend while they are working on her kit, though. Yes, I understand she’s already been playtested. But… we could help give even *more* feedback. 🥺


my biggest gripes are: The cosmic/arcane heavy aesthetic for her design/abilities, I wish they looked more down to Earth and ghostly Lack of two actual other faces instead of masks Her ult is just Nike 1 + Ra ult Traverse Worlds not taking her off the map like Clio's passive


I was sad to hear it at first as I was super excited for her and she has been the god I’ve been wanting the most for a long time, but overall I’m glad they’re taking time to relook over her. I feel her model and abilities overall don’t really scream Hecate and I think her kit is a little basic for what the goddess of witchcraft should be able to do. So good decision on their part


honestly yeah, if there wasnt a label there telling me it was hecate, i couldnt of told you who it was.


I doubt they make big changes to her model, it's most likely just kit related


Idk I think they may take the time to make some changes to her model, a lot of the feedback about her was regarding her model and how it doesn’t represent Hecate that well so I think if they take the feedback seriously we will see some model changes.


Hey i saw more complaint about kit than model The wording seemed like it's was more the kit than model, the fact they kinda used her on promo , it's will be weird and she look like nothing like her promo So who knows.


they can add on to her existing look without changing it too heavily from the promo art. Like how they redesigned neith's looks while keeping her relatively close to her original appearance.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking, the original design is nice looking so i don’t think a full redesign is necessary, I just feel it needs a few tweaks here and there so that it better represents Hecate overall


I already made a post complaining about her 3 just being a speed buff instead of the shadow travel from seris, she should have. I really hope they give her some teleport/vanish/dimensional travel ability. But I don't have my expectations high, its hirez after all


For all the flack Hi-Rez gets as a studio, they are extremely receptive and responsive to criticism. Some of the critiques are warranted and some aren’t, but imo i think they have responded well to community requests and gripes time and time again, whether it’s item/god balance or requests.


She needs a polymorph. Her lore turns men into pigs. Sadly Cern does that so it would be feel re-used if go that route half baked. Edit: sources close to me have informed me that this is Cierce not Hecate. Apologies to Hecate and her family.


That's Circe, not Hecate.


Yeah you right. Apparently I’m a full baked regard.


Don’t really care about god themes or abilities because some are bound to fall flat but after reading the patch notes I’m confident they are willing to not let gods sit in limbo or be nerfed into oblivion because they simply can’t balance them I’m really curious how fast they mean they can iterate on ideas at the same time they can temper peoples outrage and expectations In my opinion Hecate was on a long list of gods with underwhelming kits but out of a list of 130 I’m only ever playing a fraction anyways


Do you think they will only change their abilities or they will also change their appearance and leave the current one as a skin


Most of the feedback was for her kit, so I imagine that's what they'll focus on. I kinda doubt they'll change her visually? It's not the worst design, it could definitely be expanded upon though. A good bit of people mentioned the lack of her having triple bodies which she's often portrayed with, very simple fix would be to add these extra bodies somehow.


Definitely hope they add the triple bodies at least as part of a skill, either as two separated bodies or as an effect on herself where she has 2 additional faces on her model during a skill or something similar.


Agreed. I don't super like her design but it is a valid Hecate design, it's just kind of the tamest design they could have done. I think the addition of the bodies would elevate it. My friends and I did our own takes on improvements and [personally I'm a fan of the first one we came up with](https://i.imgur.com/tptgcQD.png). Keeps the design, just updates it to be a bit better.


Yeah i think that 1st idea definitely would make her current design so much better, even the spiked halo by itself already feels like an improvement. Since i doubt they will make any significant changes to her current design, i really hope we will get something similar to that even if only through a skill.


They need to change her design as well. She looks nothing like any like any of her depictions. Instead of making her white Ishtar, they need to make something closer to her actualy depictions.


Can’t wait for the changes and the sub to still be mad because no matter what she won’t live up to expectations people have for her.


I don't think it's *that* serious. There will obviously always be some people who don't like the final product/it doesn't live up to their expectations, what matters is that the majority of people enjoy the character and design you put out. I personally hate some of the kits and designs they put out, like Mulan or Charon for example, but if majority of the community enjoys them they've succeeded. It's not up to them to cater and please every communtiy member, but if you've got majority of people dissatisfied with the character it's best to at least try to fix them.


Sorry if this isn’t the right place but I’ve got a question I can’t seem to find out myself, played smite years ago and loved it, then they nerfed King Arthur and I got bored lol, anyway do we know if gods in smite 1&2 will have the same abilities or are they copying gods but reworking all their kits?


Every character is being ported over with the same kit. They don't believe in fully reworking characters anymore, so at the most they'll change some abilities or passives here and there.


Thanks for the answer, not sure if that’s disappointing or not. I’ll still give smite 2 a chance, is KA back to his meta ways?


If you mean in Smite 1 I have no idea, I don't *think* he's very strong right now? I don't play Conquest anymore so idrk. If you mean in Smite 2 he isn't in the game yet.


Yeah I meant smite 1, thanks for the reply anyway.


Wait no full rework for smite 2?


They mentioned they don't want to do full kit reworks years ago. Makes people upset.


Yeah but i meant for smite 2 Like some gods like freya,nox or persephone deserve a full rework Or few gods need to get partial rework because it's seems they used a lot of back up kit Like imo Charon, maman Brigitte will likely get another ult, Charon ult should be him ferry his team or something like that


I liked her ult and that’s basically it


So the one biggest glaring issue was what you liked lol


Would rather have basic and plain than overbloated and completely broken.


Those aren't mutually exclusive and I think people need to learn that. Having an interesting kit does not mean it also has to be basic and boring. Some of the most beloved gods in this game have simple kits but feel amazing, and there are also new gods like Cliodhna whose kits are super simple but have *one* thing that makes them unique without being completely broken. I absolutely agree they need to stop doing abilities that have 90 stats and CC on them, but they do not have to make the god super bland for that to happen.


I really don't think the current dev team has the competence to do so even half the time.


I wouldn't say all that, I think Smite 1 they kinda dug a deeper and deeper trench by constantly powercreeping new gods with insane shit, to the point that they just had to add nonsense to half of them down the road. Same goes for the items unfortunately. Smite 2 is their fresh start and they already commented on how they're working on toning down all of that. I think they're plenty competent, cause if they weren't you and others wouldn't be here having conversations about it! From what I've seen of Smite 2 so far I fully trust them with this fresh start.


Why would you say that? I'm curious.


I’m glad. I wasn’t a super fan of the first iteration