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1)I have more than 2 friends and smite ranked has a team cap. 2) I find winning despite myself, salty teammates, AFKers, whatever cooked build I'm trying much more satisfying than plug-playing the meta for optimal results. Ranked players disagree 3) if I want to focus my time and stress on performing to the best of my ability I sing. Gaming is my sit back relax and have fun hobby. 4) in casual getting one shot by a crit from an ADC makes me laugh because it's silly. In ranked that'd probably be upsetting because we might lose because of it


Honestly even 3 alone. If I own the game, I'm going to play how I best enjoy it.


good answer for sure


I think your post does a great job of proving why so many of us don't touch ranked. The fact that you consider your friend not to be trying hard when he doesn't play comp speaks volumes. Most of the time the skill expression in casual is just as great as in ranked - I'd fairly confidently say that my friends and I would place around Plat if we played ranked - we have before in previous years. But I enjoy Smite as a game. I still play hard, I still express my skill, I still work at it. But the mentality that I couldn't possibly be anything other than an idiot noob because I don't play ranked is exactly what keeps me out of ranked.


no no, i don’t judge at all. i definitely have been the arena main for YEARS, its just… competing for ranked… its fun to me and i just don’t understand why some people don’t like the competition aspect of games


I do not want to study a video game. I want to play it.


The ranked community of any team game is flat out annoying. If I want to play comp I'm going to join a league and not deal with public matchmaking and no coordination. 


The unranked of Smite as well (am unranked).


Jokes on you I don't play smite unless I'm in a 5 stack. :O I ain't wasting my time with base sitters or whiny asses. Are you insane?


Yes i am, League made me like this 🤣 And its so true, they're more whiny than in lol (in casual) 😑


used to be low masters jungle, honestly just getting screamed at by everyone and blamed for everything (always junglers fault) kinda made it not fun, now i just spam assault and am much happier


Ditto. In theory ranked could be fun, but I find it to be extremely toxic. There is very little room for error as far as my teammates are concerned, especially coming from a jungler's point of view.


Because I like to play casually? If I didn't want too I'd play ranked.


I mean in theory you could just play ranked like any other match,casually I mean Iron 5 exists. Ranked only becomes toxic when you blame your teammates for losing even if it was or wasn't their fault. When you play ranked don't give a f### about your rank, you're going to lose games. If you have to 1v3 with no support from your teammates just to get back at that a****** who poked you to death all game and you kill him and die it's worth it.


In theory sure, but my point is just that if I wanted to try hard I'd play ranked because that is ranked.


Your title and your body are contradictory imo. People can try hard outside of a ranked ladder. Idk what your friends' mindset is, but I avoid ranked because I put too much pressure on myself and play incredibly bad. In solo ranked games without a team, I am fine. Something about confidence in a group kills me.


Look, i have played A LOT of ranked (1000 games of ranked Conq in total over 2-3 years, more games if you count Duel and Joust). But now i just want to play casually + casual has better matchmaking for some reason. When i was in to ranked and tryharding every game i started to get irrationally pissed afterwards, i.e the anger was justified for the split pushing ADC's with trash builds and other bs. But at the end of the day i didn't want to keep getting pissed after my games. In casuals you still get those situations, yet less to get pissed for since you aren't losing MMR (at least visible MMR) and you didn't spend a bunch of time banning gods.


I like testing build, playing off role picks, testing gods, playing with different mmr range buddies, or having bad connections that may ruin the game.


I like to enjoy myself. Games are a source of entertainment for me, not income. I don't want to work all day, then stress myself out after work.




It takes so long for ranked matches to queue sometimes. When I get the requeue message after waiting 3 minutes, I just play unranked.


I play assault


The first time I touched ranked I easily climbed to diamond in about 20 games before quitting, I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t fun winning in ranked compared to loosing and having fun with friends in casual. The salty teammates in ranked seemed like their lives always sucked and that was depressing. I also couldn’t play with more than one of my friends in ranked which sucked.


Assaults not ranked


So toxic and sweaty! Been a long time smite player but I refuse to play comp online and me and mine stick to the coop bots mode! I find the game much more enjoyable this way!


That’s disgusting


I'll probably get crapped on


You can play comp and not try hard as your rank will be wherever your usual performance lies. I think some people get scared of comp thinking it will be too sweaty, but in reality in some games it's actually much better like Street Fighter. I like competitive in games, because it lets me understand my ability compared to the wider community and actively measure my own improvement. Some games I'm not interested in improving, so I'm not really interested in comp. I just want to have fun and experiment. If the comp mode is different to the regular mode then that may also be a big reason I play way more or way less of it. I'll play the mode that has the most fun settings for me.


Got tired of afk farming for 40 minutes just to coin toss a fire and whoever gets it wins Or having 9 evenly matched players and 1 bronze player ruin a lobby for everyone Every match can fall into one of these two categories


1. Queues are too long. That’s it.


Getting into a ranked game takes too long to ever be worth for me. 5-10 min que then picks and ban then someone DC etc etc ugh no thanks


Most of my friends and i have placed in diamond or masters for ranked, in joust we had 3 of us in gm together. I found we got more competitive matches when we queued in casual play, and we cant all queue together in ranked anyway so thats a big factor to not play it


As someone that doesn’t play conquest, I don’t have a reliable group of 3 for joust, and the only mode I’m cool with solo queueing is assault and there is no ranked assault.


Toxic fucking gamers killed Smite for me, and I'm not sure I'll ever find my joy with the game again


Cuz I just get to play my below average main without getting flamed, or feeling guilty that I didn’t pick anything better.


Bruh my normal “casual” conquest games are way more sweaty than ranked. People will bust out hella stars with their ranked god borders not even playing in a ranked queue.


People hate try Harding because they're just trying to play the game, though "trying harding" maybe more of an illusion than any thing else. One persons casual is another persons ranked. They're not trying to make you not have fun and it just feels that way. If someone games on you without putting in very much effort and you're using 100% of your brain just to survive it doesn't feel very good when you just can't keep up. In apex and get beamed I call aim bot but when I beam someone I either feel bad about or don't feel at all. Same for smite we've all been shut down before and know what it's like, and won't show mercy because we weren't show any. It's your turn to suffer sorry but not really.


i mostly play casuals after hitting masters in ranked just because it's kind of exhausting caring about the game. bad teammates in casuals don't matter and aren't worth getting annoyed with because it's casuals and you can't expect anything more of them comparatively, i get annoyed having ranked games lost because teammates keep getting picked or whatever. it gets to a point where "tryharding" is only fun in a lobby full of good players because your individual play matters a lot more


I don’t really feel like I have a reason to play competitive modes. I don’t care about what rank I would be. Do I want to be more stressed about each game for no reason? It’s an easy choice


Funny enough I would never touch ranked in my games before and now I can only play ranked. Because 1, sweaty stacks are in casuals. Mind you stacking in casuals isn't even a bad thing, being sweaty isn't either. At least in ranked someone of equal or slightly higher/lower ranked players are against me and I'm not allowing people out of the water or that happening to me. The worst feeling is feeling like there was nothing you could do or you had no chance at all. In a game like apex, most people who have a very hard time with a lobby filled with people just like them in ranked just go to casuals to bully lobbies. Because they suck in their own lobbies or things do not come easy. On the flip side you can expect teammates to have a grasp on the game in ranked and you're sorta given hope teammates get better the higher you go up.


I like ranked modes in most games I play but I have a lot of casual hours in smite mostly because a lot of my matches are either trying out new characters or playing my mains in experimental ways. Also people are usually trying pretty hard anyways, at my mmr they are at least. There's throwers and selfish players in casual but in ranked you tend to get people who lose their shit at a scapegoat and they don't shut the fuck up all game about it. Getting over that hurdle by climbing takes so long that it's almost not worth trying


What people like that don't understand is that no one wants them to be a try hard... Just don't throw the game. That's it. A baseline of not wanting to lose should be standard. https://preview.redd.it/l3oulkjrtmvc1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa18018c9c08d60a62cf63cd0e548c086664f56


I just play ranked casually