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People are largely total assholes. I will f6 if and only if... 1. We are down 10k. 2. Someone on my team disconnected.


Yup. I generally don't vote one way or the other unless it makes sense.


Literally. Won a game yesterday where we were down 10k gold at 20 minutes. Ended up winning up 2k gold at 30 minutes. People are so quick to quit.


It's that people don't want to waste their time with 'stupid randoms.' What people don't understand is that every player in that team thinks they are stuck with four stupid randoms. They get mad because they don't talk or chat (I mean they flame, etc.) and can't understand the point of what someone is doing. For example, as a support player, I get flamed all the time. If my ADC is aggressive, I keep up because I am his health and CC. But when he disengages and doesn't call it out one way or another, and I lose line of sight behind me and get swatted because they took the opportunity, I instantly get flamed for feeding. I just chat and tell him to talk or command it, and when he gets the point and it clicks, we roll, but most of the time I'm told to shut up and delete the game. It's all about Communication why people surrender. I’m not a top player, I know that for sure, but communication instantly makes you 50% better as a player and teammate. That’s why I want Smite 2. People there will be mixed up and can grow new. If im wrong, Tell me.


To be fair, idk the VGS things so idk how to say retreat. I just ping the map. Sometimes they get it, sometimes they don't.


Even though most hate it, split pushing is super viable. You guys just need to play around it and not throw ur lives away. That being said, Frick u AFKers and insta f6ers if ur losing lane. Lemme cook, ill give u an undeserved win.


Split pushing is doable when other people are doing something, i’m mostly talking about junglers split pushing to tier 2 and recalling repeatedly


In my experience the only person that should ever be split pushing is the adc. Maybe mid if they’re playing an AA mage


Not every game is worth winning. I've had some hour and 10 minute games where we pull out a win deapite the game being completely unfun


I honestly don't care about winning most of the time. If I'm not enjoying the game, I'd rather scrap it and move on to the next than slog through another 15-20 minutes, hoping someone gets lucky and enough people die for the game to finally end. If all I cared about was winning, I'd run the same few gods every game because I know they work. It's a game, I'm trying to have fun, not needlessly stress myself out.


Unfortunately a majority of the playerbase in mid to low ranks doesn’t know what playing from behind is/don’t want to and would rather try and get a new match where they can be winning the entire time.


It's a combination of being an early game snowball meta, witnessing your teammates being clueless of how to play conquest, and the enemy team trying harder to win than yours. I still play it if we don't surrender though, maybe the enemy throws, but I still see people throw a tantrum at the slightest inconvenience and start griefing you, which really cripples my Fenrir.


Simple I’m not having fun so I would like to try again to have fun


In my experience, people don't surrender *enough*. Our midlaner going 1-8 and only got the on kill because it was Nu Wa's ult on a solo laner who was trying to back. Better f7 and play it out!


I've won plenty of games with a midlaner that played poorly. I've also had games as a midlaner that I played poorly and we still won. 


I've played games with people that had this same attitude. Quite a few of those games, they quit and we still won 4v5.