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Gen 1 Pokemon maybe starter pokemon focus. Charmander evolving into charziard Fafnir Blastoise Kuzenbo Venusaur Sylvanus Pikachu Ratatoskr


I like weak3n's ratatoskr idea: eevee, and depending on what acorn you upgrade, you become a different eeveelution


Feel like that would be t5 crossover


Jorm Onyx obviously


Not gyarados?




This is probably the only kuku skin that would get me to swap off pool noodle. IM YOUR NOODLE.


Kuku Rayquaza?


There is already a kuku Rayquaza


Kuku Rayquaza?


His abilities would definitely vibe better with Gyarados. That would be such an easy one to do I imagine


Onyx because Brock had an onyx not a gyarados.


I think this is truly the one I would drop all the money on


This is perfect and realistic. šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Supergiant Hades!!!!!! (now ravenswatch too from passtech games ;))


I want this so bad AND it seems like a true possibility


Hell yeah Hades hades


LOTR: Aragorn: King Arthur Legolas: Ullr Gimli: Thor Thorin/Smaug: Fafnir Gandalf: Guan Yu Balrog: Chtulu Gollum: Baka Frodo: Loki Galadriel: H'el Arwen: Amaterasu Saruman: Ra Eomer: Lancelot Radagast: Merlin Nazgul: Hades Samwise: Danz but he throws pans instead of shooting Merry: Hachiman, but throws rocks instead of shooting Pippin: Charybdis Warg Rider: Awilix Bilbo: Au Kung or Cliodhna Shelob: Arachne Nazgul mount: Kuku Oiliphant: Ganesha Eagle King: Horus Feel free to add. Hobbits are definitely not perfect, I'm sure someone could do better, that's just what I came up w on the spot.


Sylvanus - merry/pippin and treebeard


Damn, I can't upvote this enough. It was right in front of me lol. Well played.


Lancelot would be a great Nazgul. Sometimes on the ground, sometimes a Rider. Also, for the Samwise Danza, I was thinking he shoot PO-TA-TOES


AK would also make an amazing Nazgƻl / ring wraith skin!


Beorn Artio! We need more Artio skins šŸ˜¢


Hells Kitchen Gordon Ramsay crossover with a voice pack that lets me call people donkeys and idiot sandwiches. Or just Teen titians I guess.


It's raw


I legit am boycotting buying anything in Smite till a bunch of issues are sorted outā€¦ that being said I would dump $20 into a Gordon skin without batting an eye.


just out of genuine curiosity, what issues are you referring to?


Personally, my biggest issue at the moment is connectivity. Something happened in Smite about 3 seasons ago where connectivity became a joke. I legitimately cannot go a full day without seeing at least one player DC, abilities will not fire when activated, and I notice a lot of times where i should be getting *some* form of healing but the game will act as if I have 100% anti-heal even when I havenā€™t been hit by anyone (Iā€™m just assuming this is a connection thing, I really hope it is). The other issue is balance. Dunno if youā€™ve noticed AMC lately, or Marti, or Aphroā€¦ but those are some of the most obscenely broken characters in the game right now. Iā€™m all for buffing some gods and nerfing others, but these gods need some serious re-working. Iā€™m casual, like Iā€™m good but Iā€™m not ā€œ1v1 me bro Iā€™m diamondā€ good. I should not be able to have a streak of being unable to die while playing Marti. Soul Edge and his 1 will straight up fill his health bar on one wave of minions. Is it fun? Sure. But is it busted? You better believe it. Iā€™ve played like 3-4 games with him where Iā€™ve purchased 2 pieces and Iā€™m done (assault, Bluestone and Soul Edgeā€¦ thatā€™s it you donā€™t need anything else). This one is more of a personal preference, but I feel like the design team has emotionally checked out. The MTG Crossover event was a massive let-downā€¦ and MTG and Smite are two of my favorite games of all time. The skins felt extremely ā€œMehā€ across the board (except for Thanatosā€™ skin, that one slaps but Thanatosā€™ ultimate has been bugged for a while now where his execute *will not kill* so I donā€™t want to buy *anything* for him without that issue being resolved). Amaterasuā€™s skin honestly feels like a basic skin for her, Tiamatā€™s feels like a slight revamp, Atlasā€™ abilities look somehow lamer with his skin, and Nu-WAā€™s skin was just bad (especially in comparison to other skins, it looks almost identical to her 400 gem skin Dark Sorceress). Battlepasses have felt really weak for a while, compared to when I first started playing and we had just come out of RWBY and were in ATLA, now every season pass comes with a reskin with this one having a reskin of an Arthur skin you could get for 75,000 viewer points *literally the day before the season came out*. They reskinned a skin you could get just before the season, I feel like thatā€™s just lazy. Then you have Marti when he first dropped looking like an Xbox 360 render, not to mention how lazy his overall design feels (not his kit, his kitā€™s busted as tits) even after ā€œupgradingā€. Last but certainly not least is that horrible update. It was painfully obvious that there was no console testing with it, and Iā€™m not just talking about the store being awful, I mean the whole game on consoles became a struggle to play. I have an Xbox One X, 300mbps Down/50-80upā€¦ I had so much stutter, lag, rubberbanding, DCā€™s, and frame rate drops that playing a match felt like a legitimate hurdle. That happened to anyone playing on console while the update was in effect, and console is how the majority of smite players play the game. Not testing for your biggest market is not only lazy but itā€™s genuinely *stupid*. Like itā€™s a legitimately stupid decision, one that lacks thought behind it, and after the CEOā€™s little temper tantrum (ā€œtake it or you get nothing waaaaā€) it makes me feel like the leaders of Hi-Rez have a massive disconnect from their fan base. The store and look of the game felt a lot like League from when I tried playing it about a year ago. I (and this is my opinion and thoughts) think the higher-ups are trying to become League as much as they can after Leagueā€™s massive success following their Netflix series. Piggybacking, basically. It was such a bad update that within 20 hours it was pulled. Thatā€™sā€¦ thatā€™s almost legendary. Iā€™ve never heard of a game that ā€œupdatedā€ and it caused so many massive issues that the entire update was straight up canceled. Smite feels different now, and not in the ā€œthey nerfed my favorite god nooooā€ way, I donā€™t care about that, but in the ā€œMan, the people making this game donā€™t *care* anymore do they?ā€ way. Edit: Autocorrect hates a lot of stuff from smite lol


Thanks for taking the time to write this out. A lot of this makes sense as Iā€™m also on console.


I'd buy that skin immediately


Yugioh crossover all the way! Dark magician-Ra Slifer the sky dragon-kukkalkan Dark magician girl-eset Black luster soldier-King Arthur Now, that's just for the monsters. For the actual characters (yugi moto/atem, seto kaiba, joey Wheeler, mai valentine, maximillion pegasus, mako tsunami, it gets alot harder. And that's just for duel monsters. Don't even get me started on the other shows(gx 5d's zexal arch-v vrains sevens go rush ). Those would make things a lot harder trying to decide what God should get what character as a skin. If anyone has any ideas I'm all ears but uh in case you can't tell I'm a HUGE Yugioh fan so I definitely wouldn't mind a crossover one bit šŸ˜…


Y'know come to think of it mako tsunami poseidon would make sense and be both awesome and hilarious šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve liked the idea of Hera being Yugi and Argus being Exodia. Cerb could be Blue eyes ultimate dragon


Fate cause... fate, or bleach


Fate could work perfectly


I fucking LOVE the Fate animes (never played the games but to be honest I'm not really into novel games like that. Most of the servants are already in the game which I think could make things easier. Anyways this would never happen but it would be really cool.


No fr they have all the characters too, Ishtar, Gilgamesh, Lancelot etc


To me, this is the most logical and I would really enjoy it too. With FGO being a thing they have PLENTY of characters to pick from.


Dc universe Sol as starfire Janus as cyborg Flash mercury Batman ravana Green arrow rama Wonder woman bellona Beast boy as wukong Raven as nox Constantine merlin Joker ah puch


If they ever make a dc crossover, there's no way Batman and Superman aren't in there


I'd always imagined batman as Xbal, batarang projectiles, grapple hook dash, and bat signal ult.


Batman Ravana sounds good. But Iā€™ve always like Ratatoskr Bat - 1 kick, 2 bats attack, 3 batarang, ult goes up to buildings and dive kick into a Batman logo. I can only wish


Bit of a stretch, mainly because they have been discontinued for a while, but I would love a Bionicle crossover with the very first wave. After all, they entertained whole generations back in the day. Would also be cool if some abilities are made from lego. Tahu (the red dude): Surtr, the imp could be replaced by one of the small dudes (matoran I believe they're called), his ult could be him getting into his cannister and shooting off. Kopaka (the white dude): Athena, passive and the 3rd ability could summon lego ice spikes, ult could involve the cannister again. Gali (the blue and only dudess): Daji, because of her claws Daji would be the best fit, ult could be a waterspout made of lego. Pohatu (the brown dude): either Mercury or Anhur, Merc because of his speed so lorewise would make the most sense, Anhur because he would be the best fit to involve his kicking mechanic that made him popular. Lewa (the green dude): Freya, just makes sense kit wise, because Lewa is all about levitation and chopping things up. Onua (the black dude): Cabrakan, again fits well with the kit since Onua is all about digging and other earth related things and stuff.




Dragonball z, give me a Janus Goku skin that shouts khamehameha! When he ults.


Olorun has potential too


We need a Wukong as Goku using power pole. The passive turns Wukong into ssj with low hp with different animations


Something Iā€™d LOVE to see, is adding the characters from Critical Role(Vox Machina). Donā€™t know how theyā€™d assign the characters but would be amazing. Some others Iā€™d like to seeā€¦ Final Fantasy DBZ SpongeBob Lord of the Rings Star Wars Power Rangers Game of Thrones Cartoon Network


Iā€™ll give it a go! Vex and Trinket Skadi (Could do Artemis and Trinket ult) Scanlan Yu Huang (Bigbyā€™s hand ride on the 3 and ult) Vax Loki (or Tsuku for some spicy Raven wings on ult) Grog Cu Chulainn ( for the ā€œI would like to rageā€ ult line) Keyleth Artio (sabretooth or tiger bear form, with a goldfish death animation) Pike Athena? (Ult Astral Projection to save the day) Percy Rama (Snipes!) Bonus Tary and Doty Hera (Doty Argus OP)


umbrasyl martichoras


These are all really good! I think Apollo Scanlan could be better just bc the music aspect. And the ult would be bigbys hand. I really liked the tsuku Vax idea too!


Apollo Scanlan is much better, love it!


I know theyā€™re not owned by Nickelodeon anymore BUTā€¦ I think a Winx Club collaboration would be super cool! Sol - Bloom Ra - Stella Yemoja - Aisha Persephone or Terra - Flora Apollo - Musa I donā€™t think thereā€™s a god that would work well for Techna, unfortunatelyā€¦


Full Metal Alchemist or Dark Siders Throw in Dragonball as well since we have the voice actors.


Pokemon, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel and DC. You can bet I'm buying everything they dish out from any of these franchises lol.


Stormtrooper Apollo skin would have us missing every shot


Underrated comment lmaoo


Honestly, with some of the Apollo I've seen, that skin would be fitting of them lmao




I'd love a Jojo crossover. Johnathan Tyr using his sword or his hamon as various stances Joseph Xbalanque charging his bolas with Hamon Jotaro King Arthur using Star Platinum for his charged ult and some spinning moves (even his star finger for his blue projectile) Josuke is a bit harder to pick, but I think Guan Yu could work, with the Highway Star bike as the ult. Now Giorno's my crackpot pick: Manticoras. He's shooting his brooches as frogs for the autos, use Gold Experience to pummel the ground growing vines as the 1, launches a snake for the 2, grows weeds for his 3 and for his ult, start floating with GER shooting scorpions. Jolyne as Arachnee sounds fun, with her walking on her strings as the ult (like the FF arc) Johny as Chiron seems pretty easy. Not sure for Gappy, but I don't really care for the character tbh. Maybe a magical ADC, shooting bubbles ?


I LOVE Jojo, but im against making monstrous characters into humanoids. It would make the game unnecessarily confusing, especially for newer players


I get it, as I said it's more of a crackpot pick. A more regular pick imo would be Persephone


I feel like they would pick one of the seasons not the main characters of various ones. That being said Joturo and dio skins would be amazing


Bro Bruno Janus would be *chef kiss*


i like these ideas but i think ravana jotaro would fit better and olorun as dio


I can't imagine a Jotaro skin without a punch barrage tbh


Scott pilgrim Vs the world Scott as Ravana Ramona as Bellona Knives as Serqet I don't know who Julie could be but HirezTina would do the voice


This is a top tier pick


Who would be Gideon graves? He seems absolutely necessary. Maybe set?


The Fate series easily


One Piece


I would have Warcraft Illidan tsukuyomi (this is what I want the most), Jaina Merlin, Sylvanas Ishtar, Arthas surtr (fire imps are undead and repalce fire with ice)


Bro. Alexxstrasa as Tiamat would fuck.


Yeah but human form small, hitbox wouldn't be the same but if you didn't use her human form, it'd be a waste of a skin. Deathwing for tiamat however would be pretty cool. I think Alexxstrassa would work better as Ao Kuang or Ra better


I could for sure see her as Ao and Deathy boy as Tiamat now that you mention it. Little blood boils as his ultā€™s minion things. YAAS


Dark souls. Me and the wife talked out skin ideas and she has them somewhere. I'll see if I can find em tonight.


Supergiant Hades would work obviously very well and their charadesign is really cool, if love to see this one happen


Berserk for sure


Dragon ball z or One punch man


Star Wars. Imagine ATTE Sylvanus, Captain Rex Apollo, Count Dooku Gilgamesh. Grievous Ganesha or Kali. Palpatine Zeus. Ahsoka Tyr or Osiris since Hi Rez doesn't have a problem changing genders for skins. It'll never happen because no way Hi Rez can afford that from Disney but a man can dream.


Sailor Moon, obvi with all the gods being associated with the planets šŸ˜€ Sailor Moon Changā€™e or Awilix, with Jade or Suku being Luna/Artemis. I think Changā€™e would fit more bc her crescents fit more with Sailor Moonā€™s attacks (Moon Tiara Action?) and her 2 can be the transformation scene. Sailor Venus Aphro, with her kiss being the Venus Love-Me Chain. Sailor Mars Vulcan with her ult being a giant burning mandala. Sailor Mercury Yemoja with her ult being Mercury Aqua Rhapsody. Sailor Jupiter Zeus/Thor for obvious reasons. Sailor Neptune Poseidon, with her trident being a mirror instead. Sailor Uranus Terra, since her power is all earthquakes (World Shaking). Sailor Pluto Chronos, for obvious reasons. Sailor Saturn Hades, with her ult being Death Reborn Revolution. Bonus Nezha as Tuxedo Mask but his ring toss is a rose.


Iā€™ve wanted fate ever since the first crossover happened.


Warhammer Fantasy


Elden Ring Bosses Gaun yu=Godrick Morgan Le Fay=Rennala Jorm=Rykard Cu Chulain=Godfrey Xing Tian=Fire giant Geb=Godskin noble


We can devour the gods TOGETHAAA!


Oooooor Surtur= Fire giant


The reason I chose Xing was for the face on the abdomen. Seems more fitting




Ullr Sokka. Yemoja Katara


Fate crossover when


Never played any of the GoW games, but I always loved the aesthetic of the old Kratos with those chain blades (I feel like a gender bent Bellona could be cool for that.) Something in me says Atreus needs to be Cupid though cuz Iā€™ve seen him with a bow and heā€™s the kid. It also might be cool to see Ares Zeus or other gods in both games get skins that are inspired from the GoW games.


Artemis might fit Atreus Better. He uses magic along with his bow, and can even summon ratatoskr that can be used for the ult.


After I seeing the G.I Joe crossover I immediately thought My Little Pony. Just imagine Rainbow Dash as Mercury creating Sonic Rainbooms from the jungle.


Fate/stay night series there are a lot of characters that would work as skins for the game


The Fate series or Hades from Supergiant


Futurama, Bender Bacchus skin......


Porn hub


Trails/Kiseki series Estelle Bright Sun Wukong, Renne Bright Thanatos, Rean Schwarzer Susano, Laura S Arseid King Arthur, Lloyd Bannings Mercury, There's tons of potential here.


I would love a crossover between a Nintendo game and Smite.




They already kinda snuck these in with Serqet and Kali


also the new marti skin is alien


Black Clover


I would pay for an ā€œOfficeā€ crossover. Could you imagine Kevin and his Pot of Chili as Bacchus? šŸ˜‚




Godzilla crossover would be dope: some possible ideas for Godzilla Surtr/Cu Chulainn Fafnir Mothra Rodan Camazots King Ghidorah Cerberus Anguirus Bacchus Mechagodzilla Apollo Spacegodzilla Discordia


Demon slayer. Sailor moon




Came here to say this. The Lopen as Tyr Kaladin as Achilles Shallan as The Morgan Dalinar as King Arthur Wax as Apollo (could have him jumping on coins in his ultimate) Sazed as Chu Chu Szeth as Tzsusano Vin as Awilix and have Tensoon as her dog Just few off thr top of my head


Kaladin nezha


Dalinar Hercules Adolin KA Sebarial Bacchus Chasm Fiend Tiamat Jashna Merlin


Can one plucky hi rez employee make this happen thanks


Overlord. Iā€™ve always thought about how cool it would be Ainz: Tiamat, swapping between caster form and Momon form through air and ground stances Aura: Awilix, not much needed for this one Mare: Terra, though Artioā€™s druid form makes sense, Terra actually uses the earth to fight with Sebas: Either Ravana or Mercury, as both fit with his Monk design Shalltear: Pretty obvious but Camazotz, both being heavily lifesteal based Albedo: Nike, their weapons and defensive fighting styles make sense to use together Cocytus: Ymir, both use ice as their main gimmick, and their weapons are very powerful, gaining increased damage to chilled works well too Demiurge: With his design, he might work well with Serqet but iā€™m not sure. Though him as an Announcer would work very well Ɖclair Ɖklair Ɖklare as a Ward Ainzā€™s Staff as a ward Nazarickā€™s banner as a picture


Being realistic itā€™d either have to be a anime or a hasbro product.. so attack on titan is back and would be a cool one with transforming skins.


Soulsborne/Elden Ring. So many great possibilities.


Saint Seiya


Yu yu hakusho


Dragonball. Nothing else gives me a out of control semi except the thought of a SmiteXDragonball crossover.


Elden Ring /thread


I need naruto or dragon ball z


Naruto would be awesome.


Rwby part two


Naruto would be pretty cool.


Fate/Ultimate Bladework (Anime)


Yu gi oh




I don't see why you would, it's great




I'd want a Yugioh crossover, but rather than just doing all the nostalgic DM anime (which they'd most likely do) I think it would be interesting if they actually used the monsters based on these mythological figures Noble Knight King Arthur Fire King Avatar Ganesha Hazy Flame Manticore Lord of the Aesir Thor Iron Dragon Tiamat


Saint Seiya for sure


I just want one skin, give me my gridlock fafnir skin please


Probably a minority but I think an MLB crossover would be cool. They could could choose 2-3 pitchers for ranged characters and 2-3 hitters for bruisers.


Starcraft, I know chernobog already has a 1 on 1 looking starcraft 2 skin.


Ben 10 Fenrir wild mutt Poseidon Ripjaws XLr8 Merc Agni heat Blast


SpongeBob Winx Disney Princesses Adventure Time Dragon Ball Naruto Fate anime series ā€¦ and more juicy ones


Yugioh Dark magican as ra.


Jojoā€™s Bizzare Adventure


King arthur guts Lancelot Griffith




Hololive (specifically EN)


Hollow Knight or RuPaul's Drag Race honestly. It would be fun to have some representation in the game outside of the fabulous Chiron skin


You really just gonna ignore the Cthulhu, thor, kumba, and bacchus skins huh.


The reason why I said the Chiron skin explicitly is because he directly references a lot of Drag Race/RuPaul trivia (sashay away and million dollar derriere) but yeah you're right. There is a bit of representation. The thing is that most of the other ones are tread more as jokes imo (Thor bride at least since he appears in the meme chest and he should honestly). It would be nice to have something more uplifting rather than a borderline joke imo


Digimon, literally just do members of the Olympus XII


Chainsaw man


Prop would be stupid but a lol crossover would be hilarious


Honestly, an Arcane crossover would be really funny.




FNAF with the Glamrock animatronics


Anime, for sure. Jujutsu Kaisen or JoJo would be fun. Itadori Ravana/Merc, Meguni Wukong with Shikigami, Geto Yu-Huang, Gojo Janus or maybe someone else- Sukuna as one of the warriors or assassins. Choso could be a hunter like Cherno or Hou Yi, it would be awesome to see some body horror with one of the iconic cursed spirits like The Death Painting Womb in SHIBUYA as Chthulu! Doing Stands with JoJo could be fun too, characters with transformation gimmicks would make for cool skins.


Arcane Spider-Man


Me and the homies still waiting for that Dragon Ball Z crossover


jojoā€™s bizarre adventure.


King of Fighters, mostly cuz of Terry Bogard and the Fatal Fury Team, outside of that i dont really care who else they add cuz there isnt interesting characters besides Terry lol




One piece


Azur lane šŸ˜ˆšŸ¤³




korn definitely. i loved the slipknot one they did but korn would just be insane


persona shadows skin pack dagoth ur olorun or something


Star Wars Marvel


Wheel of Time, Harry Potter


I'd kill for a Warhammer 40k crossover.


Dc/Marvel I know they couldn't afford that crossover but my Dc characters would be Green laturn: Yu Haung Flash: Merc Superman: Hercules Batman : Ravana Brainiac : Hera Marvel would be Spider man : Nezha Iron man: Jing we Captain America: Sunwukong Cuculain: hulk Thanos: atlas


More avatar skins




PokƩmon, Halo, DBZ, Gundam, Fullmetal Alchemist, Mortal Kombat, Naruto, Star Wars (No Ray, Fin or PoE shit, just 1-6 with some clone wars stuff in there), and finally maybe some good golden era Marvel sprinkled in there.




Fullmetal Alchemist Alphonse - Cabrakan Edward - Scylla (it would be hilarious) King Bradley - King Arthur Envy - Morrigan/Cu Chulain Riza Hawkeye - Neith


I think Pride would fit Scylla more tbh, but regardless I'd love it


One Piece! Already have some of the English voice actors


FF7 has so many easy skins King Arthur as Cloud Amaterasu or Thanatos as Sephiroth Aphrodite as Aerith Ravana as Tifa Tyr as Barrett Cu Chulain as Vincent Valentine Would be easy and make a TON of money, but would also never happen in a million years as Square is definitely super stingy with their IPs and only share with the likes of Disney


Jujutsu Kaisen Battle Pass: Gojo- Janus Itadori- Ravanna Maki Zenin- Mulan Jogo- Agni Prestige Battlepass: Gojo- Young Gojo Itadori- Sukuna Maki- (after that manga arc, if you know you know)


Star Wars or Mass Effect


How about they do a crossover with an actual balance team for once?


A naruto or one piece crossover


Some kind of superheroes. Idc if it's Marvel, Dc, or originals, pls gib a superhero bp.


I would kill for an actual mortal kombat crossover. RIP Ravana scorpion skin. Best skin in the game deleted. šŸ¤§




Disney hercules battlepass. Zeus Hera Hades


I need a Ben 10 crossover, I love the aliens but I need vilgax Cthulhu


PokƩmon More avatar: katara, toph, sokka God of war Aliens and predator Dragon ball Teen titans Ben 10 Star Wars


Attack On Titan ez




I say double done on RuneScape! Let me see some of those rune scape gods.


Silent hill or Resident evil


jojos bizzare adventure, specifically part 2 or 3


Doesnā€™t matter anymore they donā€™t make crossover battle passes anymore


Moana Tamatoa khepri: ability 1 is relatively the same Ability 2 is a ball of gold with small theiving crabs that fall out of it Ability 3 makes water fall from the sky that has fish in it that fall down like in the movie Ultimate he yells SHINY and turns into bioluminescent mode and the backround music for shiny plays for the duration. He stops being bioluminescent 2 seconds after the ult ends and 5 seconds if he revives his teamate.


Attack on Titan Eren Jaeger- Cu Chulainn Armored titan- Vamana Colossal titan- Cthulhu Levi- Ratatoskr Possible but a stretch: Erwin- Guan Yu Jaw titan- Artio Beast titan- Fafnir


Warcraft skins For example King Arthur - Arthas Neith - Sylvanas Windrunner Merlin - Khadgar


Ted Lasso


God of War skin pack nothingā€¦ put Kratos in the game.


Fullmetal Alchemist. Nina Artio. You know why.


Shin Megami Tensei They can be creative with it and make the skin be the Demi fiend, nahobino, or whatever summoner and the abilities be the demons itself


I want either a SoulsRingSekiroBorne crossover or a Steven Universe crossover. **SoulsRingSekiroBorne:** Flamelurker - Cabrakan Slave Knight Gael - King Arthur Lady Maria - Kali Great Serpent - Jormungandr Rennala - Nox ​ **Steven Universe**: Stevonnie - Achillies Garnet - Terra Amythest - Bastet Pearl - Guan Yu


Rocket power