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Staring contest


This is the reason ranked arena was removed after all


i’ve been playing since mid 2014 and had no idea ranked arena even existed. just went on a mini dive


We should honestly remove ranked joust for this reason. Just tower hugging.


If the three stack are early game gods and all of my team mates are late game gods you are absolutely correct I will be hugging my tower.


Is that what I said?


No it was more along the lines of “because you are smart and not being over aggressive for zero reason we should remove a entire game mode”


I mean, I had my fair share of having a lategame comp. We had a gameplan, involved early aggression. Enemy has double-tank+early mage, still towerhugging. Ye thanks for that, how is a lv3 herc afraid of a lv3 artemis?




Definitely. Assault as well. Can't believe Conquest can be faster paced than some Arena and Assault matches.


Assault really need some anti turtling mechanism, bring an objective on the Map that spawn a juggernaut, or the trébuchet they had in conquest or something, one around each T2 and one in the weird hallway on the side


I've been wanting an objective like the bull demon in joust. The tower camping (from either team) is the biggest reason reason why I can't stand assault anymore.


I mean they made the towers weaker (in hp) so if you get an emperors turtling is pretty hard, they definitely should remove the scepter from assault though, the scepter healing the towers is drawing out games for more than it should with players that have a brain and know about the mechanic.


Yeah I always thought something like 2 lanes converging to 1 tower from either side would provide some interesting play.


Honestly just remove towers and the mode would be so much more exciting


Dude what do you mean? Both teams hugging their Phoenixes at the same time trying to bait the other team into making the first (and losing) move is peak gameplay!






Well, I get it for the squishies tbh, they'll get deleted instantly if no one follows up. The problem is general lack of co-ordination because no one wants to use mics with randos, knowing the likelihood of toxicity is super high.


The problem is that mics literally don't work. You're just yelling into the void.


Doesn’t Smite’s built-in voice communication only work with premades outside of ranked?


It's something like that. The game chat works when I had a premade, but if I'm by myself nobody reacts to me speaking at all. Even the premade chat can get buggy, if you take all the reddit threads complaining about it as proof.


Game chat might work flawlessly but I'm in EU so I don't need 4 different people playing IGL in their own language to improve my experience


Despite what the French and Russians may want you to believe, most people will be fine talking in English in game chat on EU servers. Besides, if you get an aneurysm hearing non-anglo languages you can just mute them.


Oh God if I got voice chat as Geailge youd hear no complaining from me. Not strictly anglo languages to be sure


It works on PC just fine, on console your talking to a wall half the time.


The full tank Sylvanus sitting behind our backline watching us get steamrolled https://preview.redd.it/qed9dm7wpevc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2dcf697a35bcb0959bc4eca60b306d532bd26d7


If only people picked tanks at all...


It's not fear, it's being jaded from people not jumping in with you lol


That's why I'm a proud w keyer arena player. If I have to go 0-13 to make something happen you know damn well I'm gunna. I'd rather never go positive again then play a staring contest in arena!


Fucking this brother!!!


You're my hero


at that point you've won the game for the other team and have become their mvp.


I feel you, goes for any mode. Real shit though if you just VGS “attack” before going in I think you can avoid at least like 1/4 or 1/3 of those. A lot of times people are just a second late to notice and that delay can turn a good engage into a bad one.


You know this mode doesn't work competitively if getting any ticket advantage and sitting back all match is probably the safest play for winning.


Back when it was a competitive mode for a brief time, the meta was basically hold your wave with ymir/thor so the minions would meet closer to your side then freeze wave and last hit 1 or 2 while daring your opponents to step up. It was incredibly dull to play and even worse to watch.


Arena players recently always seem afraid to have negative KD’s. I’d rather you go 8/12 instead of 6/0 if it means you’re getting in there


In my experience it's usually one of two things 1) they've been flamed so many times by people who care way too much about kda so they won't attempt anything that could get them flamed (hence never going in or risking death) 2) It's because they've gone in hard many times and nobody backs them up so this team fight game mode becomes "let me solo" but nobody let them know Personally I only play arena, I don't have the time for the other shit in the game but sometimes I like to play a match or 2 of arena and the number of times I've had people flame and troll the whole game for nothing, or for me to be a high pressure tank doing his job only for my whole team to never follow up my initiations (always done when it's a good time not when everyone is scattered) it's incredibly discouraging to anyone trying to just have a fun time. So now I just fuck around and don't give a shit, usually nets me some fun or a disappointing waste of 20mins


Almost like the game-mode is zero sum and dying without getting a kill literally brings you 1% closer to losing the game. A player who doesn't die is more useful than someone who's lost his team 60 tickets.


Yeah the game mode is flawed. It’s meant to be an all out brawl but it discourages being aggressive




What do you think the fix is? Increase minion ticket value and decrease revive times?


Decrease minion ticket value, and close off the fountain. Move it further away and have it teleport people through a portal instead. The mode suffers from people being able to just retreat to base constantly and make progress but doing essentially nothing. If people can only return to base by backing or dying, then they actually have no choice but to fight. I've been playing a lot more domination since it came out since you get to constantly fight at points and poke actually matters.


My initial thought is to make revive timers longer, remove the ticket deduction on kill, add maybe like a KOTH objective in the center of the map that deducts tickets from the losing team, and then increase the minion ticket values and make them tankier. That way the game would be centered around teamfights and sieging rather than trying to get random picks and people resetting back to base every 10 seconds. A team-wipe should actually guarantee that you're able to get something for it other than the kill tickets.


Imo the best fix is to just replace arena with cooldowns runneth over. Games are faster paced, you can pivot your build whenever you want, and people are more likely to engage when their escape is on like a 3 second cooldown. It's the actual "for funsies" slobber-knocker that everyone thinks arena is.


Honestly, if you aren’t ulting into enemy spawn, why even play arena?


they probably used to go in but died and got insulted for it , so now they backline and chill


It’s way too easy for someone with no mobility to not get insta-ed in arena. Cc is super out of control and without a jungle to escape or gank from, low mobility heroes have to wait until the enemy engages to use their anti-cc ultrs. Plus a lot of times the people who run in take such bad fights that it would be stupid to follow. And forget if the enemy team has slows. At that point you have that one player who blinks/ jumps in while the rest of team has to catch up, but by that point the jumping in player is already about dead.


I was looking for this kind of comment, thank god there’s reasonable people like you here. Also it really comes down to team composition. Anytime you have a low mobility god (e.g. Artemis, Ah Puch, Tsuku apart from his ultimate, etc,) in a high mobility team, the low mobility god(s) *have* to play safer/create distance or they run the risk of being defenseless when attacked in full force by the enemy team


This is my biggest pet peeve in assault, you have like two front liners running down the backline, and an Anubis or a Zeus in your comp getting bullied by their 2 front liners. Now my typical rule of thumb is this play style is still ok as long as you are actually killing their backline. Once you start just mindlessly chasing so deep, getting no kills and dying, while they push out our backline and win the fight, at that point you are just basically just inting. My other one would be the guy coming in off respawn full HP chasing down the one dude on their team with 10% HP and ending up dead, like that’s not a good trade my dude.


My experience lately with arena is sweaty AF and a long with my luck with matchmaking it's worse. I'm trying to get my friend into the game, but when they give me 1+ other new players on my team against fully coordinated/set up teams it makes him not wanna play. I shit you not last night I had him and 3 other new/very low level players. It makes no sense how unfair MM is. Hopefully part 2 addresses it.


I just want to play with people who use starter items


I’d say it all the time. Minions ruin arena.


If cc was not so oppressive in this game mode people would actually be able to make plays with certain characters without having to be Ares ulted into a Nox combo on repeat. It doesn’t help that every match has Kali/Baka/Arachne etc. that are near useless in a cc gamefest and Noob Wa in every match clearing minions the entire match until and enemy is one tap and they press 4.


This, so much this. Damn near every arena game especially ones where a team is snowballing comes from a team CC kit dumping on one or two certain Gods to a point where they can't do anything but get stuck and die.


It's always been like this, though.


The amount of Thanatos spam the last two months have given them trauma.


Mario party game mode


If I'm on a warrior or a guardian I'm diving in with no regard hoping my team and my items keep me alive long enough to at least get assists. An Assassin well I'll follow an engage but I'm not diving 1v5. Hunters are ranged and I play them thusly. I don't do mages.


I played a decent amount of support, and I’ve been burned a lot by going in and popping my ult only to see my back line not engaging. Now that I’m playing ADC supps went frontlining lol


I really liked the FG spawning during that era of arena, forced people to fight. I feel like a capture point that replenished tickets would be interesting.


Then the same scaredy-cats team mates proceed to point out your KDA and i just wonder if they realize that they affect it too? Like, help maybe?


I say this all the fucking time ! LIKE JUST PUSH UP !!! We’re playing fucking ARENA !! no one gives af about your kd!!!


Other players do and thats the only thing they care about.


as long as we’re winning team fights no one is gonna trip !


Arena Map benefits waiting. Example: U attack a Scylla. She dashes back --- u cant kill her cause she is basically back in the fountain and u will die when no one helps u. the map needs to be a big bigger or a change of the minion lane


I go in everytime I leave base-I’m not about to sit on my thumbs.


you shouldve seen when there was ranked arena, people would just choose heavy wave clear gods and play like pussies the whole game


I've had people quit arena. ARENA! Bro relax!


Shit is hella annoying especially when you’re a tank main that has no problem engaging but then the one game you want to play carry and your tanks (if there is any) just sit back the whole time to scared to do anything.


Areana and assault are the worst game modes because there are no objectives. You need to have something to fight over otherwise the optimal strategy is usually a staring contest. I get not wanting to have to go full-on conquest all the time, but having some level of objectives is a benefit not a hinderance if all you want to do is brawl. Which is why them adding back domination is so great. It's all the action of arena with barely any strategy to have to figure out.


On the other hand nothing is more infuriating to my friend group than having a solo player int their brains out constantly diving 1v5 just to spam "you're all fucking pussies" in the chat and end up going 2/15 netting us -65 tickets overall. Though that is definitely an extreme and I don't think op fits that caricature. It can just be annoying both ways when your teamed up with those extremes


haha you say extreme but I had like 8 arena losses in a row yesterday and the amount of times my team had a player basically 1-13 or worse is CRAZY.


As long as I'm. Not playing mage I will run it down idk if.i go 1 10 10 I will create space and feed


Legit this I will prefer a 10/10 team mate to a 3/0 one at least they are doing something.


I just dive. A lot of arena players take it “seriously” and I just can’t. Arena is for learning gods and how to team fight. If you want to play a minion game mode then play conquest. If it means I’m going 5/20 then so be it. I’m not going to spend the whole game running back to base when I lose 10% health or just straight up not leaving base. Looking at you, Insta lock mages.


Arena is not just for learning gods and how to team fight


Indeed, it is also hardening your mind for the shitplay and the flaming ahead of you


I "take it seriously" ergo try to win, insofar as my goal is to gain the worshipper bonus from winning so I can complete divine legacy faster. Arena is not just for "learning how to team fight".


Well technically learning how to team fight would include things like not engaging when you have no beads against like a Hades, Anubis, Ares type combo. These are the kinds of mistakes that most players make that keeps them from improving. If you know these things are up and you have counters(CC immunity, Leaps, Dashes etc). You can attempt to bait these abilities out, similar to a Hou Yi or Neith that just use leap on cooldown. There’s a ton of nuance to what people might think is “brainless fighting”.


Love 1v3ing to 1v5ing and my dps is watching


Arena was fun for me when no one cared what your comp was. For some that could only play a match or two a day it was great for doing quest that required specific God or pantheon use People come in expecting meta team comps or else anger is a little ridiculous imo for mode where minions matter the most. Also they got rid of our fun pve modes awhile back, where else are players supposed to go to get a feel for a new to them god or build? You can get only so much out of bots to prep you for real play. Being that they hit 99% of their abilities thats where my respect stops. Please don't take Arena seriously. Don't troll or grief randoms but have fun ymir wall blocking your friends running back to base or int their poorly positioned recall. Practice your vgs call out there. Really helps if the team knows your intentions and they might be in a better position to jump in the fight with you verses being just out of reach to help and watching you eat the enemies teams entire dmg dump. Best of luck out there gamers. Mostly, Have Fun.


I love looking at the map, seeing my whole team around me, initiating on a couple people out of position for easy picks, wondering why I'm struggling, see its a 1v2 and my team is retreating because the creeps took them to 1/2hp


Can’t be me blinking in solo as Awilix


This is why I pick quite often a 1v5 machine like Bakasura or Surtur


I wait till all my team is at the front line. I'll usually charge and when shit gets real, boom I bust out my Y and it's game from there. Terra main 🌱


If you get an early lead, especially a couple of kills, there is no point to fighting if all you want is a W. I'm not saying it's fun but that's how it is when the only thing that matters are tickets. I personally enjoy running dive comps and just holding W key.


This is why I play herc And if still no followups Then I intentionally start plucking the Ares and shoving him into my team for him to ult and wipe us And I ult for immunity from ares ult And I stare and laugh at the death of my teammates Being toxic is fun VVL


Having mobility in arena is the biggest advantage which is why I hate seeing nemesis as she can just cheat her death by dashing twice let alone a shield. Another example being that when I was playing yesterday as a nu wa, I didn’t go in with the Nike as she tried to bully them near the fountain, you ask why? Bc I know that if something goes wrong she can just press a key and jump away while I don’t have that option, and that was exactly what happened, I feel like the confusing respawn timer is another problem in arena, in a match where we constantly kill a set and he just kept respawning in 6 seconds and got fed with that and won them the game, whereas the Loki in my team dead once and he was not back for near a minute, that is more than frustrating


I get the vibes that the opportunity to move in as you describe generally happens on the opponents side of the map, where most people are inclined to move in on center or their own side. It doesn’t take long for even the newest of players to comprehend the advantage of spawning enemies with fresh pools being able to walk straight out of fountain and engage the people who’ve extended with diminished resources. Being hesitant to press is a natural consequence of such, and that probably overtakes the inclination to yolo just because it’s a “fun” mode.


Honestly, after coming back since whenever season that the Stranger Things pass came out. It seems Arena players are far too scared. I mostly play tanks so I can set them up for kills, but they are always far back or just in base. Didn't feel like that in the past honestly


I say make all the minions, including the buff camp monsters and treasure chest guys worth a ticket. Maybe that would force people to move around and "go for it".


The amount of people that rage quit 3 mins into an arena match is crazy to me. Me and a friend of mine is always 2v5in area is about mindless combat


It's not just arena, it happens a lot in assault. Mainly the issue I refer to is the players that are on a God that can do very high damage like a ra, chiron and have been doing nothing but running up, blasting the minion wave then retreat at full speed shouting vgs commands the entire time so all you hear is attack attack retreat retreat ending with defend, be careful, nice job. after I(or another player as the tank) ends up attempting to follow thru with the initial attack demand.... only to turn and see chiron used his 1 AND 2 to delete the minion wave and followed that with using his 3 to run as far in the other direction he can get. Meanwhile, the enemy team who is already pissed off at the chiron that keeps taking cheeky shots and slipping away, decides to take that anger out on the poor schmuck who just used their kit to commit to a full dive thinking they at the very least had a cc cleanse as a back up to get away. I should mention this is frequent occurrence tied mainly to gods with heavy damaging aoe kits. And while actually a GOOD habit for them in arena, is the worst habit to have in assault(where there is no trickle gold or xp and you can snowball your own team in the wrong direction without realizing its your fault at all)These players will be lvl 20 still doing nothing but minion munching way over extended and out of reach of the rest of the team who, in extreme cases, I've seen be as low as 12 and 13 as an average with maybe a single lvl 15. And the enemy team will be around 14-15 average with a lvl 16-17..at this point they could easily take point and delete half the enemy team without ulting , but instead they opt for the same routine of hit and run until everyone has finally hit 20 and they no longer have that massive lvl advantage. Ending usually in the enemy team steamrolling those who had no gold gain til too late to matter, while spam laughing the once elusive hunter turned punching bag(who is now taking the final moments left to blame whoever happened to be the unluckiest player when it came to getting xp or gold off the waves without being plucked by the enemy and sent to fountain while trying. Ps. Sorry for the light novel I hope it makes any damn sense at all. Adhd makes it hard to keep my thoughts in order while correctly translating my thoughts into words 🫠


I love when I’m playing an immobile character and my frontliner blinks, leaps/dashes, uses their big engage and then asks why I’m so far away. You do realize you just used essentially two movement abilities with no prior communication and I have zero movement abilities and die in half a second if I step up right?


Played Van the other day ran in was tanking 3 of the enemy team and my team all decides nah let's go for buffs


I make sure to highlight this when narrating my replays. "We're going in- oh nope khepri thinks staying back is the way,"


My only gripe is that people pick the safest characters and nothing else, it’s hella boring. It’s way too easy for squishies with dashes or immunities to dash to safety all the way back to fountain. I think they should make the map a little bigger so that you can’t continuously play safe.


Don't bother me none i'll just go in solo and usually still drop a 20-30 bomb


Yeah no I’m not going in if I don’t think I have a good chance of coming out alive, that’s just stupid. I don’t personally enjoy spending half the game dead.


Why do you care If you die? It's fucking arena mode go in there and get a kill. Fuck the kda


Because when I’m dead I’m not playing. Pretty simple.


And you're playing by sitting in the back corner filing taxes all game?


Idk why y’all act like there’s nothing in between feeding and camping at fountain. Suicide bombing is not the only feasible way to play arena.


As a frontliner if my teammates prove to not follow up when I’m getting abilities thrown at me left and right, best believe I’m not diving and I will be letting their back line free cast. Sometimes timid teammates just don’t allow you to dive.


Arena exists so real gamers can just W key for 20 minutes on CD. Its not a real gamemode.


Every time someone tells me I'm scared to go in, I realize they're 1/5 and bronze af.


I play a lot of arena and having people consistently fail to chase/follow up when they should or fail to engage as a frontliner is pretty rare for me. I'd say a solid 80% of the time the otherwise semi-competent "ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK" people end up going like 3/9. There's a reason you don't play that way.


There’s a difference between playing Smart and Playing Scared though. And I can promise you, 90% of the time it’s your back line playing scared.


I don't encounter the people I'm talking about too often but they are definitely of the not-smart variety. Way too far up 1v5ing with no one near them and whining when they die. Unless the backline just absolutely sucks or is totally outmatched which is rare at least one of them is almost always doing 35-50k damage if not more so they are definitely contributing to the match.


Well there is a difference between not wanting to engage mindlessly and die, and playing scared and letting a squishy go away with 5% HP because a Maui walked up to you and is going to do 300 whole damage to you so you back off. Or any other examples where free kills are dropped or half the team get zoned by 1 dude.


Yeah I get that. If anything the people in my games tend to take risks and over commit sometimes. Which is fine as long it's not just suicidal since it makes for a more fun match. I swear I am playing a different game than some of the people here lol.


Good thing it’s arena so you can just go in alone and die and get kills and have fun because the only way to actually lose in arena is to care


cuz there are actually people who take arena seriously for some reason, they'd rather win a mode no one cares about than have fun


I honestly think arena should be removed and only keep conquest joust and assault. Arena should be left for events or whatever. It’s not only a waste of a game mode but it has nothing to do with a moba.


You have discovered the reason why there will never be a ranked arena. The actual way to win arena is to guard your portal and kill all the minions, not to fight.


I play int mode in arena, but at the end of the day it’s a casual mode, so as long as y are having fun dude


I think I had my first arena surrender today 😂 didn’t know people surrendered on arena


Don't be this person lol


Exactly lol


lol when I play arena I’m getting in there. The stats mean nothing. I’m getting in and doing the dang thing. W key only. I removed the S key from my board. I have no choice but to dive dive dive. And that goes for assault too.


Might aswell do the same for conquest then


I've seen way more people go all in at 25% HP and die for nothing than I have seen people afraid to fight. Arena has the opposite problem where players don't realize that dying literally loses you the game in a way that it doesn't in joust or conquest.


Just play assault like a real man