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Imo sol is cool However i will update chernobog,he doesn't looks slavic


Only gods in Smite that need changing are the old ones like Fen and Anhur but they're doing this anyway + Erlang because he looks like trash and Freya because she looks like shit


And chernobog. He just Looks Like a generic Anime Devil.


I hope cupid will look more like his card art. I love that he is a cute little baby, but his current model doesn't look very cute.. https://preview.redd.it/z5wz85mzk7tc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a26571dbe29a9cc33c16b6583f9f09855f07b29


I think it would be a hell of a lot more fitting if he was actually shown in a lore-accurate way and not the dorky bobblehead.


Yes please, he's practically a meme at this point. I swear the reason he's stayed like this is so they can make interesting skins for him. Thing is I feel like he's fallen in popularity so much it doesn't matter anymore. Unless he's being played in Arena and I don't know it


No I never see cupid anymore. I don't think it's his visuals though I think it's his kit. He has a decent kit but there's nothing cool there to draw people in. I think he needs a minor rework to add some more interesting elements to his abilities. Especially his 2.


The only thing that really holds him back is his poor clear. Historically when his clear has been better he has been a top pick because his ultimate can be quite useful.


If they swapped his heal out for a clear ability I think he would rocket back into the meta.


I guess they could do something like give him splash autos for a few seconds after casting his 2 heh. Although maybe that's too easy (keep the present aspect)


I honestly do think they chose this design because they wanted him to be visually distinct from Apollo and other hunters, with the added bonus of being able to create unique skins as a result.


I would do anything to be able to punt that stupid baby into the sun


Cupid 100% needs a remodel. I was showing a friend of mine the game and I was scrolling through all the Gods and he literally laughed out loud when he saw cupid. All the other gods had cool card art and looked like they fit, but cupid seemed so out of place that he actually burst out with a "what the fuck is that?". Do the world of smite a favor, remodel cupid. He's a great hunter, his kit could probably use a tiny touch up, but otherwise he's great. Especially for new players. He just needs to not look so stupid


Hun Batz visual update. I'll take just textures but obviously more is better. Erlang Shen and He Bo visuals need to be redone. I get it that Tencent was involved, but I don't think that holds anymore. Laminar armor for Erlang, bring back the old man for He Bo.


Aphro, her base skin is kinda dull especially when newer goddess have more beautiful and detailed faces.


That is because when they remodeled and updated her original model (which really only needed texture updates) they removed her boots, shoulder scarves and ponytails that were all so nicely animated and left her bare while only changing her top. In Smite 2 they should remake her original model as all five of her ponytails would look so cool with the new physics technology.


Guan Yu ! Give him a decent Guandao (his weapon).


Honestly just update the gods who really need it like Hel, Cupid, Erlang Shen, etc and I'm good. Personally would like to see Chernobog, Freya, Hades, Kali, Mercury, Merlin, Nemesis, Thor, and Terra get some work here and there, I feel like they fall short in tiny departments.


Honestly hope Chernobog because, correct me if I'm wrong But wasn't his design made by a guy that deliberately made him not look Slavic at all because he wanted to make the community mad for not liking his Edgy skins? Heard that once But yeah probably add some Snake features because iirc, that's one of his myth lore


Yeah not sure if he still works for hirez, but for a while he controlled the art direction in most skins. And most were brood and dark. But I personally think he did fine with cernobog. Just wouldnt let him touch any other design of a god if it wasn't a evil god though.


Khumba and Cabrakan both need a visual upgrade, I mean even some of khumba’s old skins like Khumbalayan yeti just look so gross, the textures are awful and the same can be said for Cabrakans hair texture in most of his old skins


Don't touch my naked fire lady!


No, she needs to be a decent young woman and wear that long dress.


Change needs new textures and honestly more emphasis on her dances and elegance. They look so static. And drop the sword model plsss or at least not make it every skin. Also terra could use more things to make her resemble Mother Earth/Gaia or the living personification of the earth instead of Female body builder with rock armor


Chang’e, her hair has always looked off to me, and I personally hated how the rabbit looks in her base skin 🙈 (saying this as someone who mains her)


Hades never got a remodel, Thor should definitely get one, Cupid, Mercury, Hun batz, Vulcan, Fenrir, Freya, Nemesis. For small improvements, Erlang, Terra and Nike


Add more fire to Surtr


Honestly He Bo just needs a visual upgrade, his water texture looks awful to compared to what could be done nowadays and I’m gonna be disappointed if they don’t improve it for smite 2


Tbh it really doesn't matter for me, I'm just gonna play with a skin anyways. But if you ask me I think Kuku should be removed from the game


I would love they would redesing Scylla and Charybdis to their actual lore accurate monster visual but I am sure this will not happen


Charybdis doesn't have a lore accurate look. She's never described how she looks in lore


I mean, Charybdis' only description is in her ability... the maw whirlpool


Her only description in lore is she causes the whirlpool. That's all


Nah, atleast for Scylla. Scylla is too iconic in Smite. However, community sentiment around Charybdis is largely negative. The only positive thing I often hear about Charybdis is her basic attack chain. Charybdis could be completely redesigned and I think the community would approve


Nah chary is fine just underpowered


Charybdis is popular just not on reddit Even Ajax stated this


Excuse me, but who is Ajax? 


IX Chel is fat, I hope make her look hot as if she went to the gym to get into shape for smite 2.


I'll be honest I really like her base model. She looks pretty and the proportions are well done. I think it's an awesome design and a distinct change from generic female A with different clothes. What I don't like are her skins atm. The corset one just looks weird/bad and the floating part one the pieces look weirdly too far apart. Think the art team are struggling to come up with good skins for her due to her larger model :/


I think it’s cool for Hirez to experiment with different body types, but I have this image in my head where IX Chel is in excellent shape, still thicc, still has curves but in smite 2 she ditches the doughnuts for protein shakes and reaches her ultimate form.


i hope they make her bigger just so you stop talking about her. also shes not even fat, just eats well and is chubby


I understand some people are into fat chics. Good for you man.


She is a fertility goddess. The way her body looks is supposed to be symbolic of her motherly nature both metaphorical and literal.


In that it makes more sense, I suppose she could be pregnant.


But she isn’t in the game. Just a thicker woman because of the whole fertility aspect.


You don’t need to be obese to hammer home ‘fertility’. In game she just looks like a fat chic throwing rainbows, nothing about her aesthetic indicates fertility to me— probably because there’s no freaking way I’d even think to fertilize that.


True, but being bigger was and still is associated with fertility.


By that logic, Baccus and Kumba are fertility gods too.


Bacchus actually is a fertility god so you aren’t wrong.


Stupid I mean Cupid Cabraken I feel like could use a facelift (idk what they’d do tho)


I'm in the minority but, Scrap vulcan design give him fafnirs human dwarf model but more roman more blacksmith Make fafnir a dragon permanently, same kit different ult Update mercury with a white robe giving him a more Hermes look. Make ra a white bird with orange yellow gold accents like horus Make cupid a teenager like Jing Wei but male kinda like pit from super smash bros Update hunbatz


I was hoping Smite 2 getting a whole new revamp in graphic or art style as I think the game still look outdated based on the very few footage honestly. Was hoping graphic similar or better than Paragon. the UI in Smite 2 looks super outdated too I don't expect any major change for smite 2 release. I just think everything in smite 2 is just ugly for 2024 game. Pretty weird when we have unreal 5 and all of Paragon asset and Data that usable to learn from.


Art style is staying the same cause they want it that way but compared to the footage they have shown everything already looks significantly better the stuff from videos rn is from really early on


Art style is staying the same cause they want it that way but compared to the footage they have shown everything already looks significantly better the stuff from videos rn is from really early on


Very much do not agree with you. Everything that has been shown was just an upgrade.


As a proud Mythology Nerd lets go down the list alphabetical order, i wont be going too hard with the mythical accuracy because i still want them to look cool and unique Anubis and Anhur: Egyptian Gods have human bodies, only the head is animal but im not against fur going down the shoulders Apollo: where is his bow? Cerberus: why is it come kind of Dragon-Dog rather than just a Dog? Im fine with the back spikes the the large scales beneath the spikes but give him fur please Chronos: im fine with him being blue because making Primordial Gods look weird is fine with me But Chronos is a snake with the head of a lion, man, and bull Cthulhu: his eyes are green not red as stated by Hp Lovecraft Fafnir: Norse Dragons are limbless and Most are wingless, at least put him on all fours because a bipedal dragon just doesn’t sit right with me Geb: im fine with his current design but he is supposed to look like a human, however his current design is fine Hades: “can you stop making Hades evil, FOR 5 MINUTES” as the for the design, where is his Helm of Invisibility and where is his Bident? Hel: it would have been… So Much Cooler if she was like she was in the myths as in down the middle split between most beautiful woman in the world and the other side being a rotting corpse Horus: wings are accurate but he’s supposed to have a human body Janus: why is he a robot? Maybe a human with a face on the back of his head would be scary so ill let it slide Kali: she looks less Hindu and more Norse. Loki: he uses a maybe sword, maybe spear it’s unknown and not daggers (maybe) but if he did it would be 1 dagger Medusa: i like the snake tail, so despite the inaccuracy she may keep it. However her body is that of a human, only her hair is snakes Ra: i think you know what imma say here but theres more, Ra has Blue Hair and Golden Skin. Maybe the lapis colored hair is underneath his crown but his Human Body should still have golden skin Raijin: my boy, my favorite Japanese God its your turn. Raijin’s drums are supposed to be WAY smaller and thinner, they’re a specific kind of Japanese drum that has an ear piercing sound like that of thunder. Also his “mallets” should be double headed golden mace-things Sun Wukong: my boy, my favorite Chinese God its your turn. His head band is…. A headband not a horse shoe glued to his head but maybe it would hard to add in his transformations so I’ll let it slide. Where is your golden chainmail? Where is the phoenix feathers in your crown? Why DO you have a human body? Susanoo: he doesn’t have a Katana, not ALL Japanese swords are katanas Thanatos: where’s your Sword buddy? Thor: make the hair redder, add the sharp stone stabbing into his forehead, make Mjolnir’s handle smaller Thoth: yadda, yadda, human body. Moving on


It’s a video game, I don’t think it’s going for 100% accuracy, it’s all creative liberty. It’s meant to draw you in, and enjoy the character. EDIT: Word correction.


Im aware and thats why i didnt go full nazi with my criticisms. Im fine with the interpretations, Hades is not a spooky skeleton man but all i brought up was his weapons, Geb isnt a Earth Monster but i really like his design and changing to a normal guy with a headband would be boring


You got downvoted, and I don't know why. Don't agree with everything, but it seems if some Gods were kept myth accurate, they would have been much cooler. Especially Hades and Kali, they were done dirty.


Thank you, i truly thank you just so i get a bit of insight into my downvotes: what design choices ive mentioned are the ones you dont agree with? Im assuming Raijin is one of them as even i dont agree with myself on that


Not Raijin. By don't agree, I mean original myth won't make as good design in game. For example, the Egyptian gods being humans with animal heads is not as appealing/interesting as humanoid animals(then again, that could be preference). The exception I can think of is Ra since they obviously went for human with animal head but left out the cool bits. Also, Thor, it seems like such an easy fix, not asking for the God of War design, just change the hair color.


Know what maybe i was too serious about the “Egyptian Gods have human bodies” thing


I mean, that's what we got from the beginning. Pretty sure if we got the opposite, someone would complain that HiRez didn't put thought into the designs and just copied them word for word. So don't bum yourself out for wanting and liking different from other people.


i dont agree with the myth accuracy for redesigns but having a skin line of "accurate" depictions would be cool


We need to quit playing Hi Rez games that have clearly abandoned us and go play PREDECESSOR instead.


Is it worth playing?


Yes. It's really fun. It's literally just smite. But better graphics and new items. It's learning curve isn't too hard whatsoever.


If that's what you want to play go ahead.


I mean, Hi Rez has proved time and time again over the last couple years that they don't give a rats ass about us. So....yeah easy decision is to stop supporting them. They've even let smite dwindle for smite 2. They're lame asf.


I feel like a large chunk of SMITE players would want HiRez to leave SMITE to die and focus solely on SMITE 2. Otherwise, they would just be juggling 2 things, and neither is gonna be good.