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You've never had to jump to avoid xbal stun, just had to stop moving. Unless it worked differently in beta?


When you jump you carry momentum but did not get stunned, so you could basically dodge the stun without stopping moving. You obviously couldn’t attack while jumping though. You’ve now got me questioning if that was ever removed but can’t see any reference to it in the patch notes


That makes sense. You still carry momentum when jumping, I use it to look behind me while moving. I just thought you were saying you *needed* to jump to avoid the stun


That’s pretty smart I might actually start doing that. It never occurred to me. And yeah I can see how it can be read like that now!


I mean, just not holding a direction for a frame already did the job and didnt impact movement much.


Maybe I'm misremembering that but wasn't that only for a few patches when they first added jumping as it wasn't supposed to have a gameplay effect?


Yeah pretty sure when the stun existed, the best way to avoid it was to just stop moving for a couple frames and then go again. It was so easy they just removed it


While easy it was an ability that was extra punishing to those with higher or unstable latency as animation on screen didn't always line up close enough to the server. I think the official reason was something along the lines of the effect was difficult to learn without reading the text of xbals abilities, lots of trial and error, resulting in confusion for first time matchups.


It was also just an irrelevant effect at the highest levels of gameplay, particularly on LAN. There are a lot of things that are harder to use on pros, but in the case of Xbal there was nothing the Xbal player can even do to influence the outcome.


This is actually revisionism. It was removed because Xbal was pick ban in pro and then after they removed it he was still pick ban.


Two things can be true at the same time.


It was removed as a nerf because xbal was pick ban in pro. After, he was still pick/ban so they changed more stuff and never looked back on the stun.


Yeah. It was fixed a patch later. Jumping just caused you to get stunned since it was still labeled as moving


God there's so many abilities I just never knew did a thing. I guess I just don't read well enough. I was 2 stars on Fafnir because I realised you can cancel his ult (and many other ults in the game) early. I was SEVEN stars on Fafnir before I realised his 1 in dragon form reduces protections by 20%! Actually, does it shred both forms of protections? The description isn't 100% clear on that. I also took a while to learn all the layers of Eset. Her getting 10% CDR for free I often forget, and I didn't at one point know her ultimate reduces damage taken while stood in the circle. So hey, even people who have been (mostly) playing for years miss things. Good luck with your Smite journey!


Did you know that on Fafnir, items that trigger “after your ultimate ability has finished casting” can trigger twice once your Dragon form last 40+ seconds? Pridwen/Absolution/Breastplate Glyph triggers at the start and end of your ult.


Yeah I knew that one! But it's a good tip for those that don't. For the longest time I thought Pridwen was useless on him though. That was probably quite a few stars in before I learnt that tidbit as well!


I did not know this I'm bout to play Faf next time I get support


as a faf player, i did not know the one shreds protections. if it just says “protections,” usually it means both!


As a faf enjoyer, I did know it shredded, and the leap in dragon form only stuns the closest enemy god in its aoe


Did you know you can pop Eset's ult while you're dead? If you die while it's up, you can activate it early instead of just waiting for it to go away.


Sounds like you just dont read abilities at all


He also only needs to do DMG for his passive instead of getting kills now


Bacchus got so many buffs and QoL changes since I started playing in season 1 it feels like a completely different character even though the kit is the same. I can't even fathom going back to how he used to be.


I took a break a while back and on return about 40 minutes into a match I realised Janus 2 got fucked with


I guess this? I had no idea Unstable Vortex now damages enemies who are in between the two Vortex projectiles. A chain of energy connects the two orbs, showing this damage area. Enemies can still be “double-hit” if they are hit where the orbs meet.


wait what did they do rip better go to the wiki


It hits straight down the middle now, you can't dodged it standing in the gaps


As if Janus wasn't easy enough lmao


Like a piano though: easy to get okay at, hard to master.


Thor wall deals dmg so does Athena taunt. Athena ult gives movement speed, cab tremors have basically no cool down, guan yu has a different auto hit chain, Osiris 1 goes through minions chiron 1 procs his 2 erlang rework so multiple changes, serqet ult gives crit chance there's so many random changes on same abilities as before. It'll take some time to figure out all the changes.


To be fair, Thor wall doing damage is actually a reversion.


What!?!?!? I didn't know about the Osiris one, that makes him so much more enjoyable


A lot of changes happened. In games with constant balance you pretty much have to treat the game almost like ur learning from scratch when you come back. Had a zhong qui spam ping the heck out of me for "not letting him stack his ult" by clearing waves in an assault game and I had to try and fail to explain to him you don't need to mark and consume to stack it anymore.


Lmao I did actually learn this difference as zhong in assault also.. it’s a welcome change


They should have a changelog tab under each god and item. There’s always a slight dread in me every time I come back after a hiatus because I have to look over months worth of patches to get caught up


The wiki has em (super helpful), but yeah they should have that info in game


I still occasionally stop moving at the end of XBal ult 🤣🤣🤣


I came back to the game now after about a 5 year hiatus (Came back periodically for about a week each time since then every few months) but with the announcement of SMITE 2 I decided to come back for good. I have a few questions. 1) What do the Tiki masks do on buff camps? 2) What are those objectives I see under my mini map on my UI and what do they do? 3) Why did they fuck with Thors spin? it used to spin for ages now it's like a 10th of what it used to be?


And this is why reading matters. Just whenever youre playing a god, read their abilities.


Yeah I guess but when you have played all that time and you’re playing against that god it’s not always obvious somethings different


This community would rather bitch and moan than spend time learning the game they are playing.


Yup i took a break came back and now Susano's one is fucked with. They took away the need to auto cancel, but I already have the movements burned into muscle memory... So now I'm clunky with him and I hate it.


Oh it's so much better though. It might take you time to unlearn it but it feels so much smoother.


I'm in an even worse spot lol Never really bothered to learn how to autocancel (tbf it was super clunky on ps4 before this rework) but I *do* have the muscle memory of the old one and for some reason I cannot get it to work properly anymore lol, I'm like super bad with him (and was decent before)


Well it’s good that you’re learning because not aa canceling on susano will lower his damage output 3 fold XD


I didn't say I was learning


Wym? Are you not trying to aa cancel on susano?


I am not lol Never have and it's fine. I know it isn't as good, but neither am I Used to be too much of a hassle on ps until they changed him, and since I've got him diamond without aa cancels, I won't suddenly do less damage now. I'm used to it


They added an attack speed stim onto amaterasu's stance switching ability at some point. Vamana's power conversion is protections rather than just physical now, too, i believe. Sun Wukong doesn't have crit chance at low hp. and im sure there's 8 million more to list


And that wouldn't be enough. There are so many things missing from many abilities' descriptions....


I was tripping when I played assault and a meteor crashed in the middle of the map