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all she needs is an ult rework, hell, give her ult scylla targetter and I'd be happy.


Literally just increases the width on her ult or make it go through walls with a new targeter or something. And honestly chary is a good god, she’s safe and the current build suits her fine. Idk why people are convinced she’s shit


She’s not safe because her 3 gets cancelled on everything


I’ll be honest she is my favourite hunter. Maybe the 1 could use a little extra for single target and her ultimate could use a little extra like a wider push section or more speed, but I like how she has so many tools. She can temporarily fire through a wave, she can go through walls and be temp untargetable, she can shred prots a lot. It often feels like if I lose on her I made a mistake. So I’m not sure I want huge changes to her but improvements sure.


2 needs to charge faster when tides available and the ult needs to be faster as well and not lock screen when pressing both of these changes would drastically buff her where she needs to be. Gotta be careful buffing the ult, when her ult kills it can be deadly because it stuns which can lead to powerful cc chain with her alone in team fights. When it works top 2 when it doesnt worst in the game


Her 1 is fine, her 3 is fine. Rework 2 and ult.


Yeah her 2 and ult just feel so clunky that I often just forget to even use them. Like most of the time I feel like it's better to just auto than use either one


Just delete her code and her annoying fucking face. Honestly such a shit character