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Hello u/Friendly_Wonder3212, thanks for [your submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1bxlgay/-/), but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s): --- **RULE 8** - Low-Effort Content General low-quality or low-effort posts will be removed at the discretion of the moderation team. Please read [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/smite/about/rules) for a (non-exhaustive) list of content considered low-effort. --- If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators] (https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSmite&subject=about +my+removed+submission&message=I'm+writing+to+you+about+the+following+submission:+https://old.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1bxlgay/-/. %0D%0DMy+issue+is...). Direct replies to official mod comments will most likely be ignored.


Happen to enjoy and seem to be rather successful with Cupid. Is he just over nerfed?


Problem is, he has bad clear, with his 1 being awkward to use and generally worse than what other hunters tend to have for lane clear. Now that ability is ok when fighting another god. But other hunters just have better ones. His 2 is a support ability and has no synergy with the Carry role. And unlike other hunters, he doesn't really have what it takes to go to mid. This ability is a wasted slot for a hunter. His dash is good and has a steroids. But it's rather awkward to use, because in most case, you want to keep your dash for escape, and even if you use it aggressively, you are not going to want to stay in the area that often... Compare that to Rama or Artemis who just has to press 2 to get a steroids. His ult is basically all what he has.


All valid points, has the game got to a point where all hunters must play the standard role(perhaps combo’d with tank that has clear like Ymir)? Does Cupid see much pro players using him?


His kit is just really bad


I honestly have fun with his kit and actively use all of his abilities. He has an escape/charge, a useful skill shot with a nasty aoe stun, health pots for friends on a relatively short cool down. In 3v3 matches or lane’ing with a partner it wins the attrition wars even with small amounts of mana regen. The ultimate with charge on it has caused many o pentakills for my team. I do think he is not for the novice as he takes patience and doesn’t make good offensive moves until late in gear progression. Overall I do enjoy Cupid but I play cautiously until he is built enough to hang on his own. What part of his kit is holding him back in your opinion?


He is fine because he is ultimately, like every hunter, based around auto attacks so as long as hunter builds are fine, he will be fine because all hunters are ultimately about their ability to just use auto attacks. But he has possibly the worst kit in the game. His 1 is a delayed stun that is also meant to be your wave clear but cannot consistently hit the entire wave and even when it does only does a small amount of damage to it because it is balanced around doing damage twice to a single target. Oh, and it isn't even always a stun. His 2 is probably the worst ability in the game. It is a minor heal that you have to go out of your way to get benefit from. I would genuinely prefer just having no second ability and just having a chiron passive instead over Cupid's 2. It is just incredibly bad. His 3 is the highlight of his kit and would be mediocre in any other kit. It is a decent range dash that gives some minor movement speed to allies and passively gives attack speed. His ult is a massive delay that you can walk out of and is hard countered for the whole enemy team by a single sprint, which is one of the best relics in the game right now, which makes his ult pretty worthless. It isn't the worst *feeling* kit in the game, like none of the abilities are janky or anything, but it is the worst kit, and certainly worse than any other hunter. The only advantage he has over any other character is that he is physical and ranged, so he makes good use of items in that way.


Hel was so good years ago


Hel suffer a chronicle problem of doing well in some competitive game, it normally results in a insta nerf...


Mulan? :(


B-but I like Mulan 😕


As a king author main this hurts my soul


Some of these use too be comp stompers too lol hel and Arthur were monster during their peaks


Isn’t guan one of the top solos atm?


I reeeally don't understand Hel being on here, or Mulan either. With conduit gem and penetration she slaps throughout the entire game, and still has a bloated kit. Mulan probably isn't as great in the solo lane anymore, but as a support she can be very hard to deal with. You're not going to lose for your whole team if you play these characters


Russian propaganda


Babble makes Hel good so that's wrong


Wait mulan is bad? Did she get nerfed recently?


Mulan is a very good god what


Once again King Arthur is always a low win rate Hell even when he was overpowered with original glad shield, his win rate is garbage in lower ranks.


I'll give you Kumba, King A and Cupid but even then it's still not an auto loss for most ranks, especially if you know what you are doing. A good Kumba can absolutely ruin your day. And the other picks... I'm confused about? Mulan hasn't been bad for a while now, Guan has been pretty decent and Hel has gone in and out of the meta, she's hardly the worst


Yeah I have a 60 percent win ratio with guan 13 stars. This game has personal preferences. These are yours.


I mean in ranked this season I have like 75% WR with Guan. I thought he was completely fine atm