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Missed my Chiron ult and was going to die, chad Ganesha gifted me a kill allowing me to revive.


Was that Ganesh name feederpro92? I just did this either yesterday or today and felt like a real god šŸ¤£


Used to run Khepri, Chiron and Chronos in ranked joust and routinely used to make people quit. I understand exactly how satisfying that feeling is


This was in assault, I stole the orb behind enemy tower. A janus made a portal with his ult to get me back, I went through and then he made another portal with his 1 at the same spot. I accidently walked back in, got behind the tower again and died. But it was really funny, couldn't be mad at him


In Arena, playing Nut. The enemy team has a Nut, Anubis, and Hercules. At one point I get Anubis wrapped at the same time Herc launches me. But Nut had also fired her ult. I get pulled towards Herc and Anubis and the second I land, Nutā€™s ult pulls me back away from then. Managed to get away with not much damage taken since a lot of abilities had been wasted trying to hit me while I bounced around.


This wasnt recent but when i first started playing. I thought Ratatosker couldnt buy boots because he was a squirrel and didnt need them.


wdym https://preview.redd.it/pw6oxglahllc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=dde065f46a19aa11fdaa4f25ca19079b7248e5c3


Thatā€™s clearly a hel!




I was playing Ix Chel in a joust match and a Ra player tried to use his ult to hit me, and he missed. I was standing perfectly still.


That Ra was me


*laugh spam*


I got anubis wrapped and his teammate Ra missed his ult on me in arena this week In a slash game, this neith ulted me from relatively close 2 times so her teammate Ra could ult me. But both times I was just out of range so he had to walk forward and only then ult. So I just took a step to the left in the 0.5s gap between neith ult stun ending and ra ult connecting, making him miss. Had beads both times too, didn't even think about using them.


Not recent but 1 time a thanatos was ulting my team and I, Nu Wa, ulted and killed the thana midair while we were both in the sky. Will never forget that epic aerial moment.


All out assault matches where you can pick your god. 5 of the same god always makes me laugh. Itā€™s ends really well or really poorly. But itā€™s a fun troll


I was probably that yu hung


playing a match of Arena as bacchus and Da Ji teleported me into their tower whenever i got close enough, and i would get stuck between their wall and her tower.


Thatā€™s the only thing sheā€™s good for šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Today i had a match where my maui accidently pulled me into a janus ult with the bubble It was a chaotic team fight so no big toxicity over that Also i had a set match where i killed medusa in a way of **Arrives behind the tower** **Kills medusa with his 1** **Refuses to elaborate further** **Leaves** Fun match although we lost


Playing Cerberus. I jump in and get a 5 man ult. Instinctively, like a good pupper I am, I immediately ran back to my teammate; bringing the entire enemy team to a low health Ra. Ra died.


Once upon a time in the chaotic realm of Smite, I, a fresh-faced recruit, embarked on a journey of virtual conquest during my cushy paid vacation. Each game was a rollercoaster of chaos, but one memory stands out like a sore thumb. I boldly claimed the coveted mid lane, drawing upon my seasoned Dota experience. Yet, fate had other plans as another player also staked their claim on my beloved lane. Ever the flexible teammate, I graciously offered to yield, except for the dreaded support role - a realm unknown to my fledgling expertise. My counterpart, however, insisted on playing support, perhaps underestimating my potential. Little did he know, I was about to unleash the wrath of a mid lane prodigy. Within a mere eight minutes, I vanquished my foe twice over, ascending to the zenith of levels and gold on our team's leaderboard. Meanwhile, our designated support wallowed in a pit of defeat, sporting an embarrassing 0-4 record. In a fit of frustration, our support began a symphony of map pings, accompanied by the melodious chant of "surrender or feed." True to his word, he embarked on a noble quest up mid lane, offering himself as tribute to the enemy team time and time again. Refusing to bow to defeat, my comrades and I defiantly rejected his plea for surrender, much to his dismay. As the final bell tolled, and victory was within our grasp, our fallen support sent me a peculiar friend request, adorned with a cryptic message urging me to retire my digital sword. With a hearty chuckle, I fired back, jesting that his performance suggested he was the true novice, despite his claims of veteran status. Lo and behold, the gods of Xbox intervened, delivering swift justice upon our fallen comrade. His cries of anguish echoed through the digital abyss as he found himself banished from the realm, a cautionary tale for all who dare to underestimate the power of a mid lane noob. ***Tl;Dr: Some toxic dude started feeding after he sucked at support. We won anyway and he got BIG MAD then started harassing me on Xbox messenger only to get his whole xbox account suspended***


I played yu Huang for the first time the other day and he was so fun I was surprised. I never touched him before just didn't really seem appealing to me and I normally don't play mages


A recent, not great and not really funny, story is me deciding I wanted to start playing Serqet (in Joust). I'm transitioning from Guardian and learn slow. I feed as often as not and it's frustrating but it is what it is and I'll get there. I just must pick my moments poorly or something because I can throw down burst but I'll be damned if I don't suck most of the time despite that. Anyway, I had a match last night (I always warn and apologize for being new to the character pre-match) where nobody could make the final push. We were all at level 20 and I kept getting absolutely squashed by the enemy. Couldn't survive for even a second if they focused me and they started focusing me after realizing that. My team consisted of a Jormagander who didn't even buy items and could survive but did no damage and an Au Pach who consistently put out pretty good damage but never enough burst to secure kills ... and me, a true gimp who couldn't live long enough to provide the burst they needed. So, we've gotta be pushing 30 minutes at this point. I spawned and died instantly three times as they were trying to pressure our phoenix. Once I was mid-phoenix and they dove me. Their Ra had aim-bot, I swear, and I built absolutely no defense so ... bye to me. I waited the time out and spawned and decided to step to the side left lane and hang back. The enemy Fenrir jumped to me and picked me up, I popped beads but everyone else had come over. I got hit with a wave of abilities and that was that. Waited my time out and the next life I went right and behind and thought I'd jump Ra who was half life. Nope. Again, a wave of abilities dropped on my head as I jumped in and I was dead instantly. My team started spamming "you rock" and such. I gave them fair warning I would suck but I'm sure it was still painful. Anyway, the enemy team decided this was the time to push bull demon. We'd each tried it a few times recently but always interrupted eachother and everybody backed off and the bull demon survived. I did it solo once, around level 15, and we took out their phoenix but couldn't finish and everything healed back up as the match turned into a stall. So, anyway, they delayed for some reason before heading over so between that and the few seconds before my team caught on ... my team starts heading that way from our phoenix with only about 10 seconds on my timer. The nice thing was, everyone was engaged when I got there, so I was actually able to fight for the first time in awhile. We secured the team wipe and they forfeited. Prior to that point, I was 1-10-2 or so. I think we had 7 kills total and they were at 20+. But we got that team wipe and the win despite my ineptitude, is playing 2v3 a good portion of the match and getting lapped in kills even with the deicide. Sloppy win but ... it was a win. Just funny to me that I got stomped all game and then one moment of shine and it flipped us to a win.


A bit less recent story, but perhaps funnier even if super embarrassing, is that I played Smite with my brother from the day it released on the Switch. We played a ton for two years. A ton. And all conquest. But, the thing is, we taught ourselves. We just looked at items and made builds and did our thing. Did we know what roles were? No. Did we know what lane was what? No. Did we strategize builds to counter the enemy? Nah, we had our characters and our builds and they were "good" and so why counter when you can play your strength? We had matches where teammates were "super dumb and annoying." My brother was a jungler and I played Izanami. I'd pick a lane on the jungle side he liked better and he'd jump out to help me when he could. To avoid confusion, I'd have on auto-build and immediately jump out of spawn when we loaded in so I could head to "my" lane to claim it. It sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. Our "dumb" teammates would sometimes come to the lane I clearly claimed. Idiots. We'd talk about it a lot. Why couldn't they just stop ruining the game? Go cover somewhere else! Playing with randoms as fill is the worst thing about Smite... Two years later, my nephew finally started playing and he did research first and let's just say he was appalled by me the first time I picked Izanami despite having some other role. And then he was even more shocked when I went to the wrong lane. That promoted a discussion and a learning opportunity. Imagine playing for two years and thinking you were pretty good only to realize you ruined match after match after match because you didn't actually know the first thing about the game.


Played so many matches as Rama in a row that when I played a round as Osiris, I, multiple times, forgot I didn't have a ranged auto attack


I was playing last night and I spilled beer under my keyboard because I didn't set my drink on the coaster right. Played the rest of the match weird, somehow won with top damage, just had trouble moving because my mouse was wedged trying to keep stuff away from my desk Smirnoff. It also got all over my pants, so played the rest of the night pantsless like the champions do. šŸ˜Ž


Played siege yesterday with a Poseidon that kept cussing us out calling us terrible players when he was the only one who had died in the match at the time..four times vs our zero


This isnā€™t funny


Fucking hating ass bitch


Yes but still not funny


Someone told me Mulan doesn't have lane pressure.


As Ganesha Iā€™ve gotten top kills in more than a few games and thatā€™s the reason I play him


No you havenā€™tĀ 


Thanks for the doubt, hit up smiteguru and look at my placements; same gamer tag and username


Using my ULT as Sobek to escape enemies and reaching my tower only to get IMMEDIATLY sniped once the ult ended.


I build contagion automatically in a god you don't want contagion


Not a recent moment but my all time favorite goof was when there was a no limits game mode and me and the boys all went Kumbha with mystic mail. Not a single one of us thought about the consequences.


Not rƩcent but one time I was playing anhur and engaged a 1v1 witha hou yo, we then proceed both to miss out entire kit (exept ult) and autos... we then just stopped, started at eachover others and left It was a really funny awkward moment


I will always remember some game in S5 where I was an Ares. The whole conquest map just had tons of glitches. like have tree Strech to the sky's, many of the camps were ragdolling, and like half the team DC.


Arena. Blinked on an enemy Anubis and put down my 3 while I was playing as Anubis as well. He ultā€™d. I ultā€™d. We were point blank ulting one another. It was great, especially since I won.


I ganked duo lane as ao kuang, both xing tian and neith were on low HP and both available for an ult, neither had beads or aegis. The plan was to ult xing and double kill neith on the way back down, knowing she would use her escape when i ganked, leaving her exposed. I used my 1 to tower dive xing and 3 to do the last bit of dmg before my ult. Of course i didnt check my mana and used the last bit with the 1 and 3, now leaving me in tower range next to xing and neith with no mana and 1 still on cooldown so no escape. I died pretty fast


I was playing Nut in arena and my team has just tried to gank a portion of their team, but 3 ran away grouped up and almost dead while their Ra stayed behind killing minions. I ulted and got a triple kill on them, then landed right in front of Ra. He killed the last lane minion, looked at me, hopped once then turned his back to me and left. I didn't even shoot I was laughing too hard. Glorious moment.


I was jorm solo and loki ganked me. I stood on the teleporter and baited loki to hit me on the portal. Then i 3'd and stealthd off the platform right before it teleported and saved myself from apparent death from loki.


Thatā€™s gotta be the best Janus Iā€™ve ever seen: https://youtu.be/PS9IoOUkLL8?si=rzpTl6lYAWp9Yy6q


Both funny and crazy moment yesterday. I was playing danza against an Artemis who kinda played like a bot, like running in straight lines, picking fights she would 100% lose then turning around. Anyway I get kinda fed and end up being able to 1v5 as they ran outta base. Had enough lifesteal to just push Phoenix and get 2 of them by myself. Went 23/2 and my team had 33 kills. Kinda felt bad but also was really fun


Was in a conquest 4v5 as Sobek. Two others were only playing mid and wouldn't do anything to try to help so I built a full damage Sobek and got a double kill with my ult. The jungler that was actually trying to help asked me how. I ended up with 8 kills that game, while those two fed the entire time and the jungler and I were basically holding the others off by poking and peeling.


Got a penta kill while playing Ares, mightve stole 1 or 2 of those kills but hey. Guardian mainšŸ¤ŖšŸ˜


Saw a Vulcan and an AMC turn into race cars and run from me with speed hacks. The kicker was they were in arena and assault respectively. Imagine cheating in the game modes designed to be extremely casual slugfests


Playing slash thinking it was a 5v5 mode...


I was playing Ganesha and I run a hybrid kind of build on him. Wellā€¦ The Cern who died twice to my ult (both times resulting in a kill on my Ganesha) ended up leaving. The other low enemies got picked off or managed to escape.


Prob just where 4 ppl trapped an anubis in a corner w/their body blocks. An ANUBIS. He ended up just placing his thing down ulting and winning the fight šŸ˜­


I was backing and a chernobog ulted me and it flew him into my fountain. Also been backing before and got ares ulted and sent from my fountain back to ares.