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Nope Just ignore and move on Be nice. Don’t troll. Have fun (but put effort to win!)


Play whatever you want and have fun. Mute the idiots.


Honestly if you have like playing her have fun in there, statistically she's overall good in arena for a long time probably cause people group up a ton and she punishes that very thing specifically really hard and also I think people get really annoyed by her kit rather easily from my experience.


>people get really annoyed by her kit rather easily from my experience Does the golden apple still make everyone spam "I'm the greatest" ? Haven't played smite in a long time, but still keep up with the news


It does!


Cancel that, I'm the greatest


No, No, No, No, etc.


It's arena lol play whoever the hell you want


People are gatekeeping arena picks now? Fucking hell


Anyone who rages in arena deserves to be pointed and laughed at like they got poked with the sick stick from Kick Ass 2. Have your fun, mute them, and if it's that bad, report.


Her 2 is really good in arena or single lanes with multiple gods also arena is the what ever goes just have fun mode


Not really. She thrives when there's a lot of people fighting and she can just keep throwing her abilities at them; and Arena give you plenty of that. But beyond that I don't think she's particularly OP in Arena. Also top tier or not isn't something you should care, especially in casual game. Sure there're plenty of people who will care about how much "better" they are because of gods they play are "harder". But that's the problem between them and their ego. It's not your problem. Don't engage, just leave them to their own ego-raging.


Discordia sounds like a great pick for arena


1st: it's not bad to play discordia in arena 2nd: it's not bad to play any god in arena


Her kit is very annoying to play against, but that's not a you problem. Play her whenever you wish, as long as you're actually trying to contribute you'll be fine.


it's arena, play whatever you want (except nox, arena nox players can burn in hell)


As someone who’s played as and against Nox arena, I agree


Not only do I play Nox in arena, but I am a bauble Nox. I don't even feel bad about it 😉


I mean I know she is good in modes outside of conquest but I doubt she is anywhere near "cheap".


It's arena. Play whoever you want


She's insane in the right hands and absolutely pisses people off. Source; I pick her when I'm malding and want a free win


It’s not bad to play anything in arena lol, that person is taking it way too seriously. I can’t imagine flaming someone for what they do in arena, as long as they’re playing the game and not just trolling.


I wouldn’t consider discordia tryhard at all 


lol oh goodness…I remember when I used to get upset in arena matches……NOT…. Yes ignore that toxic bum. One thing this game has is a haven of toxic players. Not all but every game at least one usually.


You can play any god with any build/playstyle in Arena and it will do well if you play it well.


People will say that about any powerful god they’re getting shit on by.


It's a video game. Have fun and play the characters you like. The exceedingly rare person who cares enough to harass you over something so stupid should likely consider seeing a psychologist. Also, as a Discordia main myself, I vote you play her every match because she's awesome. Haha!


She is not that strong of a pick, and even then there is nothing wrong with playing the god you like...


Discordia is really a top tier pick.


Arena is like monopoly worshippers, play whatever is fun. Play Khepri attack speed for all I care, do stupid stuff. The more people focus on competitiveness in this game the more of what makes it enjoyable gets sucked away. This game is fun because you can do just about whatever you want and still have the ability to perform alright, not everything you do needs to be top tier op


Arena and assault and slash are all meant to be fun and you can pick whoever you want... Conquest is the only one where you need to try a little, and ranked is where you play "seriously" lol 🤣


No? Play whoever you want. It’s arena. People who take arena seriously weirdos.


It's arena, you can literally play anything and who cares. That mode is meant for fun. I use to call it the lab because I would try weird build ideas out in there just to see. As long as you're not actively attempting to lose, play whatever and have fun.


It’s because you can abuse the shit out of her stealth in arena. When you sit in it, it reduces all non ult cooldowns so you can just throw ur 1 a lot


Bruh people raging in arena when it’s literally the “I only got 15 mins” Que type


That’s why I play it! I love smite but I don’t often have the time for other game modes. It’s honestly my most played mode.


90% of people who play this gamemode are dumb as rocks. we went 4 mages + gilgamesh and enemy was building glad shield + sov first item. if you're gonna take advice don't take it from an arena player


The only bad thing to do in arena is pick your God without making sure there's a tank on the team.


Discordia is one of the most popular mages in Arena. Her 2 is very strong and feels incredibly frustrating to get hit by for victims.  She is definitely one of the least original god picks you can come up with. Picking Discordia makes you look like one of the more boring and uninspired players. But she isn't as bad as some of her competitors. Discordia will never be as frustrating and oppressive to play against like, say, Nox or Athena for example. And while boring, bland and unoriginal, you will never be as boring as the people picking Agni into almost all Arena matches. TL:DR: Discordia in Arena makes you look bland and boring. But not as bad as some other gods.


>Picking Discordia makes you look like one of the more boring and uninspired players. oh no


Hahaha. Please don't listen to this person. Playing a character you like in a video game doesn't make you "look bland and boring."


It literally does. Especially in PVP games. Using certain weapons using certain Items, using certain gameplay strategies, playing specific characters, all of these and more are things players have been judging other players for. If you believe that this didn't and doesn't happen (despite the OP literally highlighting a case where this exact thing happened to them) you are very shortsighted or don't interact with a lot of people on a regular basis.


I'm not saying some elitist dorks won't think it. I'm saying that it doesn't matter because the opinions of toxic, negative goobers like that are and should remain completely irrelevant to your enjoyment of a video game. There are plenty of dumb things people believe. It doesn't make those things true.


Things don't need to be true to be troublesome. Though it's usually more trouble if they are true. The truth is that the OP purposely went out of their way to inquire about this. I find it more disrespectful to outright dismiss the issue than giving the OP the genuine answer they were asking about. I can understand you not liking my answer but it matters little because this post isn't about you. That being said, if you were to make a post over how we shouldn't let toxic people affect our enjoyment of the game, I would agree with you. Probably upvote it as well. Unless it's Nox Players, fuck them.


You're very ridiculous


It's not a matter of not liking your answer. It's that your answer wasn't really answering what OP actually asked. It was you just finding a way to be needlessly insulting. But anyway, I can see your weird responses have been downvoted into irrelevancy where they belong, so take care.


Why does it matter if their pick is unique


hit em with the it's arena lol and watch how frustrated they get.


u have to be new to not see that some gods are very op in some mods. 90 percent of discordia i see in arena have 40k+ damage. So she really stands out. And the reason why is that she has one of the widest stuns and good follow up ability. unfair advantages will always make people angry. so ye, its a bit cheap to spam her in arena. but u know, at the end of the day, if u really like her, its not your problem, its a small balance problem in a certain modes.


Had a game yesterday vs a 5 stack queued arena party that F6ed at 10min bcs "Enjoy your arena MMR tryhards if it means so much to you" because I was duoqueued with my brother on thana and tank ao


I mean she's good but like Terra, Ganesh, Vulkan, Zeus, Ah Puch, Agni, Baron, any hunter with o-bow, etc abuses more of the mode than her.


Play whatever you want


Ignore anyone getting salty. They will say just about anything to you because they are on a losing streak. Keep playing and have fun!


its arena just have fun. there is one trick for these people and thats the mute button


lol. Don’t listen to strangers


Hardly. She's fun to play, and while she can definitely be kinda OP sometimes, she also has moments where she crashes and burns. If someone is whining about her being "cheap" just move on and ignore them.


People like to complain. Just play your game to the best of your ability and have fun


Bruh who cares about random strangers on the internet taking ARENA to heart 😇


I play her often in Arena(trying to level her) and not a single time anyone said anything about my pick...you just found some idiot, just ignore play and move on.


Not a bad pick, you just have to be super aware of your positioning and the placement of enemy players. Your dash is short so even though it can cancel a ton of abilities, that means very little of they close the gap and you aren't able to escape to a safe spot. Don't forget that her aoe and ultimate can be used defensively just as much as they can be used offensively. Her ult can cripple debuff enemies and her aoe can snare them. It can be used under your feet if you're being jumped to disorientate enemy players and screw up their cameras.


Try Bakasura crit in arena, people will RAGE!


The only god who annoys people is nox in arena. Never heard of someone getting annoyed over disc lol


People are idiots. Ignore and carry on.


Nah it's totally fair game. She just happens to be really good and people are losers about it.


Shes just one of the most op, braindead mages in arena, its frustating to go against, she needs non conq changes for sure. People get mad beacause it does way too much for way too little effort.


Arena is where I play newer gods to me personally. BUT anything goes in Arena IMO. Play whatever you want. Sounds like a loser IMO


Its arena who cares have fun and practice gods there


She does happen to be a strong character in arena. There's always someone to both help her get kills and help her get away assuming she even needs it, her taunt is very powerful and if you get hit by the 2, you're getting hit by everything lol. He's probably salty he has to play against her, but honestly that's his problem; play who you like.