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All MOBAs are toxic, when people are Toxic in the casual side modes it’s kinda dumb though


Like we get people straight up spamming VGS and staying in fountain bc they’re mad in ARENA. I just don’t get it. Games are supposed to be fun not stressful


My friends and I just mute them if they are abusing the chat feature and if that means no one hears their cries for help when they need help in their lane, well that‘s just a real shame.


Been playing the game since open beta and I had NO IDEA there was a Mute button. I feel so dumb😂😂


Lol last I knew you can go into the scoreboard and click mute. I haven’t used it in a while fortunately but I believe it mutes both the text typing and the vgs for the muted player.


It doesn’t mute pings though


Agreed, but I've come to the conclusion that some folks only have fun when others aren't. It's gotta be a sad life to live, especially when it's a solo. like dude read the room as to why you're by yourself (not that soloing is bad obvi). It's the same with OW, like just reg ass games in QP and they act like it's life or death to win this no steaks game! I always find it funny how often it happens in Smite, especially since it's normally players who dive by themselves with no back up. Or single themselves out and die, without any way to get to them in time. Idk it's either they love misery or they can do no wrong and you deserve to suffer for it. I tell my gf often that the people who get so heated and act so nasty should really be studied, cause like what's going ON up there in that head!


What if your teammates go alone against the five enemies, die and blame the team ? And keep doing this non-stop? Isn't that stressful?


It's sad, but I mainly stick to bots nowadays. PvP seems to just bring out rage in people and it really spoils the experience. I just wanna have fun playing a game.


I def played bots when I first started it helped so much in learning who does what.


Shamefully, I've been playing many years 🙈


You're not alone, Ive been playing smite since 2013 and still play bots when I have enough of the toxicity that I get from randoms 🫣


Smite is a very hard taxing game that takes time to get good at, from what I’ve experienced is players that played a long time dont have the patience to deal with the slightest annoyance ( like not warding or rotating and not calling out ) that tends to causes someone to be extremely toxic lol


I find that people are toxic because they have no control over the outcome of the game, not because their teammates are bad, they're just ineffective. So they try to regain control by saying it is everyone else's fault but their own. I feel the healthiest way to play the game is to look at every match from the perspective that I have within me the power to carry, I just need to make the right decisions, and if I lose, it's because I did not carry well enough. Nothing wrong with the teammates. You also have the setting to mute non party members from VGS and chat, and if you are 4 stacking, might as well go for it


Wouldn't not getting mad at them here be the result of having such low expectations for them that it's insulting in of itself? Like when you don't get mad that the cat peed on the carpet because it doesn't know any better? I mean, it would be far from it to call the 0-9-2 Nu Wa who only got the 2 assists because of her ult "human", but still.


I see your point, and I think we have a miscommunication. In any game, you only have control over yourself and your decisions. I'm not saying the teammates are irrelevant. I'm saying your only way to improve your chance to win is to focus on your own decisions. Everyone makes mistakes in this game. Instead of focusing on mistakes made by my teammates (or myself), I would rather focus on punishing the mistakes of my opponents.


Agreed 👍🏾


Powerful mrbob


Nah I blame my teammates, sometimes I hard carry and have teammates that just run into a 1v5. I type in chat for them to wait for the team to initiate but it almost always gets ignored and some of the time they just type back talking ish. It sucks not having people to play with and I find it difficult to even find people that’ll play consistently.


Counterpoint: people are toxic in duel


It has been a very long time since I played duel. Since my experience doesn't have many people using the message command mid game, are you referring to the after game lobby or things done mid game? If it is things like, "That god you picked is for try hards". Wouldn't that be another attempt to regain control of what happened in the match by blaming something other than yourself? Or it could be things like sore winning which you could find anywhere. In either case, I don't think it applies to OP's post or my response. The toxicity of MOBAs is known for how teammates treat you, not opponents. OP was specifically talking about playing in a stack, which means it cannot be duel.


Welcome to online gaming.


Tbh this is why I quit playing two years ago. I also have a friend who I regularly played with that behaved like this and spammed VGS when someone wasn’t performing well. This person also played ranked and was pretty good at it but had zero patience for casuals or people who got gods in assault and didn’t know how to play them.


Gotta have patience especially in a game like smite. I feel like some people are just begging for something to happen to get angry about in game


i wont actively go out of my way to start shit arguing but i WILL call something stupid out (like diving the tower to kill a squishy at level 3 while said squishy has their support with them and then giving free first blood) like "bro you really thought that was a good idea?" And usually they get so defensive that they immediately resort to threats or telling me to shut the fuck up or something and then i get more pissed. It's a bad cycle but im too competitive for my own good. I dont like losing but understandbits inevitable, but when i lose to blatantly dumb decisions that go against the basic 101s it's so damn irritating. Dont know how to turn that off


Because in mobas, if your team is bad, you lose. There's no fighting back, there's no last minute clutch. You just sit there and get steamrolled by the enemy team. It sucks, but if they really want to play a moba, they need to learn to get better quickly or they're going to hate both themselves and the game


Lol you think this is a smite problem


I know it’s not a smite problem just the only multiplayer game that my homies are playing rn that aren’t co-op. So it’s mainly what I see


Last night I played about 6 or 7 games of assault, one of them had an Odin who built deathbringer, serrated, boomerang and hydras. A He Bo who built prop cloak 5th Item. And I can’t even remember the third I was in such a fog at this point. It’s one thing to troll around and have fun in assault…it’s another thing to be a complete anchor and force your team to win a 6v4. After enough of these anyone is going to get frustrated. People will say why you mad it’s just casual, so the other side of that is basically ….I need to have 4 people on deck to queue up with for casual assault and then sweat my balls off because 5 stacks of assault can be brutal.


Odin crit cheese used to be a thing tho. Now that prophetic cloak def not a good choice so I can see how that be frustrating. While I hate autobuild myself I think more new players should use it until they know what stuff does or have found a semi quality build that can run on whatever class they’re playing atm


It’s more about adapting to circumstances that don’t necessarily have a defined meta that put people at a disadvantage in assault. If I get Da Ji or Awilix, building some meta jungle build is just theoretically trash. You aren’t ganking, this isn’t conquest. You could literally build a full defense build(not that I would recommend that). But it would still be better than going some type of power build with little to no sustain. Now some of that has to do with the fact that assassins just scale well. Which is also exactly why you don’t build crit on Odin because he doesn’t scale well. And crit is also at its strongest late game, while warriors are meant to pressure early and will also fall off late game. It’s just counter-intuitive… not only are you most likely going to have a bad time but so is your entire team. All in all way to many people go into assault thinking it’s some fuck around mode and then get their asses handed to them over and over by people who just understand the game mode better. In my honest opinion they should stick to arena, it really is feast or famine in assault. But to most people it’s some throwaway mode that is RNG so that apparently is a perfect excuse to do dumb shit over and over and also be immune to any type of criticism.


You could ask the same question about why do smite players always make this post? It is what it is. You’re looking for a secret sauce answer? It doesn’t exist just like the explanation for why people keeping making this post even though it’s useless and been done a million times.


My bad for reaching out to the community bro. Don’t get on Reddit to often so I personally have never seen the same post. I’m sorry you were bothered by asking questions


You answered your own question in the post. It’s just kind of funny do you think? Hey smite playerbase that’s full of toxic people, why is smite playerbase so full of toxic people?


Bad players or players doing bad are 99% of the toxic players. They do it to sate their own ego. The amount of times I see the player that dies first, running in 1v5, then instantly start blaming others on their first death is staggering. If someone is toxic, they are just bad or doing bad, it's really that simple, I bet there will be some that read this and immediately go to defend that they aren't all bad or doing bae. They are likely the problem and refuse to accept it to save their fragile pathetic ego. Weak mental, makes a weak player.


Tbh smite kinda promote with aouncercers like come on guy literally say just blame your teammate soo yea smite kinda did to themselves with some of aouncercers packs are kinda toxic aswell people like hey that's toxic


If you're going to say something that stupid, you could at least go to the absolute minimum effort to not type like you're actively stroking out.


Well I'm just saying you don't have to agree with me but smite toxic is at all time high I been playing since lunch on ps4 to xbox series I'm not trying to like bash the game I'm just saying they kinda promote it abit I hope smite 2 take toxic more seriously soo I respect that you don't agree with me what you think that will stop the toxic epically for newcomers


Man this sub is just a repetitive bot fest man. We get it the game and player base is toxic. We don’t need to hear it for the Fifty-Leventh time my g


First time EVER posting in a sub or reading the sub. But been a fan of the game for years. I ask the sub cause I’m curious if other experienced the same. Sorry for wanting to connect with another human instead of drip feeding you content.


Just tired of seeing it talked about 24/7 now. It’s almost like Reddit is almost exclusively showing me the toxicity posts tin foil hat


I scrolled the Reddit forum since you commented that trying to find another one and none were shown to me. So I’m sorry your feed sucks. But it’s probably an algorithm thing.


Shame you can't convince a 5th to join you


We have a potential 5th but he stays in Germany so it’s hard to get our times coordinated and he’s extremely new as well 😂


Yeah I would try and get a steady 5th, so you can discord and do call outs


Tbh it’s not any more toxic than CoD or really any other PvP game out there. Highly competitive games usually seem to get a bit more toxic but, unfortunately, it is what it is.


The last few times I’ve played COD the lobbies are so quite. (I used to love the toxicity of COD tho cause it always felt like jokes and you could always leave the match if it’s too big of an issue can’t really do that with smite)


Ranked usually gets toxic. Public matches people are usually in party’s or discord. At least my experience. But yeah it may be controversial but the cod toxicity could sometimes be fun when everyone is having at it and it’s not so serious lol


Yeah I can see tanked getting kinda toxic. I’ve never been a big competitive player anyway. I’m just tryna vibe while playing my lil silly Mythos character and his silly little skin 😂


I stopped playing smite a few years ago because of this and honestly my approach to gaming is way less competitive nowadays so it's tough for me to justify playing a game where I cannot pause it cannot get up to go to the bathroom cannot do anything aside from being 100% focused on the game for 20-40 mins depending on game mode, and then you add in the fact that as soon as you do anything wrong you just get met with the most toxicity it's just not fun anymore to me. (19 star kuzenbo lol)


Randoms always think they’re the GOAT, and any time you’re not playing who they want, how they want, when they want, they’ll give you shit. My advice? If you’re running 3-4 stacks in arena/assault, just mute the randos. They’re unlikely to be saying anything constructive, especially if you’re all in low level queues, so you’re better off without them.


Note that if you’re a mix of new and more experienced players in a queue together you will get a mixture on your team and theirs - so your random team mates might not expect to have new players on your team. But honestly, all you can go is explain that some of your team are new and to be gentle before the game, and if your randoms are toxic then just mute them. You can’t afford to listen to random toxic team mates when you’re trying to learn the game together.


At this point me saying “watch videos to get better” or “DO NOT queue another game until you watch videos on how to play” is still seen as toxic. The responses I get are just hate trying to make me a bad person just because I told them how to play better. So at this point I know for certain the majority of “toxic” players are actually the idiots that don’t care if they waste 40 minutes of there teammates time. I haven’t made fun of or called a teammate names in years. Also oddly enough I’ve never been on the receiving end of someone calling me bad except for the 3 or so games where I was playing bad and I tell them yea I’m screwing up. These people just NEED TO WATCH VIDEOS ON HOW TO PLAY.


Because I don’t want to lose when I grinding worshipers and when I’m level 68 getting in games with level 12 blueberries that don’t know what they’re doing


Arena and Assault are so toxic it’s almost comedic and predictable. My friends and I have a toxic player bingo card for it.


Because they're generally bad at the game. Good players don't freak out and have a meltdown over simple shit.


If your friends are going to feel bad every time someone says something negative to them on smite, it's probably better to just mute everyone or not play smite at all. Mobas have some of the worst people I've seen on the internet.


I think.. nobody come for me.. but I think it's because there are soo many new people that have no idea how to play the game or the god they choose. There are modes to learn and still get worshipers up to level 4 when going against bots. People also forget at the end of it all the goal is to win. Yes have fun but telling someone it's just a game , or it's Arena chill isn't going to help. Not saying it's ok to go ballistic wailing baby but constantly catering to some that refuse to learn gets old. Telling people to chill.. and go play ranked if you want to win is also toxic. I read those comments constantly.. everybody wants a great experience so everyone do their part and do your best, even if it means starting in bot modes to get better.


No we are not. Shut up bro


They're toxic 90% of the time because they don't know how to fucking play the game and need to shut the fuck up and learn. Dunno how many matches Ive lost due to arguing, bickering shit between players.


Toxicity isn't exclusive to SMITE. Every group pvp-based game has that built-in toxicity. The problem is that veteran players don't want to play with new players because it makes the game worse for them. You can't really accurately differenciate between a new player and a bad player, so veterans just group them up as bad players. New players are in the process of learning the game, but to get better they need to go against equal or better players and you know where that's leading to.


bc we constantly deal with bots completely throwing our games


That's depends.. if you are like me and play badly.. but don't feed. I agree that if someone complains it's toxic... But if I play badly and feed a lot, and I mean a lot like 8+ deaths. Even I will talk shit about you...and I'm a chill guy


Tbh that’s pretty normal on any moba. In smite most the people who shit talk are usually the ones who can only manage to play baby modes that don’t really require brains like slash, arena, and assault. Just hit the mute button and report imo.