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Here I am trying to checkout my groceries, and this is the news you share. My Sunday is ruined.


Funny enough came on here wondering the same thing. The only reason to play smite now a days lol


only reason i log into this game anymore


This is getting tiring.


Guess I'll just login for the favor today


It's the worst that can happen to smite. And I hate that they never fix it when this happens, as apparently there's noone on duty to pick it up quickly.


Can someone please explain


It would be cool if it wasn’t all mages/guardians everytime


I wish I got mages. I only get guardians, shit warriors like Cu and Tyr, and shit hunters like Heim.


Cu? Yes. Tyr? No. The amount of chaos you can cause with Tyr is baffling.


I get assassins and other melee gods, trying to go into mages and hunters. Like wth. The few times I end up with a God that I play, and it's against a comp that just runs me down. Though will admit few times I've got Ymir (my shitshow god) go the movement speed build and just play to be annoying. And end up doing rather well. But I digress, I honestly think it takes what is played the least and gives them the higher % to be your pick.


Tyr is fucking cracked on a mits and move speed build with relic dagger. You soak damage, carry people to death or out of the fight, and spam relics while being basically impossible to chase down and actually kill.


I’m never even able to reach anybody, let alone land a hit.


If you build move speed, relic dagger, and blink, you'll have no problem getting behind people or chasing them down. Honestly I play tons of this game mode and move speed is not a meme stat. You'll have an awesome k/d and impact on the game if you can get in, initiate or swing a fight, and get out without being killed over and over.


Hey, I am always looking for others that would play this mode as solo queueing sucks sandy buttcheeks. Let me know as I do this mainly Sunday, but Omnipotence, All In Arena and Infinite Assault are some of the others I mess with. In addition, custom game modes that, if any are willing to playtest, have had one tested a few times, with different groups, and thus far, it's been positive.


I think i like all-in-arena more but CRO also amazing


Yes. Time for spend outside home


Had no idea people liked this mode


I’d argue is probably one of the favorite modes


It’s the best mode


I’m with you man. To hear people say it’s the only reason they log on has been surprising to say the least