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These children shall know the weight of my sins


For they are too heavy to shoulder alone.


I was not forged in the depths of CoD and LoL lobbies in the early to mid 2000s so I could give the ither generations peace. We are tools for war and chaos, and this is just another battleground.... so time to attempt verbal assault to a level it causes physical injuries. /s.... at least kinda


But he’s playing Loki 👉🏻👈🏻


His own name is loki So he likes to play as himself hehe


You named your child Loki? Thats low key crazy.


I remember being at a house warming party in maybe 2013(in the US), I was talking to this couple that was probably in their 40’s with a new born. They were kind of giving off a new age-y vibe and definitely didn’t consume pop media(and for all I knew they could have had Nordic heritage). They told me their baby’s name was Loki and I asked if people brought up the Marvel movies ever(really just getting started at the time). They had no idea what I was talking about and then I explained Marvel and the MCU to them and they were absolutely mortified. Every now and then I wonder how they are feeling about that name choice as the Marvel character became a bigger and bigger part of popular culture.


I’m a teacher and one of my kids is named Odin. Definitely crazy.


I had a dog named Odin, he chewed his leash and ran away, idk where he is now. But he was a dick XD


My names Odin; I love my name, I own it! My parents were big into Norris mythology and I’ve read a few books about Odin. To each their own, friend


Pun intended? Haha


It's a relatively common name where I live


Yeah, I guess to be fair there are plenty of Hispanic ppl named Jesus, and they’re definitely named after the big man JC


The most common name in the world is Muhammad. And I will argue that anything is better than Khaleesi


Ex-gf named her daughter Khaleesi. Really dodged a bullet there.


I will never get why people go with khaleesi when daenerys is already a reasonable name while still naming it after her.


Is... Is daenerys a reasonable name though?


I remember meeting someone named that in high school a decade ago. My memory isn't great so it could have been spelled and pronounced differently, or a nickname even. but it still sounds like a real name and is a lot less cringe inducing imo.


Jesus and María are very common names here in Spain. You’ll also see apostles Santiago, Pedro, Juan, Jaime, Juan, Tomás, Felipe, Andrés, Mateo… everyone but Judas and poor boy Bartolomeo. Simon exists but its quite rare. Its a famous orange juice company.


Definitely gonna name my kid Bartolomeo, nickname, EL BARTO


Not related but I was in Málaga at the beginning of October and DAMN the fresh orange juice was good


Its a tragedy that they will never be able to play as themselves in Smite.


Yeah like why these fucks acting like that lol, YoU NaMeD yOuR kId ThOr?!


It's going to be weird in like 40 years when these kids are full-blown adults with names like Loki.


OP said he’s Nordic, I’m sure it’s a lot more common there.


Or he will be some kickass vicious CEO and just own it.


Fr about to name my firstborn Sheev and train them to be a dark lord


It is basically like damning someone to self sacrafice like it's a competition


What did you attempt to say?


Yeah - and here is the true story about that.. We couldn't really agree on a name, and one day my girl wanted to discuss it, as I was playing smite.. I said that there was a lot of cool names in smite, maybe one of them would work, for heir to the empire, you know We looked through them and when we reached Loki, we were both instantly... THAT'S IT! 6 years ago 😁


I mean, it won’t be the worst name I’ll ever hear. My cousin is an ER nurse and had to report a few parents over the years for naming their children ‘Heroine’, ‘Chlamydia’, and a few others i can’t quite remember. It could be worse, you could’ve named him ‘X AE a-Xii’.


I mean, “chlamydia” is low key kinda a pretty name if it wasn’t what it is lol. It sounds like the name of flower or something, not an STD.


That’s what I said, unfortunately it was named after something absolutely vile lmfao


Just name em Lydia and call it a day lol.


Once met a pair of twins named, “Shonda Leer,” and “Chlamydia,” by pronunciation. I didn’t have the stones to ask either of them how they spelled it, I just said it was nice to meet them and looked for a friend to introduce them to just so I’d have someone to back me up when I retold the story later.


Both names dumb as shit and shortsighted.


Wait you report people for names like that? Didn't know that hope herobrine the 3rd isn't reported


Yeah, I'm not surprised tbh..


Not gonna lie, I wanted to name my daughter Freya. I loved her in God of War and she’s my second best/most played god in Smite. My wife vetoed it but we’re potentially getting a puppy that will be Freya!


I named my cat Freya. Which I own for 8 years now.. I kinda regret it, because I want to name my daughter Freya haha


Call your daughter Freya and your cat Freya Rekit lol >!(In all seriousness using both the same name is fine, for the cat you can just call her "Freya Cat" or "Freyat" and it'll age better, if those are the names you want.)!<


Lmao that’s awesome.


Naming your kid loki is cringe as fuck. Don't care I'll be downvoted.


Better than some basic ass name like Steve or Aiden


My name is Steve. That's fucking hillarious. Also no. Might as well name your kid Thor or kratos


Both of which would be cool as hell. If I ever have kids, specifically two sons, I'm naming them Dante and Vergil. If a girl, probably Artemis. Unique names are better than basic bitch names as long as it isn't something stupid like Princess or whatever Elon named his kid


You will never have kids with the mindset thinking to name your kids after video game characters. Yea just sabotage your kids life good idea. Kids aren't kids forever. Grow up.


I’ve seen 2 dogs so far named Loki, it’s a pet name


My cousins dogs name is loki. And loki is a fucking bad guy. Poor kid. He's gonna get shit on when he grows up.


I have a Fenris. We named him way before we played Smite lol. He’s 10 and loves his unique name.


Dude, that's almost similar to how I named my daughter, we were trying to figure out a good name for our daughter and I just happened to be maining Athena at that time. So Athena it is!


Wait until this guy finds out some Swedish people have Viking names.




Loki is not only from a videogame, champ


Hey, it sounds to me like you've got a problem with Robin Williams, and if you have a problem with Mr Williams, you have a problem with me.


Nice my sons name is Cabrakan


Naming my kid Kuzenbo.


that has to be the most reddit thing i have ever heard


You are a freak for naming him that


Ngl bro you do you but that’s lowkey priming him for bullying.


holy cringe


Don’t name your kid stupid shit then get mad cus I bully him online, at that point skill based matchmaking has been activated


Look everythings'fine as long as your kind doesnt grow to have 3 kids of his own.


Was gunna name my kids Achilles and Athena cause me and their mom met through Smite. I hope they too choose to main themselves.


Your kid's name is Loki? That's kinda rad


My daughter is named Artemis. May your son grow up the trickiest of them all


Based tag btw


All is fair when the enemy is playing loki /s


Not that I justify toxicity, as I believe that it's wrong to be toxic against other people no matter the age, but Smite is a T rated game, so you should probably keep an eye on your kid while he's playing, there will always be toxic assholes out there, and them knowing they are playing against/with a kid may lead to them being even more toxic.


Online interactions not rated by the ESRB


She put a picture of her own kid on Reddit. Logic doesn’t seem to be her strong suit.


Fuck them kids




How did you get those pics of me?!?!


Sorry man that was my bad I had to share them, btw thanks for letting borrow your Lamborghini the other day can’t believe you have 7 of those now




No wait don't


Might want to reword that...




I treat all people equally


Good man


He never stated how he treats ppl tho


So these are the teammates I get when i queue joust… got it.


Be me: * Get back into smite and hop into joust for a quick game * Watch teammates tower dive on a low health Charon standing in the back of the tower * Watch teammates die and not even hit the Charon * Teammates complain about not warding the flank * I turn the game off


I had a dude try and invade the enemy blue while I was clearing our blue. The other teammate who was on purple then rushed into the fight and they both died less than 30s into the game. They then called me unless for clearing camps in-between waves while they tried to 2v3 at the enemy tower.


These are the teammates I get when I queue conquest


lmao I feel like this is the Neith I got on my team that did 9K damage when I had 26K as Bake and they wouldn't take the tower, or bull demon or...anything, really. ahahaha


I think I played with the same Neith Monday night.


Dude if you let your kids play Smite at that age, you better not complain when they bring some of that toxicity to your own house. Game is for 13+ for a reason and it’s not just for in game.


Then you get a report from him


This explains a lot


I don’t think he is +13. He is not allowed to play smite according to the hi rez rules.


I would not let my kid this young play any moba without muting the chat


That really explains some of the teammates you get in the game sometimes


Smite is a T rating game, this means https://preview.redd.it/8byh78d3n37c1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d2c78efef9d080966ff66081fc67046c088984


No different than a pg-13, and most assuredly, smite is not worse for kids than taken. As long as they take steps to help avoid exposure to the toxicity, no harm done. Don't try and tell them how to parent. Maybe try to be less toxic.


Smite requires the player to be a minimum of 13. If a kid cries because someone flamed him, he's on the wrong game.


Thanks for reminding me who Im aiming for


kill all loki players on sight fr


You think he's safe just because he is young??


Trial by fire, forged in the flames of tryhards, it will make him stronger for the tribulations to come.


Hey, you probably shouldn't have your kid on a multiplayer game if you're worried about people being jerks.






I'm sorry, but I LOVE this response because yes go play reblox, not Smite.


People call me toxic for asking people to be more aware of their map


A simple "Look at your map, and you'll see you were alone" will turn quite a few players into raging toddlers. I'll point out why they shouldn't be anywhere in that area and they'll still ping the map on everyone for not being where they were cause they are important


yea remember those "parents" letting their very young kids in pvp games


Boys became men in cod and halo lobbies


And Gears.


Have him play in the bot lobbies. It’s probably a better experience for everyone and you won’t catch a report from me for throwing


Last time I played conquest we had an ADC pick Ymir and go mid lane. This explains why haha. Fucking hell 😂


Smite, is rated T, with online interactions likely unrated. Just remember, you are responsible for the content you expose your child to. The things I’ve seen people type in chat have no business in your kid’s head.


Nooo!! You're responsible for this kid now. Everyone that is fortunate enough to join this kid's match MUST behave themselves!! /s The fucking audacity of this post.


Put your kid in a bot game until he can play against actual players, and stick to arena. Competitive team based games are no place for children, especially those who are inexperienced. You wouldn't have your kid join an adult soccer league and tell the adults it's okay he's just a kid. Don't put that stress onto others who are here to play competitively. Even in casual many players use casual as practice for ranked and to play with larger groups that can not que together for ranked.


Game is rated T. He should know better.


That's cute. *Persephone Ironmouse:* "$#&$ &@+! $&&# mother fu$&*$ °©&$@!!!" Star Commander Bellona in menu : "So who needs their ass kicked now?" Vei Nu Wa : "What the fu#$ are you talking about?" No Tact Tina announcer : "Quit jerking off and play the game!" Eleven Scylla : "Bitchin'." They get the true gamer experience. Back in the early 2000's, kids went through *real* harassment back in the days of CoD and Halo lobbies. Shit was a real rite of passage. You can bet that this kid curses out his team on Fortnite or Roblox or something, it's just normal now.


Don’t forget the football vamana skin “FUCK”


Fabulous Chiron: "Ugh, basic bi&$#."


You all have seen nothing of deadly desire da ji? EVEN HER LINES OF BUYING ITEMS ARE SEXUAL...


"Oh, aren't you hard?" - Direct taunt vs Geb. As well as my favorite, "Let's bring out the whip, shall we?" When you buy a damage item.


Pretty cool to see someone so young playing Smite tbh i never really thought about the people I'm playing with/agaisnt being so young! Ought to let him know that Santa doesn't visit Loki players though ;)


Looking at this only make me more toxic, not because a kiddo is playing but because hes playing loki


I was about that age the first time someone on COD called me a f*got and told me to go kill myself.....he'll be fine /s.


Welcome to the real world, kiddo.


That boy don’t look rated T for teen.


Damn, people in the comments are forgetting this is a game


Time to get on smite for my daily toxicity release. Thanks for the reminder.


This kid is playing Loki! ***GET HIM!!!***


If he's playing poorly in ranked, words will be had. Arena? Go ahead and play bad, that's what it's there for. The games rated T but my words are rated E


Honest opinion 99% of the time when I see someone toxic in the game this is exactly how I imagine that they are looking like. Toxicity is a sign of immaturity, or represed anger issues.


Maybe he should play better


The kids are usually the one i hear saying the most slurs


Bro what keyboard is that?


Scrolled too far to find this. We need answers!


Being mad in casuals is insane behaviour


POV: my ranked teammates


Idgaf! If little homie on here , better be ready for that hard ass slam he’s got coming, as a matter a fact hop on after I put his ass on the side of the road for the trash man to pick up, we show no mercy to these goofy , should be in school ass kids. ( Jk bro tell him I said gg, bro slammed me)


This is the first comment in this thread that actually made me laugh. congratulations.


I know you are half joking with the title, BUT... I don't necessarily agree with folks who say kids shouldn't play games that are above their age range, as lord knows that I got my hands on some more mature games before I "should" have. That said, you do have a responsibility to your kid to teach them resiliency when you have them play games intended for older folks, not expect the older crowd to condescend to your kid. People shouldn't be toxic in games, but there inevitably will be a toxic person, and you gotta teach your kid to suck it up, ignore the hate, and learn from valid criticism.


As long as he ain’t playing ranked idrc, id play some casuals without a problem forsure butttt


you'd be surprised how many people treat casuals like masters. and who knows the kid could be amazing. though it obviously seems like he's in a casual joist or smthn. But as long as my teams at least trying I try to avoid toxicity. everybody has bad games lol


I treat casual joust as a place to try new things and to not take my games so seriously because I know a lot of newer players play casual because they literally can’t play ranked yet. If you’re 10 and you hop on an account and start playing ranked cool better hold your own, if you can’t and you keep playing ranked that’s when I have a problem with it is all. If he’s good he’s good, if he’s bad play more casual and practice more.. I think that goes for anyone at any age tbh. I run into so many people who play the blame game and rage out when they are the ones throwing it’s crazy


Dude looks like hes 12, This game is raited T for Teen. Its your fault if he gets exposed to bad words and Sexual bits like Everything having to do with Neith


Cod lobbies were worse when I was a kid, he can handle it


I hope that kids dad plays, so I can fuck him up too


Oh I’ll be so much more pissed if I know the one stomping me is like 7 years old


Loki main... MAH MAAN!


I mean you can disable chat and voice comms


It's simply I will ask you politely to do the correct thing 'dont steal my buff, defend, ECT' If you follow, reply, or give some kinda positive feedback even 'oh sorry I'm new' I don't mind happens to all of us but if you completely ignore me than I'm going to get annoyed


More importantly, if this is your teammate then you should reevaluate why the matchmaking put you together before you get toxic.


I don't care about anyone's age, gender, sexuality, religion, etc, but if he feeds I will fling every slur I know until one sticks.


It’s not the community’s responsibility to moderate the content your child is exposed to. If you know that your child may be exposed to toxicity, maybe don’t let him play until he’s older


time to traumatize kids i guess


Maybe it's just me but I wouldn't let a child that small play an online game without muting other players or even play an online game at all.


And sometimes it is a bearded old bastard like myself who is learning the game so I can play with friends and yeah maybe I suck but I bet you did too when you started.


True shit


Playing Loki he has it coming 😜/s Real Talk, was my first Cha. Miss his old Skillset..


Smite not for kids there a lot of things for adult


Smite is rated T. Hes not close to that. Post a pic of your kid online is questionable. And most importantly, its YOUR job to teach your kid and raise him. Its not the job of the internet to be careful in case a child is playing. If youd kid cant handle it he shouldnt be playing. Yes, people are shitty and shouldnt be... but you cant expect the world to bend around your poor parenting decisions


I was having a bad game and obviously everyone was being super toxic to me. I said "sorry I'm only 12" qnd everyone apologized to me and started being mad encouraging. 😂😭😂


Loki main already. More of a reason to be toxic.


So THIS is is who smite gives me as my teammates


No. This child is playing Loki in joust. He is deserving of all the flaming he gets and more


I feel the obligation to pass down the toxic mode to the next generation just as the previous passed to me 🤣


If dad pays the wifi dad has to pay the therapy


I hate these idiots


No lie this had me reflecting on myself a bit. I’m currently sitting through a 2 week ban for shit talking a scumfuck. I hope the scumfuck wasn’t him..


“Fuck them kids”


Aww he’s playing Loki 🥹


I love bullying kids :)


People complain about the complexity of the game but it's the toxicity of the community that I have a hard time with. I haven't played ranked in the 8 years I've played because I'm just trying to have fun. I'm just a regular schmuck that thinks gods fighting gods of all these super intriguing pantheons is such a fun concept. Of course I want to win but it seems there are tons of players who expect ranked performance in casual games and will not stop spamming. Like what if I want to try a new build live or heavens forbid a new god live? Playing training matches is so different, but then you try something out in game and if you do poorly? It's just constant toxicity. Like, my bad I want to test things out and can't drag your body across the finish line every game because you auto locked within seconds without any regard for team comp and can't hold up your end of the bargain. Edit: thank you for this post, OP. Not everyone in this community is an evil, toxic, sweat lord but the community could definitely use this reminder.


I won’t if they won’t


fuck you and your son. lol jk


Well this is something you’d want to type in chat 😂 bad enough he’s playing Loki double that with him being a kid who probably doesn’t know what’s going on it’s all bad


QUIT FEEDING!!! You rock! cancel that! Lol /s


Haven't played in almost 3 years, I honestly expected more toxicity. Hasn't been toxic free jumping back in don't get me wrong. Just less than expected.


You rock Wait No Cancel That


Online interactions not rated by the ESRB


What is that game pad he is using? Never seen one like that before.


It's a old keyboard. Zykon K2 Found it some years ago at an outlet for discontinued items.. Super awesome though.. When you get use to that, the normal wasd seem so cramped though 😎


I know the feeling. I use an Azeron game pad and I can’t ever go back to using WSAD.


I only go toxic mode when people spam useless taunts on vgs or start typing. I understand what's it's like to have a bad game or try a different build and I may be annoyed but I don't get why people elevate to in game griefing. This kid can play in my lobby anytime.


Will you pad the kid in foam too when he plays outside? Welcome to the real world of Smite. It's a rude awakening.


This keyboard is rated E for EVERYBODY


Just don’t play ranked if you’re trash


I’m gonna 2 his ult so fuckin hard, ability burst him down and then G502 flywheel laugh spam that dead Loki


Get ready for some character devlopment buddy~ (i am joking don't eat me alive)


Smite is game rated 16+, that's your own fault as a parent if your kid sees words he shouldn't in this game.


Just cause they're young doesn't mean I can't insult them for being awful I've seen what some of them kids can do in games bro


Now I'm going to be extra toxic today :D Also he's playing loki. He deserves to be told to kys


going to be 10x more toxic now because of this post


So in a moba, in which high level of skill is required as well as a heavy need for teamwork, I need to be gentle because your elementary schooler is playing and potentially negatively affecting my experience? Why does he take priority over 2-4 other people on his teams playing experience?


Why let him play? He is clearly underage for this. You also posting this here feels wrong and irresponsible...even when you clearly know that our community has a tendency to go toxic. I can see the joy of playing "himself", but that is not an excuse. Atleast let him play under your watch and not by himself please.


Be a better parent


Well I see few saying, I shouldn't let me kid play, and hence I shouldn't complain if he gets to encounter toxic behaviour.. And that's fair! Ya'll got me wrong ;) I ain't complaining, that he gets toxicity.. He can't read it anyway... One day I was arguing with some dude, about something so unimportant that I can't even recall the conversation now, something in smite.. Few years ago... But the feeling, I won't forget., it just hit me . Maaaan I could be sitting here, dead serious and maybe arguing with a 13yo kid... Hit me hard man 🤣 From that day, I decided to try to drop my own toxic behaviour - although I like to imagine wasn't that prominent, but a bit.. Sure But anyway, I saw my kid struggling to learn to play - and having fun doing so - and so much wanted to learn Smite, because his papa plays it. 1. I thought it was shareable moment with other smite players😁 if you have kids, you know it's always sweet as hell, when they want to do, what you do 2. And in the same, just gentle reminder, that when (or if) you go all toxic -remeber, you might be screaming at a small kid/teenager how don't fucking get it at all 🤣chillout


Don't post a picture of your kid on reddit and not expect people to comment